Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 559

The western world.

These two words have always been connected. The west is the world. The world is the West.

Since the 15th century, Western powers have swept the world with their strong ships and cannons. Spread their colonies over five continents and seven oceans. From North Africa to South America, from South Asia to the Middle East, Western pastures are everywhere.

Even now, Europe is still the center of the world.

Five permanent members of the Security Council, three western countries.

G8, six in the West.

Most of the world's economy is concentrated in the West.

Whether it is the rising China or the old Russia, in front of the whole west, they can only support and resist. As strong as the Soviet Union in those days, with tens of thousands of mercenaries and a territory of thousands of Li, all of them were disintegrated by western countries. Since then, no country or person has dared to challenge the western world.

But today, there's a man who's coming straight.


"Damn it, Chen beixuan is here!"

"Chen beixuan, the target of the big three in the West! There's a lot to be desired. "

"Chen beixuan definitely came to hunt down Damon, the blood devil. Damon is dead, and the whole dark world of the west can't stop him."

The underground world, like a bomb falling, instantly the whole underground world is boiling up.

Countless people look to Central Asia, to the Caucasus, to the blue figure.

Chen fan set foot on a country, even cut myth, kill the East without God, now come to the west again?

If the underground world is terrible, then the western countries are shocked.


"how dare Chen beixuan break into our territory?"

"Send someone to stop him at once. Tell Chen beixuan that the day he steps into Europe is the moment when we go to war with him. "

"The EU is not a declining Russia. We are not the small countries in Southeast Asia. We are the masters of the world, the masters of the earth. Chen beixuan had better know his identity! "

The generals of western countries immediately formed a joint meeting when they got the news.

If they were in the ordinary divine realm, they would not care about it. Is the western world still short of killing gods these years? No matter how strong the divine realm is, can it resist aircraft and missiles? Can it resist high-tech weapons? Can it hold a nuclear bomb?

But Chen beixuan was different. He was a super strong man who shook Russia's 116th armored division. Although in the eyes of western countries, Russia's military is decadent and backward, how can it compare with western countries? But we still need to pay attention.

The chief of staff of the Spanish army slapped the table on the spot and yelled.

The generals of all countries also held their chests in their hands and shook their heads one after another.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Chen beixuan came to pursue Damon. It doesn't mean to provoke the western world. "

Belgian defense minister, slightly frowned.

"Whatever he's going to do. His arrival was hostile. Order him to stop at the European border. Otherwise, we will regard it as the Cuban Missile Crisis and eliminate it at all costs. "

The German Air Force lieutenant general sneered.

"What's the warning? If he dares to step into Europe, we will use large-scale weapons to eliminate him directly. And frighten the whole dark world. "

An old man with white hair in Austria, carrying the rank of general on his shoulder, patted the table and said.

Major general georgewood of the Italian Navy was watching coldly.

He knew that Damon, the blood devil, had deep influence in various countries and had countless ties with the major plutocrats. The reason why these countries are so excited and tough in their words may not be that there are many plutocrats behind them exerting their power.


George Wood glanced at the British and French generals in the center of the seat and shook their heads slightly.

At the center of Europe are Britain and France. As permanent members of the Security Council, they have complete nuclear arsenals and military forces in Europe. It's up to them to decide whether to fight or decide.

After a long quarrel, Brigadier General of the Royal Navy and general Nord said:

"I propose to send a special envoy to meet Chen beixuan. He was warned not to enter the territory of the European Union without permission. As for his affairs with Damon, I will not interfere. But it has to be solved outside Europe. "

"I'll reconsider."

The deputy commander of the French foreign Corps nodded.




Seeing that both Britain and France nodded, a series of European countries voted one after another.

Seeing this, the old general of Austria could only snort, but he was thinking about it. Rhett consortium, they promised me 30 million euro, I basically achieved, next, it depends on Chen beixuan.

Several hardline generals looked at each other and saw the pride in each other's eyes.


after crossing the Caspian Sea, there are the Caucasus countries.

These three countries in the Caucasus Mountains serve as a barrier between Europe and Asia. In ancient times, Europe used them to resist the invasion of Asian nomads. In modern times, they are used as springboards to invade Asian countries.When Chen Fan arrived in the three Caucasus countries, he stopped and took a rest in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Thousands of miles across the road, killing countless, after a lot of explosions, blocking, fighting, even with the eternal body of the Qing emperor, feel a little tired.

"Dada dada."

As soon as Chen Fan found a hotel and wanted to have a rest for a while, there was a knock at the door.

