Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 533

"It's master. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net] "

ah Xiu jumped up excitedly, a pair of shuilingling big eyes didn't blink, she hasn't seen Chen Fan for several years. Compared with four years ago, chen fan's figure has changed greatly, but he can still discern his appearance.

"Xiao Fan, he's OK."

Wang Xiaoyun patted his chest and was secretly relieved.

"It's really the master of the sect. He's finally here."

The real people of the black witch sect, the experts of the Chinese and Lu families, and Wu Shanhe and others all looked over excitedly. The man in black is the purple gold beam of Jiahai and white jade pillar of beiqiong school. As long as he is there, no storm can defeat the North qiongpai.


Anya and Fang qiongmei look at Chen Fan with their eyes like water.

Fang Qiong, in particular, has only met Chen Fan once in the past three years. The missing in my heart is just like the ocean. Especially when she saw Chen Fan for the first time, she really showed her power. Fang Qiong couldn't help her beautiful eyes shining with the divine power above the sea and sky.

If the people of beiqiong school are overjoyed, many other martial arts people are scared.

Chen fan came to ride the storm, stepping on a hundred meter high water column, holding the power of heaven and earth, and riding on the sea. Who can not be surprised? Who can not be afraid, is a few God strong, can not help but pupil a shrink.

"Hiss, is this the ability of mortals? It's like a Poseidon. "

Many Japanese and Chinese warriors who saw this scene were shocked and took a breath. The master's face changed wildly. Most of them stepped on the water, fought against the wind and waves, chopped the waterfall with one knife and so on.

But Chen Fan came by sea.

Behind him are dark clouds, lightning, stormy waves and walls. How can human beings exert such power? Only the legendary gods and immortals can do it.

"Although Chen beixuan borrowed the power of the ocean storm, he was afraid that his realm would catch up with the heaven and man, and only half a foot was left from the realm of the immortals. Otherwise, it is impossible to coordinate synchronously. Yao Daoyi snorted coldly.

"To replace heaven's heart with one's own is for heaven and man! It's really amazing. The old Taoist is a little bit better than a younger generation. Shame, shame

Li Changsheng stroked his beard and sighed.

"Uncle, is Chen beixuan really strong enough to handle such a powerful storm? Does it not mean that he has been able to destroy the city and the land? " Rosefinch and others can't help smashing their tongue.

"Well, the storm is so wide that it covers hundreds of miles. Even the earth immortals, heaven and human beings may not have such powerful powers. Chen beixuan just took advantage of the storm to pull him a little bit. "

Lao Qinglong's eyes were shining:

"but even if it was just traction, it was not enough. This means that Chen beixuan's realm has reached the level where he can borrow the power of heaven and earth in a large scale. It was Zhang Sanfeng five hundred years ago, and the old God of witchcraft three hundred years ago

However, many of the warriors in Japan turned pale.

Takeo Watanabe looks at chen fan. His eyes are full of Qi. He wants to get out of his body, but he finally forces him down.


The storm finally came.

On the coast, the huge waves are several meters high. The rocks pierce the air, and the angry waves are like clouds. In the sky, lightning, thunder, tornadoes and storms swept the whole shore, and even the trees more than ten meters high were bent down by the hurricane.


Many warriors and ordinary people had to retreat.

It's better to quickly evacuate to a hundred meters away from the coast. When they looked back, they saw that the rain was like white training. They could only vaguely see that a pillar of water supporting the sky was hundreds of meters high, on which stood a blue figure.

Only the master and the divine realm can stay where they are and witness the war with their own eyes.

"Lin Shuming?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the weak scholar standing with a sword.

His breath is the strongest chen fan has ever seen since he was born again. The sword Qi rising from the sky can communicate the vitality of heaven and earth. All over the body, like a piece of iron, incomparably concise, without a trace of defects and loopholes. The spiritual power is as vast as the sea. Almost let chen fan think this is a fairy face to face.

"No, the earth immortal has already stepped into the congenital realm. The achievement of congenital Tao body spirit, and heaven and earth vitality milk. Blend, no difference. It's like a fish in the water. Lin Shuming, on the other hand, is still a human being. He is still a little short of being a fish. And this is a natural chasm. If you have no chance, you will never be able to enter eternal life. "

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

"It's just, why does his body give me a sense of threat. Is there any hidden magic weapon or card? "

"Chen beixuan, I've been waiting for you for three days."

Lin Shuming grew up, and finally showed a glimmer of brilliance in Gujing's eyes:

"you are indeed the most amazing younger generation in this century. Ye Qingcang was not as powerful as you. If in decades, who can become a Dixian, you are the most hopeful. ""No nonsense. Lin Shuming, if you dare to hurt my maid and deceive me, you should be able to think of the consequences. "

Chen Fan said faintly, his eyes were full of killing.

