Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 527

The Buddhist Scripture says: a snap of the finger is sixty seconds, and nine hundred lives and dies in an instant.

Chen Fan shot and killed Wu Guanchao. It's just a light palm. No matter how Wu Guanchao resists the escape, he can't stop it, but it's a palm with red thunder. Even the spirit was annihilated by Leifa and could not escape.

Seeing this, Thaksin and the sea god priest were cold.

Although Wu Guanchao was just entering the divine realm for the first time, his cultivation was far inferior to the old divine realm. But it's the myth of the day. But even chen fan can't stop it?

"This old monster is much more terrifying than a year and a half ago."

Da Xin gives chen fan a deep look, then slaps the giant snake at his feet. Black scale giant snake seems to be psychic, but also know that the situation is urgent, fierce pieces of scales upside down, a tail heavily on the invisible border.


Just listen to a loud noise, the whole sea is stirred by the huge waves.

This giant snake is 50 meters long. It is thick and thin and weighs dozens of tons. The power of its tail is enough to flatten an armored car. How terrible the power is. However, the impact on the invisible barrier only made the barrier tremble slightly, while the giant snake itself was shocked and a large area of scales fell from its tail.

"It's useless. It's the power of the gods in the realm. You have to cultivate gods or immortals if you want to break the realm when it disappears automatically." The sea god priest said coldly.


At this moment, chen fan has stepped on the sky to kill.

The power of sealing the town is to gather the vitality of heaven and earth and block the void. Chen fan can only seal ten fingers at most, so he has to make a quick decision. At this moment, he did not leave a hand, the surging true yuan turned into a bright fist, across the world, according to the sky is one of the bright.


Thaksin roared and hissed in the ancient language.

The giant snake, called Naga, opens its mouth and emits a green rainbow. If you look carefully, you will find that the rainbow is made of countless green fog. This green fog is the natural power of the giant snake. It is extremely poisonous. It can kill hundreds of people with one puff. Giant snakes have been growing up for hundreds of years, and they don't know how many poisons, poisonous insects and poisonous herbs they devour before they become this magic power.


The emerald green rainbow suddenly collides with Chen Fan and envelops chen fan.

There was a smile on Thaksin's face. As the most famous headmaster in Southeast Asia, he was fascinated by the way of head lowering. The most proud thing in my life is to raise Naga, a super poisonous snake.

Although Naga was not raised by him at the beginning, it was the mountain protecting spirit beast in his vein. However, it was in the hands of Thaksin that he fed countless poisons that he grew into a divine realm and possessed the power of terror. Thaksin believes that nothing in the world can escape from the poisonous fog of Naga. That is, steel and real gas will be corroded by the poisonous fog.

"Be careful, Chen beixuan is not so easy to deal with."

While the sea god priest from the water, condensed a blue spear, while reminding.


Sure enough, chen fan directly through the fog, a volley to kill.

"How could it be?"

Darcy's eyes are popping out.

Chen fan was not hurt at all when he came to the corner of his clothes. It's totally beyond Thaksin's imagination. But I don't know how terrible Chen Fan's cultivation in the middle of Shenhai was. Even the bombardment of Tan Ke's cannons may not be able to pierce his body protector. Even the green emperor's longevity body and the golden flame armor were not used, so they carried them hard.

"Ten thousand poisonous insects."

In such a flustered situation, Dasein can only wave his sleeves.

Two black air gushed out of his sleeve and stopped chen fan. These two black Qi are all refined by countless small poisonous insects. These insects have been collected by Daxin for decades. If an ant bites a person, it will be killed instantly.

"Void shock."

Chen Fan's face is indifferent, but he just shakes his fist.

Suddenly the void vibrated. Space as if a piece of white paper, chen fan raised a corner, shaking up. And all life in this void was shattered in an instant.

Zhenwu thirty-six moves, void shock. At this time, chen fan gradually played out this power. The real Zhenwu Xianzong master can make the space broken with one punch. Chen Fan hasn't arrived at the golden elixir yet. He can't shake the space. He's just simulating it, but his power is still extremely terrible.


I saw an invisible wave coming from the void, along the two black air, and instantly spread to the letter.

His palms, wrists, arms, even his head and even half of his body were shattered by Chen Fan's strength. In the end, only the lower part of the body is still alive, even the spirit seems to be broken by the strength of the fist.

The power of one blow breaks the void!

See this scene of the strong, at the same time color change. Xie Yan is dignified, thinking about how to crack Chen Fan's move.


At this time, the Naga snake seemed to be spiritually, with a look of fear in its eyes. As soon as it shrunk, it was about to flee to the sea. Before leaving, he also spurted out a green rainbow to stop chen fan."Is this the second God of Thaksin?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and felt the breath of Daxin in the snake.

