Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 574

"This is the North Qiong school? It's vulnerable. "

The terror Earl's eyes swept all the people behind chen fan, sneer, scarlet eyes, full of disdain.

Today's beiqiong school is at its zenith, dominating the East. Apart from Kunlun, there are few competitors. But in the eyes of the dark Ministry of arbitration, which has a history of hundreds of years, it is just like a local chicken.

"Chen beixuan, you can appeal against the resolution. The five chief arbitrators will judge you fairly. " Death left hand light way.

"Well, what appeal protest. It's not up to you Ah Xiu clenched his small fist and said angrily.

"Just a few of you want to sentence your master to death and Practice for another thousand years."

Snow on behalf of the sand white sword, sneer again and again.


Many arbiters denounced.

"For many years, no one has dared to contradict our arbitration department like this."

Blood knight Claude sneered.

"The last one who didn't accept the verdict was the voodoo high priest in South America. He was beheaded by me, and the whole tribe was wiped out by the arbitration department. Not one of the hundreds of thousands has been killed. "

Balhan, the God of war of the dead, said in a voice.

The reputation of the dark Ministry of arbitration was forged with countless blood. Those who dare to rebel against the arbitration department are wiped out. Even their tribes, relatives and families have to be leveled.

Even after a hundred years, there are still many terrible legends handed down.

"Just a few half blood mice." Chen fan has no joy or sorrow on his face, but indifference in his eyes:

"just a few of you, plus a bunch of hybrids, are not qualified enough. Call your master."

"The master has been sleeping for hundreds of years, so he won't be born easily. Chen beixuan, you killed the master's favorite son. We will cut off your head and offer your blood to your master. The blood of a Dixian body will make the host have a good meal and calm down his anger. "

The blood knight put out his tongue and licked his red lips. His eyes looked at chen fan, shining with evil light.

In the eyes of ordinary people, chen fan is just a human being. But in the eyes of the blood knight and other half blood clans, chen fan's body of the earth immortal exudes the fragrance of ten li. His blood is full of surging aura, it is a moving super large ginseng.

The blood clan feeds on blood.

The blood of an immortal is the best. And the blood of the earth immortal is the best!

"Kill them!"

The black duke said directly.

At his command.

Many arbitrators, wearing silver masks and black robes, immediately took up illusions and went to Chen Fanyong. Each of these arbitrators has the speed and power of a master fighter. In particular, his eyes are red as blood, and his mouth shows sharp tusks. He is obviously a descendant of the blood clan.

"Set up

Snow on behalf of the sand when a pull out the sword, jiaosheng light drink.

All of a sudden, there were three or five groups of real people, one by one. Among the skills that Chen Fan taught, there are not only cultivation methods. And the art of battle. The way of fighting in the world of cultivating immortals is much better than Li Changsheng's "killing immortals".

As soon as the Dharma array becomes a success, the mana surges wildly, even arouses the power between heaven and earth. Countless Water Dragons, ice swords and rain curtains are flying between the heaven and the earth.

Zhenwu seven kill array!

The most basic battle array of Zhenwu Xianzong is composed of seven people. After the array is completed, you can cut the divine realm!

More than 20 real people have laid three. Every seven kill array is full of murderous spirit and grand Qi, even making the pupils of the five chief arbitrators shrink. In this way, seven real people join hands, even enough to fight against the divine realm. The Zhenwu seven kill array is famous for killing the enemy at a higher level.

Ah Xiu, Yu Wenjing and Zhou Jingyi lead a seven kill array respectively. Like three meat grinder plates, they rushed into many arbitrators, and suddenly brought a burst of broken limbs. It was not until the hands of the three divine arbiters that they reluctantly resisted.

Xue Daisha, the most accomplished, and Tongshan stood behind chen fan and faced the five chief arbitrators.

"It's interesting."

Blood knight light way.

"It's just a little bit. Our subordinates are all true descendants of the blood clan. They have far more fighting power than the master. There are only 20 of them. They can't last long. It's the big man next to Chen beixuan, who seems to be practicing the divine realm horizontally. It's hard to solve it. "

The count of terror frowned slightly.

"I'll take care of him."

BAL, the God of war of the dead, hums and goes out in line. He is the tallest of the five. He has a long body and hands. He wears a skull mask and his eyes are red as blood. Barr is known as the first war general of the arbitration department. He never wants to say more. He only relies on his fists to level the world.


Tongshan also cried.

He is more than three meters tall, like a little giant. Every step of Tongshan on the ground brings a roaring vibration, just like a tank. The whole body of Tongshan is a piece of bronze. Its muscles are iron and steel. Its roots seem to be watered by molten iron, just like the terminator is alive.

"Boom!"They didn't have a shred of nonsense. They were almost always right. They suddenly turned into two shadows and collided with each other like heavy chariots. There was a thunderous roar.

Although bar, such as Tongshan, is small and thin.

But his power was so terrible that he carried Tongshan and retreated step by step.

"Dong Dong Dong."

The two collided three times in a row, and they were equally divided.

You know, Tongshan has become a tiger demon since he became a tiger demon. The strength of the physical body is beyond the general spirit of horizontal training, almost second only to Chen fan. I didn't expect that bar could be compared with Tongshan.

"Come again!"

Barr looked up at the sky and laughed wildly. His long hair was scattered.

His clothes all over his body burst open. Show the skeleton like body inside. Barr's body is very thin, almost no muscle, ribs are exposed, fingers are thin, almost like bones, just like a skeleton soldier.

Although Barr has no muscles, his bones are ten times harder than steel. The strength of the whole body's skeleton, remember, is terrible to the extreme. I saw bar's spine for a while, his body broke the sound barrier instantly, and hit Tongshan with one punch.


Tongshan also broke out a roar, just like the roar of a tiger.

The substantial sound wave, transmitted from his mouth, shocked the surrounding air into water mist. A huge shadow of tiger head appears behind Tongshan. As soon as the shadow appeared, Tongshan's power increased sharply. Its claws were like sharp blades, tearing the sky and facing bar fiercely.

"Boom. Boom. "

As if they were ancient beasts, they both had infinite power. After a fight, they went out to fight outside the manor. Anyone involved in their war, no matter the horse Gallery, villa, fence, or even the careless arbiter, was torn to pieces by their strength.

Until Tongshan and bar are far away.

Only chen fan and others were present.

"It's our turn."

The count of terror looked at Chen Fandao.

The other few people, all sneer, no one can escape from the arbitrators.

Four and a half blood clan, want to be four perfect human immortals. It's almost the most terrifying force on earth. In the face of them, even xuedaisha was suffocating. The surging killing is intended to reverberate among the people, even the rain curtain in the sky has been torn open.

"You go to protect ah Xiu and see me take their heads off."

Chen fan waves his hand and claps his sword.

A golden sword shot from the gourd, like lightning, across the sky.

The war began.

PS: the ninth one will be offered, and the author will supplement the tenth one. Write as much as possible today to compensate you. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!