Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 573

Outside Wisteria manor, the rainstorm is like pouring, and the sky is like ink.

The whole world, as if only Wisteria manor inside the weak lights, in the little twinkle. The light of the villa is on. Under the storm, it's like a seagull floating between the heaven and the earth, a boat capsized in the tsunami.

"Well, it's been raining for three days. It's going to rain for a few more days."

Old bacon got up from his bed, dressed in a raincoat and carrying an oil lamp, and toured the whole estate. As an old man of Wisteria manor, he has lived in the manor for decades. Even if the owner changes back and forth, old bacon, the security room, has been living in the manor.


A burst of tearing came from the horse.

"It's strange that the horses in the horse gallery are so manic today. It rained and thundered two days ago, but they are OK." Old bacon looked at the horses in the horse gallery and was very surprised.

Then, old bacon found that he followed Andy, his shepherd dog, to the gate, roaring and retreating to the corner, as if he had met some terrible natural enemy.

The last time old bacon saw Andy, a shepherd dog, or went to the zoo to see a tiger, Andy was not so afraid at that time.

"Don't yell, don't yell. It would be bad if the little master had a rest."

Old bacon goes up to hold Andy's reins, but Andy is still calling, and the more he calls, the more urgent he is. He seems to be facing the crisis of life and death.

"Strange, is there anything out there?"

Old bacon looked up to the door in surprise.

Outside the manor, there was a heavy rain and darkness. Even the usual bright street lamp can only shine one or two meters at this time. As soon as old bacon put down his mind, his eyes flashed and he found a figure in the lamp.

The figure, dressed in black, with a silver mask on his face, was like a messenger of death, and there was more than one person.

The first one, the second one, the third one...

there are dozens of people, walking silently under the street lamp, pushing the fence door to enter. To old Bacon's horror, there was no sound at all, just like a ghost. The rain fell on the top of the black robe, and all of them fell without any trace of water.

The numerous people in black passed by him. No one's eyes fell on old bacon as if he were air. And the horse in the horse Gallery stopped barking, and Andy, the shepherd dog, was lying on the ground, holding his head with his front paws, making a gesture of begging for mercy.

"Didn't these people come to the little master a few days ago? Why are you here again? "

Old Bacon was afraid.

He wanted to shout to remind the little master. But the boundless terror enveloped him and froze old bacon from beginning to end. He could not shake a finger and could only stare at it.

Watching them go to the villa where chen fan is.


many arbitrators stop before Chen Fan's villa.

They stood in the rainstorm, like a well-trained army, motionless, but quietly waiting.

After a while, five people came side by side. The five men were all dressed in black shawls with blood bottom, embroidered with red blood totem, inlaid with gold, with pale faces, scarlet eyes and elegant manners, just like ancient nobles.

Dark arbitration department, five chief arbitrators!

They all came.

"Chen beixuan knows we're here."

One of the men, wearing red gloves and bright red knighthood, said faintly.

Blood knight, Claude.

It is said that he lived 350 years old. He once washed the whole African continent with blood. There were many African voodoo witches who fell into his hands, including three fairylands. It is said that he was crazy with blood, so he was called the blood knight.

"So what? No one who has been ordered to kill by the arbitration department can survive. "

Another middle-aged man in an aristocratic dress calmed down. He was surrounded by a faint aura of terror, and even the rain fell three feet away, which was blocked out of thin air.

Count of terror, ravensch.

For hundreds of years in Europe, it was a character who could replace Satan and scare and cry children.

"Don't look down on Chen beixuan. He died in the divine realm, which is no less than our arbitration department. There are also two oriental immortals. " Said the black Duke.

"So what? At that time, Antonio was reincarnated as a saint. He was born with the power of the saint. He could control the power of the light yuan, but he was still torn by us and swallowed up the blood essence? "

Death's left hand, Andrea, sneered.

It is said that he was the messenger of death, spreading pestilence and death throughout Europe. Where he had passed, corpses were everywhere, and even those who had seen him did not survive.

These four, together with Barr, the last God of war of the dead, are the five chief arbitrators of the arbitration department and the masters of the dark world for hundreds of years.

"Kill him."

Balyi was simply appalled.

He wore a Black Skull Mask with only scarlet pupils.

The five arbitrators came side by side, their eyes on the villa. Even if they can't see Chen fan, they can feel Chen Fan's surging power like the rising sun. In this dark world, it is as dazzling as the stars in the sky."Chen beixuan, on behalf of the dark arbitration court, we sentence you to death!"

Black Duke light way.

"Death penalty!"

The blood knight, the count of terror, the God of death's left hand, and the God of war are all seconded.

"Death penalty! death penalty! Death penalty

Many arbiters, shouting in unison. Their voice is cold, like a sharp horn, through the whole night sky, far to the horizon. There was silence all around.


"the war is finally about to begin."

Many people who have been lurking around Wisteria manor for several days are waiting for them.

This battle not only determines the life and death of the Ministry of darkness and Chen fan, but also determines who is stronger in the East and the West. In the west, there are five chief arbitrators of the dark arbitration department. In the East, Chen beixuan is the only one, but he dominates the world.

If the dark arbiter wins, I'm afraid the whole dark world will still be controlled by the dark arbiter. Except for the five major countries in the world, other countries have no ability to resist the power of the Ministry of arbitration.

But if Chen Fan wins.

He will truly reach the top of the earth and be crowned the first person in the world.

At that time, chen fan draws his sword and looks around. Looking at the whole earth, I'm afraid there will be no one who can defeat him. There are only a few big powers left to compete with him.

Countless people hold their breath, waiting and looking forward to it.


The wooden door of the villa was pushed open, from which Chen Fan came out. Behind him, Xue Daisha, a Xiu, Zhou Jingyi, Yu Wenjing and other beiqiong disciples are also there.

Finally, a strong man with a height of more than three meters came out.

North Qiong sent a divine realm and twenty real people. In addition to Hua Yunfeng's headquarters, protecting the Chen family. Beiqiong sent people to help Chen fan.

A big fight is imminent!

PS: the eighth is the debt. The author is going to write the ninth chapter. Today, he tries to update it and try to make up all the debts in one breath_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!