Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 534

Chunjun sword!

In 1874, Lin Shuming went to Shushan to practice Taoism. At the back mountain of Qingcheng, I got the ancient sword fairy to leave scriptures and a sword. The sword is three feet and five inches long. It is made by imitating the ancient magic sword. The sword style is simple and elegant, heavy and without front, weighing up to 100 Jin. After Lin Shuming got the sword, he refined it day and night with his own essence, blood and Qi. Today, it has been more than 130 years.


Lin Shuming was so powerful in China that his sword defeated many pure Jun swords in the divine realm and finally came out of its sheath.

As soon as Chunjun sword came out, a white rainbow flashed between heaven and earth. The white rainbow stretches across the sky. It is more than ten feet long. The sword is like a raging wave. It takes the power of heaven and earth and draws a perfect arc in the mid air.

Lin Shuming held an ancient sword with a weight of 100 Jin. Like a dancing embroidery needle, he evolved Tai Chi and laid a sword field. The area of this sword is fifteen feet in circumference, which makes up for his sword strength of a hundred years of pure practice. Looking soft as water, it's actually harder than steel.

This sword field.

It can be called the peak of Lin Shuming's life.

The sword technique is fascinating, and all skills are invincible. That is to say, several divine realms can't break through the siege. When the cannon bombards on it, it will be weakened by the sword Qi in the sword field, and eventually lose all its strength.

Chen Jiuyang, the great master of Taiji sect, saw this sword, and his heart was like ashes:

"I'm afraid that the ancestor of Taiji can't evolve such a perfect sword that fits the Yin and Yang. Lin Shuming deserves to be the God of the sword

Other deities also have dignified faces.

When Lin Shuming's Chunjun sword comes out of the sheath, it means that he wants to be serious. And this sword field, is with their full strength, all have no assurance to break. Takeo Watanabe, in particular, could not help holding his hands tightly.

"In the face of this sword, I have to use the thunder seal, otherwise I can do nothing. I don't know what method Chen beixuan used to break this perfect sword field? "

Yao road a pupil a contraction way.


At this time, Chen fanren walked with his fist and turned himself into a dragon dancing for nine days. He was flying in the clouds and flying in the fog. With thunder, he came from a commanding position and bombarded him. He wanted to break the sword field with his strength.

In the eyes of outsiders.

In the sky, it was like a green and white dragon and snake. It was more than ten feet long and hit the sword area fiercely.


The thunder blows, the air bursts, and the earth vibrates.

I saw a bright light, from the intersection of the two, spread to all directions. Then, there is the strength and momentum scattered, and finally, there is the invisible shock.

The mighty momentum swept over a hundred meters.

Except for a few deities who could still stand in the same place, all the other masters were forced to carry the body protecting Zhengang, but they still stepped back, even retreated to a hundred meters away.

Everyone was shocked to see.

We can see that there is no rain in the area of tens of meters with two people as the center, forming a vacuum. And the sea around them, even out of thin air concave down, like a huge bowl in general, was invisible force pressure a few meters deep.

"Who wins and who loses this blow?"

The crowd opened their eyes wide and gaped.

"Ha ha ha."

See Chen Fan laugh. Body shape in a flash, volley back tens of meters. His body in mid air, like a dragon, even a fierce fold, once again a punch.


Lin Shuming's face is like a deep pool. Just dance hands of pure Jun sword, continue to turn into white rainbow sword domain, stop Chen Fan's blow.

"Boom! Boom

The sea was like a bomb.

It's like a huge gun weighing dozens of tons. Every time it's fired, it's deafening, and the sea and sky are boiling. Chen Fan's body moves back tens of meters with each blow, and then he kills in the air, which falls into the eyes of outsiders, as if he has fallen into the disadvantage and can't break Lin Shuming's sword field.

"Brother Shuming can't stop it."

Li Changsheng said suddenly.

People don't know, so someone with sharp eyes suddenly noticed.

At the foot of Lin Shuming, the tide observation stone several meters high was cracked to make up. With each stroke of Chen fan, there are more cracks on the tide stone, and now it's too fragile to touch.

"It turns out that Lin Shuming couldn't take Chen beixuan's attack completely every time, so he had to transfer his strength to the Guanchao stone at his feet. No wonder old fairy Li said that he was going to be unstoppable. "

People suddenly realized.

"The tenth!"

Chen Fan burst into the air, his fists soared, and suddenly turned into 17 Zhang long.

The power of this fist made the air condense, carrying the power of Chen Fan's nine fists before, which was condensed into this fist by him. Chen Fan's figure has been completely covered by the blue and white thunder light. In the light, there are dragon scales, just like a real dragon.

Chen Fan's fist was praised by Zhenwu Xianzong Daneng, who broke through the Dragon transformation.

Chen fan has evolved the essence of Jiaolong transformation."Boom!"

Lin Shuming's Baihong sword field could not be supported any more, and it broke open immediately. The terrifying strength of the fist is like a raging wave. Lin Shuming's face was expressionless, and he waved his sword. In a flash, he changed seventeen swordsmanship. Each one has been lost for a long time. It is the peak work of ancient Kendo, which can be called the top of ordinary swordsmanship.