These divine realms of the earth don't want to improve their accomplishments and rush into the nature. Every day I think about how to protect my life. Basically, every old Shenjing has all kinds of secret skills.

So is the great voodoo, and so is Thaksin.

How dare you call yourself the second God? Give me another punch

Chen Fan sneered and hit again.


Heaven and earth collapse, sun and moon hang upside down.

The strength of this fist is so powerful that it is just like a God lifting Mount Tai into the North Sea. At this time, Naga snake was almost hiding in the sea, but it was still chased by Chen fan.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Suddenly, Naga snake started from the beginning, inch by inch burst open. The head, neck, body, spine and tail of the snake burst one after another. Scales and blood are flying in the sky. The strength of the fist was just as strong as that of hundreds of guns. Even if the Naga snake is comparable to the body of Henglian, it can't hold Chen Fan's fist.


Chen Fan's fist strength, has been chasing Naga snake, to the sea, and finally completely cracked. There was a huge wave more than ten meters high on the sea, like a deep-water bomb burst. What spirit, in such a terrible fist strength, will tear into pieces.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned and looked at it.

"The strength of the fist is so strong that it is the most powerful secret gun fist in Xingyi boxing, which is less than one tenth of it."

Thank you for your cool breath.

But he didn't know that this was Chen Fan's real effort. He didn't use any boxing techniques, just urged the surging Zhenyuan to fight in the air. After a year and a half of painstaking cultivation, chen fan's cultivation reached a terrifying level, and almost half stepped into the later stage of Shenhai. If it is true yuan, it is equivalent to the sum of more than ten divine realms.

"Five fingers."

Chen fan then withdrew his fist and turned to look at the sea god priest.

He killed Wu Guanchao with one hand and killed Daxin and the snake with two fists. From the beginning to the end, it was as if it was easy. He didn't have any magic power. He just pushed the divine realm with the help of the true yuan.

Facing chen fan, the sea god priest suddenly froze.

The three Zhang deep blue sea spear condensed in the hand is in the hand. It's really not shooting, not shooting, just like a hot potato.

"Sir, I'd like to serve you as thank you..."

the sea god priest is putting on a charming and holy face to smile at chen fan.

"No more."

Chen Fan's five fingers soared in the air and grasped it in the air.

"Boom boom!"

In the void, there seems to be an invisible millstone turning. The sound is like rolling thunder, extremely low, with a huge sound. In front of people's eyes, they could even feel that the vitality of heaven and earth, hundreds of meters away, was turning into two pieces of stone, squeezing each other.

A huge blue hand emerged out of thin air.

This giant palm is ten feet in size. It's like a basketball court. The power spread all over the world, covering the whole air, and people hundreds of meters away could not help bending down. Everyone held their breath and could not imagine the horror of the blow.

"It's a big catch."

In the middle of Shenhai cultivation, chen fan was the first time to cast such immortal magic. It was so powerful that it was terrible. It's like the Tathagata palm in Kung Fu.


No matter how the sea god priest wails for mercy, roars furiously, or performs divine skills to set off a huge tsunami and try to stop it. This green light giant palm, did not hesitate to press down, like Mount Tai, unshakable.

Even the giant palm has not reached the sea.

The sea was pressed out of thin air with a huge trace, to the end. The sea floor, more than ten meters deep, has been printed with a palm print with a radius of more than 30 meters. For a long time, the sea god priests have pressed their bodies and spirits, including their magic weapons, into powder. If a diver sees it, he must think it's the giant palm of a God.

"It's said that the sea god priest, who was favored by the sea god and had the power to control the tsunami, died like this."

The crowd was petrified and couldn't believe it.

But everything is in front of us. Chen Fan killed the three gods with only two fists and two fists. No magic weapon was used. It was driven by the real yuan of terror and crushed by hard power. There was no falsehood.

"Ten fingers."

This is Chen fancai light said.


In the void, the invisible power of sealing the town scattered. The sealed air, sea water and night wind began to flow again. The whole world seems to return to reality from the dream, leaving only the footprints on the bottom of the sea to record all this.

All the people in the Dragon hall bowed their heads to show their obedience to this invincible and powerful God.

"Chen beixuan is back. Once the news comes out, it must shock the whole world."There is the way of the high level of the Dragon hall shivering.

Many great masters looked at each other with fear. The world must tremble for this battle. Chen beixuan even killed three gods as soon as he was born, just like killing a chicken. In the world, who can not be frightened and who can not be afraid?

PS: today's may break out, the author will continue tomorrow's may break out, ask for a monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!