His mind was open to the outside, and his figure suddenly appeared outside the door. Is a tall, wearing a black self-cultivation windbreaker, black boots, legs, soul stirring blonde beauty.


Chen fan was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the visitor was a regular customer.

The blonde is Natasha, the guide Chen Fan once took outside the wolf valley.

He opened the door and let Natasha in.

"Mr. Chen, we meet again?"

Natasha's smile was like a flower, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. More than a year later, Natasha became more and more beautiful and moving. Her temperament was much calmer than before. She was also vigorous and well-trained, just like a fierce female agent.

"Didn't I leave you in Russia and entrust Oleg to take care of you? How did I meet you in Baku? "

Chen fan was surprised.

"Mr. Chen, I have joined the KGB to serve the blood wolf guard. This time, marshal Oleg sent me Natasha said with a smile.

"Oh? Oleg is here, too? "

Chen fan is more and more surprised.

When Natasha joined the KGB, chen fan didn't feel strange. His hatred for the KGB was gone long before Andrew died. Later and Oleg, there is a little bit do not fight do not know the taste. After all, China and Russia are friendly countries after all.

But this time, he went to the West. Why did Oleg come?

"The marshal is waiting for you at porti on the Black Sea."

Natasha laughed.

"Black Sea, no wonder."

Chen Fan nodded. Azerbaijan is hundreds of kilometers away from the Black Sea, even one country away. No wonder his divine sense swept through Baku City, but failed to find the breath of Oleg.

"Come on. Go see him and see what Oleg says

Chen fan came out with his hands behind his back.

Whether Oleg came here to beg for mercy or dissuade Damon, chen fan would not agree. Now who dares to stop Chen Fan from killing Damon, that is his lifelong enemy. He will kill him!


the blood wolf guard has a great influence in the Caucasus countries.

Chen fan and Natasha flew all the way to Georgia directly by Azerbaijani military helicopter.

Port Poti.

One of the largest ports on the Black Sea, the natural harbor.

From here, across the Black Sea, you will arrive in Europe, chen fan's destination. Where Damon is.

On the roof of the Hilton Hotel, the largest in port Boji, chen fan saw Oleg. To Chen Fan's surprise, he was accompanied by a meticulous middle-aged white man in a suit.

"Dear Mr. Chen, I see you again."

Oleg bowed slightly to show respect to Chen fan.

Before leaving Russia, chen fan was just a new Jinshen. But now, he is the first person in the East, even in the world. Even Oleg has to respect Chen Fan's power because he is backed by a big country.

"Long time no see, Oleg. What's the matter with you, this one?"

Chen Fan looks at the white man.

Before Oleg could introduce him, the white man stepped forward and said in a haughty voice:

"I'm Dan Brandon, the European Council's diplomatic envoy. Now we have the resolution of the European Union, ordering you to stop at the black sea immediately. Once across the Black Sea. Will be the enemy of the whole EU...

"what's your EU resolution to do with me?"

Chen Fan wave a hand, interrupted brownton's words, not polite way.

"This is a referendum of the whole western world. How dare you disobey the orders of the western world?"

Brandon glared and glared.

Western countries have dominated the earth for hundreds of years.

Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands...

all the great powers once colonized all over the world.

It is as strong as the Vatican in those days. They were all allied by the United States and Europe. Chen Bing was in front of the door. The American ambassador broke into the Vatican, reprimanded the Vatican on the spot in front of the Pope, and ordered the Vatican to close its doors for 50 years.

As for China, Russia and other countries, they are even more overwhelmed by the western world. The Soviet Union was abruptly disintegrated.

No matter how strong chen fan is, he is only one person. Can he be compared with the holy see in the nine realms? Can it compare with the Soviet Union with tens of thousands of mercenaries and tens of thousands of nuclear weapons? On this earth, no one can disobey the orders of the western world!


With a wave of his hand, chen fan clapped Brandon into a patty.The whole hall was dead. Many messengers who came along with bronton were staring at this scene, and they couldn't believe it.

That is, even the Russians, such as Natasha, are staring at myths.

Dear EU special envoy, Mr. Dan brownton, chen fan died in a photo?

Is Chen Fan challenging the whole Europe and the western world?

"Mr. Chen... You are really...

even Oleg, who has been going through a hundred years, can't help shaking his head with a bitter smile, which shocked his heart.

The European people, on the other hand, are all turning pale.

PS: the third watch is presented. The author continues to write the fourth watch and asks for a monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!