Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 565

Shenyuan Dao!

After Chen Fan entered the realm of Shenhai, he tempered it for more than a year in the process of understanding the sea, and finally refined it into a sword to cut the spirit. It condenses Chen Fan's infinite divine power. As soon as this sword comes out, it cuts Jiuyou down and Tianshen up. It was specially prepared by Chen Fan for Dixian.

Even with Li Changsheng's immortal power, he could not resist the attack of Shenyuan Dao.

Although the blood demon Damon is strong, proficient in countless Eastern and Western secret methods, extremely cunning, and has the immortal body of the blood clan, he can't stop it either.

In the eyes of the black Duke, and the eyes of many soldiers around him. Shenyuan Dao takes a wisp of golden awn and cuts to Damon.

"Stop it!"

The black Duke split it. A god awn like black fog flies to Shenyuan Dao.

Many special soldiers, lift up their electromagnetic rifles and shoot with one shot. In the distance, many blood soldiers rushed to Shenyuan Dao with a wind.

But all these things have no effect in front of Shenyuan Dao.

Shenyuan Dao is like an illusion, which does not exist in the world. Through countless metal bullets, body, to Damon shot.

"How dare you do it?"

Damon was startled, but he didn't expect that Chen fan, under the siege of many deadly weapons, would make a bold move.

He was in a flash, and his body surface burst into flames. The red flame is as red as blood. It was the magic of the surging blood system, which was enough to withstand the fire of the shell. Especially Damon is confident that he is immortal. He can't die carrying Chen Fan's flying sword.

But in Damon's startled eyes.

Shenyuan Dao directly ignored his body protecting blood flame, shot into his body, and directly cut into the spirit.


Damon let out an earthshaking howl.

The people around us were shocked. I saw the surging blood flame around Damon, which was suddenly darkened, and then went out. Then the red awn in his eyes began to disappear quickly, and his breath dropped abruptly. Finally, the whole body as if no strength support, directly from the sky to the ground.

Damon's spirit was split in two by Chen fan.

The spirit is broken, and the immortal body will die!


Damon's body hit the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned. Even the pilots of the plane in the distance gaped.

Damon, the third blood devil in the list of gods, who has ravaged Europe for a hundred years, died like this?

Arthur, the Lord of Poseidon sect, was out of his wits and said:

"are you going to die? How is that possible? That's the end of it. "

And the black Duke stood there, his face livid. When the heaven and earth collapsed, the strong man who could keep his elegant and noble demeanor burst into an earthshaking sense of killing. His scarlet eyes, like blood pupil, stare at chen fan, every word:

"Chen beixuan, you dare to kill Damon, do you know what you are doing?"

Chen Fan did not answer, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He felt that after he killed Damon. An invisible shackle is released from the body. That is the oath that Chen Fan once swore to heaven. Now the oath is broken. Chen fan has been promoted to congenitally, and will never meet a demon again.

"Kill him!"

The black Duke waved and roared.

"Bang bang."

A high-speed flight, with hot current metal bullets, from all directions to Chen Fan shot. These special soldiers in Poseidon armour have electromagnetic rifles in their hands. Each blow is as powerful as a large caliber armour piercing bullet. Chen Fan's body protector can't hold it.

However, chen fan does not need to carry.


In a flash, chen fan broke through the sound barrier in an instant, took up a series of residual shadows, and rushed out of the crowd's encirclement.

Along the way, there are armored soldiers who want to stop chen fan. Chen Fan slaps them and makes them discus. Their armor may be able to withstand the bombardment of tanks and artillery. But in front of Chen fan, he is as vulnerable as a child.

Between the bullets, chen fan killed seven or eight armored soldiers and was about to break through the encirclement.


A red laser, hot enough to be thick with a thumb, came from afar. How fast the laser is, 300000 kilometers per second. Chen Fan couldn't escape, so he was hit by the red laser.


Almost in an instant, chen fan's bodyguard Zhenyuan was broken. Then the red laser hit Chen Fan in the shoulder. The laser beam with high penetrating power pulled out a bloodstain directly on Chen Fan's shoulder.

This is Chen Fan's first injury since he came to Europe.


Chen Fan split it with one sword, crossed over a kilometer, and directly destroyed the laser launcher. Then, dozens of blood soldiers with red eyes came to Chen Fan from all directions.

They are very fast, and each of them has a shadow. In terms of speed, it is comparable to the divine realm.In addition, the dark blue light knives in their hands were buzzing and trembling, with awns, as if they could cut gold and iron. Obviously, these lightsabers are also high-tech weapons specially developed to deal with Chen fan.

