Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 523

Chen fan and Xie Yan only know what drastic changes have taken place in the Dragon hall in the past year and a half when they are not here.

After Xie Yan disappeared in wuhuigu, many people concluded that he was dead.

At first, the Dragon hall was able to hold on and keep stable. However, with the great changes of the world, one deity's realm came into the world, and other deities began to covet the Dragon hall. The power that dominates the Chinese community in Southeast Asia is so huge that there is no divine realm to guard it, just like a piece of fat meat.

A year ago.

All the major forces in Southeast Asia joined hands in the general arena of Longtang, demanding that Longtang withdraw from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries, and only retain the mainland of Xingzhou. He was rejected by Longtang, and then all kinds of struggles started.

The battle effectiveness of the Dragon hall is amazing. There are as many as seven or eight masters in the hall. Almost all the Chinese masters in Southeast Asia belong to the Dragon hall. Even if we fight with the major forces, we are not afraid at all.

But half a year ago, the king of Thailand killed the number one general of the Dragon hall, a super strong man on the dark list. The Dragon hall was shocked. Then, the high priest of the Indonesian sea temple also launched a huge tsunami, inundating an elite Marine Corps in the Dragon hall, causing heavy damage to the secular force of the Dragon hall.

"Damned Thaksin and suhabi!"

When he heard this, Xie Yan snorted angrily and was murderous.

Several disciples of the sword cutting hall trembled with fear.

"Who are these two?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

He has a better understanding of the divine realm of China, so he may not have a better understanding of Southeast Asia.

"The king of decapitation, Thaksin, is the uncle of the current king of Thailand. He is the master of decapitation in the world and can be called the patron saint of the Thai royal family. It was he who helped Thailand survive under the French and British colonies. "

Xie Yan explained to Chen Fan:

"suhabi is the sacrifice of an ancient temple in Indonesia. It is said that suhabi was inherited from the sea god, so he called himself the spokesman of the sea god. When I led Longtang into Southeast Asia, I had fought with them separately. They were forced to bow before they recognized the power of the Dragon hall. I didn't expect them to turn back. "

"When you were there, they naturally kept their promise. It's normal to tear up the contract when you're gone. " Chen Fan shook his head. "I just didn't expect that I was shut up for a year and a half, and these divine realms were born one after another."

Chen fan doesn't know.

Part of the reason for the birth of many divine realms is his. He even cut off three gods to deter the world, which was too stimulating for many gods.

"After that?"

Chen Fan interjected.

Longtang is very powerful. It is the joint efforts of the major forces in Southeast Asia, and most of them fight with Longtang. But the two Shenjing hands, this is the Dragon hall can not carry. Unless the Star Island defense forces are mobilized. However, the other side also has the country to rely on most, and the star continent to contain each other.

As a result, Longtang was defeated and almost shrank in Xingzhou.

"With the army in town, they can't attack Xingzhou. But why do you listen to Leng Jianfeng. And who is the "adult" in Leng Tong's mouth

Xie Yan hummed coldly.

The team leader of chopping sword hall, trembling all over, said in a hurry:

"report to the dragon master, when we lost in succession and suffered heavy damage, suddenly one day, a man who called himself" Wu Guanchao "came to the general arena. He turned out to be a strong deity and a Chinese. Declare to Zuo Ming that as long as the Dragon hall is subject to him. He will be able to defend the Dragon hall against the attacks of the "king of falling head" and the "high priest of the sea god temple."

"At that time, the Wu family defected, the Li family had an ambiguous attitude, the Guo family was forced to surrender, and the Xie family had resisted, but it was difficult for them to stand alone, so the Dragon hall changed its ownership."

Speaking of this, several disciples of the sword cutting hall trembled more and more.

Xie Jingtang knelt down and cried:

"after Wu Guanchao came to the Dragon hall, he asked the Dragon hall to surrender, but the owner strongly protested. As a result, he killed him on the spot. He said that it was the Revenge of your father. Later, it was the blood washing of the Xie family. Now, most of the members of the Xie family are killed or injured. Only those of us who are related to the Xie family survive... Please take revenge on my father. "

With that, Xie Jingtang kowtowed repeatedly.

Chen fan was behind, shaking his head slightly.

It can't be said that the choice of the Dragon hall is wrong. Under the siege of the two divine realms, without the protection of the new divine realms, the Dragon hall will surely fall from a super class force to an ordinary Xingzhou clan. But the high-level rebellion of the Dragon hall is too fast. You are so reserved.

"Wu Guanchao, it's him!"

Xie Yan's eyes were full of black gold, and the whole hall was bright.

"Do you know Wu Guanchao?"

Chen Fanqi said.

"He was the first master of Nanyang Chinese sixty years ago. At that time, Nanyang Wu family was one of the three major families in Malacca. Later, I led the Dragon hall to Nanyang. Wu Guanchao challenged me. After being defeated by me, he vomited blood and disappeared. The Wu family also succumbed to the Dragon hall and later became the pillar of the Dragon hall. I didn't expect that he would appear again now and kill my Xie family. "

Xie Yan gave a sneer.

