Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 550

He used his body to defend the sword. He defeated two people, injured two people and killed two people with one sword.

The strength of Chen Fan's sword is so terrible that it almost has the power of Lin Shuming's Dixian sword. It took Lin Shuming 60 years to build up his sword spirit to create the earth shaking sword. Chen fan just combined his sword with his body, and his sword was in the air, so he had such amazing power.

The immortal family's swordsmanship is so terrible.

"Bang Dang."

Chen Fan defeated seven people with one sword. He was born in the void.

Although it is a sword skill of innate state to defend the sword with one's body, chen fan can try to cultivate a spirit body. The whole body, the true yuan, the spirit and the flying sword are combined into a pure sword light. No matter what, no matter what.

This kind of Kendo is beyond the imagination of people on earth.

Lin Shuming's Yuanshen imperial sword, in the face of this sword, in terms of pure skill, is eighteen thousand miles away.

"I can do this sword ten more times. How many swords can you give me?"

Chen fan, with both hands on his back, looks like an eternal blue sky in his eyes, overlooking everything.

Li Changsheng had a stern face and said nothing.

Yao Dao is in a mess. If it wasn't for the protector of Lei Yinling, he would have been cut in two by Chen fan. Even so, there was a deep sword mark on the thunder seal. It was so hurt that it almost fell to the level of spirit weapon.

As for the other five people, dead and wounded.

The situation of seven people joining hands broke in an instant.

"Chen beixuan, do you really want to fight with us?"

Li Changsheng's wide sleeve Taoist robe is full of immortality, and his breath is growing stronger and stronger. It seems that he is going to enter an incredible level.

"As I said, after today, there will be no divine land in the East."

Chen fan was indifferent.


Dantai Qingxuan's frightened figure appeared in the void. The lotus platform under her feet withered again, leaving only the last two pieces. This means that if she dies two more times, she will fall completely.

King sagafa didn't have a magic weapon for death, but his spirit rushed out of his body and turned into a golden light and shadow in the void. The light and shadow are extremely concise, and there is a faint sound of Sanskrit singing. Tantric school specializes in spirit. With the power of spirit, Sakya Dharma king can be regarded as the first person on the scene. Even if he abandons his physical body, his strength will drop by 20% at most.

As for Damon's blood devil, his flesh instantly healed together, intact, but his face was pale.

Chen Fan didn't kill anyone with his sword.

However, chen fan has been psychologically prepared for this. Each of these old Shenjing has its own card. But not once, twice. If you kill them twice, you can kill them three times.

"Come again."

Chen Fan plays the sword and roars. His body is in a flash. In an instant, he combines with the flying sword and turns into a sword rainbow that runs through the sky. The Jian Hong instantly broke through the air and soared to three, four or even five times the speed of sound.

The physical body breaks the sound barrier. Chen fan can exceed twice the speed of sound at most. But the speed of the sword can be doubled. This is the horror of the sword immortal. Even in the world of cultivating immortals, the sword immortal is also the first pronoun of killing. Even Chen Fan's body can't be used for a long time. But killing these people is enough.


This time, the seven were hit hard again.

At the top of the head, guru Rama was directly cut off his arm, which was comparable to the body of the Dragon elephant. He was abruptly cut off, and the pale golden blood was scattered in the air. And then he was killed again. Damon, the blood devil, rushed forward as a blood shadow and was split into two pieces in the air.

As for Yao Daoyi, King Sakya and Takeo Watanabe, they vomited blood at the same time.

Only Li Changsheng, who protects his body with purple Qi, takes Chen Fan's sword.


In the void, the figure of dantai Qingxuan appears again, but this time there is only one lotus. Her face turned pale and her eyes were full of horror. This time, she really felt the threat of life and death.

Guru Rama's face is as light as gold.

He was also cut down by Chen Fansheng because of his strong physical body. Guiyuan sword is a spirit weapon, which is extremely sharp.

As for the other gods, it's hard to see their faces. Chen Fan's speed is too fast, five times the speed of sound, almost beyond their reaction. Almost between the fingers, chen fan killed seven of them at the same time. They don't have a chance to work together.

"It won't work. Let him kill us again, we will all die. "

Damon, the blood devil, is healing again.

Just this time, his eyes were also very dignified. Although he has a mysterious blood line, he is known as the immortal body. But it can't bear Chen Fan's successive killing.

The others, looking at each other, nodded slightly, as if determined.

"Take my sword again."

Chen Fan laughs. His sword is strong and runs across the sky.

He has a sword in his hand, and is invincible under the earth immortal. These seven people join hands, of course, the power is infinite, but they can't beat chen fan at all. Every time, it's like fighting alone with Chen fan. Even the immortals may not be able to block Chen Fan's sword, let alone them."Boom!"

