Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 512

Divine realm!

Standing on the top of the world, one person is the enemy of the country, the other suppresses the existence of one religion. Although they can compete with small countries like Myanmar and Malaysia, they still have to give in to the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France. But it's enough to be awed.

But Chen fan, in front of all the people, defeated three gods in a row with one attack!

What a terrible force is this?

In particular, the performance of calling thunder from the sky, just like the God of heaven, made many Southeast Asian headmasters tremble. What they practice is similar to sorcery, heresy, and fear the power of thunder.

"It's a pity."

Even if you beat the three fairylands with one blow.

Chen Fan sighed and scattered the thunder in his hand.

Although the thousand thunder skill is a top grade Taoist skill, it is one of the biggest Taoist skills that can be used in the period of refining Qi. It has a very wide range and can cover a radius of two or three hundred meters. What's the concept? It's the size of seven or eight football fields and the distance of a cloud bomb. Unfortunately, the power of thousand thunder can't keep up with the cloud bomb.

The cloud bomb is one of the most powerful conventional weapons under the nuclear bomb. The father of the bomb in wolf Valley is the super large cloud bomb. Chen fan is now eating a note, although not dead, but also injured. It's estimated that these three spirits can't hold for ten seconds in the cloud bomb.

"If I can step into the congenital realm or even the peak of Shenhai, my thousand thunder skill will be comparable to or better than the cloud bomb. Now, after all, it's just the beginning of Shenhai. The power is too scattered to kill them with one blow. "

Chen Fan thought to himself.

Sure enough, Hongmen's father was full of anger as he retreated and yelled. And the sword light that fell on the ground, also fiercely soared into the air, showing the embarrassed Lin family sword servant with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.


The pupil of the man in green shrinks abruptly: "who is master Yao Daoyi?"

Tianshidao is the leader of the Chinese Taoist school, and is in charge of Leifa. It is said that a great heavenly master was born in those days. He killed demons and Demons all the way to clean up the world. Chen fan has been mentioned several times, but he didn't know that the great master was Yao Daoyi.

"I don't know."

Chen Fan flicked finger, light way.

The men in green and others looked at each other in astonishment, and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Lei FA is the most powerful of all Taoist methods. It has always been passed down by the Heavenly Master, and never revealed. Chen Fangang's thunder method is so terrible that it is enough to destroy a battalion's army in one blow. It doesn't need more than Yao Daoyi, but he doesn't know Yao Daoyi?

"No matter what, do your best. If you keep your hand, I'm afraid I'll die today. "

Lin family sword servant, a face gloomy way.

"And the cards?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

He could feel that both Hongmen's ancestors and the men in green had done their best before. If you go on fighting, you can only burn Qi and blood like gargerdan. With three people at least 100 years old, it is estimated that they will not last long and will fall on the spot.

"Do these three really want to fight with me?"

Chen Fan thinks in his heart, but he is not ready to keep his hand. That is, they want to escape. Chen fan will not let them go. The three strong gods are too terrible. Unless chen fan can always guard his parents, no one can stop their assassination.


To Chen Fan's surprise,

the three people operated a kind of skill at the same time, and the three different forces gradually merged to form a whole. At this time, a breath of supporting the sky and moving the earth burst out from the three people, which was several times stronger than before.

"The art of joint attack?"

Chen fan is dumb. "I thought you had any cards? It turned out to be this primitive and backward technique. "

Although he said so, chen fan's face was dignified.

The three men's joint attack skill is very simple, and they can't play a real triple power, but even if they only play 1.5 times or twice, it's terrible. After all, two of the three are in the middle of the divine realm. Together, the three are equivalent to five or six common divine realms.

Chen Fan's true yuan is actually several times stronger than that in the early days of Shenjing.

However, combat effectiveness is not calculated in this way. Chen fan has the immortal body of the Qing emperor, all kinds of supernatural powers and Guiyuan sword. Zhenyuan is much more concise than their true Qi. When they really fight, they may not be able to help Chen fan.


This time, chen fan took the lead.

He abandoned the slow casting speed of Taoist Dharma and made a volley. The bright fist awn, in the void with the general vitality of the waves. The green light shines and illuminates the blue sky.

"Sword cut!"

The sword servant of the Lin family, draw the sword and cut it directly.

This time, his sword soared, six or seven feet long, just like a silver snake soaring, and suddenly collided with Chen Fan's fist.


The mountain wall hundreds of meters high was shaken slightly, and countless stones fell from the air.Chen Fan's figure trembled slightly and then stabilized.

The three of Hongmen's ancestors snorted and trembled violently, but they didn't step back after all.

Even so, the shock in the hearts of the three people was like a huge wave:

"since we created this combo skill, the three people joined hands, and the strength of the combination was comparable to that of the four or five gods. This Chen beixuan unexpectedly with one person's strength, pressure we three people bow, how can his real strength be so strong? How do you practice? "

Before they were surprised, chen fan already laughed:

"come again!"

All of a sudden, in the sky, a powerful sword was flying. Chen Fan evolved various martial arts in succession. A variety of different immortal and martial arts came from him.

In the middle of the sky, the streamer overflowed with color, and the air filled the sky, which made the valley roar. Although Hongmen Laozu and others joined hands, they were on the defensive from the beginning and were beaten by Chen fan.

The more they fight, the more frightened they are.

Chen Fan's martial arts seem to be endless. Let them use their secret skills one after another. Chen fan can quickly find a new way to crack their moves.

"Who are these children? How can they teach such monsters?"

Hongmen's ancestor once wrote that Mo Yun pushed his hand to block Chen Fan's green sword. He was shocked and his blood was boiling. He was surprised.

"The sun and the moon."

In a flash, chen fan threw out 14 fists. After the three nearly broke up, he suddenly stood in the void.

He stood there, his hands parted, his fists sealed.


The void vibrates and the chaos tumbles. It seems that there is a golden black and a moon rabbit behind chen fan.

In the eyes of the people shocked, there seems to be sun and moon over wuhuigu. At this time, it was day, and two suns appeared at the same time, which was amazing.

"It must be an earth shaking skill."

Leng Jianfeng and others hit the tongue secretly.

It is Guo wennuan, who has been keeping calm all the time, who is disgraced at this time. Chen fan at this time, which also like a warrior, more similar to the myth of the immortal God.

"The martial arts know the gods and serve the divine realm. It turns out that terror is like this."

Guo Nuan sighed.

"Be careful, it's his way to kill hiroichi takemiya at the top of the tower in Tokyo."

As soon as his face changed, he cried out.

"Bang bang."

The three tried their best to stop chen fan. The sword, palm print and sound wave blade across the sky attack Chen Fan from all directions. It's not strong enough to tear up a master of Huajing easily.

However, many Qi forces hit chen fan, but they were blocked by the appearance of the sun and moon, as if they were in the sea.


The sword servant of the Lin family, he went all out.

His face turned bloody red and black, but he turned white gradually, and his glossy skin became more and more gloomy. As his momentum rose. It quickly surpassed the middle stage of the divine realm and reached the highest level of the divine realm.

"Lin's swordsmanship. Blood swordsmanship!"

The bright sword is released from the long sword in his hand.

Three Zhang, four Zhang, five Zhang... With the attention of Hongmen's ancestors, the sword is as long as nine Zhang, just like a dragon.


At this time, the sword servant of the Lin family directly sprayed blood on the sword.


The whole silver sword was dyed with blood. As if the blood sea Shura in the hands of the blade, the smell of terror, foot split a hundred meters tall building.

No matter Lingwang, guipo and others, or Lengtong and Guo wennuan, they all changed color at the same time.


With a bang, the sword came out. The ten Zhang long bloody sword, flying in the air, is like a blood dragon that has been slashed for nine days. It crosses hundreds of meters and shoots at chen fan.

The edge of this sword almost has the horror of Chen Fan's cutting the great God of witchcraft. Even chen fan can't be underestimated.

"The sun and the moon... Return."

At this time, chen fan just finished gathering strength. His left hand is hot and his right hand is full of silver and moon. The golden and black moon and rabbit behind him blend together to form a boxing seal of the samsara of the sun and the moon.

The red and white fist seals rotate with each other and instantly turn into a pillar of light running through the heaven and earth.

The pillar of light broke through the sky and shot at the three swordsmen of the Lin family with ten times the power of the top of the Tokyo Tower. With a smile on his face, the sword servant of the Lin family looks directly at chen fan without any resistance.

At this time, the bloody sword has been shot in front of Chen fan. The red and white fist seal is still on the way.

"Are you hiding or not?"

Although the Lin family sword servant's breath is fading, he still smiles and looks at Chen Fan with a smile. Obviously, the sword will hit chen fan before the fist. He's gambling. Chen fan will get out of the way first and get rid of his fists.

But in the eyes of the sword servant of the Lin family and the people around him, chen fan did not dodge. The bloody sword came to his shoulder."How can it be? Why don't you hide? "

The sword servant of the Lin family had a protruding eye, full of incomprehension. But at this time, the red and white light had rushed in front of him, just like the withering and decaying, running through his chest and straight into the sky.

With one punch.

Death of the Lin family! (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!