Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 513


The red and white pillars of light pierced through the chest of Lin's sword servant, then directly into the sky, and all the way hit the cliffs of wuhui valley. On the bluestone cliff, there is a hole two or three meters deep.

The sword servant of the Lin family still had a look of horror in his eyes.

The reason why Shenjing is a god lies in the ability of yin and God to come out of the body. Even if the body is destroyed by Chen Fan's blow and all life is cut off, he is still alive and the spirit is still alive. However, unlike the great wizard, the sword servants of the Lin family are obviously not specialized in spirit, and the soul can't live long without the body.

"Why don't you hide? Are you not afraid of death? "

Even at this time, the spirit of the sword servant of the Lin family was still looking at chen fan. I didn't understand. His sword was enough to kill all the gods in the world. Where did Chen Fan get the confidence to block the sword with his body?


At this time, the ten Zhang long bloody sword was also cut firmly on Chen Fan's left shoulder.

Chen Fan's powerful body protecting Zhenyuan was split by the sword almost in the first moment, and then the bright red sword Qi fell on Chen Fan's shoulder. Chen Fan's body was shaken, and his black robe was directly split, revealing his pale blue shoulder. The immortal body of the Qing emperor is really terrible. Even the sword that can strike the mountain is blocked by Chen fan.

But it's just the beginning. The real killing is coming.


A three foot silver light burst out of the sword Qi and cut it in the air.

This silver light is the long sword in the hands of the sword servants of the Lin family.

It is made of Xuan Steel. The hilt is like a feather. On the body of the sword is carved with dense lines, just like human blood vessels. On the hilt are two small seal characters "flying feather".

If a Taoist badminton sees it, he will exclaim:

"blood grain sword refining skill"!

This is a legendary way to control the sword. The sword is refined with blood, and the blood is poured into the flying sword. After decades of painstaking cultivation, the spirit and the sword are united, and then the supreme sword immortal can be refined. But it has been lost in China for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that what the Lin family mastered was this sword skill.

Flying feather sword clang when, cut in Chen Fan shoulder. This flying sword, which carries the power of the three gods and is sacrificed by the sword servants of the Lin family in the way of blood sword, almost has the power to split mountains and rivers.

Even Chen Fan couldn't bear it. With a bang, he plummeted into the ground and made a pit.

"How's it going?"

Hongmen Laozu and others are nervous.

It's already a blow for them, and they pay the price of the sword servant of the Lin family. If they can't kill chen fan, they have no other way.

"Can Chen beixuan carry it?"

In the distance, the king of spirit, the old lady of ghost and others also came.

This war is earth shaking, and its results are bound to shake the world. Whether Chen Fan wins or Hongmen Laozu wins, it will profoundly affect the pattern of the whole world.

Even Xue Daisha, with his fists tightly clenched in his heart.

Seeing that Chen Fan was cut into the ground with a sword, the sword servant of the Lin family laughed.

"Chen beixuan, you have to change your life with me. Why bother. We are all strong in the divine realm. What can we not talk about? "

Although the life of the sword servants of the Lin family is extinct, the spirits are still there. It is not difficult to turn to cultivate ghosts and gods or Japanese ghosts and gods. But after all, there is no chance to attack the earth immortal. How can the sword servant of the Lin family not hate him? There was a strong hatred in his laughter.

Unfortunately, when he was laughing wildly, a green rainbow suddenly rose from the ground and fell into the sky.

One hundred meters above, there is a man with black clothes and black hair, chen fan.

What is different from before is that Chen Fan's body is full of blue god awn from the inside to the outside. Through his transparent body, we can see that every bone of him is as crystal clear as jade, and his internal organs are as bright as diamonds, with mercury like blood in his blood vessels. All over the body, like the body of glass.

A flying feather sword was stuck on Chen Fan's shoulder. Although it cut open the skin, it was stuck by the bone.

"Not dead?"

The eyes of Lin's sword servant shrank.

"Icy flesh and jade bone, glazed jade body... Is this the Buddha who has been cultivated as an immortal?"

Seeing this scene, the Hongmen ancestor and the leader of the Dragon hall turned pale at the same time.

They have reached the top of the world and know more about Earth immortals than ordinary people. From the records of ancient books, we can know the strangeness of the body of the earth immortal. And Chen Fan's body, even in the ancient records of the earth immortals, is the top. Only those great bodhisattvas and immortals seem to have relevant records.

Such a terrible body, I'm afraid under the immortal, can hurt Chen Fan very few. The Hongmen ancestor almost looked at him, and he was in despair. He knew that there was no hope for this war.


Seeing that Chen fan is OK, Guo wennuan and others are relieved.

Only Huang Jingmeng bowed his head and his eyes were full of disappointment.

"Bang Dang."

Chen Fan stretched out his hand and pulled out the flying feather sword inlaid on his left shoulder. His face was as cold as ice and said:

"you are the first one who has hurt me since the completion of my physical body. Only by this, you can be proud."His shoulder was cut half an inch deep.

