Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 510

Three gods.

What's the concept? The divine realm has not been born for decades, but it turns out to be here one after another. Including Chen fan, there are four deities gathered in front of Borneo. It's earth shaking. Once the news comes out, it's bound to frighten the world.

Many of the strong people in Southeast Asia are all gaping and shivering.

"So, it's really a game." The red snake master lay on the ground and said, "we are just some poor people attracted by the bait. Chen beixuan is the target of the eternal killing. Guo wennuan, Huang Jing and others have been stunned.

"Stepping on the sky, crossing the sky, it's just like in a fairy tale." Guo wennuan stood there. If it wasn't for her pride, I'm afraid she would have been weak.

As for Huang Jing, he had already collapsed. Other bodyguards, Malaysian youths, and team leader Hassan all knelt down on their knees, claiming to be immortals. It is cold pupil, also whole body trembles.

In the face of the power of the divine realm, what is the difference between these mortals and mole ants.

"Lin Shuming?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the elegant man who was coming with the sword.

Is this man the first master in China a hundred years ago, the Sword Fairy of the Lin family? But it's not like the breath. The refined man is just new to the divine realm, weaker than the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall and the old ancestor of Hongmen. Lin Shuming's power in China should be at least in the middle of the divine realm.

"Why do you need my master to kill you? With three feet of sword in my hand, that's enough. "

Elegant man, said haughtily.

It's not Lin Shuming?

They were even more surprised that there were two gods in the southeast Lin family? What's the concept? Hongmen and Longtang have one divine realm, which is enough to dominate a country and a territory, but the Lin family has two. No wonder this family once claimed that for the first time in China, even ye Qingcang took the power of Kunlun to force the Lin family to close the mountain.

"Swordsman, you are late." Hongmen Laozu light way.

"Before I came here, I killed a few Xiao Xiaos, so that they would not think that my Lin family was easy to bully if my master was not born for a long time." The gentle and elegant man's gentle way.

He said it plainly.

But at this time, the southeast of China was already in chaos. In the Lin family, who had been closed to the mountains for decades, a sword fairy was born. With one sword, he swept the southeast and killed two great masters, which made the whole south of China bow to him. Before Lin died because of breaking the army, and the faintly unstable star group and other forces quickly returned to the command of the Lin family.

"Chen beixuan, the secret collection of the earth immortals is here. If you can make a vow, you will never be the enemy of Hongmen, Longtang and the Lin family. I'll let you live. "

The elegant man took the sword and said leisurely.

"Otherwise, don't blame the three of us for working together to bully the small."

Hongmen's ancestors are murderous.

Many strong people tremble and turn their eyes to Chen fanlai.

The three spirits join hands! This is an epoch-making event. In the past hundred years, it has been a rare event in the world that God fought against the capital. What's more, three gods joined hands to besiege one person? Although Chen fan is famous for killing the great wizard, he can be hostile to the three gods at the same time.

"Chen beixuan wants to be worse. This is a killing game. It's aimed at him."

"The ancestor of Hongmen, the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall, and the Sword Fairy of the Lin family have been famous for hundreds of years. Although Lin Shuming is in the future, the sword servant is obviously not easy to provoke. Chen beixuan is in danger. "

"Jie Jie, just now he forced my grandfather to kneel down and beg for mercy. He also killed my beloved snake. The retribution is coming."

You strong men, I thought to you.

In particular, the red snake master's eyes are full of venom.

"I have a grudge against Hongmen and kill its digital giants. I have a grudge against the Lin family. I just don't know what grudge I have against the Dragon hall? Why are you here? "

Chen Fan looks at the man in green.

"Old friends have to come." The Dragon Master of the Dragon Hall said blandly: "and you are too strong. Today's death is the great wizard. Tomorrow may be the Dragon hall. If we don't kill you in advance, we may not be the next one. "

You are so strong!

The man in Green said it directly, without taboo. It was because Chen Fan was too strong that they made up their mind to surround and kill chen fan. Otherwise, the bad luck of the great wizard might come to them one day.

"Good, good."

Chen Fan burst out laughing, with a light face: "with the three of you, how can I force Chen beixuan to bow his head. Today, let me kill you and frighten the world. Let them know that I, Chen beixuan, can't provoke them! "

When Chen Fan said this, the three changed color at the same time.


Hongmen's ancestors scolded.

"It's rude."

The Dragon Master of the Dragon hall shook his head slightly.

"Sacrifice my sword with your blood today."

Elegant man, a long roar, scabbard roar.

With the three people's words, three huge forces suddenly rose up and filled the whole wuhui valley. What a terror it is to release the power of those who are strong in the divine realm? Enough to pressure the beast bow, even the spirit of the throne of the heterogeneous white tiger, are shivering."Not good."

Many strong people's faces changed wildly and their bodies retreated suddenly.

