Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 522

"Master, in kundian city nearby, there is a xiejiazhuang garden, which is called Longtang branch. When we get there, we can contact Longtang. Since the sect leader has arrived in Southeast Asia, please let his disciples entertain him. "

"Well, let's go to the Dragon hall first and get some information. And then fly home. "

Chen Fan thought about it.

This is Southeast Asia, the site of Longtang. Xie Yan, as the leader of the Dragon hall, has the power of overwhelming. It's easy to get news from the Chen family.

Both of them have already arrived at Shenhai, where they can fly against the wind. Although the speed is not very fast, they can't compete with supersonic fighters, but they are almost the same as armed helicopters.

A blue light, a black light, passed over the virgin forests of Borneo. It's only two or three hours for Chen Fan and Xie Yan to travel hundreds of kilometers.

Soon, they arrived in kundian, Indonesia.

Under the leadership of Xie Yan, chen fan and Chen Fan quickly found the branch of the Dragon hall here. Located in xiejiazhuang garden on the outskirts of kundian city. Just to the gate of the manor. Both chen fan and Xie Yan frowned and heard the sound of fighting and killing inside.

"Well, it's strange. I'm familiar with it. Is that the girl named Guo wennuan? "

Chen Fan said softly.


kundian City, Longtang branch.


It's a figure of fighting.

One of them, a middle-aged man, was suddenly retreating, covering his chest and bleeding from the corners of his mouth. He was Guo wennuan's bodyguard, uncle Xie.

On the other side of him, a handsome young man will take advantage of the victory.

"Stop it

Guo wennuan cried out heartache.

After hearing the speech, the handsome young man stopped and showed a funny smile:

"since it's warm, I naturally have to listen. Why, you changed your mind."

"I won't go back with you when I die, Leng Tong."

Guo wennuan said with a cool face, and then looked at Huang Jing beside Lengtong with red eyes, disappointed and said: "Huang Jing, have you joined Leng's family?"

Huang Jing's eyes flashed a trace of shame, but thinking of the strength of the Leng family, he hardened his heart: "sister Guo, your engagement with brother Lengtong was agreed by the elders of the two families. Uncle Guo nodded, too. Why do you resist?"

"Well, you forced my father to nod. If he doesn't agree, his family will take back his property and deprive him of his right of inheritance. But I won't agree. "

Guo Wenmei looks at Lengtong, who is extremely beautiful, and says angrily:

"Lengtong, don't think you can make me bow if you catch me. I used to think you were a good man, but I didn't expect you to be so mean. Not only did my family force my father, but they also brought people to arrest me. "

That Leng Tong is the first son of Leng Jianfeng, the great master of the Chinese people's Congress of Malaysia. Once Guo wennuan's pursuer, now I don't know why, he even leads people to force him.

"Nuan Nuan, you're wrong. It's not us who forced your father. It's your father who voluntarily revealed that he wanted to marry you to me."

Leng Tong, who was standing with his chest in his arms, had a sneering smile on his face: "how do you think I know you are in xiejiazhuangyuan on the side of kundian? It wasn't your father who revealed that we could find you? "


Guo wennuan's face turned white. I can't believe it.

"Guo wennuan, do you think the Guo family now is the Guo family that used to be?" Cold pupil sneers.

"At that time, the Guo family of Xingzhou was one of the four families of Longtang, so your branch of Malay was respected. But the Dragon Master had died in wuhui Valley and was killed by Chen beixuan. Longtang is no longer there. What else can you rely on? If we don't take our Leng family's thigh, we will be divided up by other Aboriginal families! "

Every time Lengtong said a word, Guo wennuan's little face turned white. In the end, it was as white as rice paper.

"Keke, you are nonsense. The dragon master will never die."

Standing behind Guo wennuan, covering his chest, uncle Xie coughed violently.

"Ha ha, I'm bullshit?" Lengtong laughs: "we saw Xie rush into wuhui valley with our own eyes. It's been a year and a half. Either he died in the valley, or he was killed by Chen beixuan. Either way, he can't get out. Maybe even Chen beixuan died under the Dixian array! "

When Lengtong said this, Guo wennuan and Xie Shudu were shocked, and their eyes showed endless despair.

Huang Jing sighed: "sister Guo, it's different now that the Dragon hall has lost its master. Families are making their own living. Brother Lengtong's father is one of the few great masters in Southeast Asia. Only he can protect our Chinese families. "

Guo wennuan bowed his head. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't say a word. He bit his lip and almost bled.

"Warm, don't worry, as long as you marry me. I promise your family will be fine. Even if that man occupied the Dragon hall, he had to rely on a great master like my father to help him suppress all sides. "Cold pupil facial expression also puts soft, smell speech to advise a way.

Uncle Xie was behind him, covering his chest and looking desperate.

