Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 561

"Whoosh. "

as Chen fan runs fast over the Black Sea, he feels that several high flying missiles in the sky are like sharp blades cutting the sky, coming down from the sky and cutting at him.

Each missile is more and more vocal. Almost between the fingers, they crossed hundreds of kilometers, carrying terrible explosives. Those high concentration compressed explosives, which are Chen Fan's immortal body of the Qing emperor, do not want to touch lightly.


Chen Fan patted his waist.

A touch of golden light came out of yangjianhu, and it was also cut off with several times of sound.

"Bang bang."

A series of explosions sounded at an altitude of more than 1000 meters. From a distance, it's like seeing several bright fireworks. Every firework covers tens of meters with the power of destruction.

But this is only the first wave of attack, to determine his location.

Then, several typhoon fighters cruised ten kilometers away, aiming at chen fan and launching radio cruise missiles. Typhoon fighter, the fourth generation fighter, is slightly stronger than F15. Because Chen Fan once killed F15 with one sword in Japan, they all attacked ten kilometers away, not close to each other.

"Do you think my attack range is still ten kilometers?"

Chen Fan sneered and pinched his sword.


Guiyuan sword with bright golden sword awn, instantly across the distance of 10 kilometers, fiercely chopped a Typhoon fighter. Cut this expensive fighter, which costs hundreds of millions of dollars, into two parts.

"No, his range of attack is far more than expected!"

The other drivers, with their eyes wide open, began to pull up desperately, trying to stay away.

But how fast is Guiyuan sword.

"Bang bang."

Almost in between, chen fan cut down three typhoon fighters in a row. Only two eventually escaped. Chen Fan didn't want to expose too much, so Feijian turned around and returned at 20 kilometers.

It's too far away, even chen fan can't completely control the power of flying sword.

After beating a few flies, chen fan continued to gallop on the Black Sea and head for the other bank.

In the EU command room, however, there was a complete silence.


Brussels, command center of EU joint conference.

Looking at the big screen, chen fan downplayed several missiles and several typhoon fighters.

The generals of all countries jumped out of the corner of their eyes.

"The weapon he used to destroy missiles is obviously the treasure that appeared in Japan. The East calls it" flying sword. ". It's just that the attack distance of Feijian is much longer than that of three years ago. It's 20 kilometers. This is very bad news. "

British brigadier general Nord frowned.

"Order the navy to stop him, attack him directly from a long distance and keep him away. In addition, we should send air squadrons to stop it above the Black Sea and, if necessary, use large-scale weapons. "

Spanish defense minister hateful way.

However, chen fan didn't know that the scene of his fighting had long been captured by the satellites of various governments.

Britain, France, Russia, the United States and China.

These big powers with military satellites have all focused on the Black Sea. This is the first time that a strong man in the divine realm has confronted a modern army.

Before that, whether it was the Russian armored division or the Japanese self defense force, they were all six armies after all.

But now the European countries, it is the integration of air and space combat, the visual range of interdiction, really show the peak power of the modern army.

"Boom boom!"

The Black Sea fleet of the European Union is mainly composed of the British navy and the French navy. After receiving the order, the British destroyer Jupiter began to fire.

Jupiter's fire control radar is very advanced, and its naval gun can attack all creatures within a range of 5 kilometers.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The sharp shells that cut through the sky covered chen fan like a chain of fire. It's not just the Jupiter, it's several other ships, firing at the same time.

In the sky, like a barrage of rain.

The sea water around Chen Fan exploded. It's been blown out of water. These naval guns are far more powerful than ordinary tank guns. However, chen fan didn't like it at all. Under the rain of cannonball and relying on the protection of body, he rushed to the past with a hard shoulder.


A very sharp voice came down from the sky.

As soon as Chen fanmeng looked up, he saw a ten meter long class missile. It was like a thunderbolt falling into the sky. This missile gives chen fan a sense of threat.

"Ground penetrating missile?"

Chen Fan's pupils contracted.

The so-called ground penetrating missile is a special missile which has great penetrating power and is specialized in attacking underground equipment. It is said that the United States has even developed a "ancestor of bombs" specifically for nuclear facilities 60 meters underground. It can penetrate 40-50 meters of reinforced concrete. Even if this bomb is not as good as the "ancestor of bombs", it is close."Broken!"

Chen Fan's sword Qi shot out like nine clouds, and instantly exploded the missile in the air.

But this is just the beginning.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Innumerable shrieks came from the sky, the earth and the sea.

