Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 560

Dan bronton.

Earl of Bauhinia, Spain's Second Minister of foreign affairs, special envoy appointed by the European Commission. When he took the messenger's order, he not only represented himself, but also carried the glory and power of the whole European Union.

Any strong man will suffocate in the face of European countries.

Such as dragon hall, Hongmen, black witch sect and so on. It looks powerful, but in front of the eyes of European countries, it is almost like a mole ant. That is, the whole of Central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia together may not be able to compete with Europe because they are the masters of the world.

"Mr. Chen beixuan, do you know what you are doing?"

EU vice minister Clooney's fingers trembled and his eyes fixed on Chen fan like eagles. "You are against the great Europa. You are challenging the whole EU. This is a declaration of war, this is war! "

"If you want to fight, fight."

Chen Fan caresses his sleeve and turns to leave. Oleg and others can only keep up with him with a bitter smile.

Only the European Union people were left in the conference room, their faces were blue, and they could see the anger in each other's eyes.


the news of Dan bronton's death spread like a hurricane to the whole upper class of Europe.

The west is furious.

"It's provocation, it's face beating, it's fighting!"

At the joint meeting of generals, the Spanish defense minister patted the table and angrily denounced: "even in the heyday of the Soviet Union, he did not dare to kill our ambassador. Chen beixuan is challenging the whole European Union. I demand that a resolution be passed immediately to denounce Chen beixuan with force! "

Generals of other countries don't look good either.

Chen Fan's slap is not only in Spain, but also in the face of European countries.

"Dan brownton's words are too fierce. He must know that he is not facing a small head of state. They are dealing with an invincible strong man who is one-man enemy of the country, especially the strong man who is also moody. He is half responsible for this death. "

Major general of the Italian Navy, George Wood frowned.


Spain's defense minister glared at him, almost throwing his gloves to fight him.

"All right."

British brigadier general, general Nord, knocked on the table and said in an elegant voice, "no matter how Mr. Brown died, he represents the whole western world. His death can not be easily concluded. I support the use of force against Chen beixuan. "

"I agree."

Spain's defense minister was the first to agree.



The generals of Germany, France and Austria voted for it one after another.

"In my opinion, only when Chen beixuan really set foot on European territory can he use force again. Of course, I also agree that we should give him a warning not to underestimate the power of Europe. "

Georgewood finally raised his hand.

The Council of the European Union quickly adopted the resolution.

Order EU troops to gather at once along the black sea coasts of Hungary and Bulgaria. Typhoon and gust fighters flew out of military bases in France, Britain and Italy, carrying a lot of missiles and weapons, patrolling over the Black Sea.

They were ordered to launch an attack as soon as they found Chen beixuan crossing the black sea without asking for instructions.

At the same time, the EU asked its ally, the United States, to provide satellite monitoring services. The US commander in Europe readily agreed. The Pentagon also wants to see how powerful chen fan is.

Pieces of information, like running water, converge from all over the world to the European center.

"Chen beixuan is still at the Hilton Hotel in port Boji and has not left."

"Chen beixuan is talking with Oleg."

"The Typhoon fighter has reached the Black Sea."

The generals looked at each other and nodded. British general Nord said: "order the Black Sea fleet to patrol at all times and give them the right to fire at any time."

Except for the army on the surface.

The special departments of Britain and France, the super teams specially developed for the powerful in the divine realm, also secretly sneaked into the Black Sea. For a time, the black sea was full of war clouds, and the eyes of the world were focused here.


Austria, in an old castle.

Four elegant figures are sitting on the old and luxurious sofa, drinking the bright red wine.

"I'm right, Mr. Damon. European countries will not allow Chen beixuan, a time bomb, to enter Europe. "

A middle-aged blonde man, holding a glass, said with a smile.

Next to him, there were two other people besides Damon. One was pale and gloomy. A white bearded scholar.

If there are strong people in the underground world of Europe here, they will be surprised. Because these three people are the leaders of the three major dark organizations in Europe, and they were famous as the strongmen of the divine realm a hundred years ago.

The great wizard of withered castle, Sandra.

The head of the Poseidon sect, Arthur.Norland, the speaker of the dark parliament, basically represents the highest combat power in Europe when the holy see is not born. There may be other powerful deities in Europe, but they are not as powerful as the three, and they already have prominent organizations.

Withered castle, Poseidon sect, dark Council.

