Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 526

Daxin, the king of falling head, suhabi, the high priest of Haishen temple. These two are the old sacred places in Southeast Asia. It can even be said that if there were no Xie Yan and Longtang, they would be respected in Southeast Asia.

As a result, Xie Yan led Longtang to the South and swept Southeast Asia. Both the personal strength and the fighting power of the great masters under his command are better than those of the two men who were killed in the divine realm. But they've been waiting for decades, and finally they're waiting for today's opportunity.

"Three divine realms, this is an inevitable situation!"

There is a master of dragon hall.

All the other masters turned crazy.

It's very difficult to kill in the divine realm. Each of them has his own unique skills to protect his life. Even then, Lin Shuming and ye Qingcang were hard to kill a deity one-on-one. So Chen Fan's birth will shake the world - he can crush the divine realm!

But it's not the same when the three gods join hands. Under the siege of the three gods, it is extremely difficult for you to escape even if you want to explode your body, because they don't give you this opportunity.

"Brother Xie, you are famous for your resourcefulness. He has studied wuhuigu for decades, and he knows the array very well. We had expected that Chen beixuan might not be able to kill you, so we specially set up this bureau for you to drill. I didn't expect to wait for a year and a half. I almost gave up waiting. "

The old man with white hair laughed.

He sat cross legged on the head of a black scale snake tens of meters long. The black scale snake is 20 or 30 meters long above the surface of the water. I'm afraid it's not inferior underwater. It's 50 meters long, equivalent to 20 stories high. The snake's head is as big as a house, its eyes are like lanterns, and there is a ball of meat on its forehead, which looks like an angle but not an angle.

Seeing the black scale snake, countless people took a breath.

"I'm afraid it's not far from becoming a dragon."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that there were such wild and wild species on the earth. The strength of this black scale snake is much stronger than that of the Yin snake in yinlongtan. It is estimated that it has set foot in the divine realm.

Standing beside him, the high priest of the temple of the sea has long dark green hair, like algae, and his skin is faint green. Although she didn't say a word, at her feet, the waves were surging and surging, just like a God.

See these two people, it is Xie Yan all complexion unprecedented dignified.

"Brother Xie, if you swear that the Dragon hall will never leave Xingzhou, we will stop and make peace." The words of the sea god priest are as clear and distant as larks.

The combination of the three realms is certainly powerful.

But Xie Yan's power should not be underestimated. They are also worried that killing Xie Yan will cost a lot, and even some people will fall.

"Southeast Asia is the Southeast Asia of Longtang, which will never change. If you stop here and swear never to offend the Dragon hall. I may spare you Xie Yanhu said with a smile.

"What a big tone."

Thaksin sneered.

Wu Guanchao said with a smile: "Xie Yan, you alone can't be our opponent. Let's see if you have any cards

The sea god priest also slightly shakes his head, obviously does not believe that Xie Yan has the ability to fight against the three gods.

And the people in the Dragon hall were almost desperate.

Three gods!

No matter how strong Xie Yan is, the most powerful enemy is two. If three of them come out together, they will die. In particular, the big snake under the seat of Thaksin is so terrifying, and its strength is comparable to the divine realm.

"My dragon hall, is it dead today?"

There are high-level dragon hall, crying.

And all the masters of Longtang have the same dignified face. Only those who took refuge in Wu Guanchao were happy.


"warm, I say, Wu Longtou will win. The high priest and the king of falling head are here. The three gods join hands to thank him. Even if he dominates the Dragon hall for a hundred years, today's legend will end. "

Guo Shoukang, like a gambler, dances excitedly.


Guo wennuan shook his head. He didn't look at him at all. Instead, he looked at the Yellow faced boy around him.

"His card, it's me!"

In Guo Shoukang's shocked eyes, chen fan rises out of thin air and rises to the sky step by step.

"This... This..."

Guo Shoukang was stunned. This young man with a yellow face is a God?

"Dad, I'm afraid you don't know. Lord Xie long has been worshipped by Chen beixuan and become the Dharma protector of beiqiong sect. Our dragon hall now belongs to beiqiong school. "

Guo Nuan couldn't bear it and sighed.

"What? Is he Chen beixuan

If Guo Shoukang is struck by lightning, he is a fool.



In the eyes of the people around him, chen fan turned his back and rose one by one. The sleeves and robes agitate and empty out, just like immortals. Soon rose to a hundred meters sky, with the four gods in line.

"Who are you?"

Both Wu Guanchao and Daxin look at Chen Fan with astonishment.There are only a few deities in the world. We are familiar with each other, such as Chen fan. We didn't know each other. We didn't know whether we were friends or enemies. We didn't dare to act rashly.

"Xie Yan was chased into wuhui Valley by me. You were talking about me just now. Why don't you know me now?"

