Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 563


In the face of Chen Fan's sword, Damon's face changed wildly, and his body was about to retreat. But Chen Fan's sword was so amazing? The thunder of swords resounded from heaven and earth. It's a fierce spark of flying sword across the atmosphere.

Sword and thunder!

One sword breaks the sound barrier, three times the speed of sound, just like streamer.


Damon couldn't dodge. He was cut into two pieces by the sword rainbow. Half of his body was stirred into pieces by the terrible sword. Although he immediately burst into a blood fog, want to quickly restore, but Chen fan which let him have the chance to recover.

"Cut again!"

Chen Fan gave a cold drink.

As soon as Jianhong circled in the air, he continued to chop back and cut the blood fog into four parts.

Even if the immortal body is chopped into pieces, it will really die. What's more, Damon is just the body of the blood clan, which is far from the immortal body.

"Help me!"

Damon screamed.

I saw a huge white bone claw several feet in size, stretching out from the castle, fiercely blocking the sword. But Guiyuan sword is as agile as a dragon. How powerful is it? Easily cut through the white bone giant claw.

However, in this meal, a fierce black wind dragged Damon into the castle. Above the castle, there are three figures. It was Arthur and the others.

"Mr. Chen beixuan, Lord of the lower Poseidon sect, Arthur. Please listen to me

Arthur bowed slightly: "we know what happened between you and Mr. Damon. The dark world in the west is willing to make up for it. We can offer 100 billion US dollars to compensate Mr. Chen Kexing. And how about getting Mr. Damon to lift the curse? "

Damon's face was full of panic.

He almost fell under Chen Fanjian just now. Hearing what Arthur said, he turned a little black, but he didn't speak after all. Chen Fan's strength has exceeded his imagination.

"Get out of the way, or you'll die."

Chen Fanli is in the void. In his eyes, God is like electricity, killing is like raging waves. Golden sword is surrounded by thunder in the air.

One hundred billion dollars may be enough to move anyone. The total income of Myanmar is only tens of billions of dollars a year. One hundred billion can be said to be a rich country. If anyone has 100 billion, he will become the richest man in the solar system. Even in the face of this level of money, the divine realm has to change its color.

But don't say 100 billion is a trillion or a trillion dollars. In Chen Fan's mind, how can he compare with the safety of his relatives.

"Chen beixuan, we are not afraid of you. This is the west, our territory. No matter how strong you are, you can't be wild in the West. " Sandra, the great wizard of the withered castle, said with a pale dead face.


Chen Fangen didn't want to talk any more, so he just kneaded the sword formula.

The golden sword soared and turned into twenty feet long. It danced between heaven and earth like a golden dragon. Its power was incredible. Even the air was bursting with sparks.

"No, start the protection now."

Arthur and others face a change, quickly take back the illusion.

Over the withered castle, there was a black mist. This layer of fog is the dead air buried underground for millions of years. In ancient times, the site of withered castle was an ancient battlefield. Countless empires from the East and the West broke out fighting here, killing tens of thousands of people. So I've accumulated a lot of dead energy.

Now, he is inspired by three strong spirits, and he is like a ghost.

There are even ghosts emerging in the dark fog.


With a wave of Chen Fan's sword formula and a roar, the bright golden sword, with the power of splitting heaven and earth, cut fiercely on the black fog.


The black fog was shocked, and it was directly split into a huge gap of 20-30 meters long, almost split. The castle trembled, and countless believers and members of the withered Castle poured out one after another, looking up at the Oriental figure waving sword in the sky.

"Who is that man? It's terrible. As if the Archangel Michael were born

"It's like an oriental. The castle master has already started the strongest protection array, and he almost cut it off. I can't imagine. "

"He is so young... Is he Chen beixuan from the east?"

As one of the three major dark organizations in the west, withered castle has always been hidden, but its strength is extremely strong. It can be compared with Longtang, sifanglou, and heiwujiao, or even slightly more.

In the castle, there are seven or eight wizard level. They all control the black witchcraft handed down from ancient times. They are powerful and proficient in various methods of cursing, assassinating, poisoning and even summoning the dead. In the underground world, we are the S-class strong, equal to the master of martial arts.

But even if they saw the power of Chen Fan's sword, their faces changed greatly.

"Come again."

Chen Fan recalled the sword when he saw that it was useless. Zhenyuan poured into the sword like a raging wave.

The sword is like a giant dragon, soaring in the sky, twenty-five feet long, just like a golden bridge across the sky."No, the shield won't hold. Let's do it together. "

Sandro's face changed.

