Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 520

After Chen Fan's cultivation in Shenhai, his accomplishments have hardly increased.

In the realm of Shenhai, the spirit needed is just like a mountain or a sea. Moreover, he also practiced the five elements immortal scripture "Qingdi Changsheng scripture", which was several times more demanding than the general monks of Shenhai. However, as a result, chen fan's fighting capacity is several times that of ordinary Shenhai.

Otherwise, he could not defeat the three divine realms with one sword. In particular, Hongmen Laozu and Xie Yan are still in the middle of the divine realm, and the three join hands, which is equivalent to five or six ordinary divine realms.

"The aura in this spiritual vein is enough for me to practice until the middle of Shenhai. Next, it's time to consider what kind of body protection magic power to practice. "

Chen Fanpan sat in the pulse of spirit and thought to himself.

This time, Lin Langya's sword cut him, which sounded the alarm for Chen fan.

Although the emperor's body is small, there are still many weapons or characters on earth that can hurt him. Lin Langya's sword is comparable to the peak of Shenjing. Lin Shuming and ye Qingcang are estimated to be in this realm. Although it's just a sword mark on Chen Fan's shoulder, it can be repaired between breathing. But this is something chen fan can't tolerate.

"You can hurt me at the top of the world. What if it's a Dixian? I'm afraid I can only retreat from my whole body, just like master cangjian. Not to mention the powerful missiles and even nuclear weapons that are comparable to the Dixian strike. "

A haze flashed in Chen Fan's eyes.

At this time, he only had the innate body, but he didn't have all kinds of magical powers and magic weapons of the congenital friars, and he didn't have the powerful and true yuan of the congenital friars. There is no way to carry nuclear weapons. Even some electromagnetic guns, laser guns and armor piercing bullets can hurt him. Now we are not offending the big powers in the world.

If one day Chen Fan really goes to war with the United States, Britain, France and other countries, these big countries will never stay. Who knows how many sophisticated weapons exist in their laboratories.

"The cultivation environment of the earth is so poor that we can hardly find any materials for refining utensils. A Guiyuan sword is the best weapon that can be found now. It's a pity that it's an attack weapon. The defense weapon I want is just extravagant. "

Thinking of this, chen fan sighed.

If you want to carry the attacks of the top of the divine realm, the immortals and even the nuclear weapons, you have to be at least a spirit level defense weapon. But how can the earth find so many spirit weapons? Guiyuan sword is just a sword embryo, which is polished and refined by Chen Fan himself.

"There are no defensive weapons. It's too difficult for the emperor to improve. Now it's just magic power. "

Chen Fan's eyes flashed and he looked at the nine "red flame elixirs" in the gourd with satisfaction.

There are three realms in the gas refining period.

The tongxuan period and Shenhai period were combined into two realms of Shentong. When you reach these two levels, you can practice all kinds of supernatural powers.

Chen fan now has three magic powers: Lihuo Jintong, Yimu Lingqi and years. Among them, Lihuo Jintong is an attack power, Yimu aura is an auxiliary power, and time is a great power.

Chen Fan wants to cultivate a "body protecting magic power" to protect himself.

"The cultivation of supernatural power needs all kinds of materials. I have these nine red fire elixirs, which are enough to become a body protecting magic power. But which one should I practice? "

Chen Fan touched his chin and his name flashed in his heart.

"Red Emperor's body protection technique. No, this magic power needs the blood of the Red Emperor to be refined. I'm still far from it. "

"The golden black robe. It needs the essence and blood of the three legged golden black beast, and it takes 30 years of hard training in the sun to succeed. Now I'm 10000 kilometers away from the sun, and I'll be burned to ashes. "

"Vulcan battle.". This medium-quality magic power is still too high. It needs the soul of the God of fire, but it can't...

a magic power quickly passed in front of Chen Fan's eyes and was eliminated immediately. In the end, chen fan only chose this one:

"red flame armor, the inferior body protection magic power, can form a flame armor all over the body after cultivation. Low defense, comprehensive evaluation, in all the fire protection magic, ranked last

"Your uncle!"

Chen Fan gave a bitter smile.

It's more difficult to practice the body protection magic power than the general magic power. After all, it's extremely difficult to kill the body protecting magic power once it's 10%. A monk in the period of returning to emptiness who has completed the body protection skill of the Red Emperor can even protect his life from the hand of he Daozhen immortal.

Nine red flame elixirs can be cultivated into red flame armor at most.

