Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 509

Chen beixuan?

This name is very strange to the children of Malay Chinese, such as Guo wennuan and Huang Jing. The world they usually live in seldom contacts with the martial arts and Taoism.

It is because these people have been famous in Nanyang for decades. Even ordinary people in Nanyang may have heard of them. Although Chen fan is stronger and far superior to Lingwang, he is far away from Southeast Asia.

"Is he Chen beixuan, who is an enemy of his country?"

But Leng Tong's face was full of shock.

How could he not know Chen Fan's name, as the son of Leng Jianfeng, a big boxer and a little headmaster of Nu Quan sect?

"Is Chen beixuan very powerful? How about Uncle Leng? "

Guo wennuan frowned, even though she wanted to save Chen Fan just now. But now see Chen Fan a pair of bright smile appearance, Guo warm heart and rise a unconvinced.

"It's more than powerful. It's a myth of the time."

Leng Tong gave a bitter smile.

His father is just the peak of his life. He doesn't even enter the dark list. He is not qualified to compete with Chen fan.

"Contemporary mythology?"

Guo wennuan blinked his big eyes and didn't know why. Huang Jing and others also look over, full of questions.

"Do you know the Dragon hall?"

Cold pupil hesitates for a moment, finally opens the mouth to explain a way.

Guo wennuan and others nodded their heads together. Among the Nanyang Chinese, Longtang has the supreme status.

It is this force that dominates tens of millions of Chinese in Nanyang, abruptly splits Xingzhou from Malaysia and creates its own nation. It's the Guo family, which has a lot to do with the Dragon hall. Guo wennuan's bodyguard, uncle Xie, is the one who was born in the Dragon hall. It is said that he has a distant relationship with the legendary dragon master.

"It is said that the Dragon Master who controlled the Dragon hall, founded the Star Island, and established the frontier was a contemporary myth. Including Hongmen ancestors and the great sorcerer of the black witch sect. But not long ago, Chen beixuan broke into Myanmar and killed the great wizard. I didn't expect that in just a few days, he left Myanmar and came to Borneo. "

Cold pupil side says, side shakes head sigh airway.


Everyone took a breath.

The Dragon Lord of the Dragon hall, the ancestor of Hongmen, and the great God of the black witch sect are all legendary figures that existed decades and hundreds of years ago. What kind of prestige is it that the Dragon Lord founded Xingzhou, the great wizard ruled Burma, and Hongmen spread all over the world? Chen fan, a teenager, can even compare with those mythical figures?

Guo wennuan didn't want to believe it. Huang Jing couldn't believe it.

But looking at Lingwang, guipo and other powerful people, they all showed respect in front of Chen fan. Leng Jianfeng, a powerful boxer in Malaysia, smiles at chen fan. As for the red snake, he knelt down and trembled. They have to believe it.

"It turns out that this guy is so strong... But he pretends to be weak and teases us?"

Guo wennuan looks at chen fan. There is a trace of regret and shame in her beautiful eyes.

At this time, Chen Fanli was in front of wuhuigu, looking at the red snake with a bright smile: "you just seemed to say to me, I'm looking for death?"

"No, I'm wrong. Please spare your life."

The red snake master was so scared that he kowtowed repeatedly.


The huge red chain snake coiled nearby began to be dissatisfied. It is just a beast, not much wisdom, obviously can not recognize chen fan. Seeing that the master didn't give any orders, the red chain snake couldn't help but bite chen fan.

"Bang Dang!"

Before Guo wennuan had time to scream, a bright blue light came out of Chen Fan's hand and cut through Changfeng. The crystal clear sword light was like sapphire. With one direct knife, the head of the red chain snake was cut off.

The head of the snake, the size of a water tank, fell to the ground. The huge body of the snake was still twisting, but it was not far from death. This fierce snake, which had been deterring Nanyang for decades, was cut down by Chen Fan with his palm as a knife.

Seeing this scene, all the strong men are lower headed and more respectful.

Half of the reputation of the red snake Lord is based on this exotic red chain snake. This red chain snake once swallowed the fruit in Borneo. It's more than 20 meters long. The bucket is thick and thin. It's covered with scales. It can fight against the master. With this one snake, the red snake master has a great influence on Southeast Asia, ranking among the top four descending masters.

But Chen Fan couldn't take over such a big snake, which was powerful against the master of martial arts. How can people not be frightened?

"Your snake wants to bite me. I'll kill it. Do you have a problem?"

Chen Fan split his palm and looked at the red snake.

"No problem, absolutely no problem. It's the beast who's looking for death. Good job, sir The red snake kept kowtowing. Although the red chain snake died, his heart is very painful, but in the face of life, what is a snake?

"I want to go into wuhui valley. Do you have any opinions?"

Chen Fan looked around with his hands on his back.