Leng Tong, who is opposite, is a young man. He has more accomplishments than himself. He also has a number of internal strength masters. They are all above the level of internal strength. With their own and the guards in the manor, they are no match for him.

"I had to fight to the death to find a chance for the young lady to escape."

Uncle Xie thought like this, took a deep breath, and his eyes showed a sense of death.

Just then, a leisurely voice came:

"who said I died in wuhui Valley?"

Hearing the sound, people were stunned and looked up.

I saw a young man with black hair in casual clothes, walking with his hands down. Next to him, a little behind, followed by a man in green who was elegant and pure.

Everyone was shocked to see them.

"Chen beixuan, and the dragon master? Don't you die in the valley of no return? "

Huang Jing blurted out.

Lengtong's face changed wildly, and his eyes shone with horror. But Uncle Xie, who coughed and covered his chest, was even more struggling. He fell to the ground and kowtowed to Xie Yan. He burst into tears and said:

"the descendants of the Xie family, Xie Jingtang, meet their ancestors. God bless us, let our ancestors return safely...

"get up."

Thank you very much.

His face was as deep as water, and the whole hall seemed to be enveloped in a sense of desperation. Everyone was afraid to move a finger, and he was killed by the powerful man of divine realm who had been in Southeast Asia for a hundred years.

"Xie Yan, it seems that you haven't been here for a year and a half. It seems that the Dragon hall is not very peaceful."

Chen Fan looks at several people behind Lengtong with great interest. They are all dressed in black strong clothes. There is a dragon pattern on their chest, which is the symbol of the Dragon hall. But at this time, they even follow behind Lengtong to deal with the Xie family.

"Master, it's my fault."

thanks for a red face. In the shock of everyone's eyes, he bowed to Chen Fanyi and said respectfully.

"Please allow me to clear the door and ask for the truth."

"Go ahead. Since you are the Dharma protector of our family, the Dragon hall belongs to our family. If anything happens, I'll do the same. " Chen fan back hand light way.

After receiving Chen Fan's instructions, Xie Yan stepped forward and looked coldly.

People only feel that this eye, just like the eternal cold wind, instantly freezes their souls. In particular, the mental power in Xie Yan's eyes was so overwhelming that they couldn't even move their little finger.

"What's the matter? Are dragon master and Chen beixuan not enemies? How can it be that the Dragon Master worships Chen beixuan? "

Guo Nuan's brain is in a mess.


Thank you for your words.

Leng Tong and others fell to their knees with a slap, trembling all over and said:

"dragon master, please forgive me! Dragon Master, spare your life

Although the other disciples of the Dragon hall haven't seen Xie Yan's real body, how can they not know from Leng Tong's words and Xie Yan's appearance that the man in green is the Dragon Master of the Dragon Hall who has been famous in Southeast Asia for a hundred years?

"You Leng Jianfeng, I remember that you belong to the Leng family of Longtang. In those years, your ancestors of Leng family also joined Longtang and vowed to be loyal to Longtang forever and never rebel. Why did you attack xiejiazhuangyuan?"

Xie Yan said slowly.


cold pupil's lips trembled and could not say a word.

"Attacking the Dragon Master's family of the Dragon hall is regarded as betraying the Dragon hall. Those who violate the rules will die!"

Thank you for your words. Before the children of the Dragon hall could react, a black light came out from behind Xie Yan and flashed across Lengtong's head.

There was a click.

The son of the great Malaysian boxer split his head in an instant and died on the spot. His face was so beautiful that he could not believe it. It seemed that he died in this nameless manor.

Huang Jing, as well as other Malaysian Chinese, trembled at the sight. Leng Tong is the son of a great master. He is a young master at the top of his inner strength. He has a very high position in the Chinese community in Malaysia. Now, he is killed by Xie Yan. How can they not be frightened or afraid?

Only Guo wennuan and Xie Jingtang had a flash of pleasure in their eyes.


The other children of the Dragon hall kowtowed crazily:

"ask the dragon master to spare his life. All this is instructed by the Leng family. The disciples and others obey the orders of the Leng family."

"Hum, chopping sword hall belongs to the elite team of our dragon hall. It's not the order of the hall leader. Don't move lightly. When will Leng Jianfeng be able to order you elite disciples of the chopping sword hall Xie Yan gave a cold hum.

Chen Fan noticed at this time that all the children of the Dragon hall were carrying a huge sword behind them.

This chopping sword hall should be special teams like Hongmen dark moon and Samsung dark Department.


the children of Longtang looked at each other.Although Leng Jianfeng is a great master of Chinese, he is only half a member of the Dragon hall and has not entered the core of the Dragon hall. The real power center of Longtang is controlled by four families. It's impossible to mobilize the chopping sword hall unless it's ordered by the head of the four families.

"Said, I am not in this year and a half, what happened to the Dragon hall?"

Thank you and calm down.


Those people have no choice but to say it. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!