Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 515

The spirit of the Lin family!

The body of Hongmen's ancestor was destroyed. He only escaped with his spirit and lived in seclusion.

The Dragon Master of the Dragon hall was forced to escape into the valley of no return to the Jedi. Chen Fan followed him and killed him.

At the same time, they fell into the three realms, which shocked the whole world like a heavy bomb. It is the high-level officials of the United States, Britain, France and other big powers who are all dumbfounded.

As the United States and the Soviet Union were strong in those days, at most one shrine was destroyed at a time. Or massive thermal weapons, and thousands of troops. Before returning to the valley, chen fan cut three people like a vegetable melon. Doesn't that mean that he has the power to crush the ordinary divine realm?

Especially this time, the Ministry of defense of Xingzhou specially mobilized satellites and UAVs to take pictures of the world shaking war.

The CIA in the United States got the video the first time.

See the video, the invincible chen fan, that is, the U.S. military are somewhat shaken.

"It seems that Chen beixuan's terror is beyond our previous calculation of the powerful in the divine realm. We need to establish a special file for Chen beixuan to accurately evaluate his combat effectiveness. "

A general in the Pentagon issued an order:

"immediately mobilize experts from Stanford, MIT and Columbia to authorize them to give them super computer permissions. According to this video, analyze it frame by frame to determine the level of Chen beixuan's strength and threat, and whether it is enough for the country to use nuclear weapons to eliminate him!"

As the order was issued, the American science and technology community began to operate rapidly.

A highly respected professor was ordered by the army to enter a special organization on the west coast of the United States and began to study Chen fan.

In Russia, in Britain, in France, in China...

a series of orders came from the top military of these countries. Chen Fan's power of threat has been superimposed layer upon layer, and finally it is time for these great powers to feel solemn.


in Kunlun base.

After receiving the news, Minister Xiao was silent for a long time, and then sighed:

"Chen beixuan."

Even minister Xiao's city hall was shocked and speechless. Hongmen, Longtang, and the Lin family are all special departments that have been trying to eliminate for decades. Now chen fan is cutting vegetables and killing three people with one sword.

"When Lin Langya fell, the Lin family lost a hand. Now Lin Shuming's Shouyuan can only do it once at most. The threat of the Lin family is greatly reduced, and it is no longer our main target. "

Basaltic calm analysis way.

Everyone nodded slightly.

Lin Shuming is the oldest divine realm. He is probably nearly 150 years old so far. Even for the divine realm, it's an old age. If Lin Shuming dares to break through the barrier, he will not only break through the hopelessness of earthly immortals, but will have to sit down after one shot.

"As for Hongmen, after the loss of his body, the ancestors of Hongmen can only survive, and it's hardly enough to worry about it."

Xuanwu continues to analyze.

It is true that those who are strong in the divine realm can survive as spirits, but their fighting power, like the ghosts and gods of Japan, can only survive in the divine realm. They no longer have the same prestige and ability as before.

"In the Dragon hall, we don't know if the Dragon Master is dead, not to mention that our real threat now is Chen beixuan"

Xuanwu youyou said.

And the hearts of all were heavy.

In the past, when Longtang, Lin's and Hongmen were around, the special departments had to unite with Chen fan. After all, one ye Qingcang might not be able to stop so many strong people. But now, the Lin family has broken their arms, Hongmen has declined, and Longtang is silent. Chen Fan's figure appeared in front of everyone.

It's really terrible for this strong man to fight against three with one and even kill the divine realm.

It is Ye Qingcang's hand, all may not be able to take down Chen fan.

"General Chen is a Chinese after all. He has a close relationship with the military and Kunlun. He has made great contributions to the country and never betrayed the country. There is no need to discuss this matter again! "

Minister Xiao was silent for a long time and said difficultly.


Many vice ministers, Xuanwu Baihu and others bowed their heads and answered.


in Southeast China.

The whole Lin family was shocked by it.

It is said that over the Lin family, there is a white rainbow about to rush out. A sword sounds, but it stops halfway and takes it back. The Lin family master knelt down in front of the ancestral hall. After a long time, he heard a long sigh inside.

After that day, the southeast Lin family announced a comprehensive contraction, before the star group and other forces, have disbanded, lurking.

Hongmen, on the other hand, has given up its branches all over the world and stuck to the general arena. It is said that someone saw a blood shadow flying into the island from the East.

As for the whole dark world, it has long lost its voice.

All the major dark organizations and strongmen in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and central and South America are silent.

Chen Fan's defeat of Oleg in Russia is considered false by many people. He killed the great wizard in Burma, but some people still think that other powerful gods can do the same. But this time, no return to the valley, with one enemy three, even cut myth, this is the indelible record, completely shocked the whole world!"Is it true or not?"

Silence for a long time, someone hesitated.

"Many strong people in Southeast Asia have seen it with their own eyes, and the Xingzhou army has even mobilized satellites to photograph it. I'm afraid that the big powers in the world now have one. Can there be falsehood? "

Another said with a bitter smile.

"Even a hundred years ago, in the era when the powerful were rampant in the divine realm, there was no such terror as killing chickens in killing the divine realm as Chen beixuan did." An ancient master of art sighed: "it's much more difficult to kill in the divine realm than in the Huajing realm."

"These old monsters have survived for hundreds of years. They have all kinds of life-saving secrets and magic tricks, and they can escape from the gods. Because of this, divine warfare is extremely rare, because everyone is worried about each other. As long as they can't kill each other, they have to face the terrible revenge of a divine realm. But now there is Chen beixuan, and the pattern of the world will change... "

at this time, the CIA underground forum has been boiling like fire for a long time.

"One against three, this is a feat never seen in history. Chen beixuan is definitely the first person in the world. "

Some people excitedly wrote in the Forum:

"a hundred years ago, Lin Shuming defeated Takeo Watanabe with his sword, and he was the enemy of Japan. Ye Qingcang swept through China and escaped from the siege of the seven powerful gods. That's all. With this achievement, Chen beixuan will be in the top five or even the top three of the list of gods. "

"How can ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming compare with Chen beixuan? Even those who were at the forefront of the list of gods did not have Chen beixuan's record of even cutting three gods? "

The following people immediately reply questions.

Suddenly, countless people reply below the post, and the discussion is in full swing.

Some people say that Chen fan is stronger and has a good record. Ye Qingcang only killed the ancestors of Qing Gang, but Chen Fan even killed three gods.

But another person quickly retorts that the dragon master and other seven divine realms together besieged Ye Qingcang, but they didn't kill Ye Qingcang in the end. After another 50 years, how strong is Ye Qingcang?

We won't give in to each other, you come and I go.

At this time, a reply suddenly appeared on the Forum:

"it's meaningless to argue about the strength of Chen beixuan and ye Qingcang, or other top leaders of Shenbang. You have not noticed the profound impact of this war on the world! "

As soon as this post appeared, everyone was silent.

Because its ID is the word "insight".

After more than a year of accurate analysis of Chen fan. The insighter has now become the authority of the whole forum. His words and deeds mean that the great powers in the world also have to rely on reference.

"What do you mean, sir?"

The landlord replied carefully.

"A hundred years ago, the powerful in the divine realm crossed the world and fought with each other. One person was enough to support a small country or a world-class force. Even the strongest divine realm, such as ye Nantian and others, only killed one

The insight wrote:

"but now? Since he was born, Chen beixuan first killed the snow wolf king gagerdan, then the great wizard of the black witch sect, and then killed Lin Langya and the ancestors of Hongmen in wuhuigu. If you add the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall, you will be the five strong spirits! "

With the insight.

Everyone took a cool breath.

Now they notice that there are five gods in Chen Fan's hands. How many people are there in the whole world? There are only a few!

"From the battle of wuhuigu, we can see that Chen beixuan has the power to crush the ordinary divine realm, which means that once the ordinary divine realm meets him, not to mention fighting, he can't even escape. This is the most terrible."

The insightful person wrote here, between the strokes, also with dignified:

"the identity and status of a strong God can be comparable to that of a small country. Because of the mutual involvement, it is difficult to kill, so it is extremely difficult to open the divine war. Even ye Qingcang or Lin Shuming didn't promise to kill another God. However, Chen beixuan had the power to kill ordinary gods. It's like the United States, Russia and other big powers in the world today! "

"The United States, Russia, China, Britain and France have the power to crush other countries on the earth. Their nuclear arsenals and military forces can easily destroy any country, any force, any holy land. "

"Chen beixuan is in the divine realm, just like the United States and Russia are in the earth, they can crush other divine realms wantonly. He is the strongest in the divine realm! Ordinary divine realm is not the same level as him at all. Ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming may be stronger or weaker than him. But just as you ask Russia and the United States who is better, it doesn't make sense, because both countries can destroy each other and deter each other. "

When it comes to this, the insightful one cuts the nail and cuts the railway:

"now Chen beixuan, who is the strongest in the divine realm, will separate himself from other divine realms."

"The most powerful divine realm!"

When the last line of the insighter falls, everyone holds his breath and is shocked.

On this day.Chen Fan's name is moving in the sky, surpassing many divine realms, and is on a par with the great powers in the world!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!