Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 519

Beiqiong school.

This sect was just created by Chen fan, who wanted to protect the Chen family. Chen Fan disappeared in this period of time, the outbreak of an unprecedented dazzling glory.

Hua Yunfeng, as a holy place, defeated chen fan and became a disciple of beiqiong school. The news shocked the world. The North Qiong sect is now in a state of two gods, which has overwhelmed the southeast Lin family.

Moreover, some news even claimed that Hua Yunfeng's talent should not have been absorbed. It was Chen beixuan who pushed him into the divine realm with his supreme power. This news has been sneered at by many people, but more people feel the horror of Chen beixuan.

"Bang Dang."

It was not long after I spied on the Chen family in the unknown divine realm.

A woman in white with a sword killed the red snake in Indonesia. Although the red snake master has lost the exotic red chain snake, he is still one of the top descending head masters in Southeast Asia. He is in the middle and upper class in the realm, but he can't stop the sword of the woman in white.

Later, it was said.

That woman is Chen beixuan's maid. Her name is Xue Daisha. He once killed Lin qilin'er in Zhonghai and broke the army. Now I'm just 20 years old. He used to be the owner of xuedaijia in Japan.

As soon as the news came out, the major martial arts and underground forums were boiling.

A 20-year-old Kendo master, what's the concept? It's enough to make many Kendo masters in Japan feel ashamed. At that time, yinglonghua entered the master's realm after the age of 35. It is said that tianbang has begun to consider including her.

But this is just the beginning.

Zhongzhou, yinguizong.

There is a beautiful girl named a Xiu, under 20 years old, looking at the soft water, a lovely little girl. However, he beat Chen Jiuyang, the master of taijimen family, with a fierce fist! He was ranked 13th in the Chinese summer list.

It is said that the girl is Chen beixuan's eldest disciple. Even Hua Yunfeng has to call her elder martial sister when she sees her. Yinguizong also officially declared that they had changed into beiqiong yinguitang, suppressed Zhongzhou and swept the underground world of one province.

Yungui's medicine God valley also announced that he would join the beiqiong sect and change it into the alchemy hall. Their leader is a woman named Zhou Jingyi. It is said that the skill of refining medicine is unparalleled in the world, and she has already ascended the position of a real person. He became the only female Dharma practitioner in the world.

But this is not the most shocking news.

The Burmese Black Witch sect claims to all countries in the world.

From today on, they have become the black witch Hall of the North Qiong school, replacing the North Qiong school, suppressing Myanmar and deterring Southeast Asia. As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked.

As you know, the black witch sect is comparable to Hongmen and Longtang. It has been rooted in Myanmar for decades and manipulated the state affairs. There are hundreds of disciples and four real people. What a huge force this is.

Now, Chen beixuan's third disciple, who is in the black witch sect, is also a girl. She is as cool as a Moon Fairy.

"Chen beixuan took in his disciples and attendants. How could he find girls, and they were all peerless beauties?"

Someone said sour.

But more people were horrified.

The forces of beiqiong faction are one divine realm, two tianbang masters, and seven or eight Dharma practitioners, all of which are located in one province or one territory. What a terrible force is this? The Hongmen, the Lin family, the Longtang and so on were all astonished.

Needless to say, there is Chen beixuan, who is invincible in the divine realm and scares all the great powers in the world!

On this day, the name of beiqiong school shocked all countries.

Originally also want to take advantage of Chen fan not, want to attack the Chen family's strong, completely lost his voice. Both of them failed. Who dares to challenge this behemoth again?


just when things are changing outside.

Chen fan is sitting cross legged in the earth immortal cave. In front of him, there is a huge tripod. The tripod is carved with ancient fierce beasts such as Taotie, jiuying and lion dragon. There are also ancient portraits of ancestors worshiping. The whole heyday is made of a kind of ancient copper, which is ancient and vast, just like the product of the mythical age.

It's the Diwu tripod.

Although six of the seven weapons of the black witch sect were cut by Chen fan, the Diwu tripod remained. Although Chen Fan's eyes on this tripod, it only reaches the level of "quasi spirit instrument.". But it's more than enough for alchemy.


The cauldron was suspended in the void. Under it, red and black flames came out and burned. Red black flame, from a pile of black spars. From time to time, a crystal burst.

Sitting next to Xie Yan, he took out the burst crystal and threw it into a new one to keep the fire. If the fire is too strong or too dark, he has to pinch the formula to control the fire.

The Dragon Master of the Dragon hall is actually working for the fire boy.

"Yidiwubaoding adopts the" fire of the earth flame "triggered by the black flame stone I found in the deep vein of the black witch sect. In addition to the ninety-nine and eighty-one days of refining, this furnace of medicine is finally almost finished. "Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and paid close attention to it all the time.

