Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 556

The blood clan is not a big clan in the universe.

Therefore, there are more than 100 ways to solve their blood source incantations, including many sects in Xiuxian kingdom. However, there are only three kinds that are in line with the current earth environment and what Chen Fanxiu has done.

"The first one is to find a pure blood group, take its essence and blood, and make it into a magic talisman. Let's not say whether we can find pure blood on the earth. It's a congenital creature. I can't kill it now, but I can't do it at most. "

"The second is the" worry free curse "of Wanfa sect, which claims to solve all curses. But the casting time is at least 7749 days. At that time, Damon doesn't know where he's gone. "

"The third one is the" Yi Mu Sheng Ling mantra "of the wood family, which is a combination of the blood of the wood spirit and the Qi of the Yi Mu spirit. It can break all kinds of blood family mantra..."

seeing the third one, chen fan's eyes brightened.

The wood family is a big family in the universe. Because the blood family has enemies, they specially developed this kind of spirit curse. Chen fan also has the magic power of Yi wood spirit, but the blood of the wood spirit...

"the wood God is the God residence of the wood family, at least the power of transforming the God. But my eternal life of the Qing emperor is inherited from the ancient Qing emperor, which is the existence of harmony. Even if I'm only a little bit mature now, it's enough to replace wood spirit blood. What's more, Damon is just the peak of the divine realm, and the power of his incantation is far less than that of the original version. "

Thinking of this, chen fan immediately started.

With a flick of his finger, he cut his wrist with a sharp nail.

See crystal clear fingernail only, delimit on the skin like sapphire, send out Dangdang sound. It's like the sound of metal. Chen Fan's whole body is made of alloy, stronger than diamonds.


The skin was finally cut open, and a pale cyan blood mixed with golden light flowed out.

As soon as the blood appeared, the whole hall was filled with a surge of wood aura. Placed in the corner of the vase, inserted a bunch of slightly withered plum blossom, at this time even in full bloom.

This is the blood of a God. The aura contained in this drop of blood is as good as one hundred poly elixirs. At this time, chen fan, like a Tang monk, ate immortality.

In the universe, there are often evil practitioners or alien groups. The purpose of hunting the top disciples is to obtain their spiritual blood.


Chen Fan squeezed out seven drops of blood, and then the skin healed naturally.

He hit the spirit of ebony, combined with the seven drops of blood, a stroke in the air. All of a sudden, a very complicated spirit curse appeared in the void. This spell is ten times more complicated than the "Sheng Zao Hua Fu" that Chen fan used to cast.

The spirit curse is refined from the spirit blood of the God body. It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life and making the flesh man white bone.


Chen Fan's face was dignified to the extreme. Every finger was drawn out, and his movement was one point slower, as if he was carrying a heavy load. This kind of spirit incantation can only be performed by real congenital monks. With his current cultivation, it's a little difficult.


About three hours later, chen fan finally finished the painting.

At the end of the last stroke, the whole talisman suddenly burst into light, and countless divine lines burst into green light. If you look at it carefully, you will find that the divine pattern of this talisman seems to form a towering tree. That tree shape is the first fairy tree in the legend, the first group of Mu nationality.

"The spirit talisman becomes, curse to go."

Chen Fan pinched the formula and stamped his foot gently.

Yimu shenglingfu, instantly turned into a green light, shot into Chen Kexing's body.

Chen Kexing's body trembled violently. Under the surging green light, black Qi was expelled from the deep bone marrow, and turned into a devil's face in the air. His face was similar to Damon's, but was burned to ashes by Chen Fan's flame.

With more and more green light, more and more black gas came out of Chen Kexing's body. At the end, his skin and muscles began to swell. From fingers, wrists, arms, chest, abdomen, limbs, head.

Chen Kexing gradually regained his former appearance.


Wang Xiaoyun and others have been waiting outside the villa for three days.

During this period, people from the municipal government, people from Jiangnan province and many rich people from Surabaya came to visit one after another. They were all stopped by Wang Xiaoyun. Now, beiqiong group, with assets of nearly trillion, is the guest of honor of the major governments and has a strong background. Who dares to offend?

Until three days later, chen fan came out slightly tired.

"Xiao Fan, how's your father?"

Wang Xiaoyun came up in a hurry.

"Don't worry, mom, dad is OK."

Chen Fan comforts with a smile. When he saw the haggard face on Wang Xiaoyun's face, the more murderous he was.

"Blood demon Damon, I Chen beixuan won't kill you, I will never preach!"

With that, chen fan turned and walked out.

"Ah, Xiaofan, what are you going to do?"

Everyone looked over in surprise.


Chen Fan lightly spits out two words, then fiercely turns into a blue light, instantly shoots to the West. The only thing left was that people looked at each other and didn't know why....

although Damon has escaped for three days, chen fan can find him even if he escapes outside the universe.

