Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 551

Master Rama.

South Asia "ha ha."

Chen Fan chuckled. "It's too late to ask for mercy. As I said, I will destroy all of you, step on your orthodoxy, and erase everything from the world. "

With that, chen fan patted Yang Jianhu.

Nine streamers of light came out of the gourd and turned into nine flying swords, which floated in front of Chen fan.

Master cangjian, the powerful Jiuli sword!

Yao Dao couldn't help showing a trace of despair. They can't stop one Guiyuan sword, not to mention nine flying swords?

"Well, at this point, it's just a fight to the death. Otherwise, we can escape. Can the orthodox disciples escape? "

Li Changsheng said solemnly. The breath of his body suddenly surged into a mysterious realm. The whole person, as if connected with the heaven and earth as a whole, moves the power of heaven and earth.

Human immortal!


Blood demon Damon's eyes, blood shadow like raging waves. The momentum is also fully released, even second only to Li Changsheng, not inferior to the ordinary state of Lin Shuming.

"Ah, I'm sorry for the ancestors of Tianshi Dao."

Yao Daoyi shook his head slightly and sprayed his blood essence on the bronze seal.

The thunder seal is buzzing, and it's just like a reflection. Once again, thunder and lightning flourished, and a blood awn emerged from the gap, vaguely filling the sword mark. The lightning awn on the thunder seal became more and more hot, almost turning into a pure purple. But Yao Dao's face became more and more pale, almost white.

The breath of the three people is even stronger than that of the previous seven people.


Chen Fan touched his sleeve.

Nine flying swords turn into a river of swords, like a river of stars, which encircles Chen Fan in the middle.

Although the Guiyuan sword was damaged by "the light of the sword coagulates the silk", it can't be used again. However, the power of nine quasi spirit weapons flying sword is not inferior to Guiyuan sword, and even better than half chip. This is almost Chen Fan's move, next only to Shentong's move of pressing the bottom of the box.


Chen fan a light drink, nine streamer instant burst out, like nine heaven and earth sword rainbow. Each sword is a little less powerful than Guiyuan sword, but nine of them come out at the same time, which is earth shaking.

From a distance, people can only see that the top of the mountain is like nine rainbows.

"I'm positive. Daoyi, you cover, Mr. Damon. Close up

As soon as Li Changsheng opened his mouth, he let out a purple air. The purple Qi was hundreds of feet long across the sky. It was like a river hanging in the sky. It stopped nine flying swords in an instant.

However, the nine flying swords instantly formed a sword array and turned into a sword ring, which surrounded Li Changsheng.

Yao Daoyi shakes Lei Yin.


The purple sky thunder, thick as a bucket in the void, falls from the sky with astonishing momentum. Damon even gave a strange smile. He broke the sound barrier and rushed to Chen Fan in an instant.


Chen fan directly to protect the body true yuan, hard shoulder purple thunder, not from the body down several Zhang.

The thunder seal was stirred by blood essence, which was almost as strong as Lin Shuming's immortal strike. Damon's body breaks through the sound barrier, which is more like the blood shadow of the raging waves. His body forms nine residual shadows, which are killed in the air.

"But how long can it last just by the three of you?"

Chen Fan sneers and fights with Damon in an instant.

This strong man, who was the third in the list of gods a hundred years ago, is really terrifying. He was not only proficient in hundreds of eastern and Western secret arts, but also reached the peak of divine realm in terms of martial arts. It's easy to use all kinds of martial arts. Even Hongmen's unique "thousand magic Moyun" can be learned. The physical body is extremely strange, like a phantom, unable to kill.

But now chen fan, how terrible.

After three fingers, chen fan pointed to the sword and split Damon into two pieces.

After five fingers, chen fan hit Damon on the shoulder and smashed him again.

After seven fingers, chen fan's Daoquan was hit, which directly made Damon, who had just formed a combination, explode in the air.

"No. I can't stop him

Damon's body appeared hundreds of meters away, his face was pale, and he gasped heavily. In a short time, continuous rebirth, too much pressure on him. Even Damon, known as the "blood devil", has an immortal body and can't carry it.

"Hold on a little longer."

Yao Daoyi spat out a mouthful of blood essence again, shaking the thunder seal, once again attracting a great thunder.


This thunder is twice as thick as before, and its power is as powerful as the peak of beauty fairy. It's been incredible. The people on the ground saw it, and their faces were shocked and speechless.

"To die."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed cold. He broke the sound barrier and rushed to Yao Daoyi.

This time, no longer for Yao road a block.

The first punch, chen fan will be simple blue Lei Yin, hit far away fly out.

In the second punch, chen fan directly blows up Yao Dao's body, which is full of horror, and destroys all his body protection weapons.The third punch, Yao Dao's spirit, was also smashed by Chen Fan's volley.

After the three fists, Yao Daoyi, who was in charge of Lei Yin and the leader of the dragon and Tiger Mountain Taoist school for a hundred years, fell down like this.

"How dare you

Trapped in the sword array, Li Changsheng gives out an earth shaking roar. The purple air surges, and the vitality of heaven and earth bursts out. In an instant, the sword array bursts out of a gap, and the whole person turns into a purple rainbow.

But Damon, the blood devil on the other side, suddenly turned into a blood shadow and shot to the sky. He did not turn his head back.

In less than ten minutes.

The seven gods joined hands to besiege chen fan. Five died and one escaped, leaving Li Changsheng alone.

Almost, the whole army is destroyed!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!