Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 507

After staying in Kuching for one night, the next day, the expedition team officially began to enter the primitive forests of Borneo.

At the beginning of the journey, you can still meet a lot of people, but with the deepening of the journey, there are fewer and fewer passers-by, and in the end, only chen fan and his party are left. All the way down, whether it is the leader, or other people's eyes, looking at Chen Fan two more strange.

"Are you sure you're going into the jungle without anything?"

Guo wennuan asked with a frown.

"It's just a little jungle. It's nothing difficult." Chen fan made a light response.

All the people, including Guo nuannan, are angry. Deep in Borneo, it has always been known for its dangers. All kinds of poisonous insects and fierce snakes are everywhere. And the scariest blood sucking mosquitoes in the rainforest. Chen fan came in empty handed with Xue Daisha.

Only uncle Xie aimed at the ancient sword behind xuedaisha, and his eyes felt thoughtful.

Soon, after a long journey, people were ready to stop and have a rest. Bodyguards skillfully set up tents, benches, barbecue grills and so on. Take out fresh water and ingredients and start cooking.

Although Chen Fan didn't reach the realm of Bigu, one julingdan was enough to last ten days and a half months. But he didn't want to be so conspicuous, so he took xuedaisha into the jungle. After a while, he came back with two rabbits.

Then the two people in the eyes of envy and jealousy, hair and skin, began to roast rabbit. There are many seasonings in Chen Fan's space magic weapon. With his skill, these two fat rabbits are roasted with scorched yellow, dripping oil and fragrant fragrance.

"Miss, I'm afraid both of them are masters of survival in the wild."

The bodyguard whispered.

"It is said that some ancient Chinese sects would send their disciples down the mountain from time to time to travel around the world with one sword and one person. That xuedaisha is obviously a similar person. It's just that teenager. I don't understand. It's like having martial arts, but not very much. " Uncle Xie frowned.

"Whatever, they will always show up in wuhui valley."

Guo Wenwen gave a cold hum.

The crowd began to march into the deep forest.

The more people walk, the more surprised they are. Chen fan and Chen Fan seem to find game everywhere. It's either a hare or a pheasant, or a large wild bird or a fat fish.

Soon, the people who followed Guo wennuan couldn't stand it.

"Brother, let's talk about it. How about I buy you a hare for 100 dollars?" One of the tall men, Huang Jing, came and looked at the golden rabbit barbecue with greedy eyes.

"Not for sale."

Chen Fandao.

"How about a thousand dollars?" Huang Jing gritted her teeth. "You know, the price is out there, enough to buy a hundred rabbits."

"I said, not for sale."

Chen fan made a light response.


Huang Jing's eyes are about to get angry when she stares, but when she looks at xuedaisha beside her, she suppresses her anger and hums coldly: "hum, it's not as easy as you think. I'll wait for you to ask us."

With that, he left in anger and shame.

"How's it going, Lao Huang? I didn't get it?" As soon as Huang Jing came back, the others laughed.

"That guy is stubborn. I don't sell anything but a thousand dollars." Huang Jing said hard. "When Wu Huigu is in danger, I don't think he should ask us!"

Because after this incident, chen fan and Guo wennuan had a worse relationship. In the end, there was almost no communication between the two groups. Even when they stopped to have a rest, they were separated into two piles, far away from each other.

Chen fan is also happy.

"In terms of this distance, the closer it is to wuhuigu, there are still 300 kilometers at most." Chen Fan took out the map, measured it carefully, and knocked his hands.

"Master, is it really the secret of the earth immortal? Will it be full of danger? " Xuedaisha is a little worried.

In her mind, the divine realm is already a superior existence. As for the earthly immortals above the divine realm, that is legend and myth. Just like the ancient immortals of Japan.

"Don't worry, even if the earth immortal is still alive, you can't help your master. Not to mention a dead earth immortal. "

Chen Fan gave a proud smile.

When he finished, his eyes suddenly moved and he looked forward.

After a few minutes, uncle Xie's face changed and he motioned for everyone to stop.

"What's the matter?"

When Huang Jing and others were surprised, they saw that the grass on the opposite side separated and a huge tiger leaped out. The tiger is snow-white, four or five meters long, just like an ancient beast. But what's more terrifying is that there is a thin old man sitting on the white tiger.

"Meet the Lord tiger."

As soon as Hassan, the leader of the team, saw the thin old man, he fell on his knees and stepped into the soil.

"Malay Guo family, met the king of spirit."

Uncle Xie also bowed deeply. Guo wennuan and others dare not give one. As for Huang Jing, his legs trembled and he almost fell to the ground.

"It turned out to be the children of the Guo family. In this case, I'll spare your life."

With a hoarse voice and a strange smile, the thin old man patted the white tiger under his seat and jumped into the jungle and disappeared."Hoo."

After the withered old man left, Guo wennuan and other people breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle Xie, is this one of the four headmaster Lingwang in Southeast Asia?"

