Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 532

This time, the beiqiong school can be regarded as pouring out. Zhonghaiben is the headquarters of beiqiong school, and this battle is Chen Fan's return war. Almost all the disciples of beiqiong school are Qizhi. There are not only many real masters, but also Fang Qiong, Anya, Wang Xueying and others.

Hua Yunfeng is the old man who leads the way. His eyes are red and his momentum is compelling.

And the one who held the battle was a three meter tall man with bronze skin, just like a giant spirit. It was the mysterious horizontal training spirit of the Chen family in the legend.

"No Chen beixuan."

Many sighed with disappointment.

"The North Qiong faction is fierce."

For more people, the pupil shrinks.

There were more than ten strong masters of beiqiong sect and two divine realms. If the rumor is true, Chen beixuan subdues the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall, and the Dragon hall belongs to beiqiong school.

That's the four divine realms, the twenty real masters!

These forces are almost equal to the sum of the high-end combat power of the whole China. There was a tendency that the Vatican oppressed the whole world in those years, especially Chen Fan's incomparable fighting power and pursued the saints.

"The northern Qiong faction is very powerful. I hope Shuming will win this battle."

At this time, even many people who had a good impression of Chen fan were wavering in favor of Lin Shuming. After all, the beiqiong school is too strong now. It must be suppressed. Otherwise, would it not be a monarch?


A ray of thunder cuts through the sky.

On the beach, there is an old man holding a seal, wearing a Bagua Taoist robe and glaring with a sword eyebrow. The old man was so angry and dignified that when he appeared, many evil experts shrank one after another.

"Master of heaven, master of heaven, Yao Daoyi, I didn't expect that he really came!"

Someone exclaimed.

Yao Daoyi, as the strongest Taoist, is said to be in the middle of the divine realm 50 or 60 years ago. Especially in charge of the magic weapon "Lei Yin", which has been handed down from generation to generation, the power goes straight to the top of the divine realm. Deterring the world and subduing the four demons. Who can not be frightened, who can not be afraid?

At that time, ye Qingcang was strong, and he surrounded the dragon and tiger mountain with 100000 troops, forcing Yao Dao to close the mountain. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net]

"so it is."

Yao Dao sweeps Lin Shuming, and laughs.

He didn't say much and sat cross legged on the beach. There was a large area of empty space around. The thunder seal in Yao Daoyi's hand is still shining from time to time. This is probably the most famous magic weapon in China. It is said that the power of Tianshi Dao is infinite. One can suppress the seven magic weapons of the black witch sect.

On the small beach, there are two gods, and many people can't sit down.

At this time, a song formula suddenly came.

"All the people in the world are good at immortals, only their fame can't be forgotten..."

I saw an old Taoist robe driving in the wind, who also praised Zhang Sanfeng's immortal song. His sleeve robes agitated him to come to the scene.

"Wudang ancient road, Li Changsheng!"

There was another commotion, and another divine realm appeared.

Wudang is famous for its combination of law and martial arts. Li Changsheng is said to be second only to Lin Shuming in age. His accomplishments are unfathomable. Only when the seven divine realms joined hands to attack Ye Qingcang, did they make one move, and they didn't try their best.

"Brother Lin, why bother?"

Li Changsheng forgot Lin Shuming, shook his head and sighed.

Lin Shuming sat on the tide stone, motionless, like an old monk. Only when Li Changsheng spoke did his eyelids jump, but he didn't open them.

People wonder, what does Li Changsheng mean?


At this time, a sharp knife cut through the sky.

I saw a Japanese warrior in a black Samurai suit coming through the waves. His whole person is like a sharp sword, chopping the wind and waves. Any tide coming to him will be cut off by the knife. Directly pull out a long white mark in the sea, hundreds of meters, just like a knife to separate the sea, appeared in front of people.

"Who is this?"

Many people were surprised to see the grandness of the appearance of Japanese warriors. There is no doubt that they are powerful in the divine realm. But Japan also has a divine realm?

"It's Takeo Watanabe, the sword sage of the last generation in Japan. I didn't expect that he was still alive."

There are some old martial arts people whose faces change wildly.

"Takeo Watanabe?"

When the name came out, the whole coast was in an uproar. When Takeo Watanabe came to the East with one sword, he even defeated dozens of Chinese experts. He did not dare to fight against one of them even in Shenjing. In the end, Lin Shuming came out with his sword and fought against him on the Golden Summit of Emei.

That war is known as the most brilliant one in a hundred years.

Unexpectedly, today, Takeo Watanabe appeared.

"Mr. Shuming, it's a pity that this battle is not me. It's a pity that I can't understand your sixty years of kendo. " Takeo Watanabe spoke slowly in a hoarse voice.

Lin Shuming opened his eyes and looked at him. At last, he didn't speak.

Takeo Watanabe showed up.Many Japanese warriors flocked to him to pay homage to the legendary swordsman. While Takeo Watanabe stands on the tide, holding his sword. His face was cold.

