Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 576

Lei Yin!

It's the treasure of tianshidao. Yao Daoyi held it to suppress the demons in the world. This magic weapon is most suitable for suppressing Yin and evil. The dark blood group is obviously Yin.


The blue lights are beating on the thunder seal. This thunder seal fell into Chen Fan's hands. After Chen Fan's sacrifice, it not only recovered its function, but also began to exert its real power.

"Yao Daoyi and other idiots only know how to urge it to call thunder and lightning, but they don't know that the magic weapon of thunder seal is not used in this way."

Chen Fan shook his head slightly and kneaded the formula.

With a whoosh, the thunder seal flies into the air. The bronze seal is inspired by the magic power. The simple thunder pattern on the seal is connected with the lightning power between heaven and earth, and instantly in the dark cloud. Bright lights fell from the sky and landed on the thunder seal. Lei Yin, like a greedy kitten, devours all the thunder and lightning, and then soars to the size of Zhang Xu.


Chen Fanyi urged.

The huge thunder seal fiercely takes the electric light, hurls to four people to press. At this time, it was bigger than ordinary cars, and with the power of thunder, it was as invincible as the seal of heaven from the ancient heaven.

"This is an artifact of thunder. You can't carry it hard!"

The black Duke's face changed.

Thunder seal with a huge power of thunder and lightning, and to just to Yang, black Duke and others if they dare to use the body hard to carry, instantly will turn into roast suckling pig. Even if the blood clan has the ability to restore terror, how many times can it stand?


The count of terror offered the spirit of terror, and countless dark lights rose from behind him, like a dark sky. Countless evil spirits and ghosts rise and fall in the dark. His eyes were as red as blood, as if dripping out of water. It was obvious that he had stimulated the terror aura to the maximum.

But it didn't work.

"Poof Pooh."

As soon as Lei Yin hits the dark sky, the terrible aura that can pollute people's soul has been turned into smoke by the thunder and lightning around it before touching Lei Yin's real body. Thunder came down from nine days, with the potential to crush the heaven and the earth. Even if it was more than ten meters away, the four felt their pores beating.

"Bang Dang!"

Claude, the blood knight, fiercely draws his sword.

A blood red ray of evil spread from the sword. It seemed that the blood red ray was more condensed than the true Qi of the eastern warrior. It's as thick as blood, wrapping the whole body of the sword.

The color of blood is sad.

It is said that the sword of the French royal family was once held by the holy one of the holy see thousands of years ago and killed an ancestor of the blood clan. It contains the soul and blood essence of the ancestor of the blood clan. It has the power of evil. Even the sword itself is polluted by that force.


Claude fell in love with blood and cut his sword on the thunder seal.


Intense electric awn entangled with blood awn.

Lei Yin and blood long sword also collide fiercely. The two treasures are spirit weapons, and their materials are almost the same. But how can the power of blood knight Claude be compared with that of Lei Yin who carries the power of heaven and earth. As soon as his body was shocked, an electric light rolled from the thunder seal to Claude.


Death's left hand also pounced on him. The dagger in his hand was shrouded in black fog. With the power of many curses, he struck the thunder seal. The surging power of curse, like the poison of bone decay, spread to the thunder seal. Although it was quickly extinguished by lightning, it still delayed the thunder seal.

Then, the count of terror, the black Duke shot one after another.

The dark blood clan is the favorite of the dark force. They are born with the power to control the dark force, just like the earthly immortals. Although they are half blood people, they have already awakened this talent after hundreds of years of cultivation.

I saw the count of terror grasp in the air, three black rainbow awns tear in the air. The surging dark force is surging and turns into a tide to the thunder seal, trying to swallow it up.

The last black Duke, is a punch in the Lei Yin above.

The miniature black hole once again formed on his whole, and then burst out suddenly, with great power just like a sword of human immortals. Lei Yin couldn't bear it any longer, and was shot out in an instant.


The onlookers who saw this scene were all shocked.

He was not only frightened by the power of the four black dukes, but also shocked by the terrible power of Chen fan. One against four, but did not fall into the wind, you know these four people are the dark master ah, the legendary blood ancestor's bodyguard, survived more than 300 years old old monster.

"Don't delay. Let's go together and deal with him directly."

The black Duke's eyes were fixed on Chen fan, but he didn't look at the people of beiqiong school.

For him, as long as we eliminate chen fan. Beiqiong's people are just turning their hands.


With that, the black Duke had already broken the sound barrier and rushed to Chen fan. His body is very fast, almost a hundred meters away. In the dark rain curtain, a vacuum water mark was pulled out, and a human shape was faintly visible. That's because the speed of the black Duke was so fast that he couldn't even react to the air, and he still remained the same."Boom."

