Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 558

Krasno Bay, Turkmenistan.

As one of the five Central Asian countries, Turkmenistan has a vast territory and a small population, which is equivalent to the area of five Jiangnan provinces. However, it has only a population of more than 5 million, which is not as good as Chuzhou City. But at this time, this humble country has become the focus of the underground world.

"Blue bird mercenary regiment."

"The sabre brigade in the Middle East."

"The rattlesnake organization of North Africa."


one after another world-famous large mercenary regiments, or top forces, gather in the territory of Turkmenistan. The arrival of these forces even alarmed the Turkmen authorities. However, with few Turkmen troops, there is no alternative to these powerful organizations.

But in half a day, tens of thousands of people gathered here.

Basically, all the armed groups in Central Asia and the Middle East are here. They are all armed and have elite soldiers. There are also many internal experts and extraordinary people in charge. Some of them are even equipped with missiles and anti tank guns. The gathering of so many armed organizations is enough to overturn a country. Apart from the U.S. military, they are almost invincible in Central Asia.

"Did you get any information about the target?"

"Not yet, only one person. It seems that it started from China and crossed the Kyrgyz and Uzbek countries. We are contacting several armed groups that were defeated before to explore the details of the target. "

"Strange, is it the top power in the east?"

The leaders of many forces communicate with each other and try their best to make inquiries.

Although they think they have tens of thousands of people gathered here, there is nothing they can do in the world unless the armies of the five countries come. Even the strong in the divine realm have to retreat.

But they are not fools after all, and they want to move after making plans.

"Well, here comes the Persian warrior of Iran. He is said to practice the court martial arts of ancient Persia, and he can strangle elephants with one leg, which is very powerful in the Middle East. "

"He is the leader of the shadow killer organization. Since the fall of blood skeleton, shadow has become the first killer organization in the world."

"I seem to have seen the emperor of the Caucasus. He's the best in the dark."

Not long ago, one by one amazing news gathered.

There are not only many forces, but also the top ones. Each of them is famous, powerful and even the top ones.

"Since the first World War of wolf Valley, there have never been so many top strong people."

Blue bird mercenary regiment leader sighed.

"Money and silk move people's hearts. One billion dollars is enough to fight hard. Moreover, this time, so many organizational forces have come. It's not fighting alone. The danger is very low. If you can make a profit now, why not. The only thing I'm worried about is that when the Oriental strong man sees our lineup and turns around and runs away, it's a problem. "

The old snake snorted coldly.

Just then.

In the radio station where the leaders of many forces are located, the voice of the front line suddenly came: "we Falcon organization, have detected the enemy. The enemy is a man, male, Oriental man, not good, the enemy found us, he is...

the voice came here, suddenly stopped.

Then, on the radio, there was only the sound of electric current.

The heads of many organizations all turned pale at the same time.

"Although falcon is a small Hunter organization with only nine people, each of them is a martial arts expert or a super power above level B. And they all know how to escape. They can't even say a word before they are eliminated. The other party's power is very terrifying and may even exceed our expectations. "

The blue bird leader's pupil shrinks.

"Whoever it is, prepare to fight. Even the Eastern god level strong one has to retreat three points in front of us. "

The old snake snorted angrily.

As orders were issued, tens of thousands of people gathered at the Caspian Sea border immediately spread out. These large organizations, each with hundreds of people. All armed, naturally, can not come together.

From the sky, it looks like a dozen battle arrays, laying along the Caspian Sea. They did not go to Turkmenistan to encircle and kill chen fan. Instead, they directly blocked the coast of Inner Mongolia, where chen fan had to go to Europe.

At this time, the Gulf of krasno, clouds of war.

Many leaders of the organization sit quietly in the commander's car, waiting for the news from the front line.

"Hummingbird lost contact."

"The Norman Valley minefield is broken."

"The enemy has passed through the blocking position, and all the shadow's 16 top killers are lost..."

one by one, news comes from a distance.

People's faces became more and more ugly.

In order to detect Chen Fan's identity, they set up the next line of defense 30 kilometers away. Including many small organizations, long-range UAVs, camera probes, mine arrays and so on.

But from the first Falcon contact with Chen fan, within a few minutes. Seven or eight lines of defense were broken in a row.

The enemy seemed to be rushing forward without stopping, just like a steel train.Even the camera probe, did not capture the figure of each other.

"Great enemy, unprecedented great enemy."

The emperor of Caucasus said coldly.

He has a head of 2.5 meters, standing there like a brown bear, wearing thick armor, can carry shells. As the strongest of Siberian training camp in the past 16 years, he has a great influence on the six countries in the Caucasus. He ranks 13th on the dark list and is the strongest among the people present.

