Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 549

Before Jiang churan and the villa, chen fan had to give a lot of Zhenyuan to protect them. Now Jiang churan leaves, the villa collapses, and Chen fan is finally liberated, truly playing his unique fighting power.

How terrible Chen Fan was, everyone immediately saw him.

In the void, bang exploded violently.

Half a time later, chen fan had already killed the king of Sakya. Even with the highest cultivation of Sakya Dharma king, it's only time to raise one's hand and activate the body protection mantra.

I saw a golden light shield, like a gold bell, protecting the Sakya Dharma king. Like the sound of the Dragon singing and the tiger roaring, it comes from the light shield. I vaguely saw a golden dragon and tiger swimming around the king of France. On top of the Golden Dragon and tiger, there was a arhat riding on it.

"It's the Dragon Tiger mantra."

Yao Dao, who had seen a lot, recognized him immediately.

The Dragon Tiger Dami mantra is the supreme Dharma mantra of Tantric school. It is said that two golden Arhats are invited to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger. They have the power of not destroying the golden body. In those days, Sakya Fawang launched this dharma mantra and sat over Buda palace for three days and three nights with the heavy artillery of the British army. In the end, the British army was forced to retreat.

In addition to the dragon and tiger mantra, many colorful lights also appeared from Sakya Dharma king. The master of Tantric school has so many magic weapons to protect his body that it's appalling. Not to mention, Tantric school has always been the soul and flesh cultivation. I'm afraid that the body of Sakya Dharma king is second only to that of guru Rama. He is very strong and can be compared with Tongshan.

But Chen Fan's fist, how terrible?

It's a physical blow to double the sound barrier.


Just one click.

The golden light shield, even suddenly concave down, showing a fist mark. Then the light shield couldn't support any more, and it exploded. Chen Fan smashed the Dragon Tiger mantra.

Then, crackle like the sound of fried beans.

The magic rays burst. The Buddha beads, amulets and vestments on Sakya's Dharma King couldn't bear Chen Fan's incomparable strength. They burst into pieces. At last, the whole person burst out like a sharp arrow. As they fly back, they shed blood in the air.

As soon as the king of Sakya retreated hundreds of meters away, he barely stopped.

His face is like gold paper, and his breath is fading. They were surprised to find that there was a three inch deep fist seal on his chest. All the clothes around the fist seal were broken, showing the king of Sakya's body as hard as steel. But even such a body can't hold Chen Fan's fist. If the seal is half an inch deeper, it will break the heart of Sakya Dharma king.


Everyone took a cool breath.

The dragon and tiger's big secret mantra, many body protection magic weapons and horizontal training of the spirit and body almost couldn't bear Chen Fan's blow.

The power of one punch is as good as this!

It was Damon, the blood devil, who also had a dignified look and shot a long blood awn. Other people's faces were as deep as water, especially Tantai Qingxuan, whose heart almost stopped. If that blow was aimed at her, I'm afraid she would be blown up by the volley.

"I can hold you together. I don't know. How many punches can you hold me?"

Chen Fan stood in the void with his hands on his back, his eyes cold.

At this time, he had already shown the immortal body of the Qing emperor, with black hair flying, black clothes hunting, and his body shining like a blue god star.

"Hand together, cast magic, limit his body shape, can't let him move."

Li Changsheng took a breath. With a wave of his sleeve robe, the magnificent purple air came like a shell. Takeo Watanabe, Yao Dao and others also urged the magic weapon together, and several forces, such as the Tianhe River, spread all over the world.

This time, chen fan is no longer hardwired.

Chen Fangang has just tried, and the seven people can compete with the power of the earth immortal. Even today's Chen fan can't carry it. However, the sky is vast, and he is very fast. As long as he doesn't go hard, it's difficult for the seven to hit him at the same time.


At the next moment, chen fan breaks through the sound barrier again and flashes to dantai Qingxuan.

Among the seven people, dantai Qingxuan is the weakest, just at the top of the divine realm.


Tantai Qingxuan's expression changed greatly, and he hit a body protection spell fiercely. A huge white lotus blooms in the void.

But how terrible is Chen Fan's power? Chen Fan smashes Lianhua in a flash and blows dantai Qingxuan into the air.


Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He could feel that the dantai Qingxuan that had just been smashed was just a separate body.

Chen Fan turned his head and looked around. Sure enough, he saw another dantai Qingxuan hundreds of meters away. There is a lotus stand under her feet. The lotus stand consists of four petals. Now one petal is broken.

"The magic weapon of feigning death has almost the quality of spirit weapon. But how many times can your magic weapon die instead of you? "

Chen Fan sneered.

Dantai Qingxuan also looks frightened.

In front of Chen fan, she really felt the feeling of the moment of life and death. Chen Fan's blow to break the sonic speed is terrible. If it wasn't for the secret weapon handed down from the teaching, she would have died just now. But even so, liantai magic weapon can only block Chen Fan three times at most."Stop him."