The black Duke continued to put out his magic fist.

This can be called a unique, integrated Eastern and Western martial arts, blood magic and even modern science of martial arts. The power is incredible, especially after the cultivation of the black Duke for hundreds of years, he has reached the level of perfection.

A huge black hole half a meter in size appears on the face of the black Duke. There is a sense of loneliness in it, as if the world had ended and heaven and earth had collapsed.


When Chen fan saw the blow, his eyes soared, his long hair fluttered, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.

Come to the earth these years, finally someone can show the means of repair fairyland. Before, both Oleg and Hongmen Laozu and others. Their boxing is just human martial arts. Only Lin Shuming could touch the level of Xianjia kendo.

But it is full of disillusionment. This is the real martial arts of the immortal family.


Chen Fan's body is like a dragon in the sky, turning into a blue light and shadow. With a long fist, he collides with the black Duke fiercely.

The annihilation black hole collapses instantly and shrinks inward. Countless black lights shine, trying to swallow up Chen Fan's strength. But Chen Fan's fist was so powerful that his surging strength directly broke the lonely magic fist and hit the black Duke in the palm of his hand.


The black Duke's fist bone was crushed.

But the black Duke's eyes were cold, and his face did not move, as if it was not his hand that had been destroyed. His other fist, with the intention of annihilation, came again.

"Bang bang."

The two of them hit each other like this, making 13 punches in an instant.

With every punch, the void shakes. Their bodies were so fast that they broke the sound barrier.

With each punch, the black Duke's body was slightly shocked. At the end, the whole arm turned into broken bones. Chen Fan's body is the eternal body of the Qing emperor. It is incomparable in power, plus the strength of Xianjia boxing. How can the black Duke bear it?

"I'll do it!"

The blood knight roared wildly, holding the blood color sad, also broke through the sound barrier.

Chen fan was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he was more aggressive in his eyes and clapped his hand on the edge of the sword. Blue true yuan crazy surging, even suppressed the blood on the blood sad ancestor blood essence.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Chen fan, with one against two, even got the upper score.

He had a tremendous punch and kick. Although the blood knight and the black Duke are half blood, they are not pure blood after all. Their physical body and strength are inferior to Chen fan.

But even so, it is enough to surprise chen fan. You know, since he became the immortal body of the Qing emperor, Oleg, the king of blood wolves, has been unable to stop a few punches. I didn't expect these two people to last so long.


Like a storm, they smashed the villa in an instant, took a phoenix dragon, fought fiercely all the way to the outside of the manor. Almost immediately, he went around the manor, and finally came back.

They are too fast to be caught by the naked eye. It's a supersonic battle. You can only see two groups of blood lights entangled with a blue god awn.

Many of the observers looked straight.

It's not a human fight. It's a supernatural fight. It's too fast and incredibly powerful. Every punch and foot collision makes a thunderous sound. Any person or object involved in their battle will be destroyed.

"How can you have such a powerful body? How can we surpass our blood clan? "

The blood knight can't believe it.

The blood knight is most proud of his body. The dark blood is a cosmic race. The physical body is so powerful that it is far from human. The body of the adult blood clan is far more than that of the earth immortal. But the blood knight didn't expect that Chen Fan's body was better than them. Even the body of the earth immortal is not as good as it seems.

"You don't understand."

Chen Fan gave a sneer and clapped his hand in blood.

His palm is as clear as jade and glass. Even if he shakes the long sword, it doesn't seem to be hurt. Although this is Chen Fan's relationship of wrapping his body with Zhenyuan, it can also be seen the horror of his body.

Qingdi immortal body is the most powerful God body!

Even if only Xiaocheng is better than Dixian. After all, the earth immortals don't know how to practice and how to sacrifice the spirit. The physical strength is far less than that of Chen fan.

"Boom boom boom."

The battle among the three became more intense.

The black Duke's double fists have recovered six times in a row, but they have been broken up six times by Chen fan. In the end, almost not recovered, was destroyed by a blow. The speed of the blood knight's sword is also decreasing.

"The eldest and the third, some can not support."

Death looked on coldly with his left hand.

"Chen beixuan is really strong. Maybe he can become an immortal in this world. It's a pity that we shouldn't kill the master's offspring, let alone provoke our ministry. "The count of terror is shrouded in the darkness, and the surging Yuan Li roars behind him. He is like a dark king, and his blood is soaring:

"today, let's use Chen beixuan's blood to announce our return!"

With that, the two dark masters joined the battle at the same time.


Chen fan, with one against four, fell into a critical situation in an instant. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!