Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 572

On the outskirts of the capital of Austria, in a beautiful manor.

In this beautiful farm called Wisteria manor, there are not only villas and small farms, but also wineries. There are vineyards, wine cellars and so on. The whole manor covers an area of tens of thousands of square meters, ranking among the top ten wineries in Austria. The wine produced every year is the favorite of European royal families, which costs billions of dollars in pure value.

But now, it has been given to Chen Fan free of charge by the European Union as a gift of apology.

Along with Wisteria manor, there is also a drawing sheet worth 50 billion euros. With this withdrawal order, chen fan can withdraw 50 billion euros, or hundreds of billion yuan, at will in European countries.

"The EU seems to be bleeding. The Black Sea Fleet was destroyed and thousands of soldiers died. This pension alone can make EU countries vomit blood. " Chen Fan sat under the grape trellis, leaning against the reclining chair, looking through the newspaper in his hand.

The headline of the newspaper is eye-catching:

"the Black Sea has encountered a rare storm for a thousand years, and the Black Sea fleet has been killed. Leaders of all countries have expressed their mourning."

Here are the experts, quoting scriptures, proving that the Black Sea Fleet was indeed destroyed by this category 12 storm. But as long as people with intelligence quotient will not believe it.

The Black Sea is an inland sea. Where is the big storm and tsunami?

Even if there is a storm, the anti wind and wave level of modern warships is at least level 12. It can blow over thousands of tons of destroyers. I'm afraid that the whole country around the black sea will be engulfed by the tsunami.

"The Internet has long been full of abuse, saying that the media are telling lies with their eyes open. All kinds of rumors are flying all over the world. There are Burmese immortals, demons, alien attacks and so on. "

Li Xinru covered her mouth and snickered.

She's almost 30 years old, wearing a soft home white shirt and washed white jeans. Slim waist, rich buttocks, light makeup on face, a pair of eyes are water and beautiful, full of feminine flavor.

"I heard you fell out with your former boss?"

Chen Fan glances at Li Xinru and digs off the topic.

"Mr. Nie was ok with me at the beginning, but more than a year ago, Mr. Nie said that you died and suddenly wanted to force me to go to bed with him. I didn't agree with him, so I fell out with him. He found a lot of media to scold me online and left Huayi in a fit of anger." As Li Xinru said, she bowed her head and said, "Mr. Chen... I've been given to you by Mr. Nie. I'm your man. I won't betray you."


Chen fan is not happy.

At that time, Nie Yuanhu did give Li Xinru to Chen fan, but Chen Fan didn't like this kind of vulgar powder. But I didn't expect Li Xinru to remember. Chen Fan couldn't help looking at Li Xinru deeply.

This is a smart woman, although the body as a chip, but also know that loyalty is far stronger than the physical relationship.

"When I go back to China in summer, I'll find Nie Yuanhu to settle this account."

Chen Fan said lightly.

Li Xinru's face was happy, but Chen Fan's eyes turned back to the newspaper. There was a trace of sadness in her eyes.

At this time, Natasha came over with wine and said:

"General Chen, Mr. Charles, member of the European Commission, is visiting."

In these five or six days, Li Xinru stayed by Chen Fan's side and saw wave after wave of big people. There are senior officials in Austria, celebrities in various countries, and leaders of many European family plutocrats. Every position is far above Richard.

Even Li Xinru saw with his own eyes that the head of the timons family rushed to Chen Fan and knelt down to beg for mercy. This makes Li Xinru more curious about Chen Fan's identity. What kind of bigwigs can make these top aristocratic patriarchs so afraid?

"Here comes Charles? Let him in. "

Chen fan is not surprised.

When Charles arrived, his face was expressionless, far less respectful than before: "Mr. Chen, the dark arbitration department has issued a" must kill order "to you. You'd better leave Europe at once. "

"Why, the EU doesn't welcome me?"

Chen fan put down the newspaper, not smiling.

On hearing this, Charles said, "Mr. Chen, the European Union does not want to intervene in the dispute between the Ministry of arbitration and you. The courtesy given to you before will not be taken back. But the war between you should not take place on the land of Europe. "

Previously, European countries believed that Chen Fan could not be eliminated without using nuclear weapons. Therefore, he is respectful to Chen Fan and offers him as the God of plague, hoping to reduce the damage. But now, with the birth of the Ministry of arbitration, the European Union has found its strength.

The dark arbitration department is famous, and the five chief arbitrators are the dark masters and mythical figures. The European Union clearly believes that Chen fan is too busy to be courteous at this time.

Natasha's face turned angry at the thought.

But Chen Fan didn't get angry at all. Instead, he said with a playful smile:

"if I stay enough time, I will leave naturally. You don't need to worry about this. As for the matter between me and the Ministry of arbitration in the dark, it's a personal feud and has nothing to do with the European Union. You can persuade the dark ministry to leave Europe first. "


Charles got angry and finally thought that this man was a murderer. He reluctantly suppressed his anger: "my warning has arrived. Whether to listen or not is Mr. Chen's business. Goodbye. "With that, Charles walked away.