Tomahawk cruise missiles, launched from destroyers. Surface to surface missiles were launched from many military bases along the Black Sea. One by one, the sound of the missile, from dozens of kilometers away from the fighter jet shot.

In a flash, chen fan seemed to fall into a missile rain.

Even under the sea, there are submarine torpedoes.

The sea, the air, the Trinity, together. The feeling of collapse is that Oleg, who is watching the battle from a distance, and several other big powers are all disgraced by it.


"Chen beixuan is in trouble."

Oleg frowned slightly. Only his eyesight could see the battle on the sea tens of kilometers away.

"Marshal, can we help him?"

Natasha was there, worried.

Even if she couldn't see it, she could hear the fierce explosion on the sea in the distance and the sharp whistling of the air. Over the calm Black Sea, fireworks are in full bloom. Each fireworks represents an earth shaking explosion. Any one who is strong in the divine realm will die on the spot in the face of such firepower coverage, without the slightest chance to escape.

Even chen fan could not have stopped so many missile attacks.

These missiles are basically sound like dozens of flying swords. Chen Fangang used his flying sword to cut down several missiles, then used his magic to lay a barrier and tear apart several other missiles. It was hit by a cruise missile.


There was an amazing spark on the sea.

This one was just the beginning, and then, whoosh, whoosh, more than a dozen missiles covered the original place. Each missile carries a powerful high concentration explosive, which is enough to sink a steel warship. Then there were several torpedoes, which exploded at close range in chenfan, setting off a startling splash.

These missiles are ten times more powerful than the father of bombs. A 100000 ton aircraft carrier will be blown to pieces.

Chen fan is just a human body. Obviously, it can't be harder than an aircraft carrier.


"it's a success!"

Many generals celebrate in the European military center.

Spain's defense minister, from the wine cabinet to find a bottle of champagne, to celebrate. George Wood frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Chen beixuan would be useless. The first set of battle plan would destroy him directly.

"It seems that I overestimated Chen beixuan's fighting power. The previous worries were in vain. "

George Wood shook his head slightly.

"Chen beixuan died like this?"

In the United States, people in the Pentagon are wide eyed.

In order to target chen fan, the United States has also deduced numerous battle plans. But unexpectedly, several European Union countries joined hands to directly kill the strongest soldier on the earth. They didn't even use any bottom card weapons.

"Chen beixuan has many cards. He can't die easily."

At the military base in Kunlun, Minister Xiao shook his head.

At this moment, all the people in the world who pay attention to this battle are looking here without blinking. Quietly waiting for the results.

It is true that the tactics adopted by the European Union are specifically aimed at the powerful. First, they used missiles to force the Shenjing strongmen into the predetermined positions. Then, the trinity of the sea, the air, and the missile will be launched to cover the whole area. One miss, ten, 100 is enough.


When many generals in Europe are smiling.

A golden figure rushed out of the explosion. In the golden light, there is a young man in golden armor. He is black and his clothes are shaking, just like the God of war in golden armor.

"Chen beixuan?"

"He's not dead yet?"

"How is that possible?"

The generals of Europe turned pale at the same time.

The Spanish Minister, who was taking out the champagne to celebrate, turned purple and the champagne slapped on the floor.

In the eyes of the people, chen fan turned into a golden light, smashed the sound barrier, drew an amazing white mark on the sea, and killed all the way to the West.

"No. He's headed for the Black Sea fleet. Command the Jupiter, etc. to turn around immediately. "

General Nord's face changed wildly.

It's too late.

How fast Chen Fan broke the sound barrier. Tens of kilometers away, almost a few minutes to cross. Before the Jupiter turned around, chen fan had rushed in front of the 5000 ton destroyer.

"Here comes the enemy!"

On the Jupiter, hundreds of sailors were in a panic, trying to turn the gun attack.


Chen Fan's body and sword were in one instant. He turned into a bright sword rainbow that penetrated into the sky and cut across the sky on the 152 meter long destroyer.Then, in the eyes of many great power generals all over the world.

The Black Sea's Jupiter was cut into two sections by Chen fan. Under Chen Fan's flying sword, with a steel hull more than 20 meters wide and extremely hard alloy armor, it was like tofu. It was cut twice in an instant.


Jupiter split from it and was quickly engulfed by the sea. Countless sailors screamed, but there was nothing they could do.

And that's just the beginning. Chen Fan turned around and ran to another destroyer several kilometers away.

Today, he wants to level the whole Black Sea fleet!

PS: the fifth watch is presented, and the author continues to write the sixth watch. It's said that the fight will not stop. My friends, vote for the monthly ticket_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!