Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 562

There are three fleets in the EU.

Black Sea fleet, Mediterranean fleet, North Atlantic Fleet.

According to the sea area, the fleet size is also different. The Black Sea fleet is the smallest and the North Atlantic Fleet the largest. The Black Sea fleet has only three destroyers and seven or eight frigates.

Originally, the European Union set up the Black Sea Fleet just to fight against Russia. Squeezing Russia's strategic space, the Black Sea fleet has hardly encountered combat since it was founded, and it does not know how to deal with this crisis of life and death.


Another 7000 ton destroyer was sunk by Chen fan.

But in just ten minutes, chen fan cut off two destroyers and four frigates in a row. He almost wiped out half of the Black Sea fleet. You know, every warship costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

A warship is often hundreds of meters long, just like a hill, all made of steel. I don't know how hard such a steel monster is than tanks or armored vehicles. It is to use artillery to fire dozens or hundreds of guns at a warship, which may sink a warship.

But Chen fan is like a vegetable melon.

One sword, one boat.

Many generals in the European Union are bleeding.

"Order the air brigade to stop Chen beixuan and not let him destroy the whole Black Sea fleet."

General Nord of England has already started to jump.

You know, half of the Black Sea fleet is drawn from the Royal Navy.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Dozens of fighters hovered about 20 to 30 kilometers, and one missile was fired at chen fan. He did not seek to kill the enemy, but to stop Chen Fan's direction. But Chen fan has already made a real fire.

He was bombed by dozens of powerful missiles before, and the emperor's immortal body could hardly bear it. If it wasn't for the golden flame armor, it might have been seriously injured.

Even now, chen fan still has a little bit of fear.

"It seems that I underestimate the power of technological weapons. One missile is nothing, but the explosive force is multiplied when dozens of missiles are superposed. Although the innate body is strong, it is still human after all. Unlike the dark wolf, it has terrible resilience. "

Chen fan was annoyed.

He had left some hands before, but he didn't kill them all.

But now, chen fan is completely infuriated and will not keep it. Once his combat power is fully opened and his body breaks the sound barrier, the missile can't aim at him. After all, chen fan is too fast, just like a fighter plane rowing at high speed on the water. Even with Chen Fan's accomplishments, we can't support breaking the sound barrier all the time, but we can still do it in half an hour.

"Within half an hour, the battle is over."

Chen Fan flashed a harpoon missile in a zigzag shape, then combined his body and sword into a sword, cutting another frigate in two. At this time, it seems that the headquarters has forced many fighters to cross the 20 kilometer safety line to approach the attack.

"To die! Do you really think I can't do it without killing you? "

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

As soon as he patted Yang Jianhu, nine swords passed away. Every sword light, though not as good as Guiyuan sword, can easily break the sound barrier. It's like nine Supersonic Missiles. It's going to attack many fighters.

"What is this?"

The generals in the military center of the whole European Union have been silly.

They almost can't carry a flying sword, not to mention nine.

"Go, go!"

Many pilots yelled and quickly broke away from Chen fan within 20 kilometers. Before they could breathe, the nine swords broke through the distance of 20 kilometers, turned into nine swords, and chopped down nine fighters.

"Boom boom!"

There are nine fires in the void.

Nine fighter planes with a total price of more than US $1 billion were killed directly by Chen fan.

"It has a range of more than 20 kilometers, damn it. We were cheated by him before, and we left immediately? "

The other fighters, like frightened birds, instantly reached their maximum horsepower and flew away from Chen fan.

However, since Chen Fan wanted to teach the European countries a lesson, he would not keep it.

"Bang bang."

Then nine more fighters were killed by the nine Li flying sword. In the end, chen fan has been directing the Feijian to chase 50 kilometers. It took 30 to 40 fighter planes to turn back.

Although his mind can be put out for 70 or 80 kilometers, if it's too far away, it's not easy for Chen fan to control the flying sword. Within 50 kilometers, it is the most powerful area of Feijian.


the whole EU hall is silent.

All the generals stopped talking.

Whether it's Spain's defense minister or Austria's general who used to clamor for force. All the people were dark and silent.

Chen Fan's last strike really surprised everyone in the European Union.

It's a 50 kilometer attack range, which even exceeds the range of many cannons. Apart from missiles, there are few means to attack 50 kilometers away.But Chen fan can control nine flying swords at the same time and kill everything within 50 kilometers. That's the equivalent of nine short-range missiles. At this distance, who is his opponent? The army will die as many as it comes.