Chen fan carries his hands and stands in the void.

As his voice fell, chen fan's appearance gradually changed, from a yellow faced boy to a young man with beautiful features.

"Chen beixuan?"

Thaksin screamed out.

Wu Guanchao and the sea god priest also changed color.

And the crowd on the ground, it is to send out a burst of mountain cry tsunami like cry. Chen Fan's name, in today's world, almost like thunder. Especially in the Dragon hall. After all, their dragon master went to besiege chen fan. Chen Fan cut two of them with one sword and finally chased them into the valley. He didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

"Chen beixuan? How to be familiar with the dragon master? Isn't he the opponent of our dragon hall? "

The underground people are stupid.

"Master Chen Xian, we have nothing to do with you. On the contrary, Xie Yan killed you. What do you mean

Seeing Chen Fan coming out, Daxin and others looked at each other.


In the eyes of everyone, Xie Yan bows to Chen Fanyi, just like a disciple sees a teacher.

"Now, thank you. The Dragon hall is also owned by our beiqiong sect. You occupied the foundation of our beiqiong sect and surrounded and killed the Dharma protectors of our beiqiong sect. Do you think I should do it? "

Chen Fan turned his back and said with a smile.


Everyone was shocked.

However, different from Daxin and others, people in Longtang cheered. Chen beixuan is famous all over the world, and the beiqiong school is now the largest force in Asia. If the Dragon hall can join the North Qiong sect, it will be no difficulty to sweep across Southeast Asia.

The faces of Thaksin and others changed wildly.

No one expected that Xie Yan would join chen fan.


Without saying a word, he urged the big black scale snake under the seat to swim far away. The sea god priest was directly involved in the tide and escaped into the sea. As for Wu Guanchao, unwilling to see the yanlongtang building, he could only stamp his feet and turn into a thunderbolt.

"Ha ha, I can let you escape in front of Chen beixuan?"

Chen Fan laughed and waved his sleeve.

An invisible barrier, just like a transparent bowl upside down, instantly stopped in front of the three people. The big black scale snake bumped into the transparent border, making him dizzy and almost fell down. Wu Guanchao is thunder light even flash, want to cross the border, but always have no way. Even the "sea god priests" in the sea were forced out.

"What spell is this?"

Thaksin was stunned.

With this wave, chen fan calmed the void for hundreds of meters. Like ancient gods, they can open up fields. The scope of the realm is that the divine realm cannot escape. What a magic power!

"It's the power of the gods. He can't hold on for long. We just need to hold on until the border disappears."

The sea god priest hastily way.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed. The sea god priest was right. What Chen Fangang has just exerted is the power of "sealing the town.". This is a power that only the inborn strong can control. Communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth, seal a small piece of void. In this void, no mosquito can escape.

With Chen Fan's current power, he can only seal ten fingers at most.


Chen Fan claps it with one hand and blows directly at Wu Guanchao.

Wu Guanchao hastily applied his "five thunder fist technique" and raised the power of land mines. His whole body was full of thunder. Like a Thunder Dragon, he crossed tens of meters across the void to stop chen fan.

"You don't know what real lightning is."

There was a trace of ridicule on Chen Fan's face, and he drank softly:

"look at the thunder in my palm."

In the boom, a red thunder ball appeared in Chen Fan's hand.

Palm thunder is one of the most common ways to cultivate immortals. It only depends on hard power. The stronger the cultivation is, the more powerful it is. In the end, it can even kill the stars with one hand. There are seven colors of lightning:

blue, white, red, gold, green, purple and black.

Red thunder ball is basically controlled by innate state. As for the black real thunder, it gets the realm of transforming God and even returning to emptiness.

Chen fan with supreme true yuan, push red thunder ball. Although this Thunderball seems to be extremely powerful, it crosses the void and annihilates all the life, lightning and energy that meet it. Finally, Chen Fanyi palmed it on Wu Guanchao's chest.

"What kind of magic is this..."

Wu Guanchao looked at the palm of his chest and said in disbelief.

In front of this red thunder ball, all his thunder and lightning, body protecting vigorous Qi and body protecting magic weapons are as vulnerable as tofu. It's easy to be pierced by Chen fan.

"This is the real Rafa."Chen Fan Light answer.

Wu Guanchao wanted to say more, but suddenly, his body was engulfed by red thunder and lightning, and finally turned into smoke and disappeared between heaven and earth.

A strong man at the beginning of the divine realm fell like this.

Killed by Chen Fanyi!

Seeing this scene, both King Daxin and suhabi, the sea god priest, were cold in heart and frightened. It was the Dragon hall that everyone was shocked and forgot to cheer.

At this time, it was just a snap. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!