A six pointed star rose from the stone floor of the castle. Each of the three fairyland and Damon occupied one corner, while the two top Wizards of the withered Castle occupied the other two and began to infuse mana.

He has gained the mana of four powerful gods. The black fog protection array not only healed quickly, but also became more and more thick. From the outside, it was like a black metal cover, shining black light.


With Chen Fan a burst drink.

Twenty five feet of the sword fell from the sky, like a god splitting the sword in his hand. The whole world is divided into two parts by this sword. The surging sword Qi even stirred the air like a raging wave.


It's like the sound of a missile falling.

A hurricane of magnitude 12 rolled up over the castle and rushed away in all directions, breaking all the trees hundreds of meters around. The whole castle vibrated violently, and countless pieces of gravel fell.

On the black shield, a 50 meter long crack was cut out. You can almost see the expressions of the people in the castle.

"Poof poof."

Two top wizards, first of all, can't bear it. Directly stirred into pieces by the surging sword Qi.

Sandra, Arthur and Noland. Although they are all strong above the middle of the divine realm. But they could not bear Chen Fan's sword, and they all retreated a few steps. Damon was the only one who stood there, and his blood was boiling like a bloody flame.

At this time, Damon has played his real strength.

Even if one's cultivation is not as good as human immortals, it has reached the peak of the world. Even better than Lin Shuming, Li Changsheng and others in their normal state, they are half ready to catch up with the immortals.


The golden sword rainbow can almost split the black fog and cut into the castle. However, with Damon's support, the surging six pointed star array burst out its infinite power, which made the sword only utter a unwilling cry, and it was about to retreat.

"Hoo, at last."

Many members of the withered castle, just a smile of joy on their faces. But Chen Fan's body flashed, turned into a streamer, and instantly melted into the golden sword rainbow.

Immortal family's swordsmanship. Body with sword!

"Not good."

Seeing this, Damon's face suddenly changed. He was about to burn the secret method and was ready to work hard.

But it's too late. Chen Fan's body and sword became one, and his sword suddenly soared again. It was thirty feet long and broke the sound barrier in an instant, reaching five times the speed of sound.


The defensive array of withered castle is almost split between the fingers.

The bright golden sword rainbow rushed into the castle before people could react. Withered castle, as a force that has been handed down for hundreds of years, has a small array carved on every brick, which can last for thousands of years and withstand the roar of cannons.

But in front of the surging sword spirit, these bricks and stones are like tofu, which are easily cut. The bright tail of the sword directly sweeps many members, and directly stirs these ordinary warlocks who only enter the realm of Tao into blood mist. As soon as the five or six shamans had time to open their shields, they were rubbed by the sword and exploded into pieces.

"Stop him."

Shandelu was about to crack, and the skeleton staff he was holding in his hand gave him a fierce blow, sending out a black fog like a long dragon. In the black fog, there are innumerable curses, death and evil spirits, just like the breath of Hades.

Death sighs.

In those years, Sandro used this magic on the battlefield of North Africa, and swept away the souls of thousands of French soldiers. He became the great wizard of the dead. Now it's more terrifying to use it. Even the divine realm has to give way.

However, chen fan didn't dodge, and his sword ran like a wave, cutting shandelu's black Qi. He took advantage of the situation to cut off the skeleton staff, which broke shandelu's soul and body into pieces.

A great wizard of divine realm standing at the top of the world.

So it fell in an instant.

Arthur and Noland were scared out of their wits with purple faces.


Nolander turns into a stream of black smoke and wants to leave, but Chen Fan smashes it into two pieces. Only one spirit escaped. Chen Fanli ignored him, and his sword soared again, killing Damon with incomparable strength.

"Bang bang."

Damon curses the blood awn and wants to stop chen fan, but they are all split in the air by the sword awn.

The Sword Fairy can break all kinds of methods with one sword. There is nothing else except the sword.

"Stop, you can't kill him."

Arthur sees this, jair canthus wants to crack, fiercely attracts a group of waves, stops in front of Chen fan.

"You can't kill me. Do you know who I am?"

Damon also turned into a blood fog and fled to the depth of the withered castle, shouting wildly.

"I don't care who you are. Today I will kill Damon and those who stand in my way will die."With an unshakable intention to kill, chen fan splits the water waves and directly cuts through several layers of stone slabs. He goes forward and only kills Damon. Just as the sword was about to strike Damon. A black body, fierce block in front of Chen fan.

PS: the first one is presented. The author doesn't eat any rice and goes to write the second one immediately. As long as I can code, I will never fall down. Please support me with the monthly ticket. Our opponents are catching up and our advantages are shrinking. Ten li sword God has no other choice but to ask for your support_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!