"No wonder the Wu family rebelled so quickly with him. Because he is the ancestor of the Wu family. ButA little doubt flashed on Xie Yan's face:

"sixty years ago, Wu Guanchao was just the peak of Huajin. I didn't expect that 60 years later, he would build a divine realm. There must be some adventure. What's more, the Li family and Guo family are too quick to serve. I'm afraid that he has been planning for a long time, and even Thaksin and Suha may collude with him wherever they go. "

Speaking of this, Xie Yan's face became more and more dignified.

Daxin, suhabi and Wu Guanchao.

Three strong spirits. Two of them are old-fashioned fairylands, both of which are the presence of Megatron in Southeast Asia. At that time, Xie Yan was only able to fight with one of them, and he had the upper hand. Three people join hands. Even if Xie Yan practices the sword Sutra and wins greatly, he can't guarantee his ability to fight against the three gods.

"No problem. I'll go with you."

Chen Fan said.

"Thank you, sect leader."

Xie Yan's face was beaming, and he bowed down.

If the three divine realms join hands, maybe Xie Yan is not the opponent, but Chen Fan's hand is that none of the ten divine realms is a problem. Thank you for accompanying Chen Fan for a year and a half. How can you not know how terrible chen fan is now. I'm afraid chen fan will be respected if there are no immortals in the world.

Next, Xie Yan asked several questions in succession to make sure that all the disciples of the chopping sword hall were only doing what they were ordered to do, and then he said coldly:

"you are all elite of the chopping sword hall. Since you didn't take part in the rebellion, you just obey the orders of the commander, which is understandable. I'll give you a chance to commit crimes. If it's still not good, don't blame me for chasing the culprit and killing the whole family! "

"Lord Xie long, we must work hard and never neglect anything."

The disciples of the sword cutting hall were overjoyed and kowtowed.

As for Huang Jing and others on one side, shivering, dare not make a sound.

Both chen fan and Xie Yan are too lazy to pay attention to Huang Jing and others. These ethnic Chinese in Malaysia are only small players who follow suit and have no qualification to participate in the change of the Dragon hall.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Thank you for your advice.

"Go to Xingzhou and meet the Wu family. However, we have to pay attention to hide the body shape. If we leak information, let Wu Guanchao escape ahead of time. That's a big problem. "

Chen Fan said.

This is what Xie Yan is most afraid of.

The strength of the divine realm lies in its great deterrent power. A man's divine state is not terrible on the surface, but it is too terrible to escape and hide. Attack your family and friends anytime, anywhere. That's why Chen Fan insisted on killing the Hongmen ancestors and others before returning to the valley.

Next, Xie Yan ordered the disciples of the sword cutting hall to quickly block the whole xiejiazhuang garden and take over all the mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices, so that no information could be leaked. He also asked Huang Jing, Guo wennuan and others to stay in the manor first and come out after the chaos of the Dragon hall was settled.

See Chen Fan and Xie Yan.

Everyone knows that the Wu family and Wu Guanchao are gone. No matter how strong Wu Guanchao is, how can he rival Chen beixuan?

"Mr. Chen, can you take me to Xingzhou? My father is also in Xingzhou. I don't know how he is now. " Before chen fan and Xie Yan leave, Guo wennuan suddenly runs over.

"Why should I take you?"

Chen fan is very interested and looks at this beautiful woman as proud as a white swan.

"I..." Guo wennuan bit his teeth, and a trace of humiliation flashed in his eyes. "I beg you, will you?"

Guo wennuan grew up with a strong personality and never bowed his head to ask for help. That sentence may be worse for her than killing her.

"Stay well and don't run around."

Chen Fan shook his head and left.

Seeing Chen Fan's refusal, Guo wennuan stood in the same place, his pretty face turned blue and white, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he yelled: "Chen beixuan, I have a private plane, Gulfstream G650. It's at kundian airport. I can take you to Xingzhou, so that you don't need to disturb the attention of Longtang and Wu family. "

"Private jet?"

Chen fan and Xie Yan look at each other.

They wanted to go to Xingzhou directly, but they were afraid that Wu Guanchao would not be in Xingzhou, which would be a big trouble. If you go by Guo's private plane, you can really bypass the detection of Longtang. In particular, Borneo and Xingzhou are separated by a sea. Whether it's flying or by boat, it's too time-consuming. It's most convenient to take a private plane.

"Mr. Chen, Lao Zu, miss did have a private plane. When she bought it, it was under the name of the Guo family in Xingzhou. People in the Dragon hall should not be able to check. "

Xie Jingtang whispered.

"That's fine."

Chen Fan nodded.

This is really the best way. Arrive at Xingzhou, find Wu Guanchao, expose his identity, and kill him with one blow. He must not be allowed to escape.

Seeing that Chen Fan agreed, Guo wennuan's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

Next, they boarded the Guo family's private plane. Gulfstream G650 will take off soon and head for the Strait of Malacca.Star Island.

The Pearl on the crown of Southeast Asia, the throat of Malacca and the kingdom of Chinese in Southeast Asia are finally coming.

PS: the first more, the author's bacteria full of blood resurrected, and began to prepare for a big outbreak of O (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!