This is one of the three oldest dark organizations in Europe. In terms of history, it can even be traced back to a thousand years ago. There are many powerful people from generation to generation. There are even religious artifacts. Even the European countries acquiesced in their existence.

"Arthur, my friend. You know, Chen beixuan is very powerful, beyond your imagination. I doubt that the EU military is his opponent. "

Damon shook his head.

The combination of the seven highest spirits almost gathered the most powerful power in the East, and all of them were killed by Chen Fan one by one. Although Damon kept his hand at that time, he knew that even if he tried his best, he was not Chen Fan's opponent.

"Mr. Damon, you are frightened by Chen beixuan. And I've been sleeping too long to understand the power of modern technology. "

Arthur, the blonde man, smiles and opens a video for Damon.

Only in the video.

There is a figure in full sealed black armor, running rapidly. The figure was so fast that it reached a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour. The armor was so hard that even when a bullet hit it, it only gave off sparks. He was hit by a tank shell and was not killed. Damon even saw with his own eyes that the figure rushed to the side of an armored car and overturned the whole armored car with his hands.

"What's this?"

Damon's pupils shrank.

Although the power of this armored man was not in Damon's eyes.

But the armor on his body is obviously a product of modern science and technology. And the most important thing of modern science and technology is energy production. If there are ten or even a hundred armored soldiers... Damon is afraid that he can only give in by three points.

"The first generation of holographic armor developed by our Neptune sect and Dassault company of France. It has been listed in the French special corps, although it can not be mass produced because of the scarcity of alloy for armor manufacturing. But dozens of them have been made. "

Arthur shrugged.

"The United States developed it earlier than us. It is said that it has developed the second generation, which is close to the combat power of iron man, and can escape from the sky. But the number is even rarer, probably only a few. And that's just the corner of modern technology. "

With that, Arthur opens a few more videos.

There are ordinary soldiers, holding a streamlined rifle, one shot through a half meter thick steel plate.

There is a small laser gun, which is tens of kilometers away, directly destroying the supersonic missile.


"some of the equipment here has been installed, and some are still in the laboratory. Before that, many countries in the world had been engaged in R & D for a long time. But since Chen beixuan was born. European countries began to speed up the pace of research and development. Even we know that in the United States, they may have more advanced weapons, electromagnetic weapons and even space-based weapons. "

Said Arthur.

Damon's face was solemn.

Although he is known as immortal, some of his weapons can still kill him. The terror of modern science and technology is far more than that of decades ago.

"And as far as we know, British blood soldiers will also be deployed."

Next to Sandro, he spoke slowly.

"That's good..."

Damon leaned back slightly, took a long breath, and his eyes were shining with evil light: "Chen beixuan, you chased me all the way. I didn't expect that I would prepare you a big meal."


"Mr. Chen, you are a bit reckless. The European countries are not Russia. Their military strength and science and technology are more advanced. Far ahead of Russia. "

Oleg sighed.

After all, Russia is declining, and it is still gnawing at the bottom of the Soviet Union. However, European countries are at the forefront of science and technology.

"I, Chen beixuan, have never been threatened in my life. It's like this today, every night. " With a smile on his back, chen fan looked coldly to the West: "those who dare to stop me from killing Damon are my enemies. I will cut it off. "

Seeing this, Oleg had no choice but to say:

"please be careful, Mr. Chen. The French Ministry of defense has recently set up a sea god team, which is said to be equipped with brand-new exoskeleton armor. The combat power of one person is comparable to that of a battalion. However, the British Special Intelligence Agency began to clone the descendants of the dark blood group decades ago, and trained some blood soldiers, who are no less powerful than our blood wolf guards. "

Chen Fan did not ask the source.

As a big country, Russia must have its own information channels.

He nodded slightly to Oleg and Natasha, then stepped out, and the next moment his figure had already flashed over the Black Sea. In the eyes of many port officials, chen fan stepped on the water of the Black Sea and rushed to Europe.

In front of him is the European Union Black Sea Fleet armed to the teeth.

In the sky, countless EU fighters patrol, and satellites are constantly monitoring in space. Along the coast of the Black Sea, army troops gathered. Chen fan is already waiting."Find Chen beixuan, cross the Eurasian border and ask for an attack."

"Approval. The code name of this operation is "operation to kill the gods!"

"Missile, launch!"

After a series of radio waves, several missiles, like sharp swords, rose from the coast of the Black Sea and chopped at chen fan.

War is imminent.

PS: the fourth watch is presented. The author continues to write the fifth watch and asks for the monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!