"A group of half blood bastards, dare to be wild in front of me."

Chen Fan sneered, pointed to Cheng Dao and made a volley.

A blue sword with a length of tens of meters was cut out of Chen Fan's hands, blocking everything, and killing seven or eight blood soldiers in an instant. But more blood soldiers came from all directions, close to Chen fan.

These blood soldiers, all in black tights. I don't know what special material the tights are made of, which makes Chen Fan feel like the biological armor worn by the Russian blood wolf guard. And the lightsaber in their hands, beating a little bit of light, shaking violently, gives Chen Fan some threat.

Around the special soldiers, also began to react, turn the muzzle to Chen fan.

Even Chen Fan felt that in the distance, a laser gun also began to aim at him.

"Go away!"

Chen fan is not entangled with these minions. He takes a beating to raise his sword.

Nine startling rainbow, shot from his waist, instantly pulled out nine blood routes between heaven and earth. No matter the blood soldiers in protective clothing or the special soldiers with Poseidon armor, they are like tofu in front of the flying sword that cuts gold and iron. They are split into two in an instant.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Nine swords cross the sky. Within a few kilometers of killing, the head is rolling and the blood is flowing. What kind of scientific and technological weapon, in front of these nine flying swords, you have to stare. The flying sword is too small and too fast to hit.

"Black Duke, do you still want to fight?"

Chen Fan turned his back and looked at the black Duke.

The black Duke's face was livid, his palm was tightly clenched, and the light in his scarlet eyes was flickering. After a long time, he said slowly:

"Chen beixuan, you dare to kill the descendant of that adult, that is the enemy of our blood clan. Our blood clan will do everything to kill you. "

"As long as you dare to come, don't blame me for killing you."

Chen Fan sneered.

In Chen Fan's opinion, even the black Duke in front of him can't be called the real blood clan. As for the blood soldiers, they were created by taking the blood of the black Duke and transferring it to ordinary people through genetic technology. The power of blood is even thinner, and it is far from half blood race in all aspects.


With a wave of the black Duke's hand, many super soldiers, like running water, retreated backward.

Chen Fan stood there with his hands behind his back, but he didn't catch up. He could feel a great danger just now, pointing here from a distance. On earth, the only thing that can bring such a big threat to Chen fan is nuclear weapons.

"But are Britain and France really determined to launch nuclear weapons on their own land?"

Chen Fan laughed scornfully.

Once a nuclear weapon explodes, there will be too much noise. It is well known that the heads of state of Britain and France did not dare to launch nuclear weapons in the hinterland of Europe if they were not faced with life and death.

After all, Europe is different from Siberia, where the population is dense and there are many ordinary people.

Therefore, no matter chen fan or the black Duke, they all broke up at one touch and didn't really fight each other. But Chen fan had a hunch that the black Duke would never give up and he would come again. Next time, the black Duke must be ready, with a full kill.

"If you are a real blood clan, I'm afraid of three points, only half blood, no matter how strong it is?"

Chen Fan shook his head.

He disappeared in front of the withered castle.

Then, a series of news, like a hurricane, swept across the world. The world's major powers, many chaebol leaders, many power leaders, and the dark world were shocked.

Since Chen Fan chased Damon.

Along the way, many armed groups were slaughtered, and the water of the Caspian Sea was the blood red.

After that, he killed the European Union special envoy and cut down dozens of European Union fighters over the Black Sea, killing the Black Sea fleet. After that, he chased Austria and killed Sandra, the great wizard, Norland, the president of the dark Council, and Damon.

The news is more and more popular.

You know.

Europe is not Russia. They represent most of the western world and are second only to the United States in today's world. Europe and the United States join hands to make the world bow. Even China and Russia could barely resist. Britain and France, as the major powers in the world, are in charge of the existence of nuclear weapons. What a terrible thing does it mean to be defeated by Chen fan?

"Sandra is dead, Noland is dead, Damon is dead. Is Chen beixuan trying to suppress the whole western dark world with one person? "

For those with dark tissue, take a cold breath.

"I'm afraid he didn't just want to suppress the dark world, but the whole west."

More people think.

Compared with the death of Sandro and other three deities, the destruction of the Black Sea fleet is more shocking to the world. After all, this is a modern fleet. There are also many missiles and fighter planes, which almost represent the peak of conventional force on earth."Even warships and missiles can't help Chen beixuan. Is he really out of control?"

Countless people lamented.

PS: the more I write about it, the more tired I am. But the author will support me. My friends, if you have a monthly ticket, you can cast it quickly. It's the last day_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!