Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 542

"Fairy gate?"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled and his face moved.

This is the second time that he heard the word "immortal gate" after he had left a book in his possession.

"Sure enough, you know the existence of Xianmen. I once guessed that you are either a character who comes out of the immortal gate, or you get the inheritance in the immortal gate. Otherwise, it's impossible to practice so fast, but later I overturned this conjecture. "

Li Changsheng said.

"Oh? Why do you think so? "

Chen fan is playing in his hand, but he is not laughing.

"No matter how powerful the people in the immortal gate are, it is impossible for them to fight in the immortal kingdom. Brother Shuming's last sword is invincible in this world. Whether I or Ye Qingcang is there, I can only exchange my life for my life, but I can't even hurt you. This has violated the common sense of cultivation. You should know that the divine realm and the immortals are the difference between the natural moat, which is the iron law of the cultivation world. "

Li Changsheng said solemnly.

"Listen to what you say, I know Xianmen very well."

Chen Fan declined to comment.

For the earth, it may be an iron law, but in the realm of cultivating immortals, many of them are born from the sea of gods. If there is a spirit treasure in hand, Shenhai can cut the golden elixir.

"To tell you the truth, our Wudang lineage is the orthodoxy left by a great man in the immortal sect, but it has been handed down for thousands of years, and the more the orthodoxy is broken. Five hundred years ago, the founder of Zhang Sanfeng finally stopped being an immortal and did not step into the realm of earthly immortals. " Li Changsheng said with a bitter smile:

"in the end, the grandmaster left his last words, saying that there was no chance of becoming an immortal in the world, so he wandered away, looking for the immortal gate, in an attempt to never come back again."

"Do you know where the immortal gate is?"

Chen Fan's eyes brightened when he heard the speech.

At this time, he was only one step away from nature. If you can find the immortal gate, you can leave the earth and go to the real immortal star. With the reincarnation of the great monk Chen fandu in the period of robbery, he can quickly cultivate to the realm of golden elixir by giving him enough holy land for cultivation.

"There is no exact record of this. But it's roughly in the depths of Kunlun, the coast of the East China Sea, the hinterland of Shu mountains, and yundian of Qinling Mountains. "

Li Changsheng frowned and said, "the patriarch of our sect has been searching for the location of the immortal gate for generations. He has determined these four places, but it's not very clear where they are and exactly where they are."

"Deep in the Kunlun Mountains, on the coast of the East China Sea, in the hinterland of the Shu mountains, and in the yundian mountains of the Qinling mountains?"

Chen Fan read and frowned.

These four places are all places where immortals live in seclusion in ancient Chinese myths and legends. Obviously, myths and legends are not illusory, they all have real meanings.

However, of course, they are very broad in scope, and most people may not be able to find them in the end of time. But Chen Fan was different. If he was born, his divine consciousness would cover hundreds of miles. Flying over the sky can awesome thousands of miles in one day, more powerful than the high reconnaissance plane.

Knowing a few general locations, chen fan put down his mind and prepared to take time to search these places.

"Of course, we don't know the exact location of Xianmen. But it is recorded that there was a man from the immortal gate who came to the mortal world. "

Li Changsheng's eyes suddenly focused on the road.


Chen Fan's eyes are amazing.

If the people in Xianmen have come back, it means that the transmission array is bidirectional and can be used normally. This leaves Chen Fan with a lot of Kung Fu. If you find the teleportation array, you can go directly to Xiuxian planet.

"Yes, it is recorded in ancient books that the ancestor of our sect had contact with the people of Xianmen. It is said that they are just like the figures of the pre Qin period, and their clothes and decorations are very simple. But the fighting power is matchless. The ordinary people who are at the top of the world can shake the divine world. They are extremely powerful and can fight across realms, similar to you. "

When Li Changsheng said this, he gave a little pause and fixed his eyes on Chen Fandao:

"moreover, they call themselves" immortal cultivators! "

"The immortal?"

Chen Fan's pupil shrinks, but the smile at the corner of his mouth is more brilliant.

He searched the earth for several years, and finally found the trail of the cultivator.

Although Chen fan has long speculated that the ancient earth was once a big star of Xiuxian, there was Xiuxian kingdom. Many martial arts, Taoism and sorcery evolved from the cultivation of immortals. But so far, these are just conjectures. Even chen fan is not sure. But today, he finally heard the word again.

"Sure enough, you are like them." Li Changsheng gave a bitter smile.

"I don't know if you're reincarnated or if you've got a chance. Anyway, it's none of my business. If you are weak, I dare to rob you. But now, Chen beixuan is under pressure. Who dares to face you

"You can try."

Chen Fan's eyes were half narrowed and he was not smiling.

"Forget it, my old arms and legs, how can I compare with you, a pervert who is as powerful as Dixian."

Li Changsheng shook his head.

If Chen fanruo was still in the period of metaphysics or foundation building, even with Li Changsheng's cultivation, he would not be able to resist, and he would have to snatch and interrogate Gongfa.It's a wonderful fate. It's related to long-term vision and the chance to get out of the world. It's the biggest treasure in the world. But Li Changsheng may only press questions, not kill people. The great sorcerer and the like will probably have cramps to extract the marrow, extract Chen Fan's soul, and torture him.

