Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 569


Richard snorted, still angry.

He wanted to show the strength and identity of his family and completely defeat chen fan. I didn't expect that Chen fan would take care of him, which makes the proud Charlie how to accept.

"Miss Linda, we don't care about them. A vice president of the European Union has just announced that a high-scale reception will be held in the auditorium of the Vienna center to invite a distinguished guest. It is said that many European famous directors and stars will attend. I have two invitation cards. Would you like to go with me? "

Richard said with elegant demeanor, his eyes swept Li Xinru's slender waist and hips, and there was a trace of excitement in his eyes.

Li Xinru is absolutely a beauty among Oriental beauties, and she is in the golden age of a woman. She is charming with every smile and every twinkle, and her beautiful eyes are just like a demon.

"An invitation to the upper classes of Europe should be enough to attract her."

Sure enough, Li Xinru's eyes brightened.

Although she is in China, she is a leading actress. But when he left China, his reputation declined greatly. If you can step into the upper class and make friends with some European celebrities, you will greatly improve Li Xinru's level.


Li Xinru looked at chen fan and others.

Although Li Xinru only met Chen Fan once three years ago. But the power of Chen Fan's wave to kill Nie shunchen, the young Dong of Huayi, forced Nie Yuanhu to bow his head, was deeply engraved in Li Xinru's heart.

Later, according to Li Xinru, chen fan had a deep military background and had a strong backing.

Such a young man with support, strength and mystery. If we can grasp it, Li Xinru will be able to rely on it for the rest of her life. But Richard is also rare.

The timons family has a great influence in the European entertainment industry.

If she receives films from several European directors through Timmons, Li Xinru will rush out of China, go to the world and become an international actress.

She tangled, see Chen fan has gone far, finally sighed, nodded to agree.


after Chen Fan and Oleg left the restaurant, there was a special bus from the European Union waiting for them.

"Dear Mr. Chen, this is just a misunderstanding. I hope that through this happy reception, we can solve the misunderstanding between you and us."

Charles, a member of the European Commission, came up laughing.

Charles used to be Deputy Prime Minister of Austria. After leaving his post, he became a member of the European Commission with a very high status. It's very important in the whole EU.

"It's just a misunderstanding?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Charles's face froze and he quickly recovered:

"there are indeed some generals who have been hoodwinked by the dark forces about Damon. But you are also aware that we have lost dozens of fighters and the whole Black Sea fleet, which has obviously left the leaders of various countries at a loss. "

How earth shaking is the collapse of a whole Black Sea fleet?

Despite the high-level pressure from various countries, there is also a lot of rumors in the European continent that the Burmese gods came to Europe and collided with the European army.

Since the first World War in the capital of Myanmar, the popularity of Burmese immortals has been high all over the world.

"It's your business. The important thing is that I was attacked for no reason, and Europe needs to give me an explanation. " Chen Fan flicked finger, light way.

"Please rest assured that Europe will give you an explanation."

Charles gave a wry smile in his heart and said solemnly.

Several generals at the EU joint operations conference have been recalled and reprimanded in court. Some even have to go to military courts. After all, Europe has suffered a lot this time. A whole fleet.

The reception is located in a magnificent palace in Vienna International Center.

Under the guidance of Charles, chen fan and others entered the meeting directly.

Natasha turned and saw the stars outside.

Countless celebrities and nobles come here dressed on the red carpet. The specifications of the reception were very high, and many famous people in Europe and high-level officials in Austria were invited. Although most people don't know why the cocktail party was opened, they still tend to focus on it.

"So many stars."

Natasha said excitedly.

"Dear Miss, if you want to meet them, I can introduce them." Charles was there, smiling.

As a member of the European Union, he has a very high position. The general star director, does not put in Charles eye at all.

"No more."

Natasha shook her head. She was over the age of stardom.

After a while, Charles got up and left. He wanted to run the party quickly. Charles also invited chen fan to go with him, but Chen Fan refused.

"I haven't been to such an aristocratic dance for decades."

Oleg sighed.

"At the level of you and me, this kind of cocktail party is of little significance."Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

Oleg is a great Russian marshal and leader of the blood wolf guard. Although the European Union does not like to see him, even Charles has great respect for Oleg.

"Don't you really worry about the black Duke, sir?"

Oleg looked with a little doubt.

"If they dare to come, come."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

The reason why he did not leave Europe is to solve this problem.

When three people, holding wine glasses, enjoy music leisurely. A surprised voice came: "Mr. Chen?"

Chen Fan looked up.

It was Li Xinru, beside her, who accompanied the inheritors of the timons family. At this time, Richard's eyes were a little gloomy, and he swept to Chen Fan with some impatience.

Li Xinru came with joy and her beautiful eyes were full of splendor.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect to meet you here again. It's a good fate. "

This time I met chen fan, Li Xinru never wanted to leave again.

"Linda, I'd like to introduce you to the best director of Cannes Film Festival." Richard tried to tempt, but he was still rejected by Li Xinru.

After two times in a row, Richard became angry:

"you whore, don't forget who brought you into this meeting."

"Mr. Richard, please be respectful." Li Xinru said coldly.

"Ha ha, do you think I don't know your fame in the east? They all say that you are the boss's lover. Now come and pretend to be noble. If you are always a lady, will you accept my invitation? Come to the party with me? "

Now that he had torn his face, Richard began to satirize.

Li Xinru's face turned white and she didn't speak again.

The more Richard said, the more proud he was. Finally, he even stretched out his hand to pull Li Xinru away by force. Li Xinru struggles desperately, but she can't resist. She can only look at Chen Fan with her eyes begging. Although she is a star in China, she has no help in Europe. She is no better than ordinary weak women.


Chen Fan didn't open his mouth. Natasha couldn't see it and scolded directly.

(to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!