Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 525

I'm afraid that the whole sky of Xingzhou has been spread all over the world. Fortunately, it's evening. The night is dim and the lights are bright. And Longteng building is located in the outskirts of Xingzhou, close to the sea, otherwise this sound will be enough to frighten the whole city.

"Who dares to name the dragon head?"

"I'm so brave, don't I die? Dare you challenge me

"Come on, where's the guard? What about the chopping sword hall? What about Longteng hall? Why don't you take it down? "

Thanks for this burst of drink, instantly startled the whole Longteng building, countless people scolded.


Someone pushed open the window to look, and saw a man in green with hands on his back, standing on the void. He stepped on heaven and earth, behind which is the bright moon rising from the sea, just like the lower boundary of the Moon Fairy.

"This is...

the man who pushed the window was stunned on the spot.

And the people next to him were shaking and almost came out:

"dragon master?"

This sound, like a clarion call, after that, the whole building began to boil.

"What dragon master is back? Is it true or not? "

"You don't believe that if you go out and look, except for the dragon master, who can stand and fly in the sky without falling down?"

"It's really the Dragon Lord, middle-aged Qingyi, flying Jedi. Brothers, the Dragon Master of our dragon hall has really come back! "

Countless people exclaimed.

Someone knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Xie Yan, tears streaming down his face.

The hundreds of guards around the Longteng building were even more excited and looked up at the figure in green. After all, Xie Yan has been the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall for hundreds of years, and he is also the founder of Xingzhou. Wu Guanchao has only replaced him for a few months. How can he convince the people of Longtang?

"Dragon... Dragon master?"

Guo Shoukang is already a fool. His lips tremble.

"Dad, you're wrong."

Guo wennuan looked at him deeply and shook his head in disappointment. She was deeply disappointed in the man who betrayed her daughter and took refuge in the cold family for the sake of her family.

"If the dragon master really comes back, Wu Longtou may not lose to him, and there are them." Guo Shoukang's face changed again and again, and finally he said.

Guo wennuan shakes his head and doesn't speak any more. He just glances at the young man with a yellow face.

"If you have him here, you will come to more divine places. What's the matter?"

At this time, only a few loud noises were heard, and a martial arts master and master burst through the window and jumped out. As soon as they saw the thanks, they knelt down and said:

"we'll see the dragon master, congratulations on his return!"

Among them, there are seven or eight martial arts masters and ten great masters with the highest internal strength. Almost all the strongmen of dragon hall are here.

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

Wu Guanchao is really unpopular. No wonder he relies on Leng Jianfeng, the master of Malaysia, who is supposed to be the direct master of Longtang. He can't handle it easily.

"Wu Guanchao, at this point, don't you come out to see me?"

Xie Yan turned his back and looked directly at the mansion road.

As soon as Xie Yan appeared, the whole dragon hall rebelled. Even the most powerful general Leng Jianfeng has been killed. Wu Guanchao is now almost alone.

"Ha ha, surnamed Xie, I didn't expect you to come out of wuhuigu."

A ray of thunder lit up from the top of Longteng building and shot into the sky instantly, showing a middle-aged man with a hazy face. The middle-aged man was surrounded by thunder and lightning. From time to time, there was a flash of lightning. He was obviously an expert in refining thunder method.

This middle-aged man, Wu Guanchao, is an outstanding genius of the Wu family.

"Wu Guanchao, I treat the Wu family well. Why do you want to occupy my dragon hall and kill my Xie family?"

Xie Yan light way.

"Hum, thank you! When you led the Dragon hall, you forcibly occupied the foundation of my Wu family, and even beat me seriously. This hatred, this hatred, pour out the water of three rivers, I also can't forget. Now, it's just a little revenge. "

Wu Guanchao snorted coldly.

"It's no use saying more. Come up and die."

Xie Yan shakes his head slightly and points his sword. The ebony sword in the sheath at the back turned into a black gold light, pulled out a long sword mark in the air and shot at Wu Guanchao in the air.

After all, he was too weak to master the real flying sword. There's no time for Lin Langya's "blood refining sword", so he just takes ebony as his flying sword. Although it is made of wood, chen fan made it by himself, and the material is no less than that of Feiyu sword.


It was like a flash of black gold lightning in mid air.

Wu Guanchao's face was dignified, and he punched fiercely. Thundering and shaking in the void, there were white lightning leaping, wrapped in fists, and hit Wujin flying sword fiercely.


Xie Yan's figure just slightly trembled, but Wu Guanchao suddenly retreated ten meters.

Between this blow, the high and the low stand points.

"How can it be that in this year and a half, you have not retreated but advanced?" Wu Guan was shocked.He thought that in the past year and a half, Xie Yan must have relied on the immortal Dharma array to play hide and seek with Chen fan. At last, he relied on his familiarity with the Dharma array to escape from ascension. He had no time to practice. Unexpectedly, Xie Yan's cultivation went even further.


