Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 577

How powerful are the four half blood clans?

The pure blood dark blood clan, born is the congenital life, can compare with the congenital friars. Their resilience and physical strength are strong enough to withstand the attack of small nuclear weapons. Although the half blood group has only half blood, it has been honed for hundreds of years. These four arbitrators have reached the level of terror.

Their flesh bodies are only a little weaker than Chen Fan's, and can almost be regarded as the most common body of earthly immortals.

Their strength, can easily overturn tanks, empty handed split armored vehicles.

Their speed, one by one, broke the sound barrier, only after Chen fan.

Their secret methods...

and in addition to these, each of the four arbitrators has a magic weapon. Blood knight's blood mourning, the angel scale of death's left hand, and the death Scepter that the count of terror later took out. Only the black Duke was the most powerful, and he didn't rely on the spirit weapon at all, so he could play as well as the other three.

Each of these four men has a fighting capacity comparable to that of Chen Fan in the early days of Shenhai.

It's equivalent to four immortals.

A Lin Shuming makes chen fan a little difficult, not to mention four immortals!


Chen Fan punches across the sky. The blue god awn is extremely dazzling. It turns into a terrible light dragon. He smashes the blood knight's sword and hits him on the chest. Collapse the blood knight's chest, vomit blood and go back.

But without waiting for Chen fan to pursue him, the scepter in the hands of the count of terror pointed to him, and a curse came to him.


This curse comes from voodoo.

Once the fool has used it, but it is as powerful as the count of terror. The count of terror lived for hundreds of years and was almost proficient in all the curses and secrets of the world. In particular, the "scepter of death" in his hand was given to the high priest by anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of death.

The scepter is made of gold. The head of the scepter is carved with a dog's head. It is anubis, the Egyptian god of death. The dog's head and eyes are inlaid with two rubies.

It's the curse stone, the legendary god stone.

With a wave of the terror count, two red awns are shot from the curse gem and fall on Chen fan. Even with Chen Fan's constitution, he felt weak.

Although this kind of feeling is only for a moment, the instant restores. But the blood knight has retreated to the safety zone, and the black Duke controls the nirvana fist, condenses the black hole again, and strikes in the air.


Chen fan can only return to fight against the black Duke.

Two hands to one, palm to palm. The grand true yuan collides with the spirit of the ghost, although the martial arts of the black Duke reach the realm of the gods. Annihilation of black holes is to devour everything and destroy everything. But Chen Fan's body, like a good King Kong, can't be shaken at all.

After six punches, the black Duke's fists were rotten and his phalanges were broken. He could only retreat suddenly.

Chen Fan wants to catch up, death's left hand has been waving Angel scale rushed up. The dark dagger in his hand brings colorful lights, each of which represents a layer of curse.


Seeing this, chen fan showed a trace of fear in his eyes.

As strong as he is, he is also extremely afraid of the "angel's thirteen tones" and is unwilling to touch them with his body. After all, the spirit weapon can hurt Chen Fan's body.

Moreover, this artifact dagger made of angel ribs has too many curses on it. If Chen fan is hit, it will take at least ten breaths to recover.

Ten breaths is only a short time, but it is enough for four people to hit or even kill chen fan!

This is a real tool for killing gods. Even if the gods are stabbed, they will be hurt. The curses on them are all the oldest gods. They are engraved with the blood of the gods. They are immortal for thousands of years. I don't know where death left hand got this artifact.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The speed of the God of death's left hand is extremely fast, like a dark shadow, which revolves around chen fan.

his whole body turns into a phantom, as if it exists in all directions at the same time, stabbing a dagger from heaven and earth to Chen fan. Chen Fan pointed to Cheng Dao and forced him to retreat. But soon death rushed up again with his left hand.

Three times later, chen fan called Lei Yin and a flash of lightning came out!


On the dark cloud, innumerable electric lights are attracted by the thunder mark, and a purple God thunder with thick thighs falls in an instant. As strong as death's left hand, he couldn't escape the attack of thunder and lightning. In a moment, his body froze and his cloak turned into powder. All black, turning into coke.

But half blood clan, how powerful the flesh body is.

Death's left hand is only damaged on the outside, but after a while, you can see his dark skin falling off, revealing the new white flesh inside, and he is recovering very quickly.

"Die for me!"

Chen Fan rushes up in an instant, his fists are crystal clear and bright, forming a fist seal. With the power of the sun and the moon, the sun and the moon coincide. If he wants to strike, he will kill.

Among the four, death's left hand is the biggest threat to Chen fan. Because the "angel scale" in his hand is a real weapon for killing gods. It is a magic weapon that can kill the immortals or gods. Even the immortal body of the Qing Emperor may not be able to carry it."Tardiness, senility, blindness!"

At that moment, the count of terror turned his wand and sent out three curses in a row.

Chen Fan's body slows down and falls out of the speed of sound.

Aging, chen fan's long black shawl hair, a wisp of gray.