"I ran very fast. In three days, I went abroad to Central Asia?" Chen Fan looked to the West with a cold hum.

Although Shenjing can fly in the air, it can only fly for a short distance of tens of miles. If you want to really travel thousands of miles in a day, you can travel around the earth and find a Beihai dushiwu. That's what a natural friar can do

Damon, the blood devil, could not fly. He was afraid that Chen fan would catch him and hide. He did not dare to take a plane or a train. He had to walk. In three days, he ran thousands of kilometers to get out, which was very powerful.

As Chen Fan ran at high speed on the earth, he took out a special communicator and dialed the number of rosefinch:

"Hello, rosefinch? I want all the information about Damon. "

This communication device is sent to Chen Fan by special departments. If necessary, it can be contacted at any time. Even in the primitive jungle, the signal will not be broken. Usually Chen Fanshou is in the magic weapon of space, and is not afraid of their positioning. This is the first time to use it.

"You're going to hunt down Damon?"

As soon as the rosefinch heard this, she understood it and immediately said:

"the data is ready and will be transmitted to you. But you have to be careful. Damon, as a super strong man who has survived for hundreds of years, is an old spirit. He is the leader behind the scenes of the three major dark organizations in the west, and has countless ties with many countries in the European Union and the chaebols. As soon as you go abroad and get to Central Asia, it's basically his territory. "

What are the first three concepts of the divine realm?

Lin Shuming is the leader of Southeast Asia. A letter can attract Hongmen ancestors, Xie Yan and others.

When ye Qingcang was in charge of Kunlun, he could mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops and rely on a big country. The holy adjudicator is the most powerful one of the holy see in the contemporary era. The potential power is incredible.

When Damon was in China, chen fan killed him if he wanted to. But once he fled to his own territory, he began to mobilize huge forces, and even mobilized the troops of the European Union and even NATO.

"I see."

Chen fan light said, hang up, quickly look at the information of the communicator.

"Damon, the blood devil, was born in an ancient noble family in Romania, with a quarter of Chinese blood and mixed Eastern and Western blood. As a child, he was brought up in the Dalan temple in Tibet. Later, he joined the Vatican hermit, learned from the East and the west, and was proficient in countless secrets and martial arts. More awakened to the power of blood, with almost immortal body

"He was chased by several holy places of the Holy See and escaped. He is the most powerful person in the Western dark world and the controller of the three dark organizations. Dark organizations, large and small, in the West have something to do with him. There is the identity of the leader of the dark world in the West. His strength is unfathomable, and he is suspected to be immortal. "

Next, Damon committed the heinous murder.

He killed hundreds of thousands of people in North Africa, central and Eastern Europe during the two world wars. Finally, he wakes up his blood and achieves almost immortality. He is extremely cunning. No matter how the Holy See pursues him, he will not be killed. Even the former Soviet Union tried to use nuclear weapons, but he dodged them.

"It seems that he has hidden his strength before."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the one suspected to be immortal.

Before Damon and Chen fan, the strength shown is only the peak of the divine realm.

But from all kinds of records and information, I'm afraid Damon had the power of human immortality, but he had been hiding. It's estimated that Chen Fan could not be killed when he saw the two immortals, so he left with one blow and ran away.

After all, Damon ranked higher than Lin Shuming in the list of gods.

"But even if you have great power, how can you block my determination to kill you?"

Chen Fan sneers and shakes again.

In the sky, it's like a blue streamer, rubbing the ground, with a rolling dragon, chasing the West.

East and west of China, about 5500 km. It will take more than ten hours to fly, including the boarding time. But Chen Fan ran from Chuzhou to the border with his feet. It took only eight or nine hours, almost subsonic.

As soon as he left China and went to the grasslands and deserts of Central Asia, chen fan immediately felt that the smell of Damon began to show.

"Cover the seven kill mantra with a secret method?"

Chen Fan disdains to smile: "it's a pity that you don't know that the seven kill mantra is the great mantra of life and death. Unless you die, you will escape to the alien world and cut off the connection between us."

Thinking of this, chen fan rushes at his feet and continues to chase Damon.


it's just that after leaving the border, chen fan immediately felt that Damon's terrorist forces had changed.

Just after running for half an hour, chen fan encountered a wave of armed elements. These armed men with scarves on their heads, AK and pick-up trucks, do not want to die, wave after wave stopped Chen Fan's pursuit road.

At the beginning, chen fan just killed the leader and scattered these armed elements. But later, more and more armed elements came in waves. They don't know Chen Fan's identity at all. They want money but not life, just like ants.After being stopped several times, chen fan finally got into a real fire and started to kill.

Suddenly, groups of armed men were slaughtered by Chen Fancheng. Chen Fan stepped on a path of blood and went after the West.

At this time, his pursuit has already started to alarm the whole world. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!