Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 506

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia with a population of 2 million, which is far more prosperous than the capital of Myanmar.

Through the taxi driver and online inquiry, chen fan and his wife quickly found the largest adventure agency in Kuala Lumpur: "extreme adventure travel agency".

"Welcome to both of you. We offer all kinds of adventure services here, whether it's deep-sea diving or adventure in the jungle."

The manager of the expedition said with a smile.

"I'm looking for a guide who knows the geography of Borneo." Chen Fandao.

"Borneo? It's easy. " The manager's smile grew brighter.

Borneo has been famous for its mystery and strangeness since ancient times. Since Hollywood movies were broadcast, more and more people went to explore. They were young men and women from all over the world, or rich CHILDES and so on.

After the manager made a phone inquiry, his face suddenly darkened and embarrassed. Chen Fan's ear moved and he heard the conversation on the phone: "so, there is no guide? Forget it. Let's go to the next one. "

As they turned around to leave, the manager turned blue and gritted his teeth: "you two are not without guides, but I don't know if you can form a team?"

"Team up?"

Chen fan and Xue Daisha look at each other.

"Yes, because it's summer recently, there are a lot of people going to explore Borneo and there is a shortage of guides, but there is still a team that hasn't started. If you can form a team, the cost can be reduced by half." There was a twinkle in the manager's eyes.

"Not bad."

Chen Fan pondered for a moment, nodded and agreed.

He just needs a guide to point out the direction. When he reaches the depth of Borneo, he can directly leave the team and take xuedaisha to find the secret place of the earth fairy.

"That's great. The master in charge of the team leader is definitely the most experienced and successful teacher of our exploration society. He basically knows the whole Borneo. He knows all the places

The manager was overjoyed. He just said with a low tone: "but this time, there is a lady with noble status in the team. Please do not offend her. Otherwise, according to the laws of Malaysia, she will be flogged."

"High status?"

No matter how noble Chen Fan's status is, he can be compared with the northern Xuanxian.

"That lady, a respectable Lord Datuk, must not be impolite in front of her." The manager's face was a little blue, and he emphasized as he led the way.

Chen fan has known this before.

Datuk is a noble title in Malaysia. Granted by the head of the Malay state, it is equivalent to British jazz, and is given to people with high status and high status. Malaysia belongs to the privileged class. If you violate them, you will be punished by law.

Soon, chen fan met the lady Datuk.

"Very young."

To Chen Fan's surprise, this lady Datuk is very young, only in her early twenties. Dressed in a skilful tight suit, white breeches and black riding boots, she looks like a female knight, valiant and valiant, but her chin is slightly raised, and her eyes are a little arrogant.

"Let them participate?"

The female knight was a little reluctant, and her eyes swept over Chen Fan and Xue Daisha.

At this time, in order to avoid the detection of the Malaysian government, chen fan changed back to her original appearance. The female Knight just swept by, but fell on xuedaisha, and there was a flash of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"Our destination this time is the valley of no return in central Borneo, which is the most dangerous place in Borneo. Professional explorers are in danger. With both of them, is that ok? "

The knight shook her head slightly, with a trace of disdain in her eyes.

"No return Valley?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

Isn't this the secret place of Dixian?

When I think about it, the earth immortal will surely be full of killing opportunities. It is also natural for those adventure teams to list it as the most dangerous place in Borneo.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan said slowly:

"our goal this time is no return valley."

"Just you?" The female Knight snorted and said: "well, if you can defeat my bodyguard, I will allow you to participate. Otherwise, taking you is just a burden and a burden. "

Then, from behind the female knight, stood a dark, extremely capable man.

The men's actions are capable and their eyes are as sharp as wolves. Although there is no inner strength in the body, it is obvious that he has been trained in fighting.

"His name is saisha. He was born in the Royal special forces of Malaysia. If you can defeat him, I will allow you to take part in this adventure." The knight held her chest in her hands, and her eyes flashed with fun.

The manager was beside him, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he didn't dare to open his mouth and winked at chen fan.

The Royal special forces are the most elite special forces in Malaysia. All of them come out with blood on their hands and are determined to kill. Three or five ordinary people are not enough."Snow."

Chen Fan Wen Si did not move, just casually ordered.

Xuedaisha walked out slowly behind him and came to the middle of the field.

"You rely on a woman to fight Sasha?"

The female Knight's eyes were staring up. She couldn't believe it. Looking into Chen Fan's eyes, she was full of "shameless".