"Let's go too. Once the divine war is started, I'll wait in it, just like a mole ant. In an instant, it will be torn and destroyed by the afterwave." Leng Jianfeng also has a dignified face. He quickly asks several people to leave.

Huang Jing felt as if three mountains were falling down from the sky. They all felt weak and wanted to kneel down.

Only Guo wennuan is arrogant and can rely on his spirit to support him. He glances at Chen Fan anxiously and asks, "Uncle Leng, do you think that person is winning or losing?"

Leng Jianfeng thought for a moment and shook his head slightly:

"although Chen beixuan is powerful, the three divine realms join hands. This is an eternal game. The strongest people in the world are in danger of falling here. "

Although Leng Jianfeng didn't say it clearly, he was not optimistic about Chen fan.

Guo Nuan's heart trembled.

She is that kind of awkward character. When Chen Fan was in power, Guo didn't want to talk to him. But now that Chen fan is in danger, Guo wennuan starts to worry about Chen fan.

"Don't let anything happen."

As Guo wennuan walked, he turned his head and looked back anxiously.

"Xiaoxue, you also follow them. When I kill them three, I will take you to the underground cave."

Chen fan light way.

"Yes, master."

Xuedaisha bowed slightly and left straight away. She has full confidence in Chen Fan and is not worried at all.

The three gods didn't stop them. They were all people in the sky. How could there be snow instead of sand in their eyes? Only the elegant man sighed gently:

"what a Sword Fairy seed, I feel a very pure sword spirit in her. In time, she may not be able to go to the holy land, but it's a pity... "

What's a pity? The refined man didn't say it, but we all know it.

At this time, the obstacles are gone, and you will not leave your hands in the divine realm. The momentum is rising, like a vast ocean, sweeping away to Chen fan. In the air, suddenly formed a hurricane, like tornado. With three people as the center, three huge storm eyes are formed. It's not just the invisible momentum, but also the vitality of heaven and earth. Some fallen leaves fall in the center of the three people and are torn to pieces by the hurricane.

The core of the three men's battle is Chen fan.

Chen Fan stood there, under the full pressure of the three gods. But he didn't move. He was still as light as a cloud. Within three Zhang of Chen fan, the torrential waves suddenly turned into a calm stream. Around him, not a single leaf had ever fallen.

"Chen beixuan, you should be honored. Since we attacked Ye Qingcang together in those years, you are the second one who asked us to join hands. "

Hongmen Laozu spoke slowly.

"Is it?" Chen Fan turned his back and said with a sneer, "Ye Qingcang didn't kill you in those years. Let me finish it for him today."

With that, chen fan stepped forward leisurely.

He was in the center of the momentum of the three strong men, and moved his whole body with one hair. Being shrouded by the breath of the three spirits, normal people don't even dare to move their little fingers, for fear of a thunderbolt. But Chen Fan ignored the crowd and walked leisurely.

"Not good."

When Chen Fan stepped out, the three spirits changed their faces.

All they felt was that Chen fan, who had been locked by the breath, had stepped on the weakest part of the crowd. It's just like the eyes of the big array and the door of the iron cloth shirt. Chen Fan stepped down and held down his momentum, forcing the three people to follow him.

"Damn it. He can't be allowed to go on like this. "

Three people sad several want to vomit blood, the refined man hurriedly cries a way.


Hongmen Laozu took the lead.

I saw a white cloud palm like a cloud dragon's claw emerging from my hand. At first, it was only a few inches in size, but in mid air, it condensed the vitality of heaven and earth, and then it became bigger and bigger, and finally it turned into Zhang Xu long, just like a huge millstone. It's enough to smash a car.

"Hand of Moyun!"

Someone recognized this move and exclaimed in a low voice.

This is Hongmen's zhenpai secret skill, Lei qianjue's qiansiyin, and Lu's yunshou. They are all inherited from this unique secret skill. It is said that the founder of Hongmen in that year shot it with one hand, which was enough to destroy a small hill.


The man in green, with a sigh, took out a green jade flute from his arms. The jade flute seems to be carved with the most famous jadeite. The whole body is as green as the sea, without any impurities. When the man in green blows gently, an invisible sound wave turns into essence. Like a thousand sharp arrows, he shoots at Chen Fan from all directions.

This dragon master of the Dragon hall is a rare master of sound attack.

Sound wave sharp blade, in the void, showing a translucent blade body, shining sharp cold.

"Bang Dang."

Finally, it was the refined man. The sword servant of the Lin family pulled out the long sword behind him. A very bright sword light, like a lightning Silver Snake, shot out of his hand. The last shot came first, and instantly crossed a distance of more than 100 meters to cut in front of Chen fan. The edge of this sword is that snow and sand are all disgraced for it.Three powerful men from all over the world, who gathered here to set up the killing situation, finally took action.

Moreover, as soon as they make a move, they will kill with one strike, and at the same time, they will join forces without any consideration of modesty. It is obvious that Chen fan must be killed, leaving no way out for him.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!