Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 540

When the whole world is boiling because of the first World War on the coast of the East China Sea. With the support of many relatives and friends, chen fan has come to the general arena of beiqiong school in bajingshan.


Chen Fan looks at the new pavilion plaque, a smile on his face, and his eyes sweep to Fang Qiong. The name of beiqiongge is derived from the words he and Fang Qiong.

Fang Qiong obviously knew that she was looking at him like water, but there was a faint shadow in her eyes.

"Teacher, please come in."

Hua Yunfeng said eagerly.

After entering beiqiongge, Chen Fanxian's decoration is almost the same as that in Qinglong formation. It's obvious that xuedaisha, they are copied as they are. Sitting on the throne, chen fan's eyes swept through the hall.

Ah Xiu, Hua Yunfeng, Yu Wenjing, Xue Daisha, Zhou Jingyi, and many real people of the black witch sect.

Fang Qiong, Anya, 6 Yanwu, Zheng Anqi, and Wang Xiaoyun et al.

These people are almost the core of the whole beiqiong school.

"I just created beiqiong pie. I didn't expect you to pick it up." Chen Fan said with a smile.

"Thanks to sister xuedaisha, after you disappeared, she ran around and gathered us for a year. The rules were formally established and the beiqiong school was formed. "

Ah Xiu covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Snow on behalf of sand looks cold, like ice and snow goddess, but with a trace of excitement and expectation.

"You did a good job."

Chen Fanchong, the little maid, nodded.

At that time, he took in xuedaisha and simply saw that xuedaisha was homeless. Moreover, she has a peculiar constitution, which is worthy of cultivation, so she passed on a third rate cultivation skill. I didn't expect that xuedaisha really got up step by step, and now she has become one of the best experts in beiqiong school. It also shows the Queen's demeanor and unites the whole beiqiong school.


Chen fan made a green aura.

The great spirit of ebony rushes into xuedaisha's body and makes xuedaisha recover quickly. The body, which had to gasp before walking, immediately recovered to its peak state, and even showed signs of breakthrough.

"Thank you, master."

Snow generation sand kneels down on one knee, pretty voice way.

"Get up."

Chen Fan nodded slightly, then pointed to the handrail and said:

"since beiqiong school has been established, there should be enough laws. Beiqiong sect is an official sect. I will pass down a few skills and give them to each hall. If you practice hard, you may not have a day to break through the divine realm. "

"Thank you, master."

Many real people of the black witch sect, as well as Wu Shanhe and others, were excited to bow down.

No matter the legal system of the black witch sect, the inheritance of the Yin ghost sect and the medicine God Valley, how can they compare with Chen Fan's skills? Chen fan is the first person in the world. Even Lin Shuming of the Lin family is not his rival.

Next, chen fan gave a secret book to each of the divisions. These secret scripts were created by him when he was in wuhui valley. Although it's not the real cultivation method, it's much better than the cultivation method on earth.

"Dan Dao Mi Lu" was given to Shengu.

The secret of witchcraft was given to the black witch sect.

"Thirty six skills of controlling ghosts" was given to the Yin ghost sect.

There is also a "battle dragon Jue", which Chen Fan left to the Dragon hall. These skills, which directly point to the divine realm and reach the peak of cultivation, are comparable to Lin Shuming. But if you want to get out of the world and become an immortal, you need chance and talent.

After the cultivation is given.

Chen Fan added:

"not everyone can practice this skill if it is passed down. I'm going to set up a reward and punishment hall, which not only grasps the criminal law, but also has the function of recording meritorious deeds. Every disciple of beiqiong sect needs to establish meritorious service and perform meritorious service for the sect, so that he can have the right to practice the Dharma, and even obtain the elixir, magic weapon and so on. "

Then Chen Fan looked at xuedaisha and said, "xuedaisha, it's up to you to be the leader of the reward and punishment hall."

"All right, master."

Xuedaisha is full of confidence.

Fang Qiong's eyes darkened as she saw it.

After the reward and punishment hall was established, chen fan handed over the specific merits to Xue Daisha. But he took out a lot of elixirs. They are all from the medicine God Valley and the green dragon array. Many of them have hundreds of years. Including the body quenching pills, Jingqi pills and so on, and even a small part of julingdan.

After many disciples of the outer hall left, they were excited.

In the whole hall, Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong, Anya, a Xiu, Yu Wenjing, Xue Daisha, Hua Yunfeng and others are left. Others include 6 Yanwu, Zheng Anqi, Zhou Jingyi and others. Seeing that Chen Fan didn't leave them, they had to step down.

At this time, chen fan's face turned heavy and said:

"the skill I passed to waitang is just a common method. But as the core of the beiqiong school, you are qualified to practice the true dharma. "

Chen Fan said and took out an ancient book.

All of them took over the classics and looked at each other."Teacher, what's the difference between this pithy formula of refining Qi in beiqiong and the common skill?" Ah Xiu doesn't know why.

"It's a big difference."

Chen Fan shook his head slightly and said: "ordinary skills can only be cultivated to the divine realm. But this recipe of refining Qi in beiqiong is a method of the immortal family. It points to the main road and can be cultivated to the realm of the earth immortal. And it's much more powerful than ordinary warriors. "

If people of Zhenwu immortal sect see it, they will be stunned.