Li Changsheng's face changed greatly, and he burst out.

Master Luo Mo rushed up fiercely. Only his body could carry Chen Fan hard.

"Bang bang."

After the three moves, chen fan took master Luo Mo's hematemesis and flew out. Even the Indian guru, who is known as the power of the dragon and elephant, can't carry the power of the green emperor's immortal body.


When Chen fan is ready to pursue.

Another attack from others.

Chen fan carries Tianlei with his body, smashes Takeo Watanabe's sword with one blow, and easily breaks away from the shackles of Tantai Qingxuan. Suddenly, he feels a palm coming from behind. Chen Fan claps it with his hand, but he feels as if he is beating in cotton. He turned and looked in surprise.

Then he saw Li Changsheng's Taoist robe bulging, full of vigor and purple. Unexpectedly, he took Chen Fan's palm like a grinding hand.

"The world says that Wudang's ancient road is a combination of law and martial arts. How many moves can you block me?"

Chen Fan laughs, regardless of other people's attack, he has a hand with Li Changsheng.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Li Changsheng's figure was ethereal, like a purple cloud swaying back and forth.

His real Qi is extremely concise, almost comparable to the true yuan of the cultivator. He is a great Taoist who has been practicing hard for 140 years. His hands are more like Skylark flying, light swallow skimming water, with incomparable charm, a grand air machine, flying between his palms. The martial arts have already surpassed the common customs, and the strong people who use martial arts to enter the spirit will be astonished.

Wudang is too weak.

Known as the abyss, such as the valley, can accommodate all the world's attacks, just like the northern underworld, incomparably grand.

But Chen fan is more terrifying.

Every punch and kick of Chen fan carries great strength. Boxing is straight into the fairyland. It's like an immortal demonstrating boxing in the dust. Straight into the antelope hanging horn, xiangxiangdu River, can't guess.

After the tenth move.

Chen fan made a fist.


Li Changsheng couldn't catch it any more. His fists burst open, and the surging air engine leaked out instantly. Li Changsheng's Taoist robes burst one by one, and his whole body retreated abruptly. Every time he stepped back and stepped on the void, he burst out a burst of energy. That's because he can't carry Chen Fan's strength, so he has to let his fists out to his feet.

Chen Fan's fist, Li Changsheng even back ten steps, just reluctantly remove, face above, is showing a super red.

"Entangle him and give Li Zhenren a chance to get angry."

The others immediately attacked again. In particular, guru Luomo, like an immortal Xiaoqiang, pesters chen fan. In the field, in addition to Li Changsheng can carry chen fan a few moves, the other people are basically the result of a clap fly.

"Damn it."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold after he threw up blood and flew out again.

These seven people have reached the peak of the divine realm. If he doesn't have magic power, it's hard to kill anyone with one blow. And if you can't kill it with one second. They'll come back quickly. After all, there is only one chen fan. There are seven of them. They can breathe alternately.

What bothers chen fan most is guru Luomo.

The body at the peak of physical training is weaker than chen fan. Moreover, guru Rama's hard practice of yoga has opened the body's secrets and many chakras, and his recovery ability is amazing. Give Chen Fan enough time, chen fan can still kill him. But people around him didn't give him time at all.


Seeing this, chen fan drank softly.


A golden light came from a distance and flashed in front of Chen fan. It's the buzzing Guiyuan sword.

"Everyone in the world says that Lin Shuming is invincible, but he doesn't know that he can imagine the real skill of sword control."

Chen Fan plays the sword and roars.

"Not good."

Around the seven gods, at the same time color change.

They want to stop chen fan.

"Let's see, what is the sword fairy?"

Chen Fan's body is in a flash, and his whole body is like a streamer, which is integrated with Guiyuan sword.

A bright golden rainbow, fierce shot in the air, instantly cut through the void. The vastness of this golden rainbow can hardly be described by words, as if the heaven and earth were split into two parts by this sword. You can see this eye-catching sword rainbow ten miles away.


The sword rainbow turned into streamer and wandered all over the place, pulling out a long scar in the air. In a flash, Jianhong's speed exceeded five times the speed of sound, cutting out the sword that once split the F15 fighter.

And this time, chen fan turned his body into a sword, and Shen Yuan ruled the sword.

Even an aircraft carrier can be split into two parts here.

Before the crowd could react, they heard a series of crackling noises.

Takeo Watanabe cut the knife in two and vomited blood. There is a deep sword mark on master Rama's chest, almost to the bone. King sagafa, Damon the blood devil and Dan Tai Qingxuan were cut into two pieces in the air.Only Li Changsheng and Yao Daoyi escaped from Chen Fan's sword, but they were also livid.

The power of one sword is to kill three gods in a row.

It's terrible.


PS: fourth more o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!