Xie Yan was indifferent in his eyes. When the sword formula was unfolded, three sword shadows appeared in the void. The shadow of these three swords are real, just like three black gold flying swords, which pull out a shrill sound in the air.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The sword was shining across the sky, each of which was several feet long. The three combined attacks were as good as the three Lin Langya.

This is exactly the "sword light differentiation technique" in Jiuli sword classic. When you reach the extreme point of cultivation, you can separate out nine sword lights with infinite power. At that time, the master of Tibetan sword went a step further and refined nine swords into nine flying swords. The power was so great that the fairies of the same generation did not dare to fight.


Wu Guanchao's face is as deep as water, and thunder and lightning surge on his body.

When he did everything, he had the power of thunder and lightning. Every palm splits, the wind and thunder are surging, and the power is infinite.

It is said that Wu Guanchao's "five thunder fist technique" is a unique skill created by a Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Master's way, who combines the martial arts with the thunder method. There is no need to step on the seal, step on the gang step. As long as we rely on the strength of our fists and feet, we can drive thunder and lightning. For some reason, this Taoist martial arts was spread to Nanyang and was acquired by Wu Guanchao.

"Bang bang."

Wu Guanchao and Wu jinjianguang collided with each other. His body trembled violently with each impact. But the three sword lights came and went, like wheels, which made Wu Guanchao tired.

"Damn it, Xie Yan hasn't made progress for more than a year. How could he have made such progress. And isn't he practicing sonic wave? How can you know the way of flying sword? If I can't reach the realm of Tianlei, I'm not his opponent. "

Wu Guanchao cried in his heart.

The five thunder boxing is divided into five levels: Heaven, earth, cloud, water and fight. He only practiced to the level of land mines, and his every move was full of thunder. The legendary thunder can arouse the power of heaven and has boundless power.

"No, just spell it. \'

Wu Guanchao made up his mind to drink.

At this time, it's cloudy. It's on the beach again. It's stormy and it looks like rain. Wu Guanchao smashed the sword light with a fierce fist, and then secretly kneaded the formula. Suddenly, a lightning in the shape of "Zhi" in the void was pulled by him and fell in the air.


After Wu Guanchao received the thunder and lightning with his body, he forced himself to bear the severe pain all over his body, mixed with the power of heaven and earth, and hit with one blow.


This blow is like the birth of a Thunder Dragon, shaking the world. The bright boxing awn, across the sky, with the surging and invincible power of thunder, hit Xie Yan.

Xie Yan's face was a little dignified. As soon as his sword Jue was unfolded, three black gold sword lights instantly merged into one and turned into a nine Zhang Long pitching sword. This sword is close to Chen Fan's blood sword skill.


With a wave of Xie Yan's formula, Jiuzhang's sword and Tianlei's strength collided with each other.


"not good."

Seeing Wu Guanchao's powerful blow from heaven and earth, many dragon hall masters were disgraced. This kind of power can only be exerted when the legendary great master of heaven controls "Lei Yin".

"Master Xie long will be OK."

Guo warm nervous way.

"Don't worry. If he can't solve the problem at the beginning of a divine state, this year and a half of hard work will be feeding the dog." Chen Fan in the side back hand, light way.

His eyes did not look at the sky, but toward the sea.

I don't know when the sea began to surge through the rocks.

"Who is this guy?"

Guo Shoukang strangely sweeps chen fan, but nervously looks at the sky.



At this time, after an earth shaking explosion, Xie Yan and Wu Guanchao have separated the victory and defeat.

Xie Yan stood in the void, but his body retreated a few feet, and his clothes fluttered. Wu Guanchao, who was opposite him, was in a mess. He was black all over. There was a long bloodstain on his shoulder. He was obviously cut by the sword Qi.

Under one blow, the wind rises.

"The Dragon Master is invincible!"

Many dragon hall disciples cheered.

"You can't use that blow again. Now lead to death."

Thank you again.

The seven inch long ebony sword lights up again. This time, it was about eight Zhang long. It was extremely long in the sky. The sword was so strong that it split the rain curtain in the air.

Wu Guanchao's face changed again and again. Suddenly, he burst out laughing and said:

"Xie. Do you think I dare to occupy your dragon hall by myself? We are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. All kinds of means of escape emerge in endlessly. How can you think that you must die? ""Not good."

Xie Yan's face changed.

At this time, in the middle of the tide, a dark shadow suddenly burst up. The shadow was tens of meters long. It was a big black scale snake. On the snake, an old man with white hair was sitting cross legged. Beside the old man with white hair, there is a dark green woman with long hair standing in the tide.

"Brother Xie, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The old man with white hair said with a smile.

"Daxin, the king of falling head, and suhabi, the high priest of Poseidon?"

Xie Yan said coldly.

The whole Longteng building lost its voice! Majestic Thailand's king of falling head, and Indonesia's sea temple high priest unexpectedly all came. The three old fairylands of Southeast Asia gather here.

Thanks to a pair of three, instantly fell into danger. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!