Wherever he looked, whether it was the Da Jiang tou division, the monk king of Yue State, the ancient Thai boxing king and so on, he bowed his head and said, "never mind.""Wuhuigu is a Jedi. There is a secret collection of earth immortals in it. Only Chen Xianshi and other strong men who stand at the top of the world are qualified to enter and obtain the secret collection of earth immortals."

Cold sword front embraces fist to compliment a way.

"Do you know the secret of the earth fairy?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

The secret collection of the earth immortals is the top secret among the top secrets, which is known only by the powerful gods such as the great wizard. Even the great elder of the black witch sect, master Hu and others only know the skin. How do these masters of Nanyang understand the existence of Dixian secret collection? They should be desperate to guess what treasure might be here?

"In recent days, the news has spread all over Nanyang. It's said that wuhuigu has a secret collection of the earth immortals, which was the cave of the earth immortals thousands of years ago. That's why we came here in a hurry."

Leng Jianfeng and Lingwang look at each other, and finally Lingwang says.

"It's been around these days?"

Chen fan a Leng, then suddenly face slightly changed: "no, this is someone deliberately spread, lead me into the Bureau."

Only those who are strong in the divine realm know the secret of the earth immortal. Now the news suddenly spreads, obviously trying to lure some people in. And the only thing that can make the powerful in the divine realm set up an ambush is naturally...

"ha ha ha, Chen beixuan, you finally come!"

A white cloud running through the sky and the earth shot out from the forest in the distance, cut through the sky and fell in front of the people. In the clouds, there was an old man with white beard, white hair and white clothes.

The old man was covered in the clouds, and his feet were empty, just like an immortal.

"Another divine realm?"

Everyone was shocked.

In just one Borneo, there are two contemporary myths at the same time? In particular, what's the explanation for this old man's momentum? Many people have recognized the old man and whispered:

"it's the old ancestor in the legend of Hongmen. Isn't it rumored that he has been sitting for decades?"

"Hongmen Laozu?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

With Chen Fan's eyes, you can easily see through the clouds and see the appearance of Hongmen ancestors. Although this Hongmen ancestor's breath is strong, it is just the middle of the divine realm. He is in the middle of the world with Oleg and the great wizard.

"Do you dare to fight me alone? Aren't you afraid I'll cut you off with a sword? "

Chen Fan sneered.

"Chen beixuan, you are really powerful. He killed gagerdan, defeated Oleg and killed the great God of witchcraft. His achievements are almost comparable to those of Ye Qingcang and Lin Shuming. If I fight alone, I will never be like you. But since I dare to set up this situation and lead you in, how can I appear in front of you alone? "

The old ancestor of Hongmen said solemnly.

"What else?"

Everyone was already surprised. At this time, he was shocked again.

Just listen to the buzzing sound, coming from afar. When you look up, you can see a Black Hawk helicopter flying at high speed. On the helicopter, there is a sign of a golden lion. Next to the door of the helicopter cabin stood a man in blue.

"It's the plane of Xingzhou special forces. Is it someone from Xingzhou?"

Huang Jing and others bowed their heads and cried.

"Brother Xie, how late did you come?" Hongmen Laozu said with a smile.

"I haven't been born for a long time. After meeting some old friends, I delayed a little. Fortunately, I didn't miss my business." The man in green answered lightly. With that, he stepped out of the helicopter.

Every step of the man in green in the sky is like an invisible ladder. He has a clear face, white temples, and a clean old shirt, just like a famous man of Wei and Jin Dynasties. It is Guo wennuan and others, see the man in green, also not from the eyes a bright.

"Dragon hall, Xie Jingtang, meet the dragon master. Jingtang will see his ancestors in this life and die without regret. "

Uncle Xie, standing behind Guo wennuan, was shocked when he saw the visitor. He rushed forward and fell on his knees with tears streaming down his face.

"Fool, get up."

The man in green sighed.

"Is he the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall?"

Everyone took a breath.

Compared with the Hongmen ancestors and Chen beixuan, the reputation of the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall is much more prosperous. After all, this is Southeast Asia, and Longtang has a foothold here. Tens of millions of Chinese in more than ten Southeast Asian countries all rely on Longtang. And other strong people, hearing the name of the Dragon hall, are also terrified. When Xingzhou split from Malaysia, it was fought all the way.

At last, relying on the power of the Dragon Lord, the Malaysian nation bowed its head, and finally let Xingzhou establish its country.

How can people not be surprised when such a legendary figure appears in front of us.

"He's a little better than you." Chen Fan squinted, glanced at the dragon master, shook his head slightly and said, "but it's far from you two to deal with me."

Although the appearance of the man in green is not as earth shaking as Hongmen's ancestor, his breath is more powerful, better than Hongmen's ancestor, and only half a step away from the later stage of Shenjing.

"What if you add me?"

Chen Fan's voice has just dropped.A bright sword, like a dragon chant, shot from a distance. The sword cut through the sky and fell in front of the crowd, showing a gentle man with a sword.

"The third divine realm?"

Countless people live in Qiqi town.

PS: the fourth shift is over. How about the monthly ticket_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!