Sword and thunder.

A bright sword rainbow cuts through the sky and the sound barrier, just like death's sickle. Pull out a long sword mark in the void and chop again. The power of this sword is more than three points.

"Set up."

Li Changsheng burst out to drink.

The other six people knead the formula and formed a magic array in an instant.

From Li Changsheng, a visible light quickly spread to Damon, guru Luomo, Takeo Watanabe, Yao Daoyi, Fawang Sakya, and finally to Tantai Qingxuan.

When the Dharma array was completed, seven big stars appeared on the top of the cloud mountain. Seven visible starlights came down from the sky and fell on the seven people. They turned into one in an instant, with stars all over them, just like immortals coming into the world.


Chen Fan cut out a sword, split on the star. It's like hitting an iron curtain. The sword was on the starlight and cut out many ripples, which made the starlight vibrate violently. It almost broke, but it didn't break after all.

"What's this?"

Chen Fanyi received the sword light, looked at the array, and frowned slightly.

At this time, the seven deities stood with each other in a mysterious position. The star light on the top of their head fell from the sky and combined with their true power, turned into a layer of light clothes and fell on them. A grand breath emerged from the seven people. Chen Fan felt as if he was facing the world.

"Master Chen Xian once asked me why we dare to come. That's our confidence."

Li Changsheng said with a faint smile:

"this array is called" immortal killing array ". It was created by the ancestors who were defeated by the people of the immortal sect. They thought hard and called together many divine realms. It was set up by the people of Xianmen. This array can kill the earth immortals when it reaches 10%. Chen Xianshi is the first witness since the foundation of this array. He should be proud of it. "

At this time, he was dressed in a star suit, with a jade face and a feather crown, floating in the wind, just like a star king.

"Ha ha, it's just a big dipper array."

Chen Fan sneered.

This dharma array is earth shaking, and even leads to the birth of the Big Dipper. If you are an ordinary earth practitioner, you will be scared out of your wits. But how can he coax down the northern Xuanxian.

The Big Dipper is the brightest star in the sky, and it is also the easiest star to borrow the power of stars.

The most basic array is to pull the power of the Big Dipper. Although these seven gods can only arouse the power of the Big Dipper, they can still run across the world, even though the earth immortals may not be able to defeat them. But they are facing chen fan.

"If you can draw the power of the sun and the sun, I'll turn around and go. How dare you teach me in front of me? " With a sneer, chen fan suddenly turned into a sword rainbow and came in the air.

"Let me break your battle with one sword."


Seven people knead the formula at the same time.

The resplendent star power, combined with their true yuan, turned into a rolling star and poured out in all directions. The power of the stars is so vast, with the power of old and vast, crushing everything. The quality is far superior to the vitality of heaven and earth. Chen fan only feels that there are boundless waves coming from all directions.

The power of the seven people's cooperation is close to the immortal. Now with the blessing of the power of the stars, it's even more terrifying.

At the foot of the mountain, countless people saw an amazing scene. The shadow of seven big stars appears on the top of the cloud mountain, which means that even the fog can't cover it, and the stars appear in the daytime, shining with the sun. And the light of the stars is more and more bright, almost better than the sun.

"Spectacle, this is a real astronomical spectacle."

There's a voice.

Many off-duty citizens in Chuzhou City can't help but stop and look over in surprise.


Chen Fansi ignored all this.

With a roar, the sword suddenly turned into a golden thread, which was only one finger thick and thin, condensed to the extreme. Anyone who looks directly at this golden thread will be burned by its strong golden light.

It's almost impossible to describe the sword in words. Heaven and earth seem to be divided into two parts under this sword.


It's like a hot wire falling in ice. The golden light cuts through the water. It directly splits the light curtain of the stars, crosses seven people, and then rushes out hundreds of meters to show Chen Fan's figure.

At this time, chen fan's face turned pale, and it was Guiyuan flying sword. They were all humming and trembling, as if they could not bear it.

Jian Guang Ning Si!

This is really the best kendo. At least it needs the sword cultivation of Jindan period to make it. Chen fan was just in the middle of Shenhai. He forced him to move and suffered internal injury instantly. Even the spirit level flying sword was almost broken on the spot, and could only play one percent of its power.

But it's enough.


Only a clear voice came.

Like a waterfall of light curtain, directly broken into a little bit of light. Seven big stars, also a flash, instantly disappeared.

Then, master Rama, who was standing in the first place, had a bitter smile on his face. Chen Fan's sword cut him into two pieces. He was so powerful in South Asia that he was almost as good as King Kong and had the power of dragon and elephant."It's a pity."

Master Rama closed his eyes slightly, the light in his eyes became more and more dim, and finally he died.

Even his spirit was destroyed by Chen fan.

But this is just the beginning.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author hurry to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!