Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 514

When Chen Fan was fighting with the three gods in wuhuigu.

There is a secret military base in a secret place only ten kilometers away from wuhuigu. On the wall of the military base, there is a golden lion, which is the symbol of Xingzhou. In this military base, a group of armed soldiers are staring at the screen nervously.

"The target has entered the preset location. The Dragon Master is on his way."

"The ambush is complete, and the three strong men have arrived at the predetermined place, forming a encirclement and killing."

"The battle is about to start, launch No.4, No.5 and No.6 UAVs, record the battle from all directions."

While looking at the screen, these people quickly communicate and give instructions. Drones, carrying high-precision cameras, were launched and headed for wuhuigu.

Chen Fan did not know that the battle had been detected by the Xingzhou army.

"UAV's in position, start recording. Mobilize the star river-1 satellite to shoot the whole process. "

A few kilometers away from wuhuigu, six UAVs are hidden above the tree canopy, and the remote high-precision camera is facing wuhuigu without blinking. And the Star River one satellite, also from the sky, tense shooting.

These data, through the operation of military bases, quickly spread to the Ministry of defense of Xingzhou, which is located on the Strait of Malacca.

Although Xingzhou is only a country with millions of Chinese, its area is only the size of a city. But both economy, science and technology and military are extremely developed. It can be called a small power in Southeast Asia.

In the Ministry of defense, a group of senior officials of Xingzhou, including the president of Xingzhou, the Minister of defense, the commander of the armed forces, and the current leader of the Dragon hall, gathered in front of the screen and watched nervously.

"As we expected, Chen beixuan was attracted by the secret information of Dixian."

Seeing Chen Fan enter the preset place, President Xingzhou immediately claps his hands and laughs.

"Master Wu, you are really good at this stratagem. When the dragon master comes back, he will surely give you a credit. "

The owner of the Xie family put up his thumb beside him.

The high level of Xingzhou is closely related to Longtang. The whole Xingzhou is controlled by four families: Li family, Xie family, Wu family and Guo family.

These four families are not only the senior members of Xingzhou, but also the four largest families in the Chinese community in Southeast Asia. It's Guo's family in Malaysia where Guo wennuan lives, and it's also a branch of Guo's family in Xingzhou.

Among them, the Li family is a powerful political family in Xingzhou, holding the position of president of Xingzhou. The Xie family is the descendant of the Dragon Lord of the Dragon hall. They have a divine place and a high status. The Wu family, on the other hand, is a big family of Longtang, and has been in charge of Longtang for generations. Most of the richest people in Southeast Asia came from the Guo family.

Basically, the four families represent the strength of the whole Nanyang Chinese community.

"Chen beixuan is the youngest and most powerful man in the world. Any money, treasure, wealth and so on, can never attract him. Only when it comes to the secret collection of the legendary earth immortal, can it attract him. And if we spread the news and attract so many strong Nanyang, he will never doubt it. "

The master of Wu hall has a plan.

Only by the terrorist forces of the Dragon hall can these messages be delivered to you masters of Huajing in just a few days. And only the Dragon hall can make these strong people believe that there is a secret of the earth immortal, not any false news.

"The ancestor of Hongmen has arrived first, the dragon master has also come, and the legendary sword fairy of the Lin family should be coming soon."

President Xingzhou looked at the screen with a smile, and suddenly he was surprised: "strange, how is this Lin family Sword Fairy different from the image in the legend?"

Longtang is closely related to the Lin family. As the president of Xingzhou, he once saw a rare photo of Lin Shuming with several other deities hundreds of years ago.

"This is not Lin Shuming, but his sword servant, Lin Langya."

Xie Jiazhu said faintly.

"The Lin family has two gods?"

As soon as the news came out, the whole department of defense immediately became a sensation. It was president Xingzhou, the defense minister and others who were all disgraced.

A divine realm is enough to support the Dragon hall and make Xingzhou a country. What is the concept of two divine realms? Is the strength of the Lin family not twice that of the Dragon hall?

"It's normal. Mr. Lin Shuming is the oldest powerful man in the world. A hundred years ago, he was the first swordsman of the Qing Dynasty, Huaxia! It is not difficult for him to cultivate another deity with his accumulation of more than 100 years. "

"It is said that Lin Langya, who was originally Lin Shuming's Taoist boy, went to Qingcheng Mountain to practice Taoism with him. After hundreds of years of Lin Shuming's instruction, he said that he was a sword servant, but actually he was as close as father and son. Lin Shuming's true biography was almost passed on to Lin Langya, and finally he broke through the divine realm ten years ago. However, few people knew about it at that time. If it wasn't for the purpose of killing Chen beixuan, Lin Langya might not have come out of the mountain. "

People listen to these secrets, heart exclamation.

"I'm afraid Lin Shuming has already touched the boundary of the immortals if he can cultivate the divine realm. But even with such a powerful Lin Shuming and Lin family, they are still bowed by Ye Qingcang. How terrible is Ye Qingcang, who is known as the Supreme MasterPresident Xingzhou sighed.

