Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 511

The three divine realms work together.

That kind of power is earth shaking. Many Southeast Asian strongmen who hide in the distant woods to watch the battle change color. Huang Jing and others are dumbfounded.

Leng Jianfeng, as a great master of Malay, has been shocked to smash the rock as big as a millstone. However, these three divine realms, when they raise their hands, stir up the power of heaven and earth, and with a single blow, they are enough to turn Leng Jianfeng into a meat cake.

"Is this the most powerful power in the world?"

The ghost woman hit the tongue.

"In those days, the top three in the list of gods were really the strongest. Which one is not able to step on the sky to kill God? How to count the generation with one enemy? In contrast, these people are all in the top ten of the God list

The spirit king sneered.

But in his eyes, still shot shock yearning Jing mang. For those of them who have been trapped in the world for decades and are close to the top of the world. Only stepping into the divine realm is the greatest pursuit. Otherwise, they would not come to the forest of Borneo for the sake of the mysterious earth fairy.

"Too strong, too strong. That kid's dead. "

Huang Jing shook her head.

Even hundreds of meters apart, Huang Jing felt shivering when he saw the overwhelming sword and palmprint. In my heart, I feel happy. Chen Fan's loss of face has made the young and old Huang family of Malay deeply worried.


In the face of the growing white cloud hand, the sharp blade of sound wave, and the bright sword.

Chen Fan did it.

He volleyed a punch, the vast real yuan, turned into blue fist seal, condensed like jade, crystal clear, turned into essence. One punch is printed on the silver snake sword.


Chen Fan's fist is like an antelope hanging a horn. It's wonderful. Although the fist was ordinary, but in the eyes of the sword servant, he hit the weakest point of the bright sword. All of a sudden, the silver sword was like a viper who had been hit seven inches. All the magic changes were sealed and burst out of thin air.

"I'm not good at swordsmanship. I'll learn it for another ten years."

Chen Fan disdains to say.

The refined man's figure suddenly retreated, and he was so sad that he wanted to vomit blood.

In his whole life, a refined man has never seen the pain of being stopped at the key point and interrupted by a man. What is the supreme cultivation of swordsmanship and martial arts?

After defeating Lin's sword servant with one punch, chen fan points his left hand together to form a sword and makes a stroke in the air.


With Chen Fan's hand in the air, he cut the white cloud hand in the distance. At this time, the white cloud hand has turned into nearly ten meters in size, just like the palm of Buddha. It is a bungalow that can be smashed out of thin air.

Hongmen Moyun hand.

It is known as the martial arts that is close to heaven and man in the world.

Often with one percent of the force, it can arouse the huge vitality of heaven and earth and drive one percent of the force. Hongmen, the most powerful of the three Chinese gangs, has the longest history, the strongest strength and the most destructive power. It's a giant palm of three feet across a hundred meters of void. Even the great wizard dare not connect it.


But in Chen Fan's eyes, there was no joy or sorrow, and he split in the air.

The green awn is like a knife cutting off water. It cuts the cloud palm three feet in size into two out of thin air. The uncontrollable vitality of heaven and earth suddenly exploded from the cloud palm and turned into a huge cloud ring, galloping in all directions.

"It's too big to bear a single blow."

Chen fan made a casual comment.

Hongmen's eyes sank and his face was very blue.

Finally, in the face of dozens of sharp blades coming from all directions, with a shrill sound of breaking the air, chen fan snorted and opened his mouth fiercely, spitting out a thundering sound.


Between heaven and earth, thunder.

Visible to the naked eye, the sound waves, like substance, gushed out from Chen Fan's mouth, swept through the void for hundreds of meters in an instant, shaking the clouds on wuhui Valley, which were all churning. The sound, like thunder, has spread for tens of miles. Hiding in the woods, people in Southeast Asia feel more like a violent storm, blowing tens of meters high trees, shaking violently.

"Click, click."

Many sound wave sharp blades are directly crushed by thunder. These invisible sound blades are enough to cut steel and destroy a special forces team with one blow. In front of Lei Yin, they don't see one blow.

"The technique is original and has some merits."

After a roar, chen fan looks down at the man in green and nods slightly.

The spectators were stunned.

Chen Fan broke through the joint siege of the three gods with one fist, one palm and one roar. And look at his casual comments, understatement, obviously not out of the best.


Everyone took a breath.

"How could Chen beixuan be so terrible. Has he stepped into the pinnacle of the divine realm? " Cried the old ghost, bowing her head.The spirit king's eyes were not fixed, and his heart was also terrified. As for the red snake master, he has been furious and cursed Chen Fan desperately. But Guo wennuan and others, if not for Leng Jianfeng's vigorous Qi, protect a few people. They were ordinary people who had been stunned by Chen Fan's roar. Even now, they were dizzy.