"General Chen, this man is too presumptuous. It is the heads of state and the heads of the European Union who dare not speak to you like this. "

Natasha was angry and fighting against injustice.

"But, General Chen, I hear from the marshal. Since its establishment, the black arbitration department has issued the order of killing seven times. All of the seven strong spirits fell. It even includes an oriental fairy. It was because of that war that the East was completely occupied and the West regarded it as a colony. "

Natasha was worried.

"Don't be afraid, the soldiers will block it, the water will come and the earth will cover it. Just a few half blood mice dare to shout in front of me. "

Chen Fan didn't care.

Li Xinru was listening, more and more curious.

She had never heard of such things as the dark arbitration department, the immortal and the order of killing. But over the next few days, she clearly felt different. At the gate of Wisteria manor, which is usually full of people, no European big man came to visit.

Everyone seems to be scared, far away from the wisteria manor, afraid of fire.

These days, many European directors, who are very enthusiastic about her and have invited her to film, seem to be hiding from Li Xinru. Li Xinru can't help worrying.

"What is this order of killing? It seems that many people are not optimistic. I don't know if Mr. Chen can hold on. "

At this time, she and Chen fan are both prosperous and at the same time they are both damaged. Naturally, she is worried about Chen fan.


and on the underground forums, many people are also not optimistic about Chen fan.

"There are seven orders issued by the dark arbitration department."

"For the first time, more than 300 years ago, in order to gain hegemony, Britain expelled Spain from its former hegemony. The Spanish Archbishop Antonio was ordered to kill. At that time, Antonio was known as the strongest one in the Holy See, the reincarnation of saints, and almost became an angel, but eventually he died under the siege of many arbitrators in the dark arbitration department. "

"The second time, two hundred and seventy years ago, against the werewolf alliance, the last generation of war wolf king..."


"the fifth time, one hundred and sixty years ago, during the second Opium War, the arbitration department issued a killing order to the Qing Dynasty's national master, the king of Japan and France. Mobilize the divine realm of the world to besiege darifa king. It's said that darifa king is the strongest one in the five hundred years of Tantric school. He is the first-class man in the world. He has built himself into a living arhat and is comparable to the immortal of Taoist family. But he finally fell. Since the eastern divine realm can no longer resist the West. "

"The sixth time..."

"the seventh time..."

someone listed the seven orders of killing in the forum.

Suddenly many people lost their voice.

Antonio, the Archbishop of Spain, is a recognized saint. It is said that when he was born, there were seven holy marks on his hands and feet. The Pope even prepared to crown him, consecrate him and give him the title of "San Antonio". But unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of the dark arbitration department.

The wolf king of the werewolf alliance is even more terrifying. It is said that they almost unified the whole Siberian werewolf tribe and prepared to unite with the kings to make themselves emperor. But unexpectedly, he was still killed by the dark arbitration department. Since then, the werewolf tribe has declined completely and lived in seclusion in Siberia.

And the king of Tantric darifa, who was the national teacher of Qing Dynasty, put an end to the rebellion of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He is known as the immortal in the world, but he also died under the order of the dark arbitration department.

"The dark arbitration department is so terrible. No wonder it was called the dark master at that time."

Sighed a South American rainforest warrior.

"Otherwise, how did you think the Western powers dominated the world and conquered Africa, America and Asia?" The high priest of the North African tribe sneered:

"there are divine realms all over the continent. But in the west, there are two terrorist forces, the Ministry of darkness and the Holy See. With the help of the British Empire, the dark arbitration department swept the world. The Vatican is even more terrifying, dominating the West for a thousand years, almost killing both vampires and werewolves. "

As soon as this remark was made, everyone felt sad.

In the face of such a terrorist giant, many forces in the world are joking. At that time, the forces of Longtang, Hongmen, Qingbang, secret religion, etc. Even need to take refuge in foreigners, in order to survive in the world.

The dark arbitration department arbitrates the world. One word can judge the life and death of immortals, and one word can decide the rise and fall of a country.

If the United States and the Soviet Union were not born, nuclear weapons would suppress the world. I'm afraid the world today is still in the hands of the Ministry of arbitration and the Holy See. Such as China and South Korea, they have to struggle to get rid of the fate of the colony.

"The dark arbitration department issued the order of killing, that is to say, he would not die with Chen beixuan."

Many people shake their heads.

"This battle will decide. The black dukes and Chen beixuan, who is the real master of the dark world. Who is the first force in the world, the dark arbitration department and the northern Hainan school. Who is the master of the world, east or west

The discerner's last word.

At this time, the eyes of the whole world are looking closely at Austria and the 21-year-old boy.December 5, 2011.

Rainstorm three days, fierce, should kill!

PS: I didn't sleep for two days yesterday, but I didn't support it at last. I'm so sorry for you. I'll make up for the ten Geng debt first, and then make up for today's four chapter update. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!