Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 557

At the beginning, Damon mobilized relatively low-level fighters and mercenaries. As long as we give them US dollars and arms, these armed men in Central Asia and the Middle East will rush to their opponents.

But as Chen Fan defeated wave after wave of armed groups.

Many leaders of the major armed forces feel that something is wrong. Chen fan, like a bulldozer, rushed from Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan, crossing three countries and thousands of miles. In the middle, 13 groups of armed elements, large and small, were killed.

There are hundreds of people at least, and nearly a thousand at most!

In half a day, at least two or three thousand people died or injured in Chen Fan's hands. No matter how stupid these armed forces in Central Asia are, they know that they have met the tough guys and have retreated one after another.

After that, Damon had no choice but to mobilize the international mercenary organization.


in a valley near Karsh, Uzbekistan.

"Boss, our goal this time is said to be one person?"

A strong white man with a three headed Viper tattooed on his arm was carrying a Barrett in his shoulder and a cigar in his mouth. Next to him, there were ten heavily armed soldiers, big and small, all checking their weapons.

Viper mercenary regiment.

Ranked 167th in the international mercenary list, it belongs to the small and medium mercenary regiment. Active in Central Asia and Afghanistan, mainly engaged in small-scale combat missions, rescue missions and so on.

But their equipment is not bad, one water of the U.S. military standard equipment.

Humvees, armored vehicles, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, shoulder missiles, everything.

"According to the news released by the employer, let's block the target for half an hour, and the task completion bonus is $10 million." Said Renault, head of the Viper mercenary regiment.

He has a scar on his face, which is extremely ferocious, so he is called scar Renault.

"Damn, 10 million dollars. When Lao Tzu was killed in Afghanistan, the United States only gave him 5 million yuan. Fight, even if the other party is martial arts master or fighting master, we are not without fighting

The strong man patted his thigh.

Everyone around laughed.

They go through life and death just to make huge profits. In this area, ten million dollars is enough to mobilize a regiment. Although the Viper mercenary regiment is small, it has experienced the battlefield for a long time. On the battlefield, he even met the strong masters several times. He was not afraid.


In the distance, there was a violent explosion.

"It's the minefield laid by Laosi. The target has entered the minefield." Renault's face froze.

Others quickly set up their weapons, set up their formations, and coveted them.

"Son of a bitch, Lao Si is a master of the decommissioned U.S. Navy Seals. The thunder array he laid is the Dragon tooth of China, which can't be found. Yes, the guy did. "

The strong white man laughed.

It's a top-notch fighter or master of fighting. If he is hit by a mine, he will be injured or even killed if he is not careful.

But he didn't say it, and then.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

a series of explosions, like firecrackers, came one after another. And from far to near, quickly spread to the location of the people. The first explosion is still a mile away, but the latest one is almost in front of people's eyes.

"How could it be?"

Everyone's color changing at the same time.

On Chen Fan's way, the Viper mercenary regiment laid dozens of mines, stretching from one mile to the front of the valley. Even the top mine detection masters have to be careful step by step and everywhere when they encounter this kind of mine array. It will take at least a few hours to untie them all.

However, chen fan, like a bulldozer, rushed in without stopping.

"A main battle tank of mekava, which has been bombed by dozens of mines, should be scrapped. There are powerful anti tank mines in there. "

The strong white man couldn't believe it.


The last explosion.

In everyone's incredible eyes, a blue light figure rushed out from the fire. The violent explosion, the shrapnel all over the sky, the scorching high temperature, hit the figure above, did not shake the blue light on him. He had black hair, black eyes, black clothes, and his whole body was as crystal clear as jade.

"This is...

Renault's eyes narrowed as if he had seen someone from somewhere.


At this time, a sharp whistling came from the side. It turned out that the strong white man had already fired. As a heavy long-range weapon, Barrett was powerful enough to shoot through the steel plate of the armored car.

Then the crowd exclaimed.

Renault's eyes widened.

I saw the blue figure, even a hand, stretched out two fingers, the narrow Barrett bullet, sandwiched between the two fingers, like holding a cigarette.

"My God."

The strong white man couldn't help looking up. The cigar slipped from his mouth, but he didn't notice it.Even those martial masters or fighting masters who wear bulletproof armor and cross the battlefield dare not bear Barrett with their bodies. After all, Barrett is far more powerful than ordinary rifles and machine guns. That person can use two fingers to clamp unexpectedly, this is what realm? Is it above the world?

"No, he is..."