Suddenly there was silence in the hall.

Long Tang was expelled from China by Ye Qingcang at that time. At last, he left his hometown and came to Nanyang to establish Xingzhou. The ancestors of the Wu, Xie and Li families are all Chinese. Only the Guo family has a longer history in Nanyang.

"Look at it, look at it, at last."

Cried the Minister of defense.

People immediately stare at the screen, the atmosphere did not dare.

This is a rare battle between the four gods. The whole Southeast Asia may not be able to make up such a luxurious lineup. If Chen fan had not aroused public anger, he would never have been besieged by so many strong men.

"Hiss, this Chen beixuan is also too strong, with one against three, still pressing the Dragon Lord to fight them."

With the battle on the screen, President Xingzhou and others were still smiling, but later, the smile faded, and in the end, their faces almost looked ugly.

Chen Fan's terror is beyond their imagination.

What a terrible power it was that the three gods joined hands and could not hold him down.

"Jiazu, they started to use the technique of joint attack." With a low face, the master of the Xie family said, "this technique of joint attack was created by the ancestors of the family when they failed to attack Ye Qingcang together and finally thought hard. Originally, it was aimed at Ye Qingcang. I didn't expect to use it on Chen beixuan first. "

When they saw the secret art of pressing the bottom of the box, they were all in a good mood.

But then, chen fan displayed the thirty-six styles of real martial arts and all kinds of martial arts, and defeated Hongmen's ancestors again. The faces of the people in the Ministry of national defense suddenly became ugly.

In the screen, chen fan is just like the God of martial arts, with tremendous power in his fist and foot. As soon as the sun and the moon come out, the sun and the moon appear together, and the images are all over the sky.

"Just look at this blow. Lin Langya starts to burn his blood and essence. If this blow can't kill or hurt Chen beixuan. This siege will end in failure. "

Wu hall master stares at the picture and clenches his fist.

All the people held their breath and watched Lin Langya perform his blood sword skill. The light of the sword soared ten feet, and he chopped at Chen Fan with one sword.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, chen fan took the flying feather sword with his body and killed Lin Langya with one blow. And it's just a sword mark on the shoulder.

"How is that possible?"

All the people in the hall screamed out, and President Xingzhou jumped up: "the three ancestors' one strike is enough to cut off a cruiser. Chen beixuan actually relied on his body to carry it. What a terrible body is that? "

"Ice flesh and jade bone, glass and gold body. This is the body of the earth immortal. "

The master of Xie's family trembled his hands and said, "it's said that the earth immortal can't invade water and fire, can't be shot, can't be broken, and can live for 500 years. Chen beixuan has the body of an immortal. No wonder he can escape from Russia's "father of bombs."

Then they all looked at chen fan, killed Lin Langya with one sword, killed Hongmen ancestor, and finally chased the dragon master into wuhui valley.

When the picture finally stops at wuhuigukou, there is no one to speak in the hall. Even the bravest general felt his lips dry and his heart was shocked.

"Report to headquarters, front line request, use large surface to surface missile to cover wuhuigu." A voice suddenly came from the microphone.

Xingzhou's military equipment comes from the United States. Strictly speaking, it is more advanced than that of Russia.

"Terminate the plan immediately. The Dragon Master is still in wuhui valley. He must not launch missiles."

Before the president of Xingzhou spoke, hall Master Wu and house master Xie all changed their faces and cried in a hurry. Even those who are strong in Shenjing can not withstand the bombardment of large missiles. Chen fan is expected to be injured under the cover of missile rain. But in order to kill chen fan, it's not worth the life of the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall.

And no one knows if they can kill chen fan. If you can't kill him, Xingzhou will have to bear Chen Fan's terrible revenge. Xingzhou is not Russia. There is no nuclear weapon to deter chen fan.


With the end of the front line program.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other. They could see the horror in each other's eyes.

"It's terrible. He defeated three gods in a row and killed two people. How could Chen beixuan be so terrible?" President Xingzhou said with shaking hands.

Such a terrible strongman, the president who controls millions of soldiers and civilians, is afraid.

"Lin Shuming a hundred years ago, ye Qingcang 50 years ago, I'm afraid that's the extent." Wu hall leader said with a bitter smile.

The head of Xie's family looks the most ugly. The Dragon Master is the pillar of the Xie family. If he dies, the status of the Xie family in Longtang and Xingzhou will be greatly reduced.

Even now, he can feel a lot of coveted eyes, looking from behind, with bad intentions and schadenfreude.

"I hope Lao Zu can come out alive."

Xie Jiazhu said with a bitter smile.

And this news, as well as the pictures taken, has swept the whole world like a huge storm with the mouth of Xingzhou and Lingwang.PS: the first watch is here. The author hurry to write the second one and finish the O (∩) before 9 o'clock_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!