The scar of the sword is about an inch long. Chen Fan's crystal clear muscles are cut to reveal his shoulder bone. There is a small gap on the jade bone, but the flying feather sword is full of huge cracks, like ice cracks. In Chen Fan's hands, he uttered bursts of mourning, as if to crack at any time.


Then, in the eyes of the people, chen fan folded the flying feather sword into several pieces and threw it on the ground at will. This flying sword was broken by Chen Fan with brute force.

"Poof Pooh."

The sword servant of the Lin family directly spat out blood, and his body trembled violently.

He practiced flying sword with the method of blood refining, which is closely related to flying feather sword. When the flying feather sword broke, he not only suffered heavy damage to his body, but also hurt his spirit. His body could have sustained for a moment, but his breath declined sharply and he was on the verge of death.

"Chen beixuan, I will never forget this hatred!"

The sword servant of the Lin family hated the voice.

Then, with a bang, his body burst open, and the spirit of the sword servant of the Lin family turned into a rainbow of blood shadow, and shot away from the distance.

"Let's go, too."

The Hongmen ancestor's face changed wildly. He suddenly drank, and at the same time, he turned into a cloud and wanted to escape.

Chen Fan carried the flying sword with his body. His terrible body made Hongmen ancestors almost despair. If Chen Fan stood there and let them do it, the Hongmen ancestors might not be able to kill chen fan. In the face of such an enemy, who can not despair.

"Want to go? Do you think I, Chen beixuan, am a bully? "

Chen Fan sneered and patted a small yellow gourd.

A golden and bright sword rainbow shoots out from the sword gourd and shoots at the Lin family sword servant in an instant. Although the sword servant of the Lin family used the method of escaping with blood to explode the body and burn the essence and blood to escape, how could he escape the hand of the flying sword?


A shrill cry came from a distance.

The spirit of the sword servant of the Lin family was cut down in the jungle by Chen Fan before it flew several miles. In an instant, the spirit and form disappeared and disappeared completely from the world. After he was killed by Feijian, he cut to Hongmen Laozu.

Seeing this, the old ancestor of Hongmen was so scared that his white hair stood up. He made every effort to prove his true strength and put forward the seal of heaven.

In the middle of the sky, there is a palm print several feet in size, one meter thick, like a steel wall. This seal of heaven is a secret and unique skill in Mo Yun's hands, which integrates attack and defense. The whole white cloud palm, to make up for the thick vigorous Qi, is the cannon hit above, may not be able to break through.

But Guiyuan sword is so sharp.


With the sound of Chen fan, the golden sword instantly cuts the seal of heaven, turns around the old ancestor of Hongmen, and cuts the giant Hongmen, who has been famous overseas for decades, into two pieces.

The crowd was numb.

In this short period of time, two powerful gods fell? The terror of Chen beixuan was so terrible that the king of spirit and others trembled. He felt that the flying sword seemed to cut himself.


A blood shadow, shot from Hongmen's body, is the soul of Hongmen. His spirit has been cultivated for hundreds of years, which is obviously more powerful and faster than the soul of the sword servant of the Lin family.

The spirit of Hongmen's ancestor, with a flustered look, was wrapped in the blood essence and flew away to the distance.

But how can you escape the killing of Guiyuan sword?

"Cut again!"

Chen fan a light drink, Golden Rainbow instant leap long days, flying to cut Hongmen ancestors.

Just when the Hongmen ancestor was in despair, suddenly a sharp sound wave struck the Guiyuan sword fiercely and gave it a beating. Seeing this, the Hongmen ancestor immediately seized the opportunity to burn his spirit, and his speed soared. In an instant, he turned into a blood rainbow and disappeared in the sky.

"Don't you dare to stop me

Chen Fan frowned slightly and turned his head.

Then he saw a man in green standing in the void. The emerald jade flute in his hand was just broken, and it split in an instant and turned into powder. The blow that stopped the flying sword just now was obviously in the hands of the leader of the Dragon hall. With his cultivation, he sent out that blow, which also led to the jade flute could not bear, and broke on the spot.

"A hundred year old friend, I have to save him. Besides, even if I don't help you, will you let me go? "

Green clothes gave a bitter smile.

"If you know, come up and die."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold when he played the sword.

He has always been quick to kill a threatening enemy, never soft handed.

"If you want my life, you can take it from the valley without return."

The man in green laughs, turns into a phantom and rushes into wuhui valley. Chen Fan frowned and passed a message to xuedaisha. Then he turned into a green rainbow and poured it into the valley.

How can chen fan be afraid of such a simple array?

After the two left, there were only the king of spirit, the ghost woman and other Southeast Asian strongmen, as well as Guo wennuan and others.All the people looked at each other in a mess, just like the mouth of the valley where the storm had passed. They could not help looking at each other. They saw the horror and shock in each other's eyes.

"One against three gods. Kill one, cut one, lose one. I'm afraid this war will shake the whole world. "

The king of spirit could not hide his fear.

The other strong men were dignified and silent, thinking in their hearts.

I'm afraid that this war will not only shake the whole world, but also shake the divine realm of all great powers! It is those old monsters who can't sit still at this time.

After all, this is the fall of the three gods!

PS: it's four o'clock today. How about the monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!