Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 541

From the last writings of the master of Tibetan sword to the existence of "Xianmen". ?

Chen Fan began to make plans, and when he got to the nature, he went to find the immortal gate and get rid of the world. However, with his current practice degree, it will be two or three years fast and four or five years slow, and he will inevitably go to the congenital stage. At that time, once he leaves, it may take him a long time to come back.

Therefore, we must lay a foundation for Fang Qiong, Anya and others to cultivate immortals, so that they can at least practice to the realm of tongxuan or Shenhai. After Chen Fan's golden elixir or Yuanying's return, he took them to the road of cultivating immortals.

This is Chen Fan's plan, but how to do it at that time has to be deliberated.

"Xiao Qiong, what's the difference between Lin Shuming and me?"

Seeing Fang Qiong's hesitation, Chen Fan said.

"Although Lin Shuming seems to be very powerful, his power seems to be borrowed from heaven and earth. And Xiaofan's power, purely from their own, more pure and more powerful

Fang Qiong thought about it and said slowly.

"If you have this insight, you can see the difference between the divine realm and the immortals."

Chen Fan's happy forehead.

"In fact, Lin Shuming is higher than me in terms of realm. In terms of realm, he has stepped into the realm of earthly immortals, but his physical strength can't reach it. And I'm just in the middle of God. "

Chen Fan continued.


Fang Qiong was surprised.

Anya and Wang Xiaoyun are also slightly surprised, this is the first time they hear Chen Fan candid about their strength. They thought that Chen Fan was at least a half step earth immortal, and even became a earth immortal, but they didn't expect that he was so low.

You know, even Huayun peak is in its infancy.

"But the realm is the realm, the strength is the strength." Chen Fan shook his head. "Although Lin Shuming has reached his realm, his accumulated strength at every level is far less than mine. When I was in the middle of the divine realm, I could cross the world in terms of the true yuan of the physical body. Stepping into the later stage of the divine realm, you can fight against the immortals. This is the difference between those who cultivate immortals and ordinary people. "

"The immortal?" Fang Qiong blinked.

"Not bad."

Chen fan then explained again what the immortal said.

"Xiaofan, what you mean is that you can kill the peak of Huajing at the beginning of tongxuan. In the middle of Shenhai, you can defeat immortals, right Fang Qiong finally understood.

"Generally speaking, this is because my practice is very powerful and has many magic powers. But those who cultivate immortals are far better than those who are in the same realm. If you take pills, you will go straight into the tongxuan period, and there will be few rivals in the Huajing at that time. "

Chen Fan nodded.

"Then this pill is too expensive. I can't have it. "

Fang Qiong shook her head: "there are Grandfather Chen and Uncle Chen. You have to leave it to them. "

"I don't want it either." Anya also hurried way.

"Don't worry, sister Ann and Xiao Qiong. Since I can make three, I can make another three. Dad is now dedicated to his official career. My grandfather has more free time, and his talent in practice is higher than yours. You three are busy with official business every day. If you don't have enough body and energy, you will be dragged down by official business. "

Chen Fan said so, looking at Fang Qiong.

Fang Qiong is more dignified than before. But even if you take the julingdan and yunwulingquan every day, you can see the tiredness of her eyes.

"All right."

Finally, under Wang Xiaoyun's persuasion, Fang Qiong reluctantly agreed.

"Next, what I want to pass on to you is the real method of cultivating immortals, pointing to the way of heaven. It must not be spread. Once it's out there, it may bring disaster to the whole planet. "

Chen Fan's eyes are focused on the road.

What he wants to teach is the highest skill of Zhenwu Xianzong.

Zhenwu shenjue. Qi refining

only the core disciples of Zhenwu immortal sect can practice Zhenwu shenjue. Once it is spread by Zhenwu Xianzong's law enforcers, they may wipe out the life of the whole earth to prevent the leakage of this dharma.

Fang Qiong, seeing Chen Fan's cautious face, nodded quickly.

After that, chen fan passed on the Dharma with divine thoughts and heart to heart, one by one to them. Zhenwu shenjue is the supreme method that can be practiced all the way to the harmony of the Tao. It is one of the few in the universe.

Even if it's just the chapter of refining gas, there are many words.

Every time Chen Fan spits out a word, it is like essence, falling in the sea of three women's knowledge, full of golden light. The whole story is 365 words. Every word has infinite meaning. It was created by the emperors of the ancient people to describe the supreme law.

Finally, the whole text, in the three people's understanding of the sea, is bright, and the understanding of the sea is broadened several times.

"Be calm and ready to practice."

Chen Fan gave a soft drink.

The three girls were shocked, all of them sat on the ground, and immediately sank into the depth of the sea of knowledge. The faint vitality in the body began to operate according to the method of Zhenwu shenjue. I saw three people's bodies, all shining with gold, and there were bursts of Sanskrit singing.Among the three, Anya cultivation was the highest, and it was in the middle of foundation building. Wang Xiaoyun was a little weak, and he began to build foundation in front of him. Fang Qiong never practiced. But all their true Qi began to turn into true Wu and true yuan.


Chen Fan took out three red flame elixirs and did not let them take them. Instead, he used magic power to break the elixir and lead out the flame aura inside. With their own true yuan refining, the three pure flame auras are all smoothed, and then the formula is played, and the three forces are drawn to the three people.

With their cultivation, if they take the elixir normally, they will be instantly burned to ashes by the fire in the elixir.

The top quality elixir can only be taken if you have at least the cultivation of tongxuan.


Even so, being tempered by the three real fires, the three bodies could not help shaking violently.

At this time, we can see the perseverance of the three.

Fang Qiong is the strongest, followed by Anya, and Wang Xiaoyun is the weakest. This is also normal. Wang Xiaoyun is just an ordinary person, while Fang Qiong is the fairy of Ziqiong in her previous life. Before chen fan, she is the most hopeful person to break the underworld and become a disciple of Cangqing immortal.


The breath of the three people gradually stabilized. Chen Fan relaxed after the real yuan began to rise. It's more tiring than a fight between him and Lin Shuming.

These three people are all close relatives of Chen fan. They can't have a chance to make a mistake. If it's Hua Yunfeng's, he will die if he dies.


In a flash, chen fan comes out through the window to the top of beiqiong's attic. From here, you can overlook the lights of hundreds of millions of homes in the whole Zhonghai. A feeling of being too high to be cold arises spontaneously.

"If a guest comes here, why don't you come out and see him?"

As soon as Chen Fan touched his sleeve, a wooden table appeared on the roof, with glass cups and teapots made of sapphire on the table. Chen Fan took out several liang of tea, put it into the glass cup, then poured in the water of Lingquan, and then stewed it with real fire. Finally, the fragrance curled up and flowed for ten li.

"It's delicious tea. Seeing Chen Xianshi's skill of practicing tea, I've been living in a crazy way all my life. I don't know how to make tea."

An old man with wide sleeves in a Taoist robe, stepping on the clouds, seemed to fly in the middle of the sky.

The old man fell across from Chen fan, sat down with a slap, took the tea, drank it, and could not help sighing.

"Wudang, Li Changsheng."

Chen Fan glanced at the old man and said casually:

"in the realm of Chinese gods, Yao Dao is arrogant, Sakya Fawang is deep, ye Qingcang is ethereal, and the old green dragon is rebellious. You are the only one who dares to come to see me. "

"Ha ha, others are afraid of you, Chen beixuan. But I know that as long as I don't provoke you, you Chen beixuan will never do it for no reason. He is the most exquisite person in the world. "

Li Changsheng laughed.

"Yes, you can have a drink with this."

Chen Fan took up the tea, drank it all, and then said, "Li Changsheng, why are you here to see me? Your accomplishments can hide from others. But you can't hide it from me. I'm afraid you've entered the fairyland. "

As soon as Chen Fan said this, Li Changsheng was shocked and said with a bitter smile:

"I really can't hide it from you. No wonder they all say that you are an old monster reincarnated and omniscient. "

If the two people's dialogue spreads, it will shock the whole world.

Li Changsheng, who has always been regarded as the most unconquerable of all the fairylands, has also entered the human immortal world? Does it not mean that he is on a par with Lin Shuming.

"To be immortal, there should be several people besides Shuming and me. Ye Qingcang came in earlier than us. But what's the use of being an immortal? "

Li Changsheng shook his head again and again:

"only when we step into this realm can we know. If you don't become an immortal, it's all illusory. The power of immortals dare not move lightly. If you use it, you will commit suicide. We are not far behind the peak of the divine realm. But how difficult it is for the earth immortal. If there is no great chance, there is almost no hope. "

Chen Fan nodded slightly.

The aura of the earth is exhausted.

Unless we can find the immortal spiritual pulse for thousands of years, the normal aura is not enough to make them enter the earth immortal. What's the use of state alone?

Chen fan is not born now, but he can live for four or five hundred years after becoming the immortal body of the Qing emperor.

It's not a fairy, it's better than a fairy!

"What can I do for you? I'll be honest with you, I'm not a Dixian, either. It's just that the power of practice is more powerful than you, so you can be immortal in the field. "

Chen Fan said frankly.

To this point today, the whole earth can not cause a handful of people, chen fan has no need to block. That is to announce the identity of his immortal cultivator. Does the United States dare to arrest him?

And the other fairylands joined hands, that is, two or three more immortals failed to hurt chen fan.

"I know that, too. I have a guess in my mind."

Li Changsheng nodded: "I have been studying Taoism in Wudang since I was a child for 142 years. But it's still a long way off. I realized at that time that it was impossible to break through the immortals in this world. Unless... ""Unless something..." Chen Fan's eyes narrowed.

"Unless you get out of this world!"

When Li Changsheng finished, he looked at Chen Fan with fierce eyes like a sword and said: "Chen Xianshi, do you know Xianmen?"

PS: it's 4:00 today_ n)o。 (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!