But now, chen fan is invincible. Two or three people may not be able to fight. Who can push him? Who dares to question him?

That's the difference in power.

Then, Li Changsheng said: "according to the ancestors' calculation, the people in the immortal gate, about hundreds of years ago, will walk on the earth once, and then lead people to become immortal. According to the calculation of time, it's almost time to open the immortal gate again, but I don't know the specific time. "

Speaking of this, Li Changsheng couldn't help sighing.

"The fairy gate is open?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly, suddenly thought of one, and asked: "do you know, a sect called snow temple?"

"Chen Xianshi also knows the snow temple?" Li Changsheng was shocked.

"This snow temple is really the orthodoxy in the immortal gate. They are said to be made up of women. Every generation's descendants in this world have at least the cultivation of the divine realm. My grandmaster has been in contact with the descendants of the snow god palace. It is said that it is cold and proud, just like the Moon Fairy, and its strength is unfathomable. "

"It is."

Chen Fan sneered.

The one who took 6 Yanxue is the man of Xueshen palace. With the talent of 6 Yan Xuebing Linggen, ordinary people can't feel it at all. Only an immortal can know that she is the supreme genius of cultivation.

As for what elder Yao Shengu said, the snow temple is deep in the big snow mountain, and it was born once in decades. It should all be false. After all, Yao Shengu is just a small sect, and it's not like Li Changsheng, who knows more about the old gods.

"I have a friend who was taken away by the people of snow Temple two years ago."


When Li Changsheng heard the speech, he was ecstatic.

"The people of snow god palace are here, which means that the gate of immortality has been opened and the chance of becoming an immortal has appeared."

Hearing the news, even with Li Changsheng's efforts in nourishing qi for hundreds of years, he could not help but be overjoyed.

"Master Chen Xian, we must find the immortal gate. Otherwise, it will be hundreds of years later. " Li Changsheng is extremely solemn.

Chen Fan declined to comment.

With his ability, as long as you find the immortal gate, you can transmit it anytime and anywhere.

Originally, he was looking for the immortal gate just to find the immortal star and break through to the golden elixir. Now we have another task, which is to find the snow palace.

"I don't care what kind of hermit you are, or the immortal sect. As long as you dare to bully and treat 6 Yanxue lightly, don't blame me for killing your whole clan. If there is a golden elixir in town, I will cut it off one by one! "

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

"However, since you are in contact with the people in the immortal sect, why don't you take them down and ask where the immortal sect is?"

Chen Fan doubts a way.

"Do you think no one has thought about it? But they all failed. " Li Changsheng said with a bitter smile:

"as long as the people in the immortal gate are born, they are at least spiritual cultivation. Even if there is a transformation, there are also elders to accompany. Their accomplishments are unparalleled in combat power. Although they are in the divine realm, they are invincible under the immortals. And they all have powerful magic weapons to protect their bodies, but they can easily escape. "

Chen Fan nodded slightly.

If the people in the immortal sect are real cultivators, it can be understood.

In the early days of Shenhai, chen fan crushed Shenjing. Now, at the mid-term peak of Shenhai, it can be a battlefield immortal. Those who cultivate immortals, even if they are weaker, can't help them in the ordinary divine realm. Needless to say, there is a magic weapon from the school.

"Now that master Chen has known the secret of the immortal gate, the old Taoist has left. Just ask the immortal master to inform Lao Dao when he finds the immortal gate. The old way will always be remembered. " Li Changsheng worships the Tao solemnly.


Chen Fan nodded slightly.

After Li Changsheng left.

In Chen Fan's eyes, the light of his eyes flickered, and the light was uncertain. Finally, he shook his head.

Xianmen and the like are still far away from him. It's the most important task to cultivate the congenital. Once the congenital is perfect, there will be no rival on the earth. That is, the immortals come out of the immortal gate, and Chen fan can kill them.

After that, he sat cross legged on the beiqiongge, closed his eyes, absorbed the purple air of the rising sun.

The true yuan in the body is growing. Although the amplitude is very small, it is steadfast to move forward. Even if he can't find a blessed place, he will be able to grind his inborn talent one day.


Finally, when the sun was waiting, chen fan opened his eyes when he heard something moving in the pavilion.

He takes a long breath, body shape in a flash, flash to the pavilion, see Anya has been shocked standing there. Her breath is as surging as the sea. She is so concise that she has reached the middle stage of tongxuan. There is a huge handprint on the wall, one meter wide, which is obviously left by Anya.

"Xiao Fan."

Anya's eyes are full of joy and horror.

"Congratulations, sister."Chen Fan said with a smile.

Anya, after all, has practiced the chapter of building foundation and refining Qi for three years. She has the foundation of the middle stage of building foundation, so she wakes up first and has the highest accomplishments. Then Wang Xiaoyun and Fang Qiong wake up.

Both of them reached the beginning of tongxuan.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!