However, chen fan's boxing is an immortal martial art, which surpasses the common.

No matter how Lin Shuming changes, chen fan's strength is still indifferent and breaks through all obstacles. The white fists, like sapphire, are firmly printed on the pure Jun sword.


The tide stone at the foot of Lin Shuming exploded directly.

Pieces of gravel, like bullets, shot out. Some of the masters of Huajing were hard shouldered to protect their bodies. They were all beaten by a piece of gravel. Their Qi and blood churned and they almost wanted to vomit blood.

And Lin Shuming, as a whole, has been beaten back by Chen fan. Body shape like a sharp arrow, in the beach over a hundred meters distance.

The huge sea stone, bank dike, highway barrier and so on that obstructed Lin Shuming. He knocked them off one after another.

Some of the soldiers who watched the battle were wiped by Lin Shuming's figure, and they often broke their hands and legs and died on the spot. Finally, Lin Shuming suddenly retreated to the coastal highway. On the ground, a crack more than 100 meters deep was pulled out.

"Come again."

Chen Fan's fighting spirit is like a raging wave, and his whole body is full of Qi and blood.

As soon as he changed his figure, he instantly crossed the void of hundreds of meters and came to Lin Shuming again. Lin Shuming continued to fight with Chen Fan in the air.

"Boom boom!"

The strength of their fists and swords, like strong bows and crossbows, spread around and beat the spectators crying for their parents.

"Let's go."

"It's not human combat. It's two monsters."

"My God, it's going to take at least one kilometer back to watch the battle safely."

Many of the East Asian warriors who watched the war retreated again and again.

In the end, we could hardly see the figures of Chen Fan and Lin Shuming. We saw a white light and a blue light fighting in the air. Every collision brings countless angry waves. The whole road, as well as the trees and guardrails on both sides of the road, are in a mess.

Rosefinch and others secretly wiped the sweat.

Fortunately, they sealed the road ahead of time, and in the name of the storm, delimited the forbidden area. Otherwise, with the situation of two people fighting, we don't know how many people will die.

"Is this the power of the divine realm?"

Fang Qiong, an Ya and others changed color.

It was the first time they saw chen fan do his best.

That kind of superiority in the battle of nine days, just like the power of the gods in the battle. It's beyond the imagination of women.

"No wonder Xiaofan never cares about wealth and power, and has such power beyond all living beings. What does money and power mean? " Fang Qiong said in her heart. In her beautiful eyes, she could not help but feel a trace of inferiority.

And a Xiu, Yu Wenjing and others. Then he clenched his little fist and watched nervously:

"come on, master, you must defeat that old monster."

The two fought and walked, from the sea to the ground, and then from the air to the sea. Chen Fan's strength is like a raging wave, and the more he fights, the braver he is. On the other hand, Lin Shuming is under pressure and can only support him.


Another collision, white body back in the air, chen fan was a punch into the sea, directly hit dozens of meters of waves.

"Lin Shuming, show me your real skills. With this sword skill, you can't even warm me up."

Chen Fan stands aloof in the void, and the light in his eyes surges.


A bright white sword shot out of the sea, showing Lin Shuming's embarrassed figure. Though his hair was scattered and his clothes were ragged. But there was no sadness or joy on his face.

"The sword skill I practiced is called Haoran sword Sutra, which was created by an ancient sword immortal. That elder, from Confucianism to Taoism, integrated what he had learned in his life into kendo. I am not a disciple of Confucianism. I am not a disciple of Confucianism

Lin Shuming spoke generously.

He was gradually rising a hundred fold never bend, never move the sword.


Lin Shuming walked with the sword. He turned into a sword rainbow more than ten feet long. The white sword rainbow was like a magic sword in the air. His spirit turned nine times and he chopped at Chen Fan fiercely. That mighty sword idea is far better than before. In particular, the sword's power is greatly increased.


If so.

Before that, Lin Shuming used to be a swordsman.

Then what he is using now is the real sword skill of the immortal family. At least half of his foot enters the gate of the immortal cultivation world.

"Come on."

Chen Fan's black hair is flying and he is hunting in his long clothes. A poor punch.

It's not unusual. It doesn't have any boxing intention. It doesn't even drive the mighty vitality. It's not as good as the most common black tiger. However, once the fist was put out, all the divine realms turned pale.This fist is nameless. If it is strongly called, it can be called "Daoquan".

Chen Fan peeps into some rules between heaven and earth, and uses his fist technique to stir up the power of rules. Even if it's just a little bit, even if he doesn't touch the rules, he has the power to transcend the common and unmatched.

Ren Lin Shuming's sword turns nine times, but he is still hit by Chen Fan's ordinary fist.


There was a bang.

Lin Shuming's long sword came out of his hand, but he was beaten by Chen fan, and he retreated suddenly in the air with one blow, directly smashing into the sea.

"Is Lin Shuming defeated?"

The crowd was stunned.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!