Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 535

Is Lin Shuming defeated?

As everyone saw with their own eyes, Lin Shuming was beaten by Chen Fan from the beginning. All the way from the seaside to the road, and then from the road retreat to the seaside. Even taking out the watchman's sword formula can't stop Chen Fan's fist. In the end, I can't even hold the sword. It's not a defeat. What is it?

Many of the masters of the Wudao family were pale.

Beiqiong faction is powerful. If Lin Shuming can't fight, who else will check and balance Chen beixuan? Do you really want beiqiongpai to be the first in China?

Many of the warriors in Japan are even more livid.

Chen fan is the biggest enemy of Japan. Destroy the five shrines, kill Hongyi Wugong, defeat the 14th brigade. With one's own efforts, the whole country of Japan could not lift its head. With him, Japan's military and Taoist circles will be oppressed by China for the rest of their lives.

"Master won?"

Ah Xiu couldn't help getting excited.

Without the queen of underground world, tianbang female master's demeanor is just like a little girl.

"Lin Shuming's cultivation reached the peak of the divine realm, even more powerful than the later period of the general divine realm, but he was not as far away as his teacher after all." Hua Yunfeng shook his head.

In the presence, only his accomplishments and vision can comment on this battle.

From Hua Yunfeng's point of view, Lin Shuming is very strong, and he has reached the peak of the divine realm in terms of spirit, body and strength. That is to say, one person is not inferior to five or six gods. Swordsmanship is even more enchanted, and there is no way to advance.

But Chen fan is more terrible.

Chen Fan's power suppressed Lin Shuming from beginning to end. Chen Fan's martial arts are even more unconventional, reaching the level of Xianjia martial arts. It's like the lower bound of immortal evolving boxing. In particular, the last punch is so clumsy that it occupies all the way of heaven. Hua Yunfeng can't use words to describe that fist. He insists that it is unbeatable!

Yes, it was an unparalleled blow. Any skill in the face of that punch, is weak, can only rely on strength to hard. But Lin Shuming's strength has a gap with Chen fan.

Chen fan, emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was born with a small body. Zhenyuan reached the peak of the middle Shenhai period, which was better than the later Shenhai period.

"Lin Shuming was defeated like this?"

Rosefinch can't believe it.

White tiger and Xuanwu and others also can't believe it.

After sixty years of hard work, Lin Shuming broke through the barriers and made his sword shine in China. In this way, he was defeated by Chen fan? Even Lin Shuming can't stop him. Doesn't it mean that ye Qingcang may not be Chen Fan's opponent?

"Not necessarily."

The old green dragon's eyes narrowed slightly, and the fine awn rose sharply: "now, the battle has just begun."


They were surprised and didn't know why.

At this time.

A white rainbow suddenly burst into the sky and broke through the water, revealing Lin Shuming's figure.

He was in a mess. He was drenched by the sea. Obviously, in order to resist Chen Fan's blow, he used all his strength, even the vigorous Qi that blocked the sea.

"Chen beixuan, you really deserve to be a great talent in a thousand years. The body of the earth immortal, the body of the jade and glass Bodhisattva. The sea of true Qi is not inferior to the earth immortal. Even the martial arts and martial arts are beyond the common people and close to the gods. "

Although Lin Shuming's clothes were in a mess and his Qi and blood were declining, he didn't have any decadent color on his face. On the contrary, his eyes were even better:

"it's a pity that you didn't enter the earth immortal after all. You are doomed to die here today."


Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, looked around at him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "I see. This is your card. No wonder you dare to challenge me."

"What's the matter?"

All the spectators were very surprised.

"Brother Lin has entered this realm after all by substituting his own mind for heaven's mind."

Li Changsheng shook his head.

"Human immortals. Hey, hey. "

Yao Dao sneered, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Brother Lin has stepped into the realm of immortals. I really want to understand the power of this realm."

Takeo Watanabe's eyes were full of rage, which split the air in front of him. He said regretfully.


At this time, Lin Shuming finally made a move.

He didn't cast any magic powers, and he didn't control the flying sword. It's just a volley. All of a sudden, the vitality of heaven and earth, like the tide, boils and surges. The vitality of heaven and earth within a hundred Zhang radius, instantly condenses into a vast white palm.

Lin Shuming didn't use any real Qi and magic power, so he waved his hand. The giant palm condensed out of thin air and hit Chen Fan in the air. The power of this palm, the rain shakes, the air is vast. It's like the hand of God.

"How could it be?"

The crowd was stunned.

Lin Shuming was defeated, and his Qi and blood were more and more declining than before. How can you make such an earth shaking move? It's the pinnacle of the divine realm. I can't even take this one."This is the human immortal. He uses his own heart to replace the heaven's heart. Every move has the power of heaven and earth."

Old green dragon light way.


In the face of this giant hand, chen fan is not afraid.