Chiyanguo, colorful jade lotus, silvery grass...

all these are the accumulation of a cave of immortals for thousands of years. If it wasn't for the sword Collector's collection. It will take Chen fan at least ten years of hard work to gather these top quality elixirs on earth. It can be said that if this furnace of pills is abandoned, chen fan will cry without tears. If he wants to refine it again, it will take ten years to find medicinal materials.


At this time, the earth Wu Ding suddenly a shock, next to Xie Yan suddenly a surprised, can't help but cry: "master!"

"Dan's going to be."

Chen Fan's face was calm. He opened his eyes and squeezed his hand to make a formula.


The Diwu cauldron vibrated violently, and the stove lid rattled, as if it was about to be knocked open. There seems to be a huge force, struggling frantically, trying to break through the furnace and escape.

"Master, this is...

Xie Yan was stunned.

Normal alchemy, just turn on the furnace to produce alchemy, how can there be such an exaggerated scene. This is not like alchemy, but taishanglaojun refining "monkey" with eight trigrams stove. At this time, it seems that there is a great sage who wants to jump out.

"Top quality elixir, is it the elixir on earth?"

As Chen Fan kneaded the formula to control the furnace, he hummed coldly:

"at such a level, there is a trace of spirituality. If the friars of the golden elixir were to refine the precious medicine, I'm afraid that after the elixir was finished, the whole furnace would burst, and even lead to disaster. As for the divine medicine, the holy medicine and even the elixir above the precious medicine, it is even more terrifying. It can turn into human form and even become life. "


When Xie Yan heard this, he was stunned. He was like listening to the book of heaven. He didn't expect that there would be so much knowledge in refining medicine alone.

These are the things he had never touched before, in his career of hundreds of years. The more Xie Yan listened, the more he felt that Chen Fan was definitely not a 20-year-old, otherwise he could not have such profound wisdom.

"It's a pity that with my ability, I can produce the best elixir at most. If I can produce a few more, I'm very happy. As for the magic elixirs, such as Baodan, Shendan, Shengdan and Xiandan, you don't even need to think about them. "

Chen Fan shook his head and sighed.


At this time, the earth sorcerer was shocked fiercely, and the furnace cover was blown open directly. There are many colorful lights coming out of it. These lights want to escape when they are cavitation.

"Slow down, slow down."

Chen Fan laughs. With a wave of magic power, an invisible force binds all these elixirs back. Let them struggle, also can't get rid of Chen Fan's control.

"One, two, three... Nine! Great. I thought it would be five at most

Chen fanxi smiles.

He put these pills into the Yellow gourd quickly. The cultivation of sword gourd is a kind of innate spirit. These pills will not lose their power, but will become more powerful.

"Master, what pills do you practice?"

Seeing chen fan so excited, Xie Yan couldn't help asking.

"This pill is called ChiYan elixir. It's one of the most precious pills in the top grade elixir. " Chen Fandao.

"Is it different from the pills we usually practice?"

Thank you for your words.

"Hehe, what's the name of pills? Even if you don't enter the entrance of the elixir, it means "elixir?" Chen Fan snorted and explained: "the real elixir. It must be refined from a thousand year old medicine to be regarded as a panacea. Such as Peiyuan pill, Juling pill and so on. But these are inferior elixirs. Chinese elixir, you need more precious herbs, such as thousands of years old, and refining method is very harsh, at least Shenhai can refine. But once it's done, one will be enough to help people break through


Xie Yan was shocked.

Huajing is a great master. A Chinese elixir can create an Huajing. What's the concept?

"Ha ha, it's just a Chinese elixir. The real top-grade elixir can only be made by means of innate cultivation, master level means, the precious tripod of spirit tools, the harsh earth fire, and even many top-grade spirit materials. Different kinds of pills have different effects. "

Chen fan light way.

"As for the effect of Shangpin elixir, I'll explain it to you. You don't know. As long as you know, a Shangpin elixir can help people break through the divine realm." Chen Fan said calmly.


Xie Yan was stunned.

The leader of the Dragon hall, who has lived for hundreds of years, suddenly changed his mind.

It's rare in the world for a strong God to find a few on a continent. Chen fan even said that a top-grade elixir can help people break through the divine realm. So, with the nine red fire elixirs in his hand, he could have been in the realm of nine gods for a long time?

Thinking of this, Xie Yan could not help shaking all over. What a supernatural means.

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

Top quality elixir, at least can be refined by congenital monks. Chen fan is also a reincarnation of Zhan xianzun, in order to take the early cultivation of Shenhai, forced refining. But even so, the success rate is only 50%."But at last dan did. It's no waste of my hard work in the past three months. With this elixir, my previous ideas can be formally implemented. "

Chen Fan thought in his heart.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!