Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 548

"How does it thunder at the top of the mountain?"

Living at the foot of Yunwu Mountain, many residents of Longjing Garden community poured out from their homes and looked to the top of the mountain in surprise.

Yunwu Mountain is surrounded by fog all the year round. After Chen Fan laid down the cloud array, he couldn't see his fingers. Although the array has been removed by Chen Fan now, the terrain has changed and it is difficult to fade for a while. The water vapor of Yangui lake will still come, making the cloud vapor on the top of the mountain transpiration.

"Is there any natural material and local treasure at the top of the mountain?"

Some of them have big brain holes and start to guess.

Hundreds of meters high cloud mountain, at this time came bursts of roaring sound. There are also purple lights and Colorful streamers in it, which really looks like Tiancai Dibao.

"You've seen too many ghosts on the Internet." The side person scolds a way. "I think it's more likely that master Chen has come back. That's where Master Chen lives. He must have come back."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was silent.

In Jiangbei, master Chen is a taboo.

A year and a half ago, chen fan slaughtered five hundred people. The whole north of the river is full of people killed. Who can not be surprised? Who can be fearless? Since then, no one dares to get close to the top of the mountain. That is to say, the array has been removed. There are forbidden areas.

"No, the girl of the Jiang family is still up there. I saw her go up with a mop. "

A middle-aged lady clapped her hand fiercely.


There was a rush of people.


at this time, Jiang churan was standing beside Chen Fan with a shaking body.

She has seen Chen Fan wave his hand to recruit dragons, witnessed the battle between Chen Fan and Lei qianjue on Xizi lake, and even seen the video on the capital of Myanmar. But all the battles are far less shocking than they are today.

Yao Daoyi defends thunder for nine days.

Dantai Qingxuan, lotus step by step.

Sakya Fawang Foguang earthquake.

Takeo Watanabe cuts across the sky.

It's only four people. There are three people over there. Looking at their posture, these three talents are really great masters.

In fact, a hundred years ago, Yao Daoyi and Takeo Watanabe only occasionally entered the top ten. However, guru Rama and Damon the blood devil are among the top ten or even the top three. As for Li Changsheng, he is an immortal who can't be seen in the world.


Master Rama made a move.

He stepped out and pressed it with one hand.

I saw a huge golden light palm released from master Rama's hand. The strong wind was overwhelming, just like an ancient giant elephant lifting its huge foot and trampling the heaven and earth.

"Click, click."

We haven't arrived yet. All the trees on the top of the mountain were bent down. It is Chen Fan's 10 Zhang light shield that vibrates faintly and seems to be under unimaginable pressure.

"I didn't expect that there are still strong people on earth."

Chen Fan's eyes were fixed.

Master Rama has no inner strength in his body. It is purely relying on the power of the physical body to open the divine hiding, to communicate with the inside and outside, and to arouse the power of heaven and earth. This is the standard strong man, such as Tongshan. However, although master Luomo has been practicing hard for more than 100 years, his method of body refining is not as good as that of Tongshan, and now it is only slightly better than that of Tongshan.

"You take my punch, too."

Chen Fan did not use the real yuan, just relying on the flesh, a distant punch to go.


An invisible air fist seal, looming in the void, with a touch of green awn, flying in the air.

The strength of the fist, which is several meters in size, condenses like substance, shaking the surrounding clouds. Fierce style of boxing, in the air with a sharp howling. It's as if a fighter is flying low.

Chen fan, emperor of the Qing Dynasty, has a small body. The power of his fist is enough to shake hundreds of meters of rocks. And without a trace of true yuan, refining to a very high level, every move can arouse the vitality of heaven and earth.


Golden light palm and blue fist seal communicate with each other.

Master Rama's figure trembled, and an invisible wave emerged from his palm.


In the crowd's exclamation, the robes on guru Rama's arms burst like firecrackers. In the end, half of the body's clothes were blown to pieces. But others fly back tens of meters, just barely stop body shape.

"Does your body possess the power of gods and demons?"

Master Rama looks at Chen Fan in horror.

With one punch and one foot, he has the power of dragon and elephant, which is enough to subdue a dragon. However, chen fan's strength is several times greater than that of him. Apart from the legendary power of gods and demons, guru Rama can't think of anything else.

"Master, don't compete with him. Chen beixuan has become the body of the earth immortal. They have the body of Taoist immortals, Buddhists, Bodhisattvas and holy men. "

Li Changsheng screamed. With a wave of his sleeve robe, a purple air came down in the air.

This purple Qi is the essence of Li Changsheng's hard work for 140 years. Far better than the general Qi, it can almost equal the true yuan of the cultivator."The body of gods and demons?"