"No matter what enemy, we have to retreat in the face of our situation. These are tens of thousands of soldiers in full force. " The Persian martial Saint held his chest in his hands and looked around.

Surface to air missiles, shoulder to shoulder missiles, armed helicopters, Vulcan guns, anti tank guns...

just a few kilometers along the coast of the sea, many dark organizations have laid a net. The weapons they carry are not inferior to those of the 116 th division except for the heavy chariots. Their other equipment is almost as good as that of the elite troops of any big country in the world.

Needless to say, their small-scale regiment forces, as well as many elite and powerful men and masters, are even more terrifying.

"The three major organizations in the West did not show up, but used money to push us forward. The other party must be a super strong one, or even a divine realm. " The shadow leader shook his head.

"What if it's really divine? The United States can kill the gods. We can also kill the gods. "

Persian martial saint's red tongue licks his lips and his eyes show the light of killing.


An earth shaking explosion came from a distance.

They all looked over in awe.

That's the last line of defense. There, the holy sword brigade planted dozens of tons of bombs. Once they explode, they are powerful enough to shake the earth and cover a radius of more than 100 meters, no less than the cloud bomb.

"Even in the divine realm, at least you have to be seriously injured."

Many people are looking forward to it.

Although Shenjing is powerful, it can't handle many top-level scientific and technological weapons, such as Chen beixuan, who is a pervert and carries missiles physically. There is only one in the world.

But what appeared in front of all of them was a shocking scene.

A blue light and shadow, stepping out of the flames all over the sky, is as harmless as a demon.

"He is..."

at the sight of the blue light and shadow, countless people's eyes shrank, including Zhan Huang and others.

"Chen beixuan?"


Chen Fan raised his head with a trace of anger in his eyes.

He was walking leisurely in the country of Turkmen. He thought these people had been taught not to disturb him. I didn't expect to get close to the Caspian coast, but I was blocked one after another.

Those drones, small-scale organizations, mines and so on, chen fan cut them off.

However, the blocking positions under the shadow are a little scary.

A total of 16 top sharpshooters used Barrett rifles and even three counter weapons. It's a sharp weapon that can break through tank armor. If Chen Fan hadn't been prepared, he might have been injured.

The explosion just now was even more earth shaking, almost as good as the father of the bomb in wolf Valley, which made Chen fandu disheartened.

"Since you want to die, don't blame me."

Looking at the darkness in front of me.

In Chen Fan's eyes, his intention to kill was greatly won, and his green awn soared like a hunting flag across the sky.


"it's Chen beixuan!"

A cry of surprise came.

Then the whole situation began to stir.

Chen beixuan.

The myth of the time is that one is against ten thousand.

Chen Fangang has just been in the East. He has cut six gods to the top. Who doesn't know and who doesn't know? People never thought that the strong one they were going to fight was the myth of invincibility.

"Damn three organizations. If they say their opponent is Chen beixuan and they give them 10 billion or 100 billion yuan, I won't come. "

Captain Bluebird's face is purple.

"It must be Damon. Only Damon could mobilize those three organizations and the whole west. Chen beixuan is chasing Damon! Let's get out of the way now. Don't be cannon fodder. "

The shadow leader said in surprise.

"It's too late. We've already irritated Chen beixuan."

Looking at that road rushing forward, it brings up a fury rolling dragon, just like the figure of a rainbow. The snake leader gave a bitter smile. "Prepare to fight. I hope Chen beixuan is not as terrible as the legend."

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In a burst of gunfire, chen fan collided with more than ten dark organizations.

From the sky, you can only see a blue god awn, like a magic weapon blade, splitting the whole formation, killing all the way, irresistible. Whether it's armored vehicles, tanks or armed helicopters. In front of Chen fan, it's all a matter of cutting down with a knife.

Chen fan even released nine flying swords.

Nine streams of light, like death's sickle, across the battle. Countless elite mercenaries suddenly fell down like mowing grass. Even a great master like the emperor of Caucasus could not resist the attack of flying sword.The Persian martial saint was directly split in two by the red sleeve sword.

For a while, blood flowed along the Caspian Sea. There are tens of thousands of corpses in krasno Bay.


November 15, 2011.

In krasno Bay, Chen beixuan smashed 13 large mercenary regiments, killed seven strong masters, and trampled countless organizations. The waters of the Caspian Sea were red with blood.

The West was shaken by the news.

PS: Thank you, ye Luo. Thank you very much. I continue to ask for the monthly pass. I'm trying to break out_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!