As a matter of fact, at least after you have been born, you can practice the magic power of body protection. Congenital, which need to consider the body protection magic. Just bring a few more body protectors or even spirit weapons.

"Well, it's better to have one than none. Fortunately, this magical power can be upgraded. In the future, it can even be promoted to the art of protecting the body of the Red Emperor, or even promoted to perform the body of the Red Emperor and complete the body of the five elements."

Chen Fan thought about it, just shaking his head.

However, although the red flame armor has a low evaluation in the world of cultivating immortals, chen fan is almost immune to the attack of the earth immortals once it is completed. It is not difficult to carry a missile. As long as there is no nuclear weapon, few weapons in the world can kill chen fan.

"Start practicing."Chen Fan took out a red hot elixir from a small gourd.

ChiYan elixir is a thumb sized elixir. It has five color aperture on the outside and is as transparent as amber. A red flame can be seen inside. If it is swallowed by ordinary people, it will be directly burned into ashes by dannei fire.

However, chen fan is different. He swallows it, and immediately feels a flame coming out of his stomach, even along his esophagus, from his throat, nostrils and ears. From the appearance, at this time Chen fan, seven orifices spit fire, just like a demon.


Chen Fanqiang endured the pain in his body and made a fierce kneading.

In the Dantian, a hazy rune is formed. This rune is purely composed of fire, and it outlines numerous divine patterns. Each divine pattern is written in the ancient real fire document 9, which was created by the ancient red emperor. It is born with the ability to resist fire.


As soon as the flame talisman came out, the red flame on Chen Fan's body gradually turned into an illusory armor and appeared on the surface of Chen fan. This armor is like the armor of a general in heaven.

"Hu," the red flame armor, after 15 days of cultivation, has finally become a weapon. "

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then, suddenly, two golden flames came out of his eyes. The golden flame burns around Chen Fan's body. The red armor suddenly turned into gold. It's like gold scales.

Even the red talisman was dyed golden by the golden flame.


Chen Fan was inexplicably surprised.

Then it comes to light that Lihuo Jintong is the medium power of fire, while red flame armor is the inferior power, which is naturally controlled by Lihuo Jintong. The red flame armor used to be based on the common red flame. Now after the baptism of Lihuo Jintong, the foundation has turned into a golden flame. The power of the red flame armor will be greatly increased when the foundation soars.

"In this way, it can't be called red flame armor in the future. Can it be called golden flame armor?"

Chen fan is neither laughing nor crying.

However, chen fan finally put down his mind. After a hundred days of alchemy and sacrifice, the magic power was refined. Chen Fan finally started to practice.

"This time, at least rush to the middle of the divine realm and then go out."

Chen fan put away the remaining three elixirs, closed his eyes and began to practice.

"Hoo Hoo."

As he breathed and inhaled, the surging aura was sucked into his body from the spiritual pulse. Chen Fan's body, began to bloom bright blue light, an invisible momentum filled the whole stone room.

When Xie Yan saw this scene, he bowed slightly, retreated quietly to the corner of the stone room, and continued to study the nine Li sword Sutra.

Three months, five months, seven months...

in the blink of an eye, a year has passed. At the beginning, there were many people who came to investigate the secret collection of the earth fairy. However, with Chen Fan and Xie Yan never found a trace, and a strong man was defeated in front of the Dixian array. There are fewer and fewer strong people coming to Borneo.

Many people claimed that Chen beixuan had died in the Dixian array.

But the lesson of the last time is still there. This time, chen fan's body is not seen. No one dares to act rashly. And now the northern Qiong sect is very powerful. One divine realm and ten real masters are in charge. Who dares to insult them?

In the middle of the journey, there was a divine state, and he tried again.

This time, the man was too good to touch the green dragon array. He didn't go to Zhonghai, but who would have thought that he was beaten back by Tongshan.

According to the divine realm later revealed, beat back his strong, is a full three meters tall giant, the whole body is like steel, has been cultivated to the physical body into the realm of God! It's comparable to gargerdan, the snow wolf king. Even the cannonball attack may not be able to kill the strange strong man.

When the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

Is there a divine realm in the Chen family? And it's a rare way to become a God. It's terrible! You know, it is much more powerful and difficult to kill the master of horizontal training to enter the divine realm than the general divine realm.

Since then, no one has dared to spy on the Chen family.

At this time, chen fan's cultivation in Dixian valley came to a critical juncture.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!