Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 521


Just like a long whale drinking water, a light white air stream is inhaled from Chen Fan's nostrils. This air stream is purely composed of aura condensed like substance. At this time, chen fan can swallow the aura of a bottle of "cloud and mist spring" with every breath.

He spent more aura in one day's cultivation than the one month's savings of Qinglong formation. Only by accumulating thousands of years of spiritual Qi in the cave can Chen Fan's hard cultivation be satisfied.

But even in this way, the spirit liquid in the spirit pool slowly drops at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Xie Yan raised his eyes to see the original ten meters deep pool. Now about seven or eight meters less, nearly half of the liquid is consumed by Chen fan.

"What is the cultivation level of the sect master? How can you refine so much aura in one year

Thank you. You've been silenced.

During the year.

Xie Yan also practiced in the underground cave. Chen Fan left him enough julingdan, so he didn't need to worry about diet at all. In Chen Fan's practice, Xie Yan was also learning the nine Li sword Sutra and working hard.

Now his two bunches of white hair on his temples have turned black, his skin is shining with crystal clear luster, and his whole breath is more and more powerful, reaching the peak of the divine realm. Xie Yan felt that he was only half a step away from the later stage of the divine realm. One year is better than ten years of hard work.

And this is just the aura that Chen Fan spilled out during his cultivation. I'm afraid Chen Fan's aura is more than one hundred times that of Xie Yan. How terrible is that?

Thank you, I can't imagine.


At this time, a vast breath came from Chen Fan and filled the whole stone room. In front of this breath, even Xie Yan felt unable to bear it and could not help retreating.

"Is this a breakthrough? But what is the breakthrough of the sect leader? Is it the peak of the divine realm, or the realm of the immortals? "

Xie Yan's expression changed slightly.

Chen fan was more terrifying than before. He was more powerful than ye Qingcang, Lin Shuming and so on. He reached an incredible level.

But this is just the beginning, and then something more surprising happened to Xie Yan.

"Bang bang."

Different images appeared from Chen fan.

There are two golden flames in Chen Fan's eyes. These two golden flames are more vigorous than before. At this time, they are as big as children's fists and condense to the extreme. Even the space seems to be burned.

Under Chen Fan's body, a surging aura of wood system came out. As soon as this aura appeared, countless green vines and vines grew out of thin air in the whole stone room. Even a grass seed in a stone crevice directly squeezed open the stone crevice and grew several meters high.

Then, a golden flame of armor appeared on Chen fan. This armor was more and more majestic and majestic, just like a general of all armies, with incomparable power.

But the most frightening thing for Xie Yan is an illusory image.

This phantom, with a vague and invisible appearance, is wearing twelve Mian Diao and a broad emperor's robe. It is extremely dignified, and its feet seem to be stepping into time, changing in time and space.

Xie Yan saw with his own eyes that a vine was close to the emperor's shadow, and then it turned yellow, withered and rotted quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye. As if with a flick of his fingers, he passed by.

"What is this?"

Thank you for your cool breath.

The two pupils of flame, the aura of wood, the armor of golden flame, and the shadow of emperor's robe. These actually represent the four magic powers that Chen fan has mastered. Unlike other spells, magical powers will advance with the growth of Chen fanxiuwei.

When you reach the realm of harmony, a pair of eyes can burn the sky. With one finger, the gods can grow old, even reverse time, and return to life.

With Chen Fan's breakthrough into the middle of Shenhai, the four magic powers become more powerful.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

Chen Fan's violent breath gradually stabilized.

Xie Yan's face is full of joy, which means that Chen fan has broken through the success, and then he can get out of the pass.

Although he is used to hard work, he can't bear to stay in this valley for a year. If Chen Fan's accomplishments break through, they can go out.

But five days, ten days and a month passed.

Chen Fan didn't have the slightest posture to go through the customs, but his breath was gradually rising, steadily moving forward.

"The sect leader wants to break the two realms in one breath?"

At this time, Xie Yan was stunned.

Chen Fan's previous breakthrough was earth shaking. It can be imagined that once he passes the customs, he will be able to push the world. Ye Qingcang, Lin Shuming and others may not be his opponents. But now chen fan doesn't stop and has to continue to break through. When he makes another breakthrough, won't he be able to fight?

Xie Yan can't imagine how powerful chen fan will be.

I'm afraid Lin Langya's Blood Sword Skill of burning life can't even cut off Chen Fan's clothes.

Thinking this way, Xie Yan watched. As the days went by, chen fan's Qi became more and more powerful. In the end, the whole Dixian cave was filled with Chen Fan's huge Qi. Xie Yan was forced out of the cave and practiced in the valley. Otherwise, as long as he was in the cave, he would have to bring up the true Qi and fight against Chen Fan's Qi all the time. He could not cultivate it at all.One month, two months, three months...

in a flash, half a year has passed.