This Lin Shuming may have all kinds of magic cards and may be one of the most amazing talents on earth. However, in his previous life, chen fan has seen countless brilliant talents, hundreds of millions of stars, hundreds of millions of races and hundreds of millions of talents. Long read the sea, no doubt. No matter how talented Lin Shuming is, if he dares to bully beiqiong school, chen fan will never tolerate it.

Many of the members of beiqiong school are Chen Fan's most cherished relatives and friends after his rebirth. Those who touch them will die.

"Yes, when Langya died, we were doomed to never die."

In Lin Shuming's eyes, there was a deep sadness.

Lin Langya is his most cherished disciple. His name is sword servant. In fact, he is better than his own son. Follow him to the mountain to practice Taoism. All the martial arts of Lin Langya's swordsmanship were handed down by Lin Shuming himself. Lin Shuming was regarded as the patron saint of the Lin family after his death. In the end, he was killed by Chen fan, which is equivalent to cutting off the lifeblood of the Lin family.

"I thought that when I came out of the mountain after 60 years of seclusion, I was looking for ye Qingcang to win or lose, but I didn't expect that there would be Chen beixuan in the world. Fast, fast. "

Lin Shuming laughed.


At this time, a bolt of lightning, as thick as a tree trunk, cut through the night sky and flashed in front of them.

When the lightning disappeared, chen fan and Lin Shuming started at the same time.


Chen Fan's foot on the earth and his fist blows.

His surging fists smashed the rain curtain in the air and made a channel with a length of more than 100 meters. The passage is two meters wide, from Chen Fan's side, all the way to the shore. It can be seen that the power of Chen Fan's fist is terrible, as far as more than 100 meters away. That is to say, the state of God is disgraced.

"Without borrowing the slightest bit of the power of heaven and earth, Chen beixuan's true Qi can be released for one or two hundred meters. How strong is Chen beixuan's true Qi? How condensed is it? "

Takeo Watanabe's pupil is one of them.

Every divine realm can do it if the energy is released for 100 meters. But it's just like the end of a crossbow, Lu Hao. If you put 100 meters of fist strength outside, you will have no lethality and can't threaten the same level of experts.

But Chen Fan's punch, when it was hit, was still powerful more than 100 meters away.

It can be seen that the condensation of his true Qi is like substance. It's more terrifying than daggers and swords.

"Jian Ning."

It's different from Chen Fan's boxing strength of dominating heaven and earth only by his own strength.

Lin Shuming raised his slender finger and made a stroke in the air. The rain all over the sky turned into water swords. These water swords are three inches long, each with a sharp edge. At that moment, the whole sky seemed to have thousands of sharp arrows.


With Lin Shuming's sword finger stabbing.

Thousands of water swords, like strong bows and crossbows, rush to Chen fan. Each water sword was only three inches long at first, but in the process of flying, it attracted the vitality of heaven and earth, gradually grew, and finally grew to seven inches long. Double the power.

"Bang bang."

Countless water swords hit on the fist strength.

Chen Fan's fist strength is so strong and powerful that it can kill Naga snake in the divine realm. With these water swords alone, it's impossible to stop them. In a series of explosions, the strength of the fist was still unstoppable, and it advanced another 30 meters.


Lin Shuming's sword finger changed.

All over the sky water sword, turning into a tornado, smashed on the invisible fist strength with ten times the speed before. Every water sword weakens the strength of the fist. Although it is very subtle, after thousands of water swords, the strength of the fist slows down and finally stops ten feet away from Lin Shuming and dissipates out of thin air.

Many masters are silent.

Although they were just a hit, the strength they showed was terrifying.

Chen Fan's fists are as powerful as waves. One blow is enough to kill the divine realm.

Lin Shuming summoned thousands of water swords, each of which was as good as the big caliber step and gun. It's equivalent to thousands of soldiers shooting at the same time, which is so powerful that they dare not carry it hard even in the divine realm.

But it was just a slap in the arm.

When they really do their best, what a terrible power is that?

"Lend me another punch?"

Chen Fan laughed, stepped on the heaven and earth, and walked the dragon and snake with his fist. In the void, there was a flash of lightning. He was attracted by Chen Fan's boxing. It turns into a snake like electric light, attached to Chen Fan's fist.

At that moment.

Chen Fan's figure is printed in the void, just like a dragon in the sky.

"Zhenwu thirty six moves, Jiaolong changes!"

With this punch, the surging Zhenyuan and Xianjia martial arts combined with the power of heaven and earth.

It's more than twice as powerful as before. The world is shaking and the sun and the moon are churning. The sea is also separated by tens of meters, it was pulled out of a long white waterway. The waterway is like a dragon, just like an invisible dragon, brushing the sea."Boom."

The green and white fists, with the power of thunder, smashed down fiercely.

This time, Lin Shuming's face was dignified, and his right hand was gently pressed on the sword behind him.

"Get up!"

PS: the first one is here. The author will continue to write the second one. Today it must be five o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!