Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 564


Chen Fan's sword of cutting through heaven and earth was stopped by the shadow with one hand.

Although Chen Fan's sword first broke the magic array, and then cut Sandro and Noland, in the middle of the divine realm, it broke through Arthur and Damon's magic, and it was at the end of the crossbow. However, the shadow can stop Chen Fan's sword, which means that his strength is so proud that he can match or even surpass Li Changsheng and Lin Shuming.


The surging sword Qi exploded directly in the hands of Hei Ying. As soon as Hei Ying's body retreated, his gloved palm had been smashed into pieces by the fierce sword Qi, but he recovered quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Who are you?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly and looked at the man opposite.

The man was dressed in a black cape, a tight swordsman's suit like a fish scale, a rhinoceros leather belt with complex patterns on his waist, and black riding boots. He was about middle-aged. He was very beautiful, with scarlet eyes, just like a king in the dark.

In particular, the dark atmosphere on the body is as deep as the sea. Surpassing anyone chen fan has seen on the earth, there is even an innate breath. Let Chen Fan almost mistakenly think that he is facing a congenital monk.

"The black Duke?"

Arthur, who came after him, saw the man, and his pupils suddenly shrank and cried out. The words with a surprise, as if did not expect him to appear.

"The black Duke under the queen of England has met Mr. Chen beixuan."

The black Duke bowed slightly.

He has a taste of antiquity and elegance in his manner, just like a nobleman in the middle ages. Compared with him, Damon is like a minor child. No matter in strength or experience, they are far from the black Duke.

"Are you the guardian of England?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

China has Ye Qingcang, Russia has Oleg. Naturally, several other powers are guardians. However, according to Chen fan, among all countries, the guardian is the most unfathomable. It's not ye Qingcang, who is oppressing the world, or the United States, which dominates the world. It's Britain.

The British Empire, the ruler of the earth a hundred years ago.

At that time, Britain claimed that the sun never sets and its territory was all over the earth. The plains of North America and Russia are their corn fields; Canada and the Baltic Sea are their forest areas; Australia has their sheep farms; gold from South Africa and Australia flows to London; Indians and Chinese grow tea for them...

Britain is really dominating the world with one country, bowing its head to the earth and competing with the Holy See. Moreover, it's still an era without nuclear weapons. It's hard to imagine how deep Britain was and how powerful the dark forces were.

"That's OK. My companions and I have indeed guarded this ancient empire for nearly three hundred years. "

Said the black Duke slowly.

His words are not lies.

From him, chen fan can feel the deep power of darkness, as well as the aging over several centuries. However, in the general divine realm, this man can live to be 150 years old, but he is not an immortal. How can he live to be 300 years old?

Chen Fan's eyes swept over the healed hand of the black Duke, and his eyes flashed:

"pure blood, dark blood? No, if it's pure blood, your hand will never be hurt. Are you half blood and dark blood

What is half blood?

The father or mother is pure blood, the other side is not pure blood, only half of the blood.

But the adult pure blood clan is congenital life, the strength of half blood is also extremely terrible, even if there is no congenital, it is not too far away. Far more than chen fan had seen snow wolf and Oleg and others, their blood is just a fraction of it.

"Mr. Chen is really a great power in the East, and he knows our dark blood well?"

The black Duke was slightly surprised.

"The dark blood clan is a kind of elder people, who live much longer than their peers. The adult blood clan can live for 800 or even 1000 years. You're only half blood, but it's OK to live 300 years. "

Chen Fan shook his head: "I didn't expect that there are half blood survivors on this exhausted earth. But you shouldn't stop me. Even a real adult blood clan can't stop me from killing Damon here. "

Hearing this, Damon immediately exclaimed:

"uncle, this guy chased me all the way from China to Europe. Even Noland and Sandro are dead. Moreover, he is also an immortal, which seems to have something to do with the people in the immortal sect. You have to take him... "

" shut up

The black Duke turned his head and scolded him angrily. After he told Damon to shut up, he looked at Chen Fan solemnly:

"Dear Mr. Chen beixuan, I know that you are the invincible strong man in the East, more likely the immortal cultivator in the ancient legend. But you can't kill Damon. He has noble blood. He is the descendant of that adult and is protected by us. Please stop for my sake. "

"As compensation, we will provide you with the magic power of the Oriental immortals, or the holy instrument of the holy one of the Holy See. I can give you anything you want. "

The black duke said confidently.

The British Empire dominated the world. After hundreds of years of searching the earth, no one knows how many treasures are still hidden in the hands of the British royal family and the black Duke. Only the magic weapon of the immortals and the holy instrument of the saints are enough to break the heads of countless divine realms.If ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming came, they would fight to death.

"Get out of the way, or you'll die."

Chen Fan's eyes are as cold as ice.

Don't say that the magic weapon of the earth immortal is the immortal tool of the true immortal. It can't stop Chen Fan from killing Damon. If a dragon has scales, it will die if it touches them. His parents and relatives are Chen Fan's enemies.

