Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 567

"The black Duke?"

The forum was calm.

It took a long time for someone to ask questions.

"I've never heard of anyone."

"Yes, there seems to be no such person on the list of gods."

"Is it the hidden divine realm of the west, but only one more, how can it be equal to the Oriental gods?"

People are puzzled.

Ye Qingcang, Lin Shuming, Takeo Watanabe, Yao Daoyi, Li Changsheng... Tantai Qingxuan. There are at least twelve or thirteen divine realms, and several of them are the peak of divine realms.

In the west, there are only three giants and Damon, the blood devil. Three or two big cats and two little cats, plus the black Duke, will overwhelm the east?

"The black Duke is not on the list of gods, but he ranked the list of gods a hundred years ago."

The insight dropped the bomb directly.


The crowd exclaimed.

Those who are able to get rid of the list of gods must have the power to overwhelm the current world. The CIA has to rely on the invincible force of the United States to get rid of the list. Otherwise, you will claim that you want to rank the divine realm in the world, and you may be killed by a divine realm.

"Sir, is the black Duke the master of darkness?"

An old master said suddenly.

"Does the dark master really exist?"

Someone exclaimed.

It has been said since ancient times that behind the dark world. There is a master in charge. Now there are many rules in the dark world, including mercenary regiment, bounty hunter, superclass classification, ranking of major lists, killer organization ranking and so on. It's all decided by the Dark Lord.

The dark world can be so prosperous that it will not be suppressed or destroyed by the great powers in the world. It also depends on the power of dark domination.

It is said that he is the master behind the scenes of the western world. Countless old consortia and even countries are controlled by the dark. Even the gods in the western world obey the orders of the dark masters.

But it's just a legend. There's no evidence to prove the existence of the Dark Lord.

Manipulating European countries sounds like a joke.

Britain and France, both permanent members of the Security Council, control the existence of nuclear weapons. You can destroy the world at any time.

"Yes, he is the master of darkness."

Unexpectedly, the insight nodded.

This time, everyone was not only shocked, but shocked.

"How can it be!"

Most people don't believe it.

"The Dark Lord, to be exact, is not a man. It's a country, a department, a group of people. The black Duke is the chief among them

The discerner spoke slowly.

In his story, the forum people know the truth of the matter.

It is said that in the heyday of the British Empire hundreds of years ago, Britain fought against the Vatican. A department has been set up to recruit Europe's underground world powers.

Including vampires, werewolves, dark warriors, witches, witches and so on, can enter.

That department is called the dark world arbitration department.

The head of the Department is the black Duke.

Since 300 years ago, the black Duke has been in charge of the dark arbitration department, integrating the dark powers of the whole Europe, setting rules for the dark forces in Europe and even the world, controlling their forces, and fighting against the rising holy see together.

The war between the Ministry of darkness and the Holy See lasted for hundreds of years.

Until the beginning of World War I and World War II, there were many powerful countries, modern weapons became more and more powerful, and finally nuclear weapons came out. In the end, it overthrew the Vatican and forced it to close the door.

"For hundreds of years, the black Duke has been in charge of the arbitration department, setting rules for the dark world, and arbitrating disputes between major organizations and the state. Therefore, people often call him" the Dark Lord. "

The insight ends with this sentence.

All the people who heard it were thrilling.

"It turns out that we have been following his rules for so many years."

A dark mercenary sighed.

"But something's wrong. Even the God level strong can only live more than 100 years. How did the black Duke live from 300 years ago to now? " Some are quick to question.

"The black Duke is one of the oldest and purest vampires in the legend. It is said that the blood comes from the blood ancestor thousands of years ago. It not only has a long life, but also surpasses the ordinary divine realm, which is comparable to the Oriental immortals. And there's no time limit. "

The insight explained.

"Is the black Duke so strong? Isn't that to say that Chen beixuan killed Damon, the blood devil, and angered the black Duke? "

Japanese samurai gloated.

"Well, the black Duke has nothing to do with Chen beixuan. What's more, not even the European coalition forces and the seven Shenjing allies fought against Chen beixuan. What is a black Duke? "

The Chinese warrior immediately refuted.

A lot of people fight on the forum quickly, arguing whether the black Duke is stronger or chen fan is more powerful!Although Chen fan has made great achievements in recent years, he is known as the first divine realm in the East and even the first person on earth. But the black Duke, who lived for 300 years, was once the master of the dark world. One man defeated the Oriental gods. In theory, he may not be inferior to Chen fan.

"You are wrong. As I said before, the Dark Lord is not a person, but a group of people

The insightful one said: "there are five chief arbitrators in the dark arbitration department. The black Duke is just one of them. Together with the other four, he is the master of the whole dark world. "

As soon as this remark came out, the whole forum was dead and silent.

Everyone was silent and silent.

"Five arbitrators? Five beings as powerful as the black Duke? Five immortals? "

What's the concept?

A Lin Shuming or a Ye Qingcang would have a great influence on China. There are five strong men in the black Duke level. No wonder they dare to call themselves masters of the dark, set rules for the whole dark world, and even overwhelm the eastern gods, making the East almost a colony of the West.

"Now, Chen beixuan is in big trouble."

Japanese samurai said with a smile.

Many of the warriors in China were speechless and didn't say a word.

"In those days, the Ministry of justice was so powerful, but it still couldn't compete with the Holy See. What was the glory of the holy see in its heyday?"

Some people think of each other.

At this time, chen fan was sitting in a restaurant next to the Golden Hall in Vienna, Austria.

Opposite him are white haired and solemn Oleg and blonde long legged female agent Natasha.

"Sir, you have really made a big mistake."

Oleg shook his head.

"You mean the European Union? They dare not use nuclear weapons. " Chen Fan shrugged.

"No, I'm talking about the black Duke!"

Oleg looked serious and said: "he is one of the thirteen blood guards of the blood ancestor. I didn't expect that he was still alive decades later. Since the black Duke is here, all his four companions should be there. "

"More importantly, if the black Duke is right, Damon, the blood devil, is the lineal descendant of the blood ancestor..."

Oleg said with a bitter smile.

"Blood ancestor?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

(to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!