As soon as he was blind, chen fan's bright blue eyes were as dark as if he were blind.

Although after a snap, chen fan quickly recovered. Speed soared, hair turned black, eyes sparkled, but it was the finger, death's left hand had retreated. The blood knight held out his sword again.

In this way, the four took turns to fight with Chen fan.

The four of them have lived together for hundreds of years and joined hands for countless times. They have long had a very tacit understanding. Together, chen fan was crushed for a while.

"No, every time I want to catch up and kill a person completely, I will be stopped by the curse of the count of terror. If we continue to entangle in this way, when will we have to achieve it? "

Chen Fan thought.

His eyes swept into the field.

Despite the large number of arbitrators on the opposite side. But beiqiong school has Zhenwu seven kill array. This is the way of fighting in the immortal family. Seven real people join hands to kill the divine realm. I saw three seven kill array above, murderous, sword shining. Even with many arbitrators, even a little bit of the upper hand.

But Tongshan is different. Chen fan can already hear the roar of the God of war.

"Although Tongshan has been built into a tiger demon fighting body, it's a little worse than these half blood clans. Otherwise, he won't lose to Lin Shuming. It can fight against the top of the divine realm at most. It's too difficult to defeat the undead. It can last three or five minutes at most. "

If you want to understand this, chen fan knows that the battle must be ended immediately.

Otherwise, when balten comes and the five chief arbitrators join hands, he will have a hard time.

"No wonder the Ministry of darkness has been able to sweep the world. Which continent has one or two immortals, and how can it rival the five of them? As far as the divine realm is concerned, it will destroy the whole world. "

Think of this, chen fan's eyes Qingmang more victory, the whole body Zhenyuan promoted to the top.

At this time, his body was like a big piece of bright blue jade, showing the immortal body of the green emperor, which was crystal clear and burst out of light from the inside to the outside. Every pore, every muscle, every bone, there are faint lines. The surging Qi and blood almost swept away the dark clouds for half a day.


When Chen Fan was fighting against the black Duke. A sword behind the blood knight cuts off Chen Fan's body protecting Zhenyuan, leaving a sword mark behind him.

Although this sword mark is only three inches long, half an inch into the flesh. But this is Chen Fan's first injury since the war. You know, the missiles of the Black Sea fleet and the sword of Lin Shuming did not hurt chen fan.

"Not good."

Seeing this scene, not only xuedaisha, but also the spectators outside all shrank their pupils.

"Is the teacher hurt?"

Ah Xiu and others are also worried.

Chen Fan's most powerful is his physical body. There are many strong people who can compete with Chen Fan in a few moves, but if Chen Fan's defense can't be broken, it means that Chen fan will be invincible forever.

But the dark ministry is too local.

They have been in charge of the world for hundreds of years. They have searched the world, and they don't know how many magic weapons they have found. They are either the treasures of a country or the magic weapons given by a religion. But all of them were taken by the dark arbitration department.

The spirit weapon and the immortal sword are enough to threaten chen fan.

"Get out of here!"

The blood knight's face brightened. Chen Fan gave a loud drink and went crazy. He turned around and hit the blood knight on his left shoulder, smashing his whole shoulder. His body shot backwards for hundreds of meters and smashed the horse gallery.

But the resilience of the dark blood clan is too strong. After a few breaths, the blood knight will fly again.

With the first time, then, chen fan began to be injured continuously.

As a congenital magic weapon, the spirit weapon can already hurt Chen Fan's body. Although the wound is not serious, it is just a sword mark. Chen fan can recover from breathing, but with more and more injuries, and the curse and power of the spirit weapon attached to those sword marks, chen fan's movements began to slow down.


Chen Fan's fist was a little slow, but he was shaken away by the count of terror.

As soon as the black Duke's glasses came on, he yelled, "he's slowing down. He won't last long. We continue to pester him. When Barr is over, Chen beixuan will die. "

Sure enough, Tongshan's roar and Barr's laughter came from outside at the same time.

"To die!"

Anger rose in Chen Fan's heart.

Although these four arbitrators are very powerful, each of them is comparable to Lin Shuming at the peak, and they are also very local tyrants, each holding a spirit weapon. But that doesn't mean chen fan will be afraid of them.


Chen Fanyi pats yangjianhu, nine swords shoot out together, nine small swords fly into the air to form a sword array, trapping the terror count in it. Then, at the end of his eyes, chen fan suddenly saw two golden flames the size of a needle tip.The golden flame was very small at first, then it burned quickly, filled the whole eyes, and even spewed out. It turned into two golden fire dragons and went to the terrified count.

From the fire golden pupil, everything does not burn, burning gold and boiling iron!

Magic power, reappear!

PS: today, I finished the sixth shift, made up the ten shift debt, and added two more chapters as an apology. The author will make up for the update of No.1. Friends, from the beginning of new January, ask for the next monthly ticket and recommended ticket o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!