Saisha is worthy of being an elite special forces, even if xuedaisha is just a weak girl, she will do her best. It's very tricky and vicious.

It's a pity that no matter how strong saisha is, he is just an ordinary man. How can he be xuedaisha's opponent.


Almost a face to face, one of the arms of saisha was twisted by xuedaisha out of thin air. That pair of crystal clear hands, like steel arms. On the contrary, it was saisha's strong arm, in xuedaisha's hand, as if it were a hemp pole, which was broken by a break.


Saisha snorted, his body retreated suddenly, and there were big beads of sweat on his forehead. However, he is worthy of being an elite special forces soldier. He covers his hands tightly and does not cry out in pain.


Seeing this, both the bodyguards of the female knight and the people of the Adventure Club took a breath. No one thought that xuedaisha, who looked weak, could easily break saisha's left hand.

"Will you come again?"

Chen fan turns his back to the knight.

The knight's face was blue and white, her eyes were burning, and she was about to speak. At this time, a silent middle-aged man standing behind the female Knight suddenly stepped forward and whispered something in her ear.

After hearing this, the female Knight looked at xuedaisha in surprise and said reluctantly:

"OK, you can pass."

Chen Fan smiles and says nothing.

With his hearing, he naturally heard the middle-aged man's words: "Miss, the woman in white is a martial arts expert. Ordinary bodyguards are not her opponents."

It can be seen that Xue Daisha is an expert. The middle-aged man has a good eye. He is obviously a strong fighter, and he is also the peak of internal strength. But how can this mole ant enter Chen Fan's eyes.

After the two sides finished fighting, the female Knight stopped talking and held her chest in both hands, waiting quietly.

Soon, a few more young people came, looking like they were rich or expensive, including a white man.

From their conversation, chen fan can tell. These people know each other. They all come from a big Malay family. The girl's name is Guo Nuan Nuan. She is still of Chinese origin. It seems that her father is a very important figure in the Chinese Malay family.

"Gentlemen, get ready to go."

The team leader is a 40 year old, swarthy Malay man named Hassan, who is experienced and capable.

And Guo wennuan, who seems to go to exploration frequently, has been well prepared for a long time. All kinds of protective clothing, sleeping bags, backpacks, compressed dry food, Swiss Army knife and so on. Only chen fan and Xue Daisha are wearing simple casual clothes. Xue Daisha is also carrying a green scabbard sword. It's not like going on an expedition, it's like an outing.

Seeing this, Hassan frowned, but said nothing.

Especially when he glanced at xuedaisha, he was afraid.

At this time, we can see the great wealth of the Guo family.

They flew directly to Borneo by Guo wennuan's private plane. The Gulfstream G650 is selling for more than $50 million. The fuel cost of a single run is enough to pay for Chen Fan's travel expenses.

"Sister Guo, why did you take those two people with you?"

In front of the business class, a few people sit idly, one of the tall men puzzled.

"Yes, sister nuannan, we're going to explore this time. It's enough to have a few bodyguards and uncle Xie. It's a burden to take them. What should we do when we are in danger?" Another handsome young man also said.

"They are all Chinese. It's rare for them to come to Malaysia. If you can help them, please." Guo wennuan's graceful posture, drinking coffee, said: "and the woman named xuedaisha is very strong, so she easily broke her left hand."


The children of several rich families were greatly surprised.

Saisha is Guo wennuan's five bodyguards, whose strength is second only to Uncle Xie. It was also mentioned that Guo wennuan won several underground black fists. As a result, she couldn't beat the weak girl xuedaisha?

"The woman in white is really a master. It is estimated that the boy was born in a big Chinese family. "

Uncle Xie, standing behind Guo Nuan, also bowed his head slightly.

Uncle Xie is a Chinese man in his fifties. He bows and stands there like a sword out of his body. Especially the thick palm, black as iron sand. Several bodyguards around looked at Uncle Xie with a trace of awe.

"Big family of China?"

In a daze, they looked up to Chen fan, who was sitting at the other end.

But from his behavior, we can't see the etiquette and cultivation of a big family.

"There is no return to the valley. There is a long way to go. There are plenty of opportunities to explore."

Guo wennuan was drinking coffee, and a trace of shame and anger flashed in his eyes.Soon, Gulfstream G650 stopped in Kuching, Borneo. This is the capital of Sarawak, Malaysia. After coming down from the airport, the local big clan forces came to meet him, obviously because of the face of Guo wennuan, the female governor, and the Guo family behind him.

Chen fan and Xue Daisha are just shining on each other.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O

(to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!