"Mount white tiger, looks thin, not spirit king, who is it?" Uncle Xie gave a bitter smile.

"The king of spirit and the king of one eyed dragon are known as the four great headmasters. They are the people who can get on the dark list. Who dares to stir up trouble in Southeast Asia. In particular, the king of spirit is famous for controlling all kinds of animals, driving spirits and ghosts. When he meets him in the jungle, he is dead and lifeless. "

"But, uncle Xie, isn't King Ling in Indonesia? How do you show up here? " Some people don't understand.

"It seems that the legend of wuhuigu is true." Uncle Xie sighed.

"It is said that in wuhui Valley, there is a treasure left by the fall of gods. Unfortunately, over the past few decades and hundreds of years, countless people have gone to search for treasure and died. Obviously, the king of spirit is also aiming at wuhuigu. "

After the king of spirit.

People are more careful.

But as we get closer and closer to wuhuigu, we suddenly find that the number of times we meet the strong on the road becomes more and more. There are old people riding snakes and middle-aged people jumping from trees with swords in white. There's a polar bear like warrior.

"Jess the angry bear of the Philippines, Lin Tai, the Chinese master of Japan, yequan king of Thailand, and monk king of the upper throne of Vietnam..."

the more people saw it, the more they were shocked.

Every one of these strong people has stepped into the realm of transformation, stomping on one side and shaking on the other side, and there are even some strong people who are secretly listed. Usually ten years may not be able to see one, but at this time, it seems to come from all directions. Fortunately, in their eyes, there were no ants like Guo wennuan, or anyone could kill the whole expedition.

"Warm, let's go back. It's too dangerous."

Huang Jing began to retreat.

Guo wennuan looked at chen fan, who was still moving forward. He bit his teeth and said, "now that you've come here, can you still go back? At least take a look at wuhuigu. And my Guo family is also a big family in Nanyang. Those who are strong will always give me face. "

"All right."

Huang Jing and others can only nod.

"It seems that many people know the news of no return to the valley. But they may not know that it is the cave of the immortals. "

Chen Fan thought to himself.

On the fifth day, after a five-day trek, wuhuigu finally arrived.


What appeared in front of people's eyes was a huge open space. Above the clearing, there was a valley surrounded by mountains, like a ring of stars. Above the valley, countless white fog shrouded the whole valley. From time to time, thunderstorms come down, and here, the magnetic field begins to rotate.

"Is this the valley of no return?"

Guo wennuan and others, eyes flashing, a face excited.

"Miss, we have already seen wuhuigu. Go back quickly."

Uncle Xie's face was heavy.

The most dangerous place in wuhui Valley is not the journey to the valley, but the valley. In the duty of guarding, uncle Xie instinctively wants to protect Guo Nuan Nuan and keep her away from wuhui valley.

"I don't know. We're all here. At least we have to take a look at the valley. "

Guo wennuan insists, but Uncle Xie is helpless.

"Is this the valley of no return?"

Chen fan, with his hands behind his back, looks out into the distance, where the huge Valley is shrouded in white fog. In Guo wennuan's eyes, it was an ordinary Valley, but in Chen Fan's eyes, it was indeed a huge formation.

The array mobilizes the huge aura around, forming a protection similar to the green dragon array. By nature, it's hard to break in. However, it seems that with the coming of a reincarnation in 12 years, the defense of wuhuigu seems to have decreased a lot.

"Fast, fast, finally."

An excited voice came from behind the crowd.

Everyone turned around and saw a middle-aged man in cloth clothes running out of the woods. Middle aged man walking between sitting and lying, like a tiger, momentum. And next to him, there was a handsome young man.

As soon as Guo wennuan saw them, his eyes lit up and he was pleasantly surprised: "Uncle Leng, do you still have a little pupil?"

"It's Brother Guo's daughter. It's warm." The man in cloth was stunned and frowned: "how did you come to this place? Wuhui Valley is a dangerous place. The strong people from all over the world gather here and go back quickly. "

"No, uncle Leng, it's rare for me to take a vacation. Just take me in. Isn't it, little pupil Guo wennuan ran over and pulled the man in cloth to act coquettishly while winking at the handsome young man.

"Yes, Dad, what are you afraid of. You are Leng Zhanfeng, the biggest master of Malay

The young man called Lengtong is also helping.

"That's all." Cold war front helpless. "But when you go in, don't talk or walk about. Now, before returning to the valley, there are almost all the strong people in Southeast Asia, and some people come from South Asia and East Asia. Many of them have a bad temper. If you offend them, uncle Leng will not be able to save you. "

"Thank you, uncle Leng."Guo wennuan puts out a smiling face and glances at Chen Fan with pride. Seeing Chen Fan's expressionless face, he couldn't help being secretly annoyed.

At this time, chen fan did not look at her, and looked closely at Wu Huigu. At this time, he could see a group of strong men of different shapes gathering at the gate of wuhuigu.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!