A year and a half have passed since Chen Fan entered wuhui valley.

On this day, Xie Yan continued to practice his sword in the valley.


A black wooden sword was steered by him, flying in the air, very fast, pulling out a shrill sound, like a black light. With Xie Yan's sword.


The dark light fell on the wall of the mountain, and it cut a crack more than ten meters long.

"Today, the nine Li sword Sutra is finally small."

Xie Yan took back the ebony flying sword, and he was relieved.

The more he studied, the more he felt the profoundness and profundity of Jiuli sword Scripture, which is absolutely the supreme sword Scripture of heaven and man. In the past year and a half, his cultivation did not break through to the later stage of the divine realm, but fell to the early stage of the divine realm.

However, Xie Yan's true Qi became more and more concise, and all of it turned into the nine Li sword yuan in the nine Li sword classic. At this time, the power of Xie Yan's random attack was comparable to that of his peak. If Chen fan is here, he will know that Xie Yan is already an immortal in Shenhai. According to the conversion of accomplishments, it belongs to the early stage of Shenhai.

However, in the early days of Shenhai, chen fan was far behind Chen Fan's, at least two or three times worse. Not to mention, now chen fan has reached the middle stage of Shenhai, and continues to break through.

"The nine Li sword Scripture is so terrible. What a vast secret book of immortals is the skill practiced by the sect master?"

Thank you. I can't imagine.

At this time, he suddenly felt that in the cave, there was a surge of momentum. This momentum is so huge that it goes straight up to the sky and stirs up the clouds above wuhuigu.

"Another breakthrough?"

Xie Yan's face went crazy.

I can only feel the strength of this momentum, which I have never seen before, and it seems that I am going to break into a certain realm that can not be measured. Xie Yan felt that as long as he entered that realm, chen fan's strength would reach a terrifying realm, comparable to that of the earth immortal.

But what makes Xie Yan puzzled is that Chen Fan's breath lingers in front of that level of realm, and even takes it back.

"What's the matter?"

Xie Yan's face is full of doubts.

When Xie Yan entered the cave, he saw Chen Fan sitting cross legged in the training room. The ten meter deep pool in front of him had dried up, leaving only a thin layer of ground. Fortunately, there is a spring, still flowing out of milky liquid, just want to fill the whole pool, at least a thousand years.


Xie Yan came to see you.

Chen Fan sat cross legged on the table, but he couldn't see any momentum on his body, just like an ordinary person. Xie Yan's attitude became more and more respectful, knowing that Chen fan had entered the realm of returning to nature.


Chen Fan sighed, slowly opened his eyes, asked: "now when?"

"You have been practicing for about a year and a half. According to the time, it should be near 2012." Thank you in a low voice.

"In the twinkling of an eye, it's been a year and a half?"

Chen Fan lowered his head and took a look at the dry lingchi. There was a trace of regret in his eyes. He was going to break through to the later stage of Shenhai. But now only to the peak of Shenhai.

Originally, even without the spirit of lingchi, chen fan could break into it, but it was a forced breakthrough, and the realm was not very stable. And even with the highest cultivation of Shenhai in the middle period, plus the four magic powers and all kinds of magic weapons, chen fan is not afraid even if he meets the earth immortal.

"The main purpose of this cultivation has been completed. It's time to go out."

Chen Fan got up and said.


Xie Yan bowed his head.

The whole earth immortal cave is the most precious one, with the lingchi of Lingmai and several top-grade lingyao. The rest of the liquid and elixir are collected by Chen fan into yangjianhu, ready to take back to his parents and Xiao Qiong.

Before he left, Chen Fanshun broke the five element array and opened up the five array instruments buried in five directions. It was with these five magic weapons that master cangjian set up the five element array.

"Golden blade sword, Lihuo flag, kuishuizhu, Huangtu seal, Shenmu token."

Each of these magic weapons is a quasi spirit weapon, and the five in one can set up the five elements array, which is enough to stop several powerful gods. There are very few resources for cultivating immortals on the earth. Chen Fan scraped the ground almost three feet, searched the whole valley, and took away all the things he used.


November 3, 2011.

Southeast Asia, in front of the no return valley of Borneo.

The cloud and mist surging at the mouth of the valley show the figure of two people, a young man with black hair and black pupil, and a man in green who is elegant and pure.

"Hoo. It's finally coming out

Looking at the yellow leaves all over the sky, chen fan realized that it might be autumn and winter now, with thousands of trees withering and the forest full of killing."A year and a half ago, the world has changed. I don't know if they have forgotten me."

Chen fan put his hands on his back and a sneer appeared on his face.

PS: it's over at four o'clock today. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!