A lot of people are starting to get agitated.

It's just a beach. There are six strong people in the divine realm.

"This fight is bound to be earth shaking. Maybe if they all fight, they will destroy half of China Sea. Will the state let the strong gather? "

Many people cried in their hearts.

Several Chinese warships at the outer ring are now ready to fire at any time, which is a faint deterrent. There is also a huge team coming.

"It's Kunlun people. They're here at last?"

"I saw the rosefinch and the green dragon, and the Xuanwu white tiger. The four generals came out together?"

"Strange, who is the old man in front of Qinglong? Is Ye Qingcang here? "

They all got out of the way and were surprised.

As a special department of China, Zhu Que and others usually have one, which is a major event. Now the four are all present, which represents the attention of the highest level of China. What's more shocking is that a defiant old man in military uniform walked in front of the four generals.

The old man in military uniform stepped forward, and the broadsword came at once.

He was not afraid to compete with Yao Daoyi, Li Changsheng and Takeo Watanabe.

"It's not ye Qingcang. He is less domineering than ye Qingcang."

There is a master of the older generation, shaking his head slightly.

"Old Qinglong, I didn't expect that you were still alive, and you broke into the divine realm." Li Changsheng spoke slowly.

"Ha ha, you old monsters are not dead. How can I go first?"

The old man in uniform laughed.

Yao Dao a cold hum, did not speak.

"It turned out to be the first generation of Qinglong general. He's still alive, and he's been absorbed?"

Someone who knew the secret of that year suddenly changed his face.

When ye Qingcang founded Kunlun, he also had four generals under his command, each of whom was a rebellious and powerful master. But later, with repeated battles, the four major battles will lose more than half, and finally only the old Qinglong retired. I didn't expect that he not only survived, but also became a God.

Many people feel that it is time to reassess Kunlun's combat effectiveness.

"Lin Shuming, when I went to the front door of the Lin family with the general, you fought with the general and promised to seal the mountain. Why did you come out again today to stir up the situation in China?"

Old green dragon burst.

"Chen beixuan killed my disciple and cut off the blood of my Lin family. I have to take revenge on him!"

Lin Shuming opened his glasses, said casually, and then closed them again.

"Well, Lin Langya is suicidal. He joined hands with the three men surnamed Hong to besiege Chen beixuan. They are not good at it. They should be willing to gamble and admit defeat. Why do you have to be strong? "

Old green dragon frowned.

"The murderer, pay for his life!"

This time, Lin Shuming only uttered five words, and he stopped talking.

Seeing this, Lao Qinglong could only shake his head. Now Lin Shuming is in a very strange state, that is to say, he is rebellious and does not dare to do anything at will. In fact, most of the deities were clear, just watching quietly.

After all, without Lin Shuming, who will stop Chen beixuan?

After many people came to the scene, many more arrived, but there was no strong one in the divine realm. Even if there is, it should also be wandering in the open sea, dare not close. It is Takeo Watanabe, who has stepped back hundreds of feet to distance himself from old Qinglong and others.

"What about Chen beixuan? Why hasn't he come yet? "

From noon to evening, many people were hungry, but they didn't wait for Zhengzhu.

Instead, they sat cross legged, not in a hurry.

"I don't think Xiaofan didn't get the news."

Wang Xueying is also slightly worried.

"Don't worry, Aunt Wang. Xiaofan will definitely come back."

Fang Qiong comforted.

The two families are family friends. In the past two or three years, chen fan has disappeared many times. Fang Qiong is with Wang Xueying, and the relationship between them has risen rapidly. Wang Xueying has treated her as a prospective daughter-in-law at this time.


At this time, it suddenly began to rain. It was obvious that the forecast storm was coming. The masters can hold up the vigorous Qi shield, but most of them don't have umbrellas and can only be caught in the rain.

"Here comes the master."

Suddenly, Hua Yunfeng said.

Then, Takeo Watanabe, Yao Daoyi, Li Changsheng and Lao Qinglong opened their eyes one after another, and looked to the southeast of the capital.

See dark clouds gradually pressure, the half of the sky pressure black. Under the dark clouds, there are strong winds, heavy rain, and severe storms. In many storms, there is also a dragon like water absorption.

A water column, like a tornado, straight into the sky, as high as 100 meters, like a myth.

"What's this?"

Everyone was stunned.

I saw a young man in black, stepping on a tornado storm, just like the Dragon God controlling the storm ocean, coming across the sea and sky. He carries hands, black clothes, black hair and black pupils, and his breath is as unpredictable as a bottomless abyss. The whole body is shrouded in a blue light, like a blue star, shining on the sky.Chen fan is very impressive.

"Chen beixuan, you are here at last."

Lin Shuming opened his eyes and grew up. His eyes were shining white awn. He crossed hundreds of meters in an instant and collided with the blue awn in Chen Fan's eyes. Suddenly, a crackling spark flashed in the void.

Countless people held their breath.

I know that this long-awaited, so-called amazing century's peerless war is finally about to start. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!