Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 575


Facing Chen Fan's world-famous flying sword.

The blood knight sneered and drew a slender Knight Sword from his waist. The sword is very long and thin, and the whole body is engraved with complex patterns. Those patterns are like veins of blood.


The blood knight wields a sword and cuts the Guiyuan sword in the air with blood light. Guiyuan sword trembled, and was chopped by the blood knight. Then, in an instant, the blood knight made twelve swords in succession, each of which split the air, cut the wind, exceeded the speed of sound, and successively cut on the flying sword.

In the end, Guiyuan sword was suddenly cut back by him with one sword, making a sound of Wuwu.

Xuedaisha's eyes widened.

In the distance, the eyes of many strong people in the dark world shrink.

Chen fanwei's Guiyuan sword was forced to retreat? It's incredible. You know, the general divine realm can't stop Guiyuan sword. At least in the peak of the divine realm, you can take a few moves under the Guiyuan sword. The horror of the blood knight is incredible.

"Is this the power of the peak fairy?"

Xuedaisha's pretty face changed slightly.

Even if she was full of confidence in her master, she could not help worrying. After all, in addition to the blood knight, there are three other strong men on the scene. Each of them is no less powerful than the blood knight. Can their master resist if they join hands?

"But that's all."

The blood knight drew back his sword, gave a cold smile, and his eyes were full of contempt.

Chen Fan frowned slightly. Guiyuan sword is sharp and unparalleled in the world. The weapon in the blood knight's hand can carry the Guiyuan sword. It must be a spirit weapon.

"It's true that the dark arbitration department is rich and powerful. A chief arbitrator has a magic weapon in his hand. It's hard to find a magic weapon. It's just a thunder seal after thousands of years. "

However, despite this thought, chen fan was not afraid. Instead, he pinched the sword formula and said, "can you take my sword, don't you know that you can take my ten swords?"

With that, Chen fanfajue changed and flew in the air.

Guiyuan sword splits out of thin air and turns into ten sword shadows. Although each sword is not as powerful as Guiyuan sword, it also has strong breath. It also has the invincible power of noumenon.

Sword light differentiation!

The nine Li sword Scripture that master cangjian got records the supreme sword. Unfortunately, I can't learn the talent of yizang sword master. In the end, we can only make nine flying swords to replace nine sword lights.

And Chen fan is now ten points, this hand of the sword, I do not know more than the sword master several times!

"Whoosh, whoosh."

With Chen Fan's finger, ten golden swords across the sky, just like one body, tear the sky and fish through. Between heaven and earth, are filled with these ten swords. The surging sword Qi separates the rain curtain.

"Not good."

The blood knight's face changed.

Although he is known as the spirit of the West.

Lei Yin!

PS: the tenth is more. Yesterday's supplement is finished. The author will write today's update. What else. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!