"Sir, you may not know the true identity of the black Duke."

Arthur, the Lord of Poseidon sect, said:

"the black Duke and his companions sheltered the British Empire, took charge of the whole dark world behind the scenes and fought against the holy see for hundreds of years. Even with the nine archbishops of the Holy See, there is no way to help the Duke of black. The reason why the Vatican was forced to close the mountain by the United States at that time also depended on the power of the black Duke. "

"Even the list of gods a hundred years ago was arranged by the black Duke!"

At the end, Arthur's eyes were in awe.

The list of gods is the list of the world's gods, and the black Duke is the list of gods. It can be seen that his strength has surpassed the divine realm and reached an incredible realm.

"A hundred years ago, it was my platoon, but now it's the United States that is really in charge of the earth. Although we are strong with the Holy See, we can not compete with nuclear weapons. Now the divine list has been transferred to the United States. "

The black duke said faintly.

Although he said so, the arrogance in his voice could not be concealed.

"You talk too much nonsense."

Chen Fan gave a cold hum, and his sword burst out. With the sound of thunder, he chopped at Damon fiercely. No matter who the black Duke was or how powerful he was, he could not stop Chen Fan from killing Damon.

"You dare!"

The black Duke's face changed wildly, and he held out his hand fiercely.

The dark power, pure as water, boils in his palm, condenses into a black awn, and fiercely cleaves on Chen Fan's sword.


Black awn and sword Qi burst in the air. The surging energy swept the whole underground space and destroyed the underground of the ancient castle. Even Arthur and Damon were forced to retreat.

To Chen Fan's surprise, the black Duke didn't borrow the power of heaven and earth. He just stopped Chen Fan with his body.

"It's worthy of half blood, but you are not pure blood after all, not congenital."

In Chen Fan's eyes, Shen mang soared. His sword Qi was like a rainbow. He turned into a 20 Zhang long golden rainbow and cut it again. This sword has already had the power of immortals. It is Lin Shuming and Li Changsheng who are here. If they are not promoted to be immortals, they will never be able to resist a sword.

"You go first, I'll stop him."

Seeing this sword, the black Duke also looked grim.

In a flash of his figure, five blood shadows appeared in an instant. Each blood shadow broke the sound barrier, and finally five fists in one, with the extremely terrible explosive force, smashed on the flying sword.

The black Duke was able to break the sound barrier in a short time.

his body is close to the innate body, which is not far behind chen fan.


It's like a nuclear bomb exploding underground.

The strength of the sky directly destroyed the Castle above and blasted a huge hole in the ground. Arthur and Damon immediately turned into two figures, rushed out of the ground and fled to the distance.

"Where to go!"

Chen fanren followed the sword and directly combined his body with the sword. He turned into a golden rainbow and chased out of the ground. Straight after Damon. But Chen Fan just broke through the ground. Many high-speed metal bullets hit the flying sword.

These metal bullets, with great penetration, are comparable to armor piercing shells, and carry high-voltage current.

Chen Fan's sword light vibrated violently.

As soon as he swept away, he saw dozens of robots on the ground wearing black streamlined armor, just like robots in science fiction movies, shooting at Chen Fan with strange rifles in their hands.

In addition, the high-speed running figures also came from all directions, blocking Chen Fan's pursuit. Each of these people, with scarlet eyes and surging breath, is comparable to the Russian blood wolf guard. And there are dozens of them.

Even in the distance, there are laser guns aimed at chen fan.

"Chen beixuan, I've laid a net here. Let's stop here."

The black Duke rushed out of the cave behind him and said: "there are dozens of French special soldiers in modern armor here. The electromagnetic rifles in their hands, each of them, are comparable to the troops of more than one company. And 53 blood soldiers I trained myself. Better than the Russian blood wolf guard. In addition, there are many missiles and laser guns at this point. Even the body of the earth immortal can't carry the high-power laser gun. The European Union is also nearby, with tens of thousands of troops gathered. If you turn around and leave, how about we stop? "

Chen Fan's mind sweeps out. As expected, he finds that countless weapons are aiming at him.

Even Chen Fan faintly felt that some weapons could threaten his life.Damon, the blood devil, was standing in the air in the distance. He looked at him with a proud smile, as if he was sure that Chen fan would bow his head.

"Yes? How nice to stop? " Chen Fan lowers his head and smiles. "But if I step back before the threat, am I still Chen beixuan?"

With that, in the black Duke's angry eyes, a golden knife shot out from Chen Fan's eyebrow. After flying in the air, it immediately chopped to Damon in the distance.

Shenyuan Dao now!

PS: Thank you, brother symbol and the leader of Jiangnan tobacco and wine company. Thank you for sending monthly tickets and red envelopes in group v. The author has no idea, so he has to work hard to code. Don't sleep until you finish writing. Please vote for a monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!