Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 566

Warships, airplanes, missiles.

It's basically the most powerful conventional force in the world. Only a few countries control it. Most of them still drive the old gunboats of World War II.

But the powerful Black Sea fleet, in front of Chen fan, was killed and sank by a sword. In just half an hour, all of them sank.

The so-called invincible typhoon and gust fighters in air combat. Even in front of the nine mouth flying sword, there is no combat ability, especially the flying sword's fighting distance of 50 kilometers makes countless witnesses jump from the corner of their eyes.

As for Chen Fan hard shoulder missile rain, but harmless, it is speechless.


Pentagon, USA.

In this base, which controls millions of US troops and controls the most powerful force on earth, countless experts are busy, and many generals are watching the previous satellite video over and over again.

"Generals, what do you think of Chen beixuan's fighting ability?"

U.S. Undersecretary of defense, general Kane, looks around.

General Kane is sixty years old, but he is a tough guy in the army.

"General, although our European allies are slightly less effective in fighting, they basically have the same weapons as us. If even their missiles can't kill Chen beixuan. It is estimated that we can only use "super armor piercing missiles" or "giant earth penetrating missiles."

A major general said.

"We can use laser weapons. Our newly developed" Raytheon laser gun "can break through the armor of three tanks with one full blow. No matter how strong the armor on Chen beixuan's body is, it's impossible to block it. "

One of the CIA staff next to him cut in.

"It's too difficult for the laser gun to hit. According to our French friends, they had another small-scale battle with Chen beixuan in Austria. Although Chen beixuan was injured by the laser gun, after Chen beixuan started to move at a high speed, he couldn't aim at him any more. "

Major general Donald frowned.

"The French and the English are so useless? Don't they boast all day about how strong their Poseidon team is and how powerful their gene fighters are? " An old general nearby sneered.

This veteran general, carrying the rank of three-star general, is the commander of the US Atlantic Fleet and has always despised European countries.

"The European Poseidon armor is an era behind our ares armor. As for their gene fighters, it's a joke. Find a few vampires, extract some blood from them, and implant it into the body of soldiers, so they are called gene soldiers? I don't know how many times better the biological fighters developed in our secret laboratory are than them

The CIA staff member sneered.

General Kane's eyes twinkled and he didn't speak.

As the most powerful country on earth, the United States does have its own pride.

No matter in science and technology, military strength or weapons, they are all over the world. Far from France or Britain.

"But gentlemen, we must notice that the black Duke has appeared again. Since he forced the Vatican to close the door and retire from the summer palace 50 years ago, he has not appeared for decades. I didn't expect that today, Chen beixuan was born. "

General Kane knocked on the table.

"Black Duke!"

When the name appeared, many of the old generals were all in a deep mood. And many young generals and staff officers are confused.

"Great America, there are people to be afraid of?"

Major general Donald was puzzled.

The United States suppresses the earth, and no divine realm dares to be presumptuous in the United States. At that time, as strong as Hongmen, they all retreated to small islands in the South Pacific. How can the black Duke make the generals fear?

"There may be two and a half people on the earth if we insist on the scruples. One is the black Duke, the other is in the Vatican, and ye Qingcang in China is half of them. "

CIA staff shrugged: "of course, maybe now we have Chen beixuan."


except for the United States, all the big powers' militaries who paid attention to the war, as well as many top aristocratic plutocrats, were stunned.

Chen Fan's strength in this war is terrible. It has overwhelmed the western countries. Although this is due to the unwillingness of Britain and France to use nuclear weapons, it is also enough to show Chen Fan's strength.

"It's Chen Liuguo. He has already got through three copies of Britain, France and Russia, and will soon become the sixth largest country worthy of the name

The white tiger shook his head.

He is talking about a classic stem on the Internet Forum.

A country wants to be a real power in the world. We need to develop atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb. Only by defeating the coalition forces of the three permanent members can we become a permanent member of the United Nations and have equal status with the United States.

Chen fan is obviously on this road.

"Well, don't make a mess of General Chen." Minister Xiao knocked on the table: "in Europe, what do you say?""The EU Ambassador submitted a request and hoped that we could mediate it. Let Chen beixuan stop messing about. " Rosefinch helpless way.

Xiao also frowned slightly.

Everyone knows Chen Fan's character.

People don't offend me, I don't offend. If a man offends me, he will destroy the city and the clan.

It's not easy to make him stop?

"I'll get in touch with General Li Muchen and the Chen family." Minister Xiao patted his head, but he was also distressed. Just as she was about to announce the end of the meeting, the rosefinch said strangely:

"minister, who is the black Duke? According to the news, he seems to have led a British blood soldier to fight with Chen beixuan, and he didn't seem to be dead? "

"The black Duke?"

After hearing that the pupils of Xiao Yan shrank, his face changed wildly:

"what happened to him?"


when the world was talking about Chen Fan fighting the fleet.

The dark strong are talking about Chen Fan's pursuit of Damon.

"Tut Tut, Chen beixuan is so cruel. All the way from China to Austria. I don't know how many mercenaries and Central Asian strongmen have been killed along the way. It is said that the water in the Caspian Sea is still red. Even the big three in the West have been killed, leaving Arthur alive. "

A Korean Taekwondo master gloated.

Before Chen Fan killed six deities, the eastern warriors were like mourning and criticizing chen fan. But now, chen fan has killed three Western gods, and the eastern warriors have turned to support him.

"Sandrus of the withered castle, Noland of the dark Council, and Damon the blood devil. These are basically the three most powerful gods in the western world. In particular, Damon, the blood devil, was one of the top three gods a hundred years ago

Another Malaysian warlock frowned and said, "I just don't understand how the West would have conquered the whole East and the world if it had only these three or four divine realms? A hundred years ago, there were more than ten gods in the East. "

Forum people, also have puzzled.

A hundred years ago, in the top ten of the list of gods, more than half of them were strong in the East, while there were two or three places in the West. Why is the eastern world beaten so badly? Almost all of them were conquered, and even China was almost occupied.

"That's because there is the black Duke!"

The insight suddenly appeared, the secluded path. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!