Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 571

No matter how far the dispute between Li Xinru and Richard goes, it's their own business. But when it comes to Chen fan, it's different.

Chen fan holds a wine glass in his hand and looks at all this coldly.

Since the European Union invited him to hold a special banquet for him, it should arrange everything well. Now that such a big mistake has happened, it is the European Union that is disgraced. Chen fan doesn't mind killing people at the meeting. He's just waiting for the EU to deal with it.

"It's strange that there are Chinese in Wyn's distinguished conference hall? Are they the children of those big families in China? "

"One of them seems to be a Chinese actress who recently appeared in the European entertainment circle. Did she offend Richard?"

"Poor little girl, who doesn't know the Timmons family, you must pay for it."

People shake their heads, sneer or gloat.

There are many people who look at Chen Fan doubtfully. They always feel that Chen Fan looks familiar, but it is specious.

"You're driving us out?"

Chen Fan sipped the red wine and looked at Richard with pity.

Natasha hugged her chest and sneered, her eyes almost filled with contempt. Oleg, on the other hand, sat and watched. When he comes to this level, he will still be bothered with ordinary people. It's really annoying. It's just a slap to death.

Only Li Xinru had a pretty white face.

"Of course, as far as I know, the main participants of this reception are the children of the major European celebrities and families. There should be only one Oriental invited. That's the most distinguished guest in the audience. It can't be your excellency. "

Richard had three points of contempt on his face.

He had vaguely heard that the EU held the reception to express sincerity and apology to one person. And that man, it seems, is the Great Eastern Power who broke the Black Sea fleet and entered Europe alone.

However, the specific information of the Oriental strongman can not be found at Richard's level.

"The Oriental you are talking about should be me."

Chen Fan shrugged.

"It's you?"

Richard almost laughed.

Li Xinru bit her teeth and tried to calm herself.

Although she knows that the timons family has a huge position in the European entertainment industry, and is an ancient family in Austria, chen fan's identity should not be inferior. With Chinese military background, especially proficient in magic spells, you can kill people in the air. It's very mysterious.

"But it's not China after all. I hope Mr. Chen won't be excited for a while. If he kills Richard like Nie shunchen, he will be in great trouble." Li Xinru prayed in her heart.

"The distinguished guest we are going to invite will be Mr. Chen beixuan from the East. He has a noble status and a bright face. He should be the focus of the audience. How can he be a Chinese like you? "

Richard sneered.

But he didn't know. With his words, Li Xinru suddenly opened her mouth and couldn't close it. In the crowd, some people suddenly changed their faces and thought of something.

At this time, suddenly a tall voice came:

"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wyn International Center. Let's warmly invite Mr. Chen beixuan to attend this banquet. "

Member Charles appeared on the rostrum.

With his finger, a lamppost hit chen fan.

The light around is dim. Chen Fan stands under the lamppost, shining like the brightest stars, including director sten, Li Xinru and others. What's more, the identity of Chen Fan reported by Charles surprised everyone present.

"Are you Chen beixuan?"

Richard's eyes glared like a ghost.

Not only him, but also many people in the room were looking at him with blazing eyes.

The reason why many aristocratic plutocrats and aristocratic clan leaders come to this reception is to meet the legendary Chen beixuan, and even to make a good relationship with Chen fan?

To this end, they brought their most beautiful granddaughter and daughter, all dressed up in colorful, proud figure, competing with each other.

"Who is Chen beixuan?"

Only director sten doesn't quite understand.

The name of a great director sounds good, but the actual position is far from it.

No one paid attention to him.

Chen Fan walked past Richard with his hands behind his back and said casually, "I don't want to see you again." Then he went to the rostrum. All the people around the EU, naturally, immediately understood what Chen Fan meant and looked at Richard with pity.

Richard's face turned white, three points whiter than Li Xinru.

In view of Chen Fan's status and background in the European Union, it is estimated that the whole Timmons family can not resist his words. At that time, the timons family will definitely submit Richard to the European Union.

"Mr. Chen, it's a great honor for Wyn to have you here."

Mayor Wyn, hurry up and shake hands.Li Xinru was down there, stunned and unbelievable.

"Charles, Deputy Prime Minister of Austria, mayor of Wyn, head of the Witt family... Who is Chen beixuan? Why do so many big people come to compliment him? "Director sten didn't understand.

Li Xinru is equally puzzled.

She saw that many important people with special status, whom she seldom met in Europe, were bowing down to hold Chen Fan's hand. They almost knelt down as if they saw some noble royal family members.

"Because he is Chen beixuan!"

Oleg said slowly.

In today's world, the name of Chen beixuan represents the weight of a country and a top power. As strong as Europe, when it is impossible to use nuclear weapons, it has to shake hands with Chen Fan and make peace.

People around nodded in agreement.

Seeing this scene, Li Xinru was completely speechless. However, her eyes at the platform were more and more uncertain, as if she had found some treasure.


Chen fan made a high-profile appearance at Wyn International Center, followed by several days in Austria, and met with the patriarchs of several European families.

Although Oleg left, he vaguely guessed Chen Fan's heart.


Just when Chen Fan was staying in a picturesque farm and had nothing to do with Li Xinru, Natasha came with the news that Chen fan had been waiting for a long time:

"the black Duke and his companions are born..."

the black Duke.

One of the five chief arbitrators of the dark arbitration department in Britain, who was once the master of the dark world. His birth, earth shaking, instantly spread throughout the dark world. This time, not only the black Duke, but also four other strong men.

Raven, the "count of terror.".

"Blood knight" Claude.

Baal, the God of war of the dead.

Death's left hand, Andrea.

All the five former chief arbitrators were born. Each of them left a powerful and fierce power hundreds of years ago. They once stood high and ruled the whole dark world.

Even with the strength of the Vatican in those days, it was impossible for the five dark lords to dominate. Not to mention, this time, it was not several dark masters, but the whole dark arbitration department!

The supreme sector that rules the dark world is born.

As soon as it was born, it suddenly broke the whole world. It's said that all the underground world powers in Europe have rushed to London to meet the five chief arbitrators. Many consortia and forces are trembling.


"the dark arbitration department, which has been silent for a hundred years, was born directly? Does it mean that the Holy See, which has been closed for decades, will also be born

Some people wonder.

"The dark Ministry of arbitration, it is said, was scared by the United States and had to hide in Britain. And many powers were transferred to the CIA special management office of the United States. Its re emergence immediately replaced Kunlun and became the largest top power in the world. "

A veteran warlock sighed.

"Have you forgotten Chen beixuan and his beiqiong school?"

Another sneered.

Yes, and Chen fan!

If we say that in recent years, who is the most powerful and famous, it must be chen fan. In particular, not long ago, chen fan went to Europe alone, cutting off the Western divine realm and subduing the whole of Europe. Even if the black Duke was born, he was forced to retreat by three points. Can the dark arbitration department let Chen Fan go?

"You know, there are not only five chief arbitrators in the dark arbitration department, but also many arbitrators. Although these arbitrators are not divine, they are no inferior to the dark list strong. Some senior arbitrators are comparable to the divine realm. "

Many shook their heads.

If you don't have such a powerful force, how dare you fight against the Holy See, which is known as the nine realms! You know, the Vatican has dominated Europe for thousands of years, and it's incredible. There are many powerful people in the divine realm from generation to generation, which are far from ordinary inheritance, such as Tianshi Dao.

"Chen beixuan is going to be in trouble. When the dark arbitration department is born, it's necessary to go to Chen beixuan for an operation!"

A wise man moves like a candle.

Sure enough, two days later, news came from the dark arbitration department, asking Chen beixuan to go to London to meet with the chief arbitrators and ask him to explain the cause of Damon's death.

This kind of condescending command is just like the ruling of the Ministry of arbitration a hundred years ago.

Chen Fan refused.

The Ministry of arbitration of the dark once again issued a "wanted order" demanding that Chen beixuan be present immediately.

Chen Fan refused again!

The dark arbitration department was so angry that it immediately sent an arresting force headed by an old arbiter to catch chen fan and go to the dark arbitration department. But the next day, outside the manor where Chen Fan lived, someone saw the bodies of 13 black and silver faced people. This is the referee's trademark costume.

It is said that among the thirteen arbitrators, there may even be strong ones close to the divine realm.But Chen Fan's sword pierced his heart and killed 13 people. No one survived. Chen fan is arrogant to hang them on the flagpole outside the manor and swear to the world.

For a moment, the whole western world was in turmoil, and countless people watched it with fear.

Chen beixuan and dark arbitration department, a life and death?

On November 30, 2016, the Ministry of arbitration issued a "must kill order.".

Swear to kill Chen beixuan!

Suddenly, the whole dark world was a sensation, and countless people looked to the west, Austria and the manor outside Wyn.

PS: the sixth watch is offered. The author continues to write the seventh watch and asks for a monthly ticket. I don't want to give up_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!