Renault suddenly thought of something. As soon as his pupils shrank, he would give a loud warning.

"You are the ones who are blocking me?"

The blue figure looked up slightly and appeared in front of the crowd after crossing a distance of more than 100 meters. What he said was a bright blue sword.

"Bang bang."

The Viper mercenary regiment had no time to raise their guns to meet the enemy.

The blue blade ran across the 100 meter void. It was like pulling out a blue fan. All the objects in this sector, including many mercenary regiments, weapons, machine guns, Humvees and even armored vehicles, were cut into two pieces out of thin air.

"He is Chen beixuan..."

Renault said with trembling.

But it's too late. The whole Viper mercenary regiment, dozens of people, was killed by Chen fan. Even a few of them are masters of martial arts and fighting, but how can they block Chen Fan's sword?

After Chen Fan hit the hand, he shook his body and continued to shoot into the distance.

As for those who died, he didn't look at them twice.


the Viper mercenary regiment is just the beginning. Since Chen Fan entered the territory of Uzbek, waves of small and medium mercenary regiments received rewards and began to try to stop chen fan.

The combat literacy of these mercenary regiments is much better than that of the armed men.

Mine array, bomb truck, rocket gun coverage, poison gas bomb... And even some guys get anti equipment guns with special armour piercing bullets, which are super weapons that can pierce tanks with one shot.

Chen fan was careless and shot. The real element on his body surface was directly punctured and a white spot was punched out on his chest. If the power is several times greater, it can even threaten chen fan.


Chen fan, who is annoyed and angry, directly records the golden pupil of Lihuo.

The guy, including his mercenary regiment, was roasted into smoke.

These mercenary regiments are very cunning and have changeable tactics. They can't be killed. It seriously hindered Chen Fan's journey. His speed has been greatly reduced since he entered Uzbekistan.

However, after Chen Fan defeated a large mercenary regiment of 500 soldiers and entered the Turkmen kingdom.

He suddenly opened up in front of him.

There is no one to stop chen fan.

Naturally, chen fan didn't know that his continuous killing had caused a great stir in Central Asia, the Middle East and the international dark world.

"Damn, what are the missions issued by these Western organizations? Why did my several mercenary regiments disappear quickly and no news came back? "

"Mine, too. The three mercenaries, viper, war tooth and tiger, I'm in charge of contacting, haven't contacted either."

"No, it's said that the red shield mercenary regiment has been completely destroyed."


As soon as the news came, the whole international mercenary community was boiling.

Red shield is one of the top ten mercenary regiments in the world. Although it is not as famous as destroying God mercenary regiment and scarlet wings, it is also famous. There are 500 members, all of whom are experienced soldiers, including several A-level super powers and fighting masters.

You know, A-level super, has been equivalent to the peak of internal strength.

Together, these 500 people can even encircle and kill the master, and the strong in the dark list will have to give way by three points.

"Who is it? To destroy red shield so quickly. Is it the Dragon tooth of China, or the blood wolf guard of Russia? "

People can't understand it.

The task publisher only said that the number of targets is relatively small, but did not point out the real identity of the target. They can only guess.

"The latest news is that the three major dark organizations in the West have raised the reward to $1 billion. Any strong person or organization that takes over, each billion, will not be capped, will hunt and kill the target, and will reward 10 billion! "

When the news came.

The whole underground world was a sensation.

With a billion dollars, several top killer organizations can be mobilized to hunt masters. And a billion per person is a great effort. It is enough to surround and kill the strong in the dark list, even Odin and Adam.

"My God, do they want to kill Qinglong, ye Nantian?"

Anyone who knows the inside story is stunned.

"With the power of the three major Western organizations, we are still paying people to fight. Obviously, our opponents are too strong. Let's die. The opponent may be the divine realm. Never

Some wise people shake their heads.

But more people who have been dazed by one billion dollars, whine and fly to Turkmenistan.

For a while, in Turkmenistan, the strong gathered and the influence was like rain. Numerous large-scale organizations and top powers are standing in front of Chen fan, waiting for the goal to come. I want to get this billion dollars.At this time, chen fan was crossing the Turkmen state leisurely.

He was tired all the way and just had a rest.

"Through the Turkmen, you can see the Caspian Sea. Beyond the Caspian Sea, it's not far from Europe. "

Chen Fan's eyes sparkle and he looks to the West with a sense of killing in his eyes.

PS: the author is up, the battle begins, and we are trying to be more powerful. My friends, please vote monthly. We are only a few votes away from our opponents_ ∩)O! (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!