Master Rama's eyes were shining with gold: "if I can use your essence and blood to wipe the body and absorb the strength. Maybe it can break through the realm of gods and demons in ancient Brahman myths and legends. "

"Then try it."

Chen Fan sneered.

He spits out Zhenyuan and turns it into a blue river, breaking the purple Qi.

But then, Takeo Watanabe had already stepped on the void, a knife in the air to split, knife gas vertical and horizontal tens of meters.

King Sakya took out a bunch of Buddhist beads, each of which was generous and bright. They turned into twelve big balls of light, just like shells.

Dantai light Xuan mouth spit lotus, white lotus into a sea of flowers.

Guru Rama turned his hand and photographed it. The golden light soared and the power rocked the sky.

In a flash, the seven powerful men of the divine realm all joined hands. They all have the strength of the later stage of the divine realm. As if the banks of the nine day Galaxy were broken. The whole mountain seems to be trembling slightly as the sky and the earth incline backward and the sun and the moon are out of light.

Dao Mang, Bai Lian, fo Zhu, Lei Ting, Zi Qi...

the seven powers are like the seven hanging rivers. They are smashed down with incomparable power.

At this moment, chen fan couldn't help but look dignified to the extreme.


Just like the Yangtze River, the blood rushes in the body, the internal organs make a thundering sound, and the divine lines bloom from the jade bone. The huge real yuan turned into the real green awn and condensed around chen fan.


In Chen Fan's eyes, God's awn soared, and he punched the void fiercely.

This punch, almost all of his true yuan and physical strength, all use. The sky and the earth seem to be unable to bear, and the void bursts open. The roar of thunder reverberated on the top of the cloud mountain. The bright green awn almost covered everything and collided with seven magic powers.


At that moment, Jiang churan was deaf.

In front of her eyes, is a vast expanse of white, the whole world, seems to have turned into infinite chaos. The surging momentum swept away in all directions, like a cloud bomb. From a distance, you can see a huge cloud ring on the top of Yunwu Mountain. Cloud ring swept everything, even half a day's air were excluded.

The huge sound waves even shocked the glass of many villas and buildings, and all of them burst.

"What's going on? Who won? "

Jiang churan was at a loss.

It was a long time before she could see it all.

I saw Chen Fan standing in front of her with both hands on his back. His eyes were indifferent. And the seven gods, still standing in the void, have eyes with a smile.

"Chen beixuan, you are really incomparable. I'm afraid there is no one in the whole world who can catch the seven of us. In terms of power, you are the first person in the world. But how many times can you catch such a blow? "

Yao Dao a sneer way.

"Brother Chen, stop. Hand over the secret method, we can turn the fight into jade and silk. "

Tan Tai sighs.

At this time, Jiang churan noticed that Chen Fan's sleeves were all cracked. The clothes he is wearing today are just ordinary clothes, not mana. He can't stand such a level of fighting.

And then there was a click.

I saw the surrounding buildings, cracks traces, the peak villa, issued an old lament, even click, into pieces of dust, suddenly collapsed.

But for Chen fan holding Jiang churan, she might have fallen down at this time.

"Chen Fan really can't bear it, otherwise he will be able to protect his clothes and buildings."

Even if Jiang churan was an ordinary person, he saw the problem.

It's really terrible that the seven top spirits join hands. Far better than Lin Langya, the three gods in the battle with the Dragon hall. That is to say, chen fan's horrible real yuan and physical body have fallen behind.

However, chen fan was not afraid at all, and still sneered:

"if you rely on this ability, you also want me to bow down. It's impossible to double that. "

Chen Fan finished, clapped on Jiang churan. Jiang churan was surrounded by a grand real yuan, and sent her out in an instant. Jiang churan's mind was in chaos, and only Chen Fan's last words were in his ears:

"take aunt Tang away."

Then, it turned into a blue meteor, whizzing across the top of the cloud mountain, shooting at the Yangui Lake in the distance.

No one, Li Changsheng or Takeo Watanabe, glanced at Jiang churan. Such mortals, in their eyes, are just like ants, and it's not even worth wasting a little real power.

"Benefactor beixuan, how do you think about it?"

King Sakya had ten ways.

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan disdains to smile and gently stretches his body. The whole body, from the inside out, began to roar like thunder. "No one else is waiting to send it out. I can finally do my best."When he finished, his eyes were fixed and his body was in a flash. He broke the sound barrier and shot out: "you are the first one."

In the void, a green awn that was as fast as streamer crossed, twice as fast as the sound. It's so fast it's almost impossible for the naked eye to catch it. After waiting for the light to shoot out, the roar of the heavy artillery burst out in place.

The body breaks the sound barrier.

Chen Fan did not reserve at last, did his best.

PS: the third shift is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth shift, striving to finish o (∩) by 12:30_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!