Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 508

No return to the valley.

A group of strong men of different shapes occupy one side respectively.

Looking at each other, no one dares to enter. These strongmen come from all over Southeast Asia, even from India, even Japan and South Korea. Many people still have hatred, but they are surrounded by enemies and are now under pressure.

"Wuhui Valley is a dangerous place known all over the world. There is no way back. Do you really want to enter the valley?"

Riding on the white tiger on the head of the big drop division Ling Wang, strange smile way.

"Ha ha, don't pretend to be king Ling. No return Valley is certainly dangerous. But this time we are all the same as before. If we gather here, there is news and legend. Is this the secret place for the fall of the earth fairy? "

The cold voice of an ancient Thai boxer with bandages and muscles like a knot.

As soon as he said this, everyone changed color.

"Yes, I did hear the news that there was a secret collection of immortals here. But I don't know how the news came out. The existence of earth immortals, for example, should be the concern of those who are strong in the divine realm. What's the matter with us? "

Although the king of Spirit said this, he could not stop greed in his eyes.

In his realm, there is no other request but to step outside God. There is a secret collection of immortals in wuhui valley. Although the king of spirit does not expect to become an immortals, he only needs to find some pills, magic weapons, secret books and so on to break into the divine realm.

"I have a kind of guess, you say, is this news intentionally released?"

There is humanity.

There is a big snake under the man. He is also a big head master. His name is red snake master. He is as famous as the king of spirit and the king of one eyed dragon. He is famous for controlling poisonous insects.

"Let it out on purpose, for what?"

People were surprised.

"It's a game, it's a game."

The red snake master snorted coldly.

"If you can know the secret of the earth immortal, you must be a great man. Even the old monsters of Shenjing, they deliberately let out the wind. How can they lead me into the game? In the eyes of the divine realm, we are just like ants. "

The king of ancient Muay Thai questioned.

Everyone shook their heads. If ordinary people dare to deceive so many strong people, once they are tracked down by the strong people, they will be slaughtered. Even the monarch and President of a country dare not offend so many masters at the same time.

"Here comes another one."

King Ling's eyes flashed: "it's the great master of Malaysia, fighting tiger and cold sword.". Eh, he also brought the little girl of the Guo family. I really think wuhuigu is a joke? "

When they scanned their eyes and found that they were all ordinary people, they ignored them and continued to practice with their eyes closed.

They are all extremely strong and extremely smart. They all wait for others to enter the valley first, and they don't want to take risks. After all, wuhuigu is known as a dangerous place, and even the great master is extremely afraid of it. However, wuhuigu is full of aura. They seize the opportunity to practice. One day is worth three days of hard work.

Chen fan and Xue Daisha were at the end of the team, and no one noticed them.

"My God, the king of spirit, the red snake, the ancient Muay Thai King silabo, the angry bear Jess, the ghost woman... Except the one eyed Dragon King, the other three big head division are all here."

Uncle Xie took a cool breath.

There are more than ten strong men, who have the power of sword, the power of weird and overbearing, the power of Yin, the poisonous fog, and the sense of war. Almost all the strong in Southeast Asia gather here.

"Big things, big things happen."

Uncle Xie was secretly frightened.

Guo wennuan, Huang Jing and others trembled with fright. When passing by the red snake master's snake, the 20 meter long snake spat out its bright red tongue and wiped it from the crowd, which almost didn't scare Huang Jing to pee.

"It's terrible."

Huang Jing's legs trembled.

Everyone here, with a finger, can crush him to death. Huang Jing was also born into a big Malay family, but he didn't feel any sense of security here. The bodyguards, too, were all dignified and faced with great enemies.

"Wennuan, don't be afraid. My father is here. My dad's the best boxer in the world. " Cool pupil of handsome youth, try to hold Guo wennuan's hand, comfort way.

"Thank you."

Guo wennuan squeezed out a smile and passed the back of his hand without any trace.

Cold pupil see, a glimmer of disappointment in the eyes, but more warm.

"It's exactly what I thought."

Only when you look closely at wuhui Valley can you feel the vastness of the valley. The mountain wall is hundreds of meters high, with only a narrow valley entrance. But at the mouth of the valley, it was covered by countless white fog. There were obviously attempts to break in, but they all failed.

However, in Chen Fan's eyes, the so-called Dixian array is too simple. If Chen fan is in the innate state, he can lay out an array that is several times more powerful than this one.

"Now that you have found wuhuigu, it's time to try."

Chen Fan thought.

He broke away from the line with his hands behind his back and walked to the front of the white fog.

Chen Fan gently put his hand on the white fog. A cold and vast breath came to him from the white fog. It was the power of the array, but it was quickly refined by Chen fan. Then, Chen fanhao's great mind instantly penetrated into the array and began to analyze the whole operation process of the array."Sister Nuan Nuan, look at that man."