He claimed that Zhenyuan, a fierce blow. With this blow, the sky and the earth are tumbling and the sun and the moon are hanging upside down. There were countless explosions in the air, and the rain formed a huge fist seal. The seal of the fist runs across the sky, hitting on the ten Zhang giant palm fiercely.

The strength of the fist and the giant palm all dissipated one after another.

A draw?

This is the first time since the beginning that Lin Shuming has blocked Chen Fan's attack.

"How can Lin Shuming be so powerful suddenly? He is clearly under the teacher's hands and can't support it any more."

Ah Xiu dare not set channel.

Yu Wenjing, Zhou Jingyi, Xue Daisha and others also don't know why. Only Hua Yunfeng's fierce expression changed, and he said with a strange light: "it turns out that Lin Shuming has stepped into Renxian. No wonder he can block the teacher's attack."

"What is the immortal?"

People were surprised.

We have all heard of the earth immortal and the heaven man, but for the first time, we have heard of the realm of the human immortal.

"Human immortals, as the name suggests, are the immortals among human beings. It is said that after reaching the summit of the divine realm, practitioners can go further and step into the mysterious realm of human beings and immortals. This realm lies between the earthly immortals and the divine realm. It can display part of the power of the earth immortal. It can control the heaven and earth and crush the divine realm easily without using any of its own power. "

Hua Yunfeng said.

"So strong?"

The crowd was stunned.

"It's a pity that although human immortals are strong, they are not earthly immortals after all. There is still a limit of one hundred and fifty years old. No matter how powerful it is, Shouyuan will turn into dust as soon as it arrives. It is said that the earth immortal lived for five hundred years. It is so fast to be free between heaven and earth. "

Hua Yunfeng shook his head.

"But then, isn't the teacher in danger?"

Yu Wenjing said anxiously.

No matter how long the immortal can live, there is no doubt that Lin Shuming is equal to half of the immortal's strength. His every move, set off a tsunami storm, condensing a huge force of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly began to turn defense into attack, took the initiative to attack chen fan.

Many of the disciples of beiqiong sect also turned pale.


Lin Shuming pointed out that the whole sea was divided into two parts. The mighty sword Qi is 300 meters long, which makes the reefs on the bottom of the sea come out. The rain all over the sky was separated by his power.


Chen Fanmu shows his extraordinary light. Zhenyuan is surging like a raging wave. His robes are agitated and he blows in the air. Hit the finger across the sky and earth. Lin Shuming didn't move, but Chen Fan was beaten back by this finger.

"Come again."

Chen fan was not afraid, and his figure soared. He continued to rush up.

Lin Shuming's face was expressionless and his hands rolled. On the huge sea, countless sea water, condensed into two ten Zhang big palms, to grasp chen fan. Finally, it turned into a water polo, trapping Chen Fan in it.

"The old wizard three hundred years ago, and Zhang Sanfeng five hundred years ago, are just this realm."

Looking at Lin Shuming's power to divide the sea with one finger and row the prison with one palm, old Qinglong said leisurely.

Many martial arts practitioners are also fascinated by the eyes, heart stirring. If Chen fan is powerful and unrivalled, then Lin Shuming seems to be punished on behalf of heaven. The power of man is poor, but the power of heaven and earth is infinite. No matter how strong chen fan is, how many blows can he block Lin Shuming?

Ah Xiu and others can't help worrying.


After three fingers, chen fan splits the water ball with a green wooden air.

But at this time, Lin Shuming had already kneaded his sword formula. In the middle of the sky, countless rain curtains turned into thousands of sharp swords.

This time, there were 30000 sharp swords. Like a barrage of bullets, they call chen fan. The power of this blow is more than several times stronger than before. But Chen fan, standing in the void, did not dodge. With his powerful body protection Zhenyuan, he even carried countless water swords.

"Bang bang."

The water swords collided with the real yuan of the body protector, and the water mist exploded.

Chen Fan didn't care. He looked at Lin Shuming with a sneer and said, "the power of heaven and earth is beyond your control. How long can you last at most if you squander your strength like this? Three hours or two? You had three years to live, but you can't live today with your strength. "

Chen fan doesn't know what a human immortal is.

However, in Chen Fan's view, the so-called human immortal is actually a state of innate strength.

Lin Shuming had already touched the innate gate barrier, and his heart had already become the earth immortal. But the cultivation environment of the earth is too exhausted. It was not enough to support Lin Shuming's cultivation.

Therefore, if he was allowed to practice hard for 60 years, his true Qi, spirit and body could not be transformed into a congenital body. There is no innate body, innate truth, innate spirit. What is congenital? Lin Shuming used the power of heaven and earth to control the power of immortals. He can bear the state of mind, but he can't bear the body at all.Originally, he still had three years to live. If it took him three hours to support him, his body would collapse and turn into dust.

"It's enough to kill you."

Lin Shuming said calmly.

His temples have begun to turn white gradually, and his crystal clear skin has become more and more withered and yellow. But Lin Shuming's eyes became sharper and sharper, and his power was more powerful. The vitality of heaven and earth began to boil.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!