Everyone watched chen fan.

Many warships were cut off with one sword, and finally the whole Black Sea Fleet was wiped out. Only then pats the buttock, steps the Black Sea, lands in Europe, vanishes.

"Generals, what to do..."

brigadier general Nord said with difficulty.

A whole Black Sea Fleet was destroyed. Thirty or forty fighter planes fell, killing and injuring thousands of people. It's hard for every country to explain to the people. Let alone let Chen Fan rush into Europe. Once Chen Fan retaliates, those European adults may not sleep well.

Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

"Directly use nuclear weapons to blow up Chen beixuan!"

A young general patted the table and said.

But he was ignored.

Using nuclear weapons in Europe? If the president of any country dares to sign the order, he will have to resign the next day. The generals of Britain and France, who have nuclear weapons, don't even look at that man. They believe that as long as they type this report, their superiors will roar and tear them to pieces.

"Use the second set of operational plan, send special combat team, beheading it."

Brigadier general Nord shook his head. "And inform our ally, the United States, that we want to discuss with the Chinese side. Can we ask them to dissuade Mr. Chen beixuan? This is just a misunderstanding."

Many generals nodded in silence.

George Wood watched with emotion.

Half a day ago. Many generals look at Chen Fan from the corner of their eyes and think that the bullet can be killed. The special envoy of the European Union was even more arrogant, directly reprimanded chen fan and gave orders as if he had given orders to his subordinates.

But now, all the countries have to humbly ask China to dissuade Chen beixuan and call him Mr. Chen beixuan!

"This is strength! With strength, other countries will respect you. "

George Wood sighed.

At this time, chen fan had left the Black Sea and entered Romania.

He kept supersonic for half an hour and cut off more than a dozen steel warships, even with Chen Fan's accomplishments. I feel a little tired.

"But soon, I can feel it. It's not far from Damon."

Chen Fan looks straight at the West like a sword.

Although he felt vaguely covered by the secret method, he knew that Damon was there, and the seven kill mantra would never be wrong.

Compared with killing Damon, revenge on European countries is second. Chen Fan chased and killed tens of thousands of people all the way to kill Damon?

"Damon, I'm afraid you didn't expect that. Underground mercenaries can't save you, and European countries can't save you. "

Chen Fan sneer, figure a flash, directly pinch a stealth formula, rushed to Damon.

As soon as he stepped into the prosperous area of Europe and used the stealth technique, satellites from all over the world could not detect his position. Many European heads of state are in a panic. They are deeply afraid that Chen fan will turn into an assassin and rush into the presidential palace to kill them.

From Romania to Austria, it's about a thousand kilometers.

Chen Fan pinched the secret of invisibility and ran all the way. Within two hours, he reached an ancient castle in Austria.

The castle is about a thousand years old, very old and gloomy. Dozens of miles around, all are withered black forest. Living in an old castle is like a black witch in a fairy tale.

"Damon the blood devil is there."

Looking at the castle, chen fan's eyes are murderous.

Now that Damon has been found, chen fan is no longer invisible. Show your body and fly over the castle. A burst of drink:

"Damon, get out of here!"

The sound, like thunder, flashed across the sky in an instant, making the whole castle tremble and the trees wither one after another. The sound has been heard for tens of miles. If there were not many people living here, I'm afraid it would have been a big shock.


A blood awn shoots straight into the sky, showing Damon's figure. His eyes were incredible and he exclaimed:

"Chen beixuan, how can you find him so soon?"

Damon had a look of horror in his eyes.

On the Black Sea, Chen Fan Gang fought with the Allied forces of European countries. Damon just got the news, but Chen fan had already crossed thousands of kilometers and rushed in front of him. In order to avoid chen fan, Damon hid in the withered castle. With the help of the border array of withered castle, he wanted to cover his breath, but Chen Fan found it.

"It's impossible. What kind of tracking spell did you put on me? Why can't I escape by using so many secret methods to cover the traces? "

Cried Damon wildly.

"You'd better go to hell and ask the king of hell about that."

Chen Fan sneered.He doesn't talk nonsense at all. He shoots a sword rainbow running through heaven and earth from his waist and shoots it at Damon like a white rainbow running through the sun.

One shot will kill, never leave!

PS: the sixth watch is here. I stayed up until 4:00 p.m. and finally wrote the sixth watch. My friends, please vote for the monthly ticket. The author will continue to watch the O (∩) tomorrow_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!