Everyone scattered around the mouth of the valley, and there was an open space at the mouth of the valley.

No one dares to get close for fear of causing others to attack. Chen Fan's bold move was naturally quickly noticed by Guo wennuan and others. One of the teenagers cried softly.

"Is he looking for death? With so many old monsters nearby, his unusual behavior will surely attract the attention of those old monsters. My dad won't be able to protect him then. "

Cold pupil shakes head a way.

Guo wennuan, however, is so scared that her pretty face turns pale that she tries to wink at chen fan, but Chen Fan ignores her.

Continue to analyze the array with the divine mind.

"Nuan Nuan, is this your companion? Let him come back quickly. "

At this time, Leng Jianfeng also reflected, looking at Chen Fan's back, frowning slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Before Guo wennuan can say it, someone has noticed chen fan. The red snake master, who was riding on the big snake, snorted coldly:

"what are you doing, boy?"

Chen Fan ignored it and continued to turn his back to the people. His eyes drooped slightly, sensing everything in the whole valley.

"Looking for death?"

The red snake master was so angry that he drove the snake to Chen fan.

Other strong people, at this time, also open their eyes and look over one after another. Seeing a young man with his back to the crowd and the red snake swam towards him, he shook his head slightly.

The red snake master has always been famous for his bloodlust among the four headmasters. The big snake under his seat is said to devour one human life every day. In the whole Southeast Asia, it is the presence of fear.

"Xiao Tong, please help him. Anyway, he is my companion after all."

Guo's pretty face changed for a while, and he finally made up his mind.


Leng Tong is helpless and looks at Leng Jianfeng.

"If it's warm, uncle Leng can do it. But it's just an ordinary man. Surrounded by enemies, it's not worth feuding with the red snake master for him. "

Leng Jianfeng said calmly, his eyes were indifferent.

He is a great master. Naturally, from the master's point of view, an ordinary person is not worth his hatred with another master.

"Can't you really save him?"

Guo Wenwen frowned slightly.

Leng Jianfeng shook his head and did not waver.

Seeing this, Guo can only sigh a little. Uncle Xie comforted him:

"Miss, it's his own way to die, and it's none of your business. You've done your best. "

Huang Jing, next to him, sneered in secret:

"boy, you are not obedient. Now you are going to be buried in the belly of the snake, aren't you?"

They either gloated, shook their heads and sighed, or looked coldly at chen fan. Only snow on behalf of sand in the side, the appearance is still, not for Chen Fan worried about the appearance.

The red snake master was less than three meters behind chen fan. Chen Fan finally opened his eyes and said with a smile:

"it turns out that there are three big formations in a chain. I finally understand."

Chen Fan took back his hand and turned his head to see the old face of the red snake. He couldn't help but smile and said:

"were you calling me just now?"

The red snake master is riding on the big snake. The huge red chain snake is ready to swallow chen fan. But when he sees Chen Fan's face clearly, his body is stiff and his face is shocked.



A cry of surprise came suddenly.

Many strong men were practicing with their eyes closed. At this time, they all frowned and saw that the red snake master fell down from the big snake. It seemed that they saw something extremely frightening and retreated on the ground.

"What's the matter?"

Many strong people look at it and see a young man standing in front of a snake several meters high.

The boy is wearing a casual suit, more than one meter seven, with a bright smile on his face, just like a freshman. The red snake master, facing the boy, screamed and retreated like a fierce ghost.

"What's this?"

At the moment when I saw the boy, many people were slightly confused, then some people suddenly thought of something, and their pupils shrank.

Then under the shocked eyes of Guo wennuan and others.

The king of spirit, riding on the white tiger, jumped down from the white tiger in a hurry, rushed to Chen fan, bowed himself and said, "see you, nazachai, Indonesia."

As soon as the king said this, everyone was shocked. The ghost woman, Jess and others also woke up, and then came forward one after another and bowed to salute.

Leng Jianfeng had doubts on his face, but when he heard what Lingwang said, he was shocked and blurted out:

"is it him?"

"Who is it?"

When Guo wennuan was still strange, he saw Leng Jianfeng come forward in a hurry and bow his head to Chen Fan in an unprecedented respectful manner. He said, "I don't know it's Chen Xianshi. Please forgive me."The red snake master got up and knelt down to beg for mercy.

His thin head banged on the ground, making a thumping sound. Let Guo wennuan and others, see of gape.

What the hell is going on?

There was a bitter smile on Uncle Xie's face:

"I should have thought of a Chinese with a sword maid, surnamed Chen Mingfan... Who else besides Chen beixuan? "

PS: it's a little late for the third watch. I'm very sorry. The author continues to write the fourth watch o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!