Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 570

"It's none of your business."

Richard glanced coldly at Natasha.

When people around saw this scene, they all held their glasses and pretended not to see it. There are often conflicts between female companions and celebrities, but since they enter the vanity fair, they have to abide by the rules of the upper class. You have to give what you want.

"She has said that she won't go with you. Are you going to use strong Natasha said angrily.

At the beginning, she also felt that Richard was well-dressed and had a great family style. But after Richard tore the sheep's skin, he found that there was a hungry wolf below.

"Ha ha, I started with her. I took her to three European high-class dances and introduced four famous investors and directors to her. Do you think these human relationships are free? "

Richard sneered.

Every time he said a word, Li Xinru turned pale.

In the end, he was as pale as paper, and hardly dared to look at chen fan. Although the hidden rules are normal in the entertainment industry, once exposed, no one looks good.

Natasha see, also can only sad its unfortunate stare Li Xinru one eye.

Just when Li Xinru was close to despair, chen fan finally said:

"trading is based on the principle of voluntariness, you can't force her."

Chen fan doesn't like Li Xinru's way of trading future with his body. However, according to Chen fan, in the past three years, Li Xinru sheltered Princess Xu Rong from the wind and rain, and blocked many hidden weapons and arrows. Li Xinru is very helpful for Princess Xu Rong to get to the point where she is now popular all over the country.

Although Chen Fan once told Li Xinru three years ago, Li Xinru could faithfully carry out Chen Fan's orders, which was enough to make Chen Fan look up at her a little.

"Well, what if I don't?"

Richard grunted coldly.

He is very dissatisfied with Chen fan.

It is clear that Chen Fan's appearance is ordinary, and his family background is not surprising. But Li Xinru, for his sake, abandoned herself twice and almost gave up her chance to enter the upper class of Europe. You know, this is the dream of countless Oriental stars.

"Die if you don't promise."

Natasha waved her hand like a fly: "Mr. Chen has spoken. Go away."


Richard's face was angry and turned blue.

The timons family is very important in Austria. They are members of the ancient aristocracy. When was they despised by the Orient?

"What's the matter?"

An old man with white hair and beard, wearing a tuxedo, came smiling.

"Director sten?" No matter Li Xinru or the people around her, her face changed slightly.

Sten bruman is one of the most famous directors in Europe. He has made many award-winning films. To be the heroine of his film is the dream of women all over the world, including Li Xinru.

"Ha ha, just a few easterners who don't know the rules."

Richard regained his grace and said things clearly. Under Richard's lips, Li Xinru becomes an oriental actress who takes the initiative to hook up with him in order to become famous. Unexpectedly, after being severely rejected by Richard, Li Xinru repeatedly refuses to change. Instead, she brings her friends to threaten Richard.

"You make it up!"

Li Xinru's angry eyes were red.

"Linda, I've heard of you. You seem to have a little reputation in the East. Recently, you've always wanted to take on European films and open up the western market, haven't you? Several of my partners and friends have mentioned you. " Director sten is very interested.

"Yes, director sten..." Li Xinru dares to smile on her face and freezes on her face the next moment.

Director sten said solemnly:

"I'm sorry, Miss Linda. Now I'm officially informing you that you have been banned by the European film circle. We will never use an actress with poor personality, which is a great blow to investor confidence. "

"What? Why? "

Li Xinru beautiful Mou a stare, can't believe of call a way.

In recent months, she has been running around the European entertainment circle, trying to pry open the door, but she has never been able to enter. I didn't expect to be banned and never hired as soon as I entered the door.

"Why do you block her?"

Natasha said angrily.

"He's sten bruman, the most famous director in Europe. Of course, with our timons family, we are also one of the most important investors and advertisers in major European films. " Richard said with a smug smile.

Director sten shrugged and did not deny it.

Li Xinru and Natasha knew at this time that what they had said before was bullshit. They were a group.

Chen Fan looked on coldly and shook his head slightly.

Capital society is so cruel. Whoever has money is the master. Whether it's a top director or a big star, they have to give in to investors.

"Well, Linda, if you're waiting for me in room 807 of Shangri La hotel tonight and you're wearing a maid's suit, I might consider asking director sten to withdraw the order."Richard's evil smile came on.

Li Xinru's body was stiff, and her delicate body trembled slightly, struggling incomparably.

"Of course, your friends, you have to draw a line with them. As the girlfriend of the heir of the noble Timmons family, how can she have several Chinese rural friends? "

Richard laughs, his chest full of bamboo.

He believed that Li Xinru would nod her head.

For a star, the way to block them is enough to make them give in to everything. In particular, Richard also knows that Li Xinru has a hard time in the East because of falling out with her former boss, and urgently needs the support of the western market.

Director sten was on the side, holding his glass and enjoying the play.

Like this scene, he has seen countless times, no woman can resist the temptation of fame and wealth.

"I... I refuse!"

To everyone's surprise, Li Xinru took a deep breath and said.


Richard's smile froze.

Director sten narrowed his eyes and said, "Linda, do you know what you're rejecting? Timons family has great energy in the entertainment circle. He can easily hold you up as the first Chinese actress in Europe. Like Christy Chung. "

"I know, but I still refuse."

Li Xinru took a look at chen fan and gritted her teeth.

"Good, good!"

Richard held the cup in his hand, and his face showed a cold light. The heir of the Timmons family was angry at last.

"Get out of here."

Natasha laughed, gloating.

"No, you are wrong. It's up to you to go away. "

Richard gave a cold smile.

He turned his head and said in a loud voice, "ladies and gentlemen, how can there be two more Chinese and two more Russians in our noble Vienna International Center, where many ancient families and distinguished guests gather? With them, won't they collide with our distinguished guests? "

Richard's voice fell, and countless eyes looked from all directions at the same time.

Li Xinru's face was white and transparent.

And Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, he was a little angry. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!