No return to the valley.

Hongmen ancestors, Longtang Longzhu and Lin family sword servants all have dignified faces.

Although they overestimated chen fan again and again, they laid a killing plan and mobilized three people to encircle him. But I didn't expect that Chen Fan's real strength was so terrible. Especially the sword servant, his life is still churning. Among the three, chen fan's cultivation was the lowest. Chen Fan's fist, like a heavy hammer, almost couldn't resist it.

"Chen beixuan, I really underestimated you. Your current cultivation is not much better than that of Ye Qingcang 50 years ago. " Hongmen's ancestry is the most important way.

"The previous armistice agreement is still valid."

Lin Jiajian's face is as deep as water.

Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. He just pinched the formula and started to arouse the vast vitality of the thunder system between heaven and earth.

Electric light, visible to the naked eye, converges from all directions, with Chen Fan as the center, forming a huge eye of the storm. Clouds and fog condense over wuhuigu, and bursts of thunder are heard.

The vitality in Chen Fan's hand turned into thunderstorms. At last, chen fan's whole body was covered with bright blue light, just like a God in charge of thunder.


The man in green sighed.

Three people all eyes a coagulate, know can't keep a hand. In front of them, this young man who has just turned 20 years old is the greatest enemy they have ever met, which is comparable to the man who was like a demon.

"It's absolutely an earth shaking spell. You can't let him accumulate all his strength and do it together."

Hongmen's grandfather gave a loud drink, and his body was in a flash. In the air, he turned into seven phantoms and shot them at Chen Fan from all directions.

Each phantom has different martial arts. In a flash, he changed seven martial arts in a row. Each of them has been immersed in Taoism for hundreds of years. It's enough to shame all the masters of those sects.

The last seven kinds of martial arts are changed into one.

A white jade like palm, from afar, the surging clouds in the middle of the sky for the vibration, just like Mount Tai down.

"A thousand magic clouds."

It's said that the ancestor of Hongmen could wield 13 kinds of martial arts in a flash. With the last power, he could kill the top myth of the time and fight against the old sorcerer of the black witch sect.


The man in green urged the Jade Flute and let out a shriek. His body is full of vitality. Even his green sleeves and robes seem to be blown by a blower and flutter with the wind. It is obvious that he has done his best.

A sharp blade of sound wave, five feet long, appeared in mid air.

This blade, as transparent as water, is composed of high concentration of sound waves. You can even see that the blade is shaking vaguely, like a cutting machine. This knife alone is enough to cut an armored train.


The sound wave sharp blade cuts through the sky and cuts Chen Fan in the air.

The sword servant of the Lin family is more elegant. His face is red and his pupils are changing like a dragon. At the peak of Zhenli's argument, he raised it to the top of his head one by one as if holding a huge sword of ten thousand jin in his palm, and then split it in the air.


People's eyes, as if a bright silver lightning.

The sword is four feet long. The silver light is loud and the sword is vigorous. It is cold in front of wuhui valley. The sword Qi is like a dragon dancing in the sky. It is unpredictable and exhausts the magic of the sword technique.

"Lin Jiayu's swordsmanship and Youlong's sword"

the three of them are more powerful than before. The vitality in the sky is boiling. Even hundreds of meters apart, Guo wennuan and others felt that the sword was stuck in their throat.

But Chen Fan's face remained unchanged.

His eyes were still drooping, he pinched the formula and hugged him in the air. Violent lightning, in his hand, turned into a thunder ball. The thunder ball is highly condensed. At the end, it is almost like a white flame.

Until three attacks, only about 10 meters away from him. Chen fancai's eyes burst with thunder.

"Thunder is the way. Thousand thunder skill!"

Chen Fan burst out to drink, hand thunder ball, method Jue a lead.


The sky and the earth are like innumerable shells, exploding at the same time. Dozens of thunder, shining with blue lightning, fell in the sky. It is like a spear, covering the area of 100 meters.

Each of these blue lightning bolts is thick and thin enough to be an adult's thigh. With the power of terror, they hit the ground and smashed the boulders. If an elephant is hit, it will be killed on the spot.


The nearest ancestor of Hongmen was directly smashed by cloud palm, and seven or eight thunderbolts hit him. The whole person was beaten away. The sword servant of the Lin family was struck by the thickest lightning. The sword was shocked in the air, and then fell directly to the ground like a dead snake.Only the man in green, who is the farthest away, has survived, but the sound wave blade has been broken.

But his face was also shocked.

Chen Fan defeated the three divine realms with one blow?

What a terrifying power is this?

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!