The true name of this pithy formula for refining Qi in beiqiong should be Zhenwu's chapter on refining Qi. It's a method that Zhenwu immortal sect used to build a foundation for refining Qi for his disciples.

Although it's only an outside school skill, it's a real way to cultivate immortals. It comes from Zhenwu immortal sect, one of the nine immortal sects of the human race. It's more powerful than the ordinary small school of cultivating immortals, Zhen school.

"Point at the earth fairy."

Everyone's eyes brightened, including Fang Qiong's.

They didn't know what Dixian was. But in today's war, Lin Shuming showed his strength. One sleeve divides the sea, three thousand swords, as if destroying heaven and earth, moving mountains and seas. It's out of the ordinary. If you become a god of the earth, you will lose the face of the president of the United States.

"Only a few of you are allowed to practice this skill. Others are not allowed to pass it on to others. It's the core of our beiqiong school."

Chen Fan explained.

"Yes, master."

Everyone cherishes the promise.

A Xiu, Yu Wenjing and Hua Yunfeng are Chen Fan's disciples. Xuedaisha is the maid of Chen fan. That's why Chen Fan passed it on to them, but only to the outside world. The true core secret of Zhenwu immortal sect will never be passed on to them.

After many disciples withdrew, only Wang Xiaoyun, Anya and Fang Qiong were left in the whole beiqiong Pavilion.

These three are the most important figures in Chen Fan's two lives.

Fang Qiong got up and said, "Aunt Wang, sister an and Xiao Fan, it's too late. I'll go back first and come back tomorrow."

"What are you going to do. You've got a marriage certificate, and you've created a sect with your name. Are you shy now? " Wang Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, took Fang Qiong's hand and laughed.

Fang Qiong blushed with shame.

However, the three people on the scene had known each other since childhood, so Fang Qiong soon recovered and looked very comfortable.

"Mom, sister Ya and Xiao Qiong, I've been away from you for more than a year."

Chen Fan said.

"Well, you know how to come back. You haven't been here for more than a year. Xiao Qiong is the hardest. The whole beiqiong group, with hundreds of billions of assets, such a large company, countless branches and forces need to be integrated. If it wasn't for Xiao Qiong to negotiate one by one and take back their power, how could there be such a big beiqiong group? "

Wang Xiaoyun stares at a way.

"I'm not tired. Besides, sister Ya and Aunt Wang help me. Angie and Yanwu are also contributing. I'm just in the middle. "

Fang Qiong waved her hand.

"If you manage a rich brocade, you will be in a mess with tens of billions of assets. Not to mention hundreds of billions of big groups. I thought you couldn't take it. I didn't expect that you, a little girl, would bite your teeth and support step by step. Xiaofan in our family did find treasure. "

Wang Xiaoyun shook his head and sighed.

Fang Qiong lowered her head and turned red.

Chen fan also nodded. Fang Qiong's character in her previous life was extremely tough and indomitable.

Therefore, after entering the world of cultivating immortals, Fang Qiong's practice was much faster than Chen Fan's. If it wasn't for the protection of Chen fan, it would fall into the hands of the enemy. There may not be another fairy in the universe.

"I know all this, so I left you here to give this to you."

Chen Fan took out a jade bottle and poured out three pills.

These three pills are only the size of thumb and finger. They are crystal clear, and they look like flames burning inside.

"What's this?"

Anya and others are all wide eyed.

"It's called ChiYan elixir. It's probably the only three top quality elixirs left on the earth. If a master of Huajing gets it, he can go straight into the divine realm. " Chen Fan replied.


All three of Wang Xiaoyun are under control.

How can they not understand what the divine state means. That's the existence of one country and one territory. There are few people on each continent. Although Chen Fan's killing spirit is like cutting a vegetable melon, there is only Chen Fan in the whole earth.

"You have a poor foundation. Although you can't break through the divine realm after taking it, it's easy for you to enter the spiritual realm. And most of the medicine will be stored in your body, so that you can practice in the future and get twice the result with half the effort. In three years, you can enter the divine realm. "

Chen Fan continued.

"No, Xiaofan, this pill is too precious. You should leave it to xuedaisha and ah Xiu. They are all masters of Huajing. After taking them, they immediately become masters of two new divine realms. Even for the real people of the black witch sect, or sister Cheng Danqing. "

Anya waved her hand.

Wang Xiaoyun and Fang Qiong also nodded solemnly."Sister an, you three are my closest people. In my heart, they are 1000 times and 10000 times heavier than them. Besides, these three pills are related to your whole life and destiny in the future. I must lay the most solid foundation for you so that you can really embark on the road of cultivating immortals. Stay with me in the future. "

Chen Fan's complexion is also incomparably dignified, slowly opening a way.

The way to cultivate immortals?

Fang Qiong's face was blurred, so she didn't know why.

Wang Xiaoyun and Anya look at each other and vaguely understand Chen Fan's meaning.

PS: the third watch, the author continued